Katharina Mason

staff scientist
Katharina Masons ORCID record:
Phone: +43 1 52177-328

Contributes to various projects in cooperation between the 3.rd Zoological Department and the Central Research Laboratories.

FWF-Projekt 26581-B25

PhD thesis within the project "Speciation in rock-dwelling land snails: Understanding the origin of diversity using Montenegrina as a model system" (Project Leader: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Elisabeth Haring)



  • 02 / 2014 Start of PhD-Studies in Biology at the University of Vienna
  • 22.1.2013 M.Sc. graduation (Zoology) at the University of Vienna
  • 03 / 2009 Interruption of the Classical Philology studies
  • 10 / 2006 Start of studies in Biology (Zoology, Evolutionary Biology and Systematics) and Classical Philology at the University of Vienna
  • 06 / 2006 Matura (school leaving examination) at the Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium Rechte Kremszeile, Krems/Donau

Ph.D. Thesis

Speciation in rock-dwelling land snails: Understanding the origin of diversity using Montenegrina as a model system

Diploma Thesis

 „Phylogeographie und Unterartklassifikation von Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 im östlichen Österreich (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)“

Professional History

  • since 06/2014 Project researcher/ PhD-student, Central Research Laboratories
  • since 10/2013 Participation in the project „Taxonomic Assignment of Helicopsis striata populations of the Burgenland“
  • 06/2013 – 05/2014     Part-time employment at the publisher of the NHMW
  • 03 / 2013 - 05 / 2013 Participation in SYNTHESYS 2, Joint research activity 5 (DNA extraction from alcohol preserved mucopolysaccharide-rich taxa) at the Central Research Laboratories (NHMW)
  • 04 / 2012 –  01 / 2014 Participation in a biodiversity monitoring project of the “Biosphärenpark Wienerwald”, responsible for land gastropods
  • 12 / 2012 – 05 / 2012 FemTech Practical training “Phylogeography and subspecies classification of Clausilia dubia” at the Central Research Laboratories (NHMW)
  • 03 / 2009 – 06 / 2014 Part-time employment at the 3rd Zoological Department (Mollusca) at the Natural History Museum Vienna
  • 05 / 2008 - 02 / 2009 Voluntary work at the 3rd Zoological Department (Mollusca) at the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHMW)


  • 30.10.2013 - Poster presentation „Unartige Unterarten – ein Schneckenrätsel“  for the Carl-von-Schreiberspreis at the NHMW
  • 22.11.2012 – Participation in Biology on Stage! – 400 seconds of life: Presentation on “Alpine land snails” in Pecha-Kucha Style
  • 17.05.2011 – Participation in Science Slam Vienna (
  • 07.05.2011 – FameLab (Talking science): 2nd place voted by a jury and 1st place voted by audience            (
  • 01 / 2011 – Performance scholarship of the University Vienna

Research Visits and Advanced Training Courses

  • 31.08.2014 – 5.9.2014 – Phylogenetics Summer Course, Maynooth University, Irland
  • 15.04.2012 – 28.04.2012 - DEST (School of Taxonomy) trainings course: “Basics of taxonomy: describing, illustrating and writing biodiversity” at the Sven Lóven Center for Marine Sciences in Kristineberg, Sweden (University of Gothenburg)

Scientific Publications

De Mattia, W., Fehér, Z., Mason, K., & Haring, E. (2020). An integrative approach to the taxonomy and systematics within the genus Montenegrina Boettger, 1877 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Clausiliidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 58(3), 691–808.

Mason, K., Fehér, Z., Bamberger, S., Reier, S., Szekeres, M., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., De Mattia, W., & Haring, E. (2020). New insights into and limitations of the molecular phylogeny in the taxon‐rich land snail genus Montenegrina (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 58(3), 662–690.

Mason, K., Sattmann, H., Eschner, A., Duda, M., Harl, J., Kruckenhauser, L., Leeb, C., & Haring, E. (2020). Variation in mitochondrial sequences and shell morphology of Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) in eastern Austria. Arianta, 8, 38–57.

Mrkvicka, A., Bieringer, G., Duda, M., Eschner, A., Gobets, G., & Mason, K. (2019). Beiträge zur Verbreitung, Biologie und Ökologie der Arten der Gattung Helicopsis in Ostösterreich. Arianta, 7, 41–52.

Bulatović, A., Marković, J., Haring, E., Pinsker, W., Mason, K., Duda, M., Bamberger, S., Kirchner, S., Sittenthaler, M., Fehér, Z., Pešić, V., Savic, A., & Sattmann, H. (2019). First data on population estimates and dispersal of Montenegrina subcristata - a field study at Virpazar, Montenegro. Ecologica Montenegrina, 26, 147–165.

Haring, E., Kwitt, S., Mason, K., Patzner, R., & Sattmann, H. (2019). First meeting of the Mollusc Research Austria (MoFA) society in Salzburg. Folia Malacologica, 27(3), 235–240.

Cuthbertson L., Eschner A., Mason K. & Milasowszky N. 2019. Die Gehäuseschneckenfauna verwilderter Ziergrünflächen auf der Dachterrasse des Biozentrums Althanstraße (Wien, Alsergrund). Biodiversität und Naturschutz in Ostösterreich - BCBEA 4/1: 33–39.

Haring, E., Sattmann, H., & Mason, K. (2019). Verein „Molluskenforschung Austria“ (MoFA) / [The association/society “Mollusc Research Austria” (MoFA)]. In E. Aescht (Ed.), Mollusca (Weichtiere) – Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte, Forschung und Sammlungen aus Österreich [Molluscs – Contributions to Cultural history, Research and Collections from Austria]. — Denisia 42 (Vol. 42, pp. 507–509). Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum.

Haring, E., Pinsker, W., Duda, M., Mason, K., Aschberger, M., Baumgartner, G., Bisenberger, A., Bulatovic, A., De Mattia, W., Eschner, A., Feher, Z., Giokas, S., Harl, J., Hille, A., Kirchner, S., Kruckenhauser, L., Kysela, P., Macek, O., Markovic, J., … Sattmann, H. (2018). Snails on the rocks. In E. Haring, S. Reier, & H. Sattmann (Eds.), Arianta 6 (Vol. 6, pp. 31–40). Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien.

Duda, M., Haring, E., Bieringer, G., Eschner, A., Mrkvicka, A., & Mason, K. (2018). Taxonomic reassessment of Helicopsis austriaca Gittenberger, 1969 and its relationships to H. striata (O.F. Müller, 1774) and H. hungarica (Soos & H. Wagner, 1935) (Eupulmonata: Helicoidea). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 84(4), 432–450.

Fehér, Z., Mason, K., Szekeres, M., Haring, E., Bamberger, S., Páll‐Gergely, B., & Sólymos, P. (2018). Range‐constrained co‐occurrence simulation reveals little niche partitioning among rock‐dwelling Montenegrina land snails (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Journal of Biogeography, 45(6), 1444–1457.

Duda, M., Bamberger, S., & Jaksch, K. (2017). Weichtiere der FFH-Richtlinie im Nationalpark Gesäuse. In D. Kreiner & A. Maringer (Eds.), Natura 2000 Europaschutzgebiete - Der GEO-Tag im Hartelsgraben. Schriften des Nationalparks Gesäuse Band 13 (pp. 39–41). Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH.

Jaksch, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Haring, E., & Fehér, Z. (2017). First establishment of microsatellite markers in clausiliid snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). BMC Research Notes, 10, 137.

Jaksch, K., Eschner, A., von Rintelen, T., & Haring, E. (2016). DNA analysis of molluscs from a museum wet collection: a comparison of different extraction methods. BMC Research Notes, 9, 348.

Angyal, D., Jaksch, K., Bamberger, S., & Fehér, Z. (2015). Adventures in the field and in the lab: investigation of an enigmatic door-snail species, Montenegrina apfelbecki (Sturany, 1907). American Conchologist, 43(3), 24–29.

Duda, M., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., Harl, J., Jaksch, K. & Haring, E. (2014): Differentiation in the Trochulus hispidus complex and related taxa (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae): morphology, ecology and their relation to phylogeography. – Journal of Molluscan Studies, 80/4: 371–387.

Eschner, A., Jaksch, K., & Duda, M. (2014). Biodiversitätsmonitoring und Vergleich der Gastropodengemeinschaften auf ausgewählten Flächen des Biosphärenparks Wienerwald. Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Aus Dem Niederösterreichischen Landesmuseum, 25, 433–452.

Jaksch, K. (2012a). Phylogeographie und Unterartklassifikation von Clausilia dubia DRAPARNAUD, 1805 im östlichen Österreich (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) [Diploma Thesis]. University of Vienna.

Popular Science

Jaksch, K., & Baumgartner, G. (2015). Citizen Scientists – SchülerInnen werden zu SchneckenforscherInnnen. Das Naturhistorische: das Magazin des NHM in: Universum, Winter 2015, 9.

Jaksch, K., Haring, E., Sattmann, H., & Fehér, Z. (2014, December). Der Artbildung auf der (Schleim-) Spur. Das Naturhistorische: das Magazin des NHM in: Universum, Herbst 2014, 9.

Jaksch, K., & Steger, J. (2014). Endemische Schnecken – verborgene Schätze unserer Tierwelt. Vielfalt Natur, Magazin Des NP Kalkalpen, 28, 8–10.

Jaksch, K., Zopp, L., & Kirchner, S. (2012, September). Schnecken checken. Das Naturhistorische: das Magazin des NHM in: Universum, 9, 82–83.

Conference Contributions & Attendances


Mason, K., Haring, E., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., & Feher, Z. (2018). Using microsatellites to assess gene flow in the land snail genus Montenegrina. Workshop Alpine Land Snails - Anniversary, 27.

Mason, K., Haring, E., Bamberger, S., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., & Fehér, Z. (2017a, August 21). Peculiar points in the phylogeny of the rock-dwelling land snail genus Montenegrina. Alpine Land Snail Workshop Johnsbach, Johnsbach, Austria.

Mason, K., Haring, E., Bamberger, S., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., & Fehér, Z. (2017b, October 5). Phylogenetic reconstructions of the rock-dwelling land snail genus Montenegrina. 7th International Symposium of Ecologists – ISEM, Sutomore, Montenegro.

Jaksch, K., & Baumgartner, G. (2016). Schneckensex im Klassenzimmer: SchülerInnen erforschen die Biologie einer Schnecke. In E. Haring, O. Macek, & H. Sattmann (Eds.), Arianta 5 - Report on the Workshop Alpine Land Snails 2016 (pp. 9–10). Verlag des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien.

Jaksch, K., Baumgartner, G., Haring, E., & Sattmann, H. (2016). Checking Snails – pupils as snail watchers. In F. Heigl, D. Dörler, G. Weiglhofer, & J. G. Zaller (Eds.), Proceedings of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016. Paper presented at Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 – Citizen Science: Quo vadis, WasserCluster, Lunz am See, 18-19 February (Vol. 4, pp. 31–34). Frontiers.

Jaksch, K., Bamberger, S., Kruckenhauser, L., Haring, E., Sattmann, H., & Fehér, Z. (2015, 17.10). Speciation in rock-dwelling gastropods using the example of the genus Montenegrina. 6th international Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro ISEM6, Ulcinj (Montenegro).

Jaksch, K., Haring, E., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., & Fehér, Z. (2015, November 9). Gaining new insights into speciation processes in rock-dwelling land snails (Montenegrina, Clausiliidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata). DZG-Jahrestagung 2015, Graz (Austria).

Jaksch, K., Haring, E., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., & Fehér, Z. (2015, November 28). Exploring speciation in the rock-dwelling land snail genus Montenegrina (Clausiliidae, Gastropoda, Pulmonata). 9th Annual Meeting of NOBIS-Austria, Eggenburg.

Jaksch, K., Fehér, Z., Haring, E. & Eschner, A. (2014): Treasured genes in museum collections. – 8th Annual Meeting of NOBIS-Austria, München, Deutschland

Jaksch, K., Eschner, A., & Haring, E. (2014, August 18). Genes in museum collections. Workshop Alpine Land Snails 2014, Johnsbach, Austria.

Jaksch, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2014, August 18). Biodiversity homemade?! – Clausilia dubia and its various subspecies. Workshop Alpine Land Snails 2014, Johnsbach, Austria.

Jaksch, K., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2013, August 19). Phylogeography and subspecies classification of Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 in eastern Austria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). Excursion & Workshop “Alpine land snails", Johnsbach, Austria.

Jaksch, K. (2013, August 19): Hands-on experience with DNA extraction from alcohol preserved molluscan taxa. Excursion & Workshop "Alpine land snails", Johnsbach, Austria.

Jaksch, K., Sattmann H., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Haring E. (2013): Biodiversity homemade?! Clausilia dubia and its various subspecies. – 2nd Biosyst. EU Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

Jaksch, K., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2012, January 12). Clausilia dubia – a (bio)diverse alpine land snail [Poster]. 6. Jahrestagung NOBIS Austria, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Jaksch, K. (2012): Unterarten oder nicht? Neue Erkenntnisse zur Unterartklassifikation von Clausilia dubia. – Deutsche Malakologische Gesellschaft (DMG), Bad Ischl, Upper Austria (Austria)

Jaksch, K., Sattmann H., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Haring E. (2011): Nomen est omen: Clausilia dubia (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) and its dubious subspecies classification. – NOBIS 5 – Salzburg, Austria

Jaksch, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., Sattmann, H., & Haring, E. (2011). Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). [Talk]. Exkursionsworkshop Alpine Landschnecken, Johnsbach, Austria

Jaksch, K., Sattmann H., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Haring E. (2011): Nomen est omen: Clausilia dubia (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) and its dubious subspecies classification. Excursion & Workshop "Alpine landsnails", Johnsbach, Austria


Mason, K., Bamberger, S., Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Feher, Z. (2018). Phylogenetic revision of the hyper-diverse rock-dwelling land snail Montenegrina. 19. Jahrestagung, Gesellschaft Für Biologische Systematik, Vienna, 11th-14th February 2018 – Abstracts. 19. Jahrestagung, Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Vienna, Austria

Haring, E., Bisenberger, A., Kruckenhauser, L., Mandic, O., Moog, O., Mrkvicka, A., Patzner, R., Sattmann, H., Wanninger, A., & Jaksch-Mason, K. (2017). MoFA – the newly founded Society for Molluscan Research in Austria. Book of Abstracts, 128, EUROMAL, 8th European Congress of Malacological Societies

Mason, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Bamberger, S., Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Fehér, Z. (2017, September 11). Intraspecific diversity in the hyper-diverse rock-dwelling land snail Montenegrina. 8th European Congress of Malacological Societes - Euromal, Kraków, Poland

Jaksch, K., Haring, E., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., & Fehér, Z. (2015, 17.7). Understanding the origin of diversity in rock-dwelling land snails using Montenegrina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) as a model system. SMBE Meeting, Wien

Jaksch, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2014). Biodiversity homemade?! – Clausilia dubia and its various subspecies. Workshop Alpine Land Snails 2014, Johnsbach, Austria

Jaksch, K., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2013). Phylogeography and subspecies classification of Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 in East Austria. World Congress of Malacology, Ponta Delgada, Azores (Portugal)

Jaksch, K., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2013, February 18). Biodiversity homemade⁈ - Clausilia dubia and its various subspecies. BioSyst EU 2013, Vienna, Austria

Jaksch, K., Sattmann, H., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., & Haring, E. (2012, September 26). Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) [Poster]. Departmentssymposium Evolutionsbiologie, Univ. Vienna, Wien

Jaksch K., Sattmann H., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Haring E. (2012): Clausilia dubia – a (bio)diverse alpine land snail. – NOBIS 6 – Klagenfurt (Austria)

Jaksch K., Sattmann H., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Haring E. (2011): Clausilia dubia Draparnaud, 1805 in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and the subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae).- The Malacological Society of London, Molluscan Forum, London (UK)

Jaksch, K., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Harl, J., Sattmann, H., Haring, E. (2011): Clausilia dubia DRAPARNAUD, 1805 in the Eastern Alps: phylogeography and subspecies classification (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). – 6th Congress of the European Malacological Societies (CEMS) – Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)

Jaksch K., Kruckenhauser L., Duda M., Harl J., Sattmann H., Haring E. (2010): Phylogeography and subspecies classification of the landsnail Clausilia dubia in Eastern Austria (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae).- The Malacological Society of London, Molluscan Forum, London (UK)

Popular talks

Jaksch K. (2013): Einheimische Mollusken – kennen und bestimmen. Kirchlich Pädagogische Hochschule (KPH) Krems, Trainigs course for students, Krems/Donau, Lower Austria (Austria)

Jaksch K. (2013): Schnecken, Muscheln und andere Weichtiere. Aquarienverein Weinviertel Vereinsabend, Amstetten, Lower Austria (Austria)

Jaksch K. (2012): Von der Ackerschnecke bis zur Zebramuschel – Die Weichtiere Österreichs von A–Z. NGM Vereinsabend, Scheibbs, Lower Austria (Austria)

Jaksch K. (2012): Mollusken in Österreich – eine bunte Vielfalt. LANIUS Vereinsabend, St. Pölten, Lower Austria (Austria)

3. zoology

Akkari Nesrine
Curator of the collection Myriapoda / staff scientist
Barta Anna-Chiara
Project researcher
Coelho David
Associated scientist
Dworschak Peter C.
Associated scientist / formerly curator of the collection Crustacea
Eschner Anita
curator of the collection Mollusca / staff scientist
Feiler Gloria
Assistant for the 3rd Zoology
Frade Pedro
curator of the collection Evertebrata Varia
Gallmetzer Ivo
staff scientist
Greilhuber Matthäus
Associated scientist
Gruber Jürgen
Associated scientist / formerly curator of the collection Arachnoidea
Hörweg Christoph
Head of the 3. Zoological Department / curator of the collection Arachnoidea / staff scientist
Macek Oliver
Collection manager
Marchioro Giulia
Associated scientist
Pruckner Christian
Associated scientist
Sattmann Helmut
Associated scientist / formerly head of department and curator of the collection Evertebrata varia
Schiller Edmund
collection assistant in the collections Arachnoidea & Crustacea
Schnedl Sara Maria
collection assistant in the collection Mollusca, currently on maternity leave
Schwentner Martin
curator of the collection Crustacea / staff scientist
Seiter Michael
Associated scientist
Stagl Verena
Associated scientist / formerly curator of the collection Myriapoda
Stevenne Chloe
Project researcher
Szeiler Stefan
collection manager
Wöss Emmy
Associated scientist