HR Dr.
Herbert Kritscher

1978-1995 curator of the permanent exhibition of anthropology about evolution of human beings

Dignosis after 1000 years - special exhibition about diseases, lesions and changes of rests of sceletts;

Rudolf Pöch, doctor, anthropologist, ethnograph - exhibtion in memoriam of the person;

Zones of Time - presentation of the grave finds in Stillfried/March;

The Human Story - special exhibition about human evolution;

"Museumsbus" - exhibition on tour in Austria, special marketing event for invitation to visit Natural History Museum in Vienna;

Your brain is better you thought - special interactive exhibition

20.3.1955 born in Vienna 2nd dep., primary school and secondary school Vienna 2nd dep., Vereinsgasse;

1973-74 studies in technical chemistry at the Technical University Vienna;

1974-81 studies in human biology and psychology at the University of Vienna;

1.1981 graduation, Ph.D.;

1976-1981 employment on Natural History Museum Vienna in the department of Anthropology: preparation, library and management of exhibitions;

1981-1994 scientific collaboration and chief collector of the department of Anthropology;

1981 marriage to Elisabeth Kritscher, dentist;

1982 birth of his son Markus;

1994-2002 first clerk and assistant to the director general for all business affairs of Natural History Museum Vienna;

2003-2009 vicedirector of NHM Vienna;

2003 up to date president of Anthropological Society Vienna;

1.2010-5.2010 director general interim

2010 - 2020: CFO and vicedirector of NHM Vienna


Berner Margit
staff scientist, curator
Eggers Sabine
staff scientist, curator of the international osteological collection
Feigl Walter
associate scientist
Ganglberger Lara
employee science communication PaSiN
Hofmann Gerhard
Klostermann Paul
PhD student
Koger Robin
associate scientist
Krauss Florentin
science communication PaSiN
Kreindl Katharina
employee science communication PaSiN
Lick Laura
staff scientist
Luftensteiner Katharina
project researcher "HistoGenes"
Mörtlitz Lea
project researcher "HistoGenes ERCEA"
Nazemi Karen
science communication PaSiN
Novotny Friederike
project researcher
Pany-Kucera Doris
staff scientist, co-curator and scientist in the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes (OEAW)
Patzak Anatole
collection management PaSiN
Sawa Martina
science communication PaSiN
Schattke Constanze
project researcher "Folgeprojekt IV"
Spannagl-Steiner Ute Michaela
scientific assistant
Stadlmayr Andrea
collection management, outreach coordinator, staff scientist (Co-PI) LDDL
Steinkellner Judith
administration PaSiN
Voglsinger Bettina
administrative assistant/library
Wiltschke-Schrotta Karin
Head of department
Winter Eduard
custodian PaSiN