Hall 5 - Meteorite Hall
Since 2018, you can also watch meteors live via the meteor radar station.
There are about 1,100 meteorites on display (including 650 different meteorites, consisting of 300 falls and 350 finds), many of which are historic falls or finds (see highlights). At the entrance to the hall from hall 4, a glass cabinet showcasts particularly large and important stony iron meteorites. The stony meteorite Knyahinya (weighing approx. 300 kg), which for many years was the largest known stony meteorite, is displayed in the center of this cabinet. Next to it are other stony meteorites of historical significance, such as Tabor, Stannern, Lancé, Mocs, Tieschitz, Florey, and Etter.

Other topics for the new display cabinets deal with meteorite showers and impact crater as well as impactites (rocks that
formed during meteorite impact events). On the front sides of each of the central historic show cases, interactive screen
with informative slide shows lasting a few minutes have been installed. The topics include: "Where do meteorites come from?",
"Where and how do I find meteorites?" or "What are meteorites made of?", as well as information on stony meteorite, iron meteorites,
the classification of meteorites, the history of meteorite research, and the history and importance of the Vienna meteorite

The renovated old display cabinets in the center of the hall (V/52-115) contain a systematic meteorite collection, based on the current mineralogical-chemical classification scheme, allowing the visitors to "walk through the classification of meteorites" and to learn more about some special meteorites that are of historic and/or scientific importance, and for which explanatory labels are included. The display starts with the carbonaceous chondrites and continues through the ordinary chondrites (H, L, and LL chondrites), the Rumuruti chondrites (R), the enstatite chondrites (EC), the achondrites, the pallasites, the mesosiderites, and, finally, the iron meteorites (which are arranged according to their chemical composition; based on the proportions of the trace elements Ga, Ge, and Ir).

Large iron meteorites, including the beautifully oriented Cabin Creek meteorite and Hraschina, the founding object of the Vienna meteorite collection, can be viewed in another large glass cabinet, V/116-121, close to the exit towards hall 6.
The newly renovated mechanical planetarium (planet machine or orrery), commissioned by Maria Theresia and constructed by Johann Georg Nesstfell during the years 1745-1757 is located in the corner to the left of the entrance
from hall 4.
On the long wall above the showcases opposite of the windows three paintings depict (from left to right) the fourth hall of
the old mineral collection in the Hofburg (imperial palace) (by Eduard Ameseder); the meteorite fall at Knyahinya (by Othmar
Brioschi), and the first hall of the old mineral collection in the Hofburg (Farid Sabha, based on a water-color painting by
Eduard Ameseder).
Do you want to know more about the collection and meteorites?
Brandstätter, F., Ferrière, L. & Köberl, C. (2012): Meteoriten - Zeitzeugen der Entstehung des Sonnensystems / Meteorites - Witnesses of the origin of the solar system. Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums & Edition Lammerhuber, 270 pp. (bilingual).