Anna Berger

Collection manager
  • Collection management (inventory, database, loans)
  • Technical and scientific assistance
Phone: +43 1 52177-265
  • Nationality: Austrian
  • January 2006: Mag. in Petrology, University of Vienna, Austria (Thesis: "Porosity-preserving chlorite cementation in volcanoclastic sandstones, Sawan (Pakistan)." Advisor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Gier)
  • Since 1. 1. 2013 employed at the Dept. of Mineralogy and Petrography

Berger, A., Gier, S. (2004): Porositätserhaltende Chloritzementation in vulkanoklastischen Sandsteinen, Sawan (Pakistan). Pangeo Austria 2004, Graz, Abstract Volume, p. 73.

Berger, A., Gier S., Tschegg, C. (2005): Porosity-preserving chlorite cementation in volcanoclastic sandstones, Sawan (Pakistan). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, A-08266.

Berger, A., Gier, S., Krois, P. (2007): Multi-phase porosity-preserving chlorite cementation in volcaniclastic sandstones, Sawan (Pakistan). Euroclay 2007, Portugal, Abstracts Volume, 126-127.

Berger, A., Gier, S., Krois, P. (2007): Multi-phase porosity-preserving chlorite cementation in shallow marine volcaniclastic sandstones, Sawan gas field, Pakistan. Sediment 2007, Brixen, Geo.Alp, 4, 4.

BRANDSTÄTTER, F., SEEMANN, R., HAMMER, V.M.F., BERGER, A., KOLLER, F., STEHLIK, H. (2008): Über den Fund eines ungewöhnlichen „Fulgurit“-Objekts bei Kaltenbach, Gemeinde Vitis, Niederösterreich, Österreich.- Ann. d. Naturhist. Mus. in Wien, Ser. A, 110, 1-16.

Berger, A., Gier, S., Krois, P. (2009): Porosity-preserving chlorite cements in shallow-marine volcaniclastic sandstones: Evidence from Cretaceous sandstones of the Sawan gas field, Pakistan. AAPG Bulletin 93, 595-615.

Niedermayr, G., Auer, C., Berger, A., Bernhard, F., Bojar, H.-P., Brandstätter, F., Fink, R., Hollerer, C.E., Kolitsch, U., Mörtl, J., Postl, W., Prasnik, H., Schabereiter, H., Schillhammer, H., Steinwender, C., Strobl, M., Taucher, J. & Walter, F. (2014): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXIII. Carinthia II, 204./124., 65-146.

  • Sedimentary petrology
  • Diagenesis of sandstones
  • Clay mineralogy
  • Sediment analysing techniques (XRD analyses, grain-size analyses, sample preparation)



Batic Goran
Brandstätter Franz
Associated scientist
Dionatos Odysseas
Associated Scientist
Ertl-Winand Andreas
Project researcher
Ferrière Ludovic
Associated scientist
Hammer Vera M. F.
Researcher, head of the mineral collection, head of the State Gem Institute
Kohn Victoria
Curator of the Gem Collection and Co-Curator of the Mineral Collection
Kolitsch Uwe
Head of the Department for Mineralogy & Petrography, Researcher and curator of the mineral and ore deposit collections
Mayr Nina
Assistance mineralogy
Patzer Andrea
Curator of the meteorite collection
Pittarello Lidia
Researcher and curator of the rock collection
Schalko Clemens
Collection assistant
Topa Dan
Associated scientist
Walter-Roszjár Julia
Researcher and co-curator of the meteorite collection, currently on maternity leave