Heimo Rainer

Head of Department of Botany
Heimo Rainers ORCID record:
Phone: +43 1 52177-560

  • Current projects
    • Global Plants Initiative - digitalisation of the type specimens of the herbaria of the Natural History Museum Vienna (W) and of the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna (WU)
    • Coordination JSTOR
    • Local coordination - NHM-Vienna / Ernst Vitek, Department of Botany / Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
    • Since March 2005


  • Scheduled projects
    • 4D4Life - Preparation of a GSD (Globale Species Dataset) of the families Annonaceae, Bromeliaceae and Ebenaceae for a contribution to a global list of biological organisms (Catalogue of Life)
    • Project Coordination University Reading / Frank Bisby
    • Local Coordination - University of Vienna, Institute of Botany / Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by the European Commission, 7th FP
    • May 2009 - 31st December 2011


    • BHL-Europe - Integration of European data into the digital biodiversity Library - Biodiversity Heritage Library
    • Project coordination Humboldt University Berlin / Henning Scholz
    • Local coordination - NHM-Vienna / Ernst Vitek, Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by the European Commission, 7th FP
    • May 2009 - 31st December 2011


  • Finished projects
    • CHERLA - Promotion of sustainable cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) production systems in Latin America through the characterisation, conservation and use of local germplasm diversity
    • Coordination - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain / Iñaki Hormaza
    • Workpage 3 - Localization of Hotspots of diversity / University of Vienna / Institute of Botany / Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by INCO instrument of the European Commission, 6th FP
    • 1st January 2006 - 31st December 2008


    • Species 2000 Europa - Preparation of a GSD (Globale Species Dataset) of the family Annonaceae for a contribution to a global list of biological organisms -
    • Coordination - Utrecht University, Department for Plant Evolution and Systematics / Lars Chatrou
    • Local coordination University of Vienna, Institute of Botany / Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by Species2000 Europe, 6th FP of the European Union
    • 3rd March 2004 - 31st December 2005


    • DIGIBOTA - Digitalisation of botanical collections in Austria, especially type specimens, with integrated digital imaging
    • Coordination - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Commission on Interdisciplinary studies / Heimo Rainer
    • Financed by the participating institutions and the GBIF International DIGIT Program
    • 30st August 2004 - 30st August 2005


    • GBIF Austria Pilotprojekt -Integration of selected biological databases of different Austrian institutions as data providers for GBIF International
    • Coordination - Umweltbundesamt / Martin Götzl
    • Financed by BMBWK
    • January 2004 - December 2005
    • GBIF study of feasibility for Austria’s participation in the GBIF International Network - investigation of botanical collections existing in Austria
    • Coordination - Umweltbundesamt / Dr. Martin Götzl
    • Financed by BMBWK
    • June 2002 - 2003
    • Publications: “Die österreichischen Sammlungen und Datenbanken zur Artenvieltfalt“ (The Austrian collections and databases for biodiversity)


  • international cooperations
    • Annonaceae Project
    • Subject - central research focus at the University of Utrecht together with mainly the below mentioned institutions
    • Coordination - University of Utrecht together with mainly the below mentioned institutions and persons
    • Participating institutions:
    • Nationaalherbarium Nederland
    • - Utrecht branch (Paul Maas, Lars Chatrou, Roy Erkens, Mike Pirie, Jifke Koek-Noorman, Lubbert Westra; thematic focuses: overview; phylogeny of the total family; monographic research of the genera Cremastosperma, Duguetia, Fusaea, Rollinia, Unonopsis)
    • - Leiden branch (Paul Kessler, Johan Mols; thematic focuses: Annonaceae, palynology; monographic research of the Asian genera Miliusa, Orophea, Phaeanthus)
    • - Wageningen branch (Marc Sosef, James Richardson; thematic focuses: Annonaceae Index; biogeography; monographic research of the genera Isolona, Monodora)
    • University of Halle, Institute of Systematic Botany / Halle/Saale, Germany (Martin Röser, Bernhard von Hagen; thematic focus: phylogeny of the genus Annona)
    • Missouri Botanical Garden / St. Louis, MO, USA (George Schatz; thematic focus: Annonaceae Index, Flora Mesoamericana, Flora of Madagascar; monographic research of the genera Sapranthus, Stenanona, Tridimeris)
    • Musée Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle / Paris, France (Annick LeThomas, Thierry Deroin; thematic focuses: palynology, Annonaceae Index)
    • University of Ulm, Institute of Systematic Botany / Ulm, Germany (Gerhard Gottsberger; thematic focus: pollination biology)
    • University of California / Davis, CA, USA (Jim Doyle; thematic focuses: family classification, palynology, paleobotany)
    • University of Hongkong, Department of Ecology and Biodiversity / Hong Kong, China (Richard Saunders, Yvonne Su; thematic focuses: Asian Annonaceae, Annonaceae Index, palynology, monographic research of the genera Goniothalamus, Pseuduvaria)
    • Ohio Wesleyan University / Delaware, OH, USA (David Johnson, Nancy Murray; thematic focuses: Annonaceae Index; monographic research of the genera Cymbopetalum, Porcelia, Trigynaea, Xylopia)


  • Floristic research of the genera Annona within international flora projects
    • Flora Mesoamericana
    • Participating institutions:
    • British Museum / London, GB (Sandra Knapp; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
    • Missouri Botanical Garden / St. Louis, MO, USA (Peter Raven, George Schatz; thematic focuses: coordination of the whole project, Annonaceae)
    • Herário Nacional de México, Universidad Autónoma de México / Ciudad de México, México (Mario Sousa Sánchez; thematic focuses: coordination of the whole project, field works)


    • Flora of the Venezuelan Guyanas
    • Participating Institutions:
    • Missouri Botanical Garden / St. Louis, MO, USA (Peter Raven, Kay Yatskievych; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
    • University of Wisconsin / Madison, WI, USA (Paul Berry; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)


    • Flora of the Guianas
    • Participating Institutions:
    • Utrecht University / Utrecht, Netherlands (Marion Jansen-Jacobs, Hans ter Steege, Gea Zijlstra; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
    • Smithsonian Institution / Washington DC, USA (Vicki Funk, Carol Kelloff, Tom Hollowell, Larry Skog; thematic focuses: coordination of the whole project; Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield; plant check list)
    • Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, IRD, Centre de Cayenne / Cayenne, French Guiana (Jean-Jacques de Granville, Marie-Françoise Prévost; thematic focuses: coordination of the whole project, field works)
    • New York Botanical Garden / New York, USA (Scott Mori, Wayt Thomas; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
  • Floristic research of the family Annonaceae
    • Flora de Cuba
    • Participating Institutions:
    • Free University Berlin, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin Dahlem / Berlin, Germany (Werner Greuter, Walter Berendsohn; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
    • University of Jena, Institute of Botany / Jena, Germany (Hermann Manitz; thematic focus: overview)
    • Instituto Nacional de Sistematica / Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba (Maira Fernandez; thematic focus: coordination of the whole project)
    • National Botanical Garden / Cidudad de La Habana, Cuba (Angela Leiva, Rosa Rankin, Jorge Gutierrez; thematic focuses: coordination of the whole project; field works)
    • Universidad Pinar del Río / Pinar del Río, Cuba (Armando Urquiola; thematic focus: field works)


    • Flora of China
    • Participating Institutions:
    • Institute of Botany Academia Sinica / Beijing, China (Pingtao Li; thematic focuses: author of the research of the family for the Flora Reipublicae Sinicae; first author of the research for the Flora of China)
    • University of Hong Kong, Institut of systematic Botany / Hong Kong, China (Richard Saunders; thematic focuses: research of single genera for the Flora of China; revisions of single genera (e.g. Pseuduvaria))
    • Missouri Botanical Garden / St. Louis, MO, USA (George Schatz; thematic focuses: Annonaceae Index, Flora Mesoamericana, Flora of Madagascar; monographic research of the genera Sapranthus, Stenanona, Tridimeris)


  • 16.07.1964 born in Zell/See, Salzburg
  • Education
  • 1983 Matriculation at the University of Vienna, enrolment for the study of pharmacy
  • 1985 Change area of study to Biology / Botany
  • 1987 Additional enrolment for the study of Zoology
  • 1988 Commence thesis [theme: “Die Palmen des Siragebirges und angrenzenden Tieflandes im östlichen Peru“ (The palmes of the Sira mountains and close-by lowlands at Eastern Peru); related field studies: January - February and August - September 1988]
  • 1993 Commence PhD [theme: „Taxonomy and Phytogeography of the Neotropical taxa of the genus Annona (Annonaceae)"]
  • 1995 Complete thesis
  • 2000 Commence work on an article of Annonaceae for the new „Flora de Cuba“
  • Scientific positions
  • 2000 - University of Vienna, Institute of Botany, digitalisation of botanical collection in the herbarium
  • 2005 - Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Botany, Coordinator of the "Global Plants Initiative" project


Maas, P. J. M., Westra, L. Y. Th., Chatrou L. W., Verspagen, N., Rainer, H., Zamora, N. A. & Erkens, R. H. J. (2019): Twelve new and exciting Annonaceae from the Neotropics. PhytoKeys 126: 25-69. DOI:



Bartolucci, F., Galasso, G., Rainer, H. & Wagensommer, R.P. (2018): Nomenclatural notes and typification of the name Viola calcarata var. Pseudogracilis (Violaceae) – Phytotaxa 340 (3): 286-288. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.340.3.9


Berger, A., Walter, J., Rainer, H. & Kowarik, K. (2017): Puccinia poae-aposeridis (Pucciniaceae): Gesamtverbreitung und Neufund für Oberösterreich. - Österr. Z. f. Pilzkunde 26: 83–86.


Escobar García, P., Hille, A., Lucas, A. & Rainer, H. (2015): The Otto C. Berg types at the natural history Museum, Vienna. – Phytotaxa 228 (1).  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.228.1.1



Pignotti L., Rainer H. & Vitek E. (2015): Grass (Gramineae) and rush (Juncaceae) specimens from Johannes Scheuchzer's collection at the Herbarium of Natural History Museum Vienna [W] – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B, 117: 121–141.



Chatrou, L., Pirie, M. D., Rainer, H. & Maas, P. J. M. (2014): Annonaceae. In book: Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia., Chapter: Annonaceae.



Moraes, P. L. R. de, Robbrecht, E., Smedt, S. De, Dressler, S., Heinrichs, J., Reiner-Drehwald, M. E., Drescher, A., Scharfetter, A., Froden, P., Esser, H.-J., Gallagher, C., Guglielmone, L. & Rainer, H. (2013): Catalogue of Brazilian Plants collected by Prince Maximilian of Wied.



Maas, P. J. M., Westra, L. Y. Th., Rainer, H., Lobão, A. Q. & Erkens, R. H. J. (2011): An updated index to genera, species, and infraspecific taxa of Neotropical Annonaceae. - Nordic Journal of Botany 29 (3): 257-356. DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.2011.01092.x



Rainer H. & Vitek E. (2009): Virtual herbaria - an open platform to join.  -  In: Stevanović V. (ed.): 5th Balkan Botanical Congress. Book of Abstracts: 159. 


Rainer, H. (2007): Monographic studies in the genus Annona L. (Annonaceae): inclusion of the genus Rollinia A.St.-Hil.  -  Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B, 108: 191-205.



Chatrou, L. W., Rainer, H. & Maas, P. J. M. (2004): Annonaceae.  -  In: Smith, N., Mori, S. A., Henderson, A., Heald, S. V. (eds.): Flowering Plants of the Neotropics: 18-20.  -  Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.



Rainer, H. (2003): Type material of the herbarium of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (HAL). Annonaceae.  -  Schlechtendalia 10: 1-5.



Rainer, H. (2002): A new species of Annona (Annonaceae) from the northeastern Guayana Shield.  -  Brittonia 54 (2): 136-140.



Rainer, H. (2001): Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on Annona (Annonaceae).  -  Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B, 103: 513-524.



Maas, P. J. M., Maas-van de Kamer, H., Junikka, L., Mello-Silva, R. & Rainer, H. (2001): Annonaceae of Central-eastern Brazil.  -  Rodriguesia 52 (80): 65-98.



Rainer, H. (1998): Geographical distribution patterns in neotropical species of Annona. Annonaceae Newsletter 12: 62-67.  -  Dept. of Plant Biology and Evolutionary Biology, Herbarium Division, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.



Chatrou, L. W., Maas, P. J. M., Repetur, C. P. & Rainer, H. (1997): Preliminary list of Ecuadorian Annonaceae.  -  In: Valencia, R. & Balslev, H. (eds.): Estudios sobre diversidad y ecologia de plantas: 97-122.  -  Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de botánica, Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, 16-20 octubre 1995.



Maas, P. J. M. & Rainer, H. (1997): Annonaceae.  -  In: Boggan, J., Funk, V., Kelloff, C., Hoff, M., Cremers, G. & Feuillet, C. (eds.): Checklist of the plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). 2nd ed.: 45-47.  -  Biological Diversity of the Guianas, Publication no. 30. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist., Dept. of Botany, Washington D.C.



Rainer, H. (1997): Revision of Annona, preliminary results and subgeneric grouping.  -  Annonaceae Newsletter 11: 44-50.  -  Dept. of Plant Biology and Evolutionary Biology, Herbarium Division, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.



Rainer, H. (1995): Die Palmen des Siragebirges und angrenzenden Tieflandes im östlichen Perú.  -  Biosystematics and Ecology Series 8: 1-247.  -  Wien: Österr. Akad. Wiss.



Rainer, H. (1995): Annona.  -  In Steyermark, J. A., Berry, P.E. & Holst, B.K. (eds.): Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana 2: 418-427.  -  Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Luis and Timber Press, Portland.



Chatrou, L. W., Maas, P. J. M. & Rainer, H. (1995): Travel report on the Annonaceae collecting trip Perú 1994.  -  Annonaceae Newsletter 10.  -  Dept. of Plant Biology and Evolutionary Biology, Herbarium Division University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.



Maas, P. J. M., Chatrou, L. W. & Rainer, H. (1994): Annonáceas del Perú. Clave para los generos, lista de las especies.  -  Dept. of Plant Biology and Evolutionary Biology, Herbarium Division University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.



Listabarth, C. & Rainer, H. (1993): Amerikanische Palmen.  -  In: AMERIKA, Zur Entdeckung - Kulturpflanzen - Lebensraum Regenwald. Katalog zur Ausstellung “Lebensraum Regenwald“, Schloßmuseum Linz, 13. 10. 1992 bis 14. 3. 1993. Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums Neue Folge Nr. 61: 429-444.



Rainer, H. (1993): Problems in delimitation of species in Annona L.; the complex around A. ambotay.  -  Annonaceae Newsletter 9: 56-61. Dept. of Plant Biology and Evolutionary Biology, Herbarium Division, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.



Wallnöfer, B., Rainer, H. & Starlinger, F. (1991): Erstnachweis und Beschreibung eines Massenbestandes von Carex lasiocarpa im Burgenland.  -  Linzer biol. Beitr. 23 (1): 233-243.



Rainer, H. (1991): Distribution, ecology and growthforms of palms of the tribe Geonomeae, along a transect from the lowland forest to the upper montane forest in eastern Peru.  -  Abstract. Simposium Internacional “Las Palmeras en los Bosques Tropicales“, 18.-24. Setiembre 1991, Iquitos, Perú.



Morawetz, W. & Rainer, H. (1987): Die Chromosomenzahlen der Hamamelidae.  -  Sitzungsber. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Mathem. naturw. Kl. Abt. I, 196 (5-10): 157-172.




1988 Peru
1993 Costa Rica
1994 Brasil, Colombia, Peru
1995 Venezuela
1996 Venezuela
1998 Mexiko
2000/2001 Cuba
2004 Hong Kong
2005 China
2006 Brasil, Ecuador
2007 Bolivia, Cameroon, Panama
2008 Australia, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Sinagpore
2009 Colombia
2010 Costa Rica
2011 Guatemala, Honduras, Panama
2013 Brasil, Panama
2014 Brasil
2015 Brasil
2016 Indonesia
2019 Japan

Besides numerous journeys in Europe, especially in the Mediterranean and in the Alps.

Studies at international institutions and herbaria

Denmark [1993]: Århus (AAU); Germany [1998, 2000, 2001, 2003-2007]: Berlin (B), Halle (HAL), Jena (JE), Leipzig (LZ), Munich (M), Ulm (ULM); France (1998): Paris (P); Great Britain [1989, 1995, 1998, 2004, 2009]: British Museum (BM), Herbarium Linnaeanum (LINN), Kew Gardens (K), Oxford (FHO, OXF); Italy [2007]: Florence (FI, FT), Pisa (PI); Netherlands [1992, 1993, 1994, 1996; 1998-2007]: Amsterdam (AMD), Leiden (L), Utrecht (U), Wageningen (WAG); Poland [2007]; Wrocław [WRSL]; Russia [2005]; St. Petersburg [LE]; Spain [2001, 2002]: Madrid (MA); Sweden [2005]: Stockholm (S); Czech Republic [2003, 2005, 2007]: Prague (PR, PRC); Hungary [2004-2006, 2008]: Budapest (BP);
USA [1993, 2003-2005]: Cambridge (A, GH, ECON), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PH), Saint Louis (MO), Washington DC (US)
Argentinia [2008]: Buenos Aires (BAB); Brazil [1994, 2006]: Belem do Pará (MG), Cuiabá (UFMT), Linhares (CVRD), Rio de Janeiro (GUA, HB, R, RB), Salvador (ALCB, HRB), São Paulo (SP, SPF); Bolivia [2007]: Cochabamba (BOLV), Santa Cruz (USZ); Costa Rica [1993]: San José (CR), Santo Domingo (INB); Ecuador [2006, 2008]: Quito (QCA, QCNE), Guayaquil (GUAY), Loja (LOJA); Colombia [2008]: Cali (CUVC), Santa Fé de Bogotá (COAH, COL); Cuba [2000, 2001]: La Habána (HAC, HAJB), Pinar del Rio (HPPR), Santiago de Cuba (BSC); Mexico [1998]: Jalapa (XAL), Mexico City (ENCB, MEX); Perú [1988, 1994, 2008]: Cuzco (CUZ), Iquitos (AMAZ), Lima (USM); Venezuela [1995, 1996]: Puerto Ayacucho (TFAV), Caracas (VEN)
China [2004, 2005, 2008]: Beijing (PE), Hong Kong (HK, HKU).

Participation at international meetings

  • 13th.-27th July 1993 European Summer School on “Botanical Diversity of Tropical Forests“ at the University of in Århus, Denmark
  • 23rd.-31st October 1998 Biennale “Annonaceae Workshops“ (1994 Utrecht, Netherlands; 1996 Leipzig, Germany; 1998 Kew, Great Britain; 2000 Utrecht, Netherlands; 2002, Málaga, Spain; 2005, Vienna, Austria)
  • 27th.-29th March 1998 12. Congreso Internacional de Botanica in Mexico City, Mexico
    Seminar “Verbreitungskarten und Biodiversitätsdarstellungen mit ArcView 3.0 und Biomapper“ at the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna
  • 3rd.-9th September1998 Seminar “Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Biogeographic Analysis: Using PAUP and Component“at the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna
  • 23rd.-25th February 2000 Symposium “V. Conferencia sobre la Flora de Cuba“
  • 22rd.-28th March 2004 2nd annual meeting Species2000 Europa, Faro, Portugal
  • 23rd.-25th October 2004 TDWG annual meeting 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • 8th.-17th October 2004 BioCase annual meeting 2004, Venice, Italy
  • 12th.-23rd July 2005 XVII International Botanical Kongress Vienna, Austria
  • 13th.-19th October 2005 TDWG annual meeting 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • 23rd.-30th October 2006 TDWG annual meeting 2006, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
  • 26rh February.-2nd March 2007 AETFAT XVIII, Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • 10th.-15th September 2007 OPTIMA XII, Pisa, Italy
  • 16th.-22nd September 2007 TDWG annual meeting 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia



Berger Andreas
staff scientist, curator Phanerogamen
Chytny Krystof
project researcher
Gottwald Isolde
project researcner Skills4EOSC
Grimm Franz
Hille Astrid
Assistance Botany
Huber Katharina
Project Employee "Catalogus Phaneorgamarum"
Ioni Susanna
Project Employee for „FAIRiCUBE“
Jell Valentin
Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Kiesel Megumi
Project Administration; Herbarium Assistance
Korth Frederike
Project Employee "OSCA"
Kuba Fabian
Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Micai Giulia
Project Employee „TETTRIs“
Ritschard Elena
project researcher
Sansone Katharina
Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Schuster Tanja
staff scientist, Curator of Cryptogams, Deputy Head of The Department of Botany
Trainacher Filip
Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Wallnöfer Bruno
Curator of Phanerogams/ head of collections of threedimensional objects (fruits and seets, wood samples, liquid collections)
Walter Johannes
staff scientist, Collections Manager
Wurz Andrea
