Karst is a type of landscape, where enhanced rock solubility creates caves and subsurface drainage networks. Karst areas are
very important in Austria. They cover some 20 % of the nation’s area and nearly half of the population is supplied with drinking
water from karstic catchments.
Exploration and protection of caves and karst areas are therefore an important scientific and economic task. The Karst and Cave Group deals with these aspects and communicates this knowledge via publications and exhibitions.
Address (we are not in the main building!):
Museumsplatz 1/10/4, 1070 Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 (1) 523 04 18
The easiest access is via Mariahilferstraße 2 (and in the passage to the left entrance no. 10), next to U2-subwaystation "Museumsquartier".