Nikolaus Szucsich
Nikolaus Szucsichs ORCID record:

- since 2014 - ABOL: DNA-Barcoding of austrian organisms (including numerous subprojects)
- since 2012 - Whole genomes of primarily wingless hexapods (6 A.) und myriapodes (2 A.)
- since 2012 - DNA-Barcoding bei Arthropoden (Diptera, Myriapoda, Apterygota)
- since 2011 - 1KITE; Phylogenomics of Hexapoda und Myriapoda
- since 2014 - ABOL manager, NHMW (coordinator of the “Austrian Barcode of Life” initiative)
- 2017/2018 - Senior Scientist at the University of Salzburg, Dept. Ecology & Evolution, substitute for WS 2017/18
- 2011-2012 - Postdoc, Research assistant, Dept. of Integrative Zoology, University of Vienna (FWF project P 20497-B17: "Are the Hexapoda monophyletic? Conflicting hypotheses regarding their relationships to myriapods and crustaceans " – Prof. Dr. Günther Pass)
- 2010-2011 - Substitute Professor for Entomology, Biozentrum Grindel & Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg
- 2008-2010 - Postdoc, Research assistant, Dept. of Evolutionary Biology, University of Vienna (FWF project P 20497-B17: "Are the Hexapoda monophyletic? Conflicting hypotheses regarding their relationships to myriapods and crustaceans " – Prof. Dr. Günther Pass)
- 2007/2008 - Postdoc, Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie, Universität Rostock (Dr. Christian Wirkner)
- 2004 – 2007 - Doctoral thesis (Zoology): University of Vienna (FWF project P17038-B03: "Phylogenetic relationships of basal hexapods: a combined approach" - Prof. Dr. Günther Pass)
Original articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- Helmer, N., Blatterer, H., Hörweg, C., Reier, S., Sattmann, H., Schindelar, J., Szucsich, N. U. & Haring, E. (2021). First record of Trichobilharzia physellae (Talbot, 1936) in Europe, a possible causative agent of cercarial dermatitis. Pathogens 10(11): 1473.
- Thomas, G. W. C., Dohmen, E., Hughes, D. S. T., Murali, S. C., Poelchau, M., Glastad, K., Anstead, C. A., Ayoub, N. A., Batterham, P., Bellair, M., Binford, G. J., Chao, H., Chen, Y. H., Childers, C., Dinh, H., Doddapaneni, H. V., Duan, J. J., Dugan, S., Esposito, L. A., Friedrich, M., Garb, J., Gasser, R. B., Goodisman, M. A. D., Gundersen-Rindal, D. E., Han, Y., Handler, A. M., Hatakeyama, M., Hering, L., Hunter, W. B., Ioannidis, P., Jayaseelan, J. C., Kalra, D., Khila, A., Korhonen, P. K., Lee, C. E., Lee, S. L., Li, Y., Lindsey, A. R. I., Mayer, G., McGregor, A. P., McKenna, D. D., Misof, B., Munidasa, M., Munoz-Torres, M., Muzny, D. M., Niehuis, O., Osuji-Lacy, N., Palli, S. R., Panfilio, K. A., Pechmann, M., Perry, T., Peters, R. S., Poynton, H. C., Prpic, N.-M., Qu, J., Rotenberg, D., Schal, C., Schoville, S. D., Scully, E. D., Skinner, E., Sloan, D. B., Stouthamer, R., Strand, M. R., Szucsich, N. U., Wijeratne, A., Young, N. D., Zattara, E. E., Benoit, J. B., Zdobnov, E. M., Pfrender, M. E., Hackett, K. J., Werren, J. H., Worley, K. C., Gibbs, R. A., Chipman, A. D., Waterhouse, R. M., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Hahn, M. W. & Richards, S. (2020) Gene content evolution in the arthropods. Genome Biology 21(1): 15.
- Szucsich, N. U., Bartel, D., Blanke, A., Böhm, A., Donath, A., Fukui, M., Grove, S., Liu, S., Macek, O., Machida, R., Misof, B., Nakagaki, Y., Podsiadlowski, L., Sekiya, K., Tomizuka, S., Von Reumont, B. M., Waterhouse, R. M., Walzl, M., Meng, G., Zhou, X., Pass, G. & Meusemann, K. (2020) Four myriapod relatives – but who are sisters? No end to debates on relationships among the four major myriapod subgroups. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20(1): 144.
- Reier, S., Haring, E., Billinger, F., Blatterer, H., Duda, M., Gorofsky, C., Grasser, H.-P., Heinisch, W., Hörweg, C., Kruckenhauser, L., Szucsich, N. U., Wanka, A. & Sattmann, H. (2020) First confirmed record of Trichobilharzia franki Müller & Kimmig, 1994, from Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) for Austria. Parasitology Research 119: 4135–4141.
- Pass, G., Szucsich, N. U. & Böhm, A. (2020) Konflikte in phylogenetischen Analysen: die verflixten „deep nodes“ im Stammbaum der Insekten. Entomologica Austriaca 27: 233-254.
- Weigand, H., Beermann, A. J., Čiampor, F., Costa, F. O., Csabai, Z., Duarte, S., Geiger, M. F., Grabowski, M., Rimet, F., Rulik, B., Strand, M., Szucsich, N., Weigand, A. M., Willassen, E., Wyler, S. A., Bouchez, A., Borja, A., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Ferreira, S., Dijkstra, K.-D. B., Eisendle, U., Freyhof, J., Gadawski, P., Graf, W., Haegerbaeumer, A., van der Hoorn, B. B., Japoshvili, B., Keresztes, L., Keskin, E., Leese, F., Macher, J. N., Mamos, T., Paz, G., Pešić, V., Pfannkuchen, D. M., Pfannkuchen, M. A., Price, B. W., Rinkevich, B., Teixeira, M. A. L., Várbíró, G. & Ekrem, T. (2019) DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work. Science of the Total Environment 678: 499-524.
- Manni, M., Simao, F. A., Robertson, H. M., Gabaglio, M. A., Waterhouse, R. M., Misof, B., Niehuis, O., Szucsich, N. U. & Zdobnov, E. M. (2019) The genome of the blind soil-dwelling and ancestrally wingless dipluran Campodea augens: a key reference hexapod for studying the emergence of insect innovations. Genome Biology and Evolution 12(1): 3534-3549.
- Hawlitschek, O., J. Morinière, G. U. C. Lehmann, A. W. Lehmann, M. Kropf, A. Dunz, F. Glaw, M. Detcharoen, S. Schmidt, A. Hausmann, N. U. Szucsich, S. A. Caetano-Wyler & G. Haszprunar (2017) DNA barcoding of crickets, katydids, and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) from Central Europe with focus on Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Molecular Ecology Resources 17(5): 1037-1053.
- Szucsich, N. U. (2017) Book Review: Species Concepts in Biology. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie 119: 257–258.
- Shrubovych, J., D. Bartel, N. U. Szucsich, C. Resch & G. Pass (2016) Morphological and genetic analysis of the Acerentomon doderoi group (Protura: Acerentomidae) with description of A. christiani sp. nov. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0148033.
- Blanke, A., R. Machida, N. U. Szucsich, F. Wilde & B. Misof (2015) Mandibles with two joints evolved much earlier in the history of insects: dicondyly is a synapomorphy of bristletails, silverfish and winged insects. Systematic Entomology 40(2): 357-364
- Galli, L., D. Bartel, M. Capurro, G. Pass, A. Sará, J. Shrubovych & N. U. Szucsich (2015) Redescription and review of the most abundant conehead in Italy: Acerentomon italicum Nosek, 1969 (Protura: Acerentomidae). Italian Journal of Zoology: 1-16
- Misof, B., Liu, S., Meusemann, K., Peters, R. S., Donath, A., Mayer, C., Frandsen, P. B., Ware, J., Flouri, T., Beutel, R. G., Niehuis, O., Petersen, M., Izquierdo-Carrasco, F., Wappler, T., Rust, J., Aberer, A. J., Aspöck, U., Aspöck, H., Bartel, D., Blanke, A., Berger, S., Böhm, A., Buckley, T. R., Calcott, B., Chen, J., Friedrich, F., Fukui, M., Fujita, M., Greve, C., Grobe, P., Gu, S., Huang, Y., Jermiin, L. S., Kawahara, A. Y., Krogmann, L., Kubiak, M., Lanfear, R., Letsch, H., Li, Y., Li, Z., Li, J., Lu, H., Machida, R., Mashimo, Y., Kapli, P., McKenna, D. D., Meng, G., Nakagaki, Y., Navarrete-Heredia, J. L., Ott, M., Ou, Y., Pass, G., Podsiadlowski, L., Pohl, H., von Reumont, B. M., Schütte, K., Sekiya, K., Shimizu, S., Slipinski, A., Stamatakis, A., Song, W., Su, X., Szucsich, N. U., Tan, M., Tan, X., Tang, M., Tang, J., Timelthaler, G., Tomizuka, S., Trautwein, M., Tong, X., Uchifune, T., Walzl, M. G., Wiegmann, B. M., Wilbrandt, J., Wipfler, B., Wong, T. K. F., Wu, Q., Wu, G., Xie, Y., Yang, S., Yang, Q., Yeates, D. K., Yoshizawa, K., Zhang, Q., Zhang, R., Zhang, W., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhou, C., Zhou, L., Ziesmann, T., Zou, S., Li, Y., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, H., Wang, J., Wang, J., Kjer, K. M. & Zhou, X. (2014) Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science 346(6210): 763-767.
- Resch, C., J. Shrubovych, D. Bartel, N. U. Szucsich, G. Timelthaler, Y. Bu and G. Pass (2014) DNA barcoding in Protura: Where subtle morphological differences are perfectly mirrored by huge genetic distances. PLOS ONE
- Dell'Ampio, E., K. Meusemann , N. U. Szucsich, R. S. Peters, B. Meyer, J. Borner, M. Petersen, A. A. Aberer, A. Stamatakis, M. G. Walzl, A. von Haeseler, I. Ebersberger, G. Pass and B. Misof (2014) Decisive data sets in phylogenomics: lessons from studies on the phylogenetic relationships of primarily wingless insects. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31(1): 239-249 (doi: 10.1093/molbev/mst196)
- Szucsich, N. U., C. S. Wirkner and G. Pass (2013) Deconstructing morphology: reply to Scholtz (2010). Acta Zoologica 94 (2): 215-217
- Karolyi, F., N. U Szucsich, J. F. Colville and H. W. Krenn (2012) Adaptations for nectar-feeding in the mouthparts of long-proboscid flies (Nemestrinidae: Prosoeca). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107 (2): 414-424
- Böhm, A., N. U. Szucsich and G. Pass (2012) Brain anatomy in Diplura (Hexapoda). Frontiers in Zoology 9 (1): 26.
- Szucsich, N. U., M. Pennerstorfer and C. S. Wirkner (2011) The mouthparts of Scutigerella immaculata: Correspondences and variation among serially homologous head appendages. Arthropod Structure & Development 40 (2): 105-121
- Pass, G. and N. U. Szucsich (2011) 100 years of research on the Protura: many secrets still retained. Soil Organisms 83 (3): 309-334
- Böhm, A., D. Bartel, N. U. Szucsich and G. Pass (2011) Confocal imaging of the exo- and endoskeleton of Protura after nondestructive DNA extraction. Soil Organisms 83 (3): 335-345
- Dell’Ampio, E., N. U. Szucsich and G. Pass (2011) Protura and molecular phylogenetics: status quo of a young love. Soil Organisms 83 (3): 347-358
- Dell’Ampio, E., N. U. Szucsich, A. Carapelli, F. Frati, G. Steiner, A. Steinacher and G. Pass (2009) Testing for the misleading effects of phylogenetic reconstructions using 28S rRNA sequences: influences of character dependence, character choice and biases in nucleotide frequencies on the placement of basal hexapods. Zoologica Scripta 38 (2): 155-170
- von Reumont , B. M., K. Meusemann , N. U. Szucsich, E. Dell'Ampio, V. Gowri-Shankar, D.Bartel, S. Simon, H. O. Letsch, R. R. Stocsits, Y.-x. Luan, J. W. Wägele, G. Pass, H. Hadrys and B. Misof (2009) Can comprehensive background knowledge be incorporated into substitution models to improve phylogenetic analyses? A case study on major arthropod relationships. - BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 119
- Szucsich, N. U. and G. Pass (2008) Incongruent phylogenetic hypotheses and character conflicts in morphology: The root and early branches of the hexapodan tree. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 16, 415-429
- Milasowszky, N., M. Hepner, N. U. Szucsich and K. P. Zulka (2007) Urozelotes yutian (Platnick & Song, 1986), a junior synonym of Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński, 1897) (Araneae: Gnaphosidae). The Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 14 (1), 22-26
- Szucsich, N. U. and C. S. Wirkner (2007) Homology - a synthetic concept of evolutionary robustness of patterns. Zoologica Scripta 36, 281-289
- Pass, G., B.-A. Gereben-Krenn, M. Merl, J. D. Plant, N. U. Szucsich and M. Tögel (2006) Phylogenetic relationships of the orders of Hexapoda: Contributions from the circulatory organs for a morphological data matrix. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 64, 165-203.
- Krenn, H. W., J. D. Plant, and N. U. Szucsich (2005) Mouthparts of flower-visiting insects. Arthropod Structure & Development 34, 1-40.
- Szucsich, N. U. and H. W. Krenn (2002) Flies and concealed nectar sources: morphological innovations in the proboscis of Bombyliidae (Diptera). Acta Zoologica 83 (3), 183-192
- Szucsich, N. U. and H. W. Krenn (2000) Morphology and function of the proboscis in Bombyliidae (Diptera, Brachycera) and implications for proboscis evolution in Brachycera. : 79-90
Book sections
- Richter, S., M. Stein, T. Frase and N. U. Szucsich (2013) The Arthropod Head. In: Minelli, A., G. Boxshall and G. Fusco (eds.) Arthropod Biology and Evolution. Berlin – Heidelberg, Springer: 223-240
- Szucsich, N. U. and U. Scheller (2011) Chapter 20 Symphyla. In: Minelli, A. (ed.) Treatise of Zoology – Anatomy; Taxonomy, Biology – The Myriapoda 1. Leiden, NL, Brill: 445-466
- Szucsich, N. U. (2004) Die Schwebfliegen (Syrphidae, Diptera) des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Wien. In: Pernstich, A., Krenn, H.W. (eds.), Die Tierwelt des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Wien: 115-120.
Expert articles
- Mrkvicka, A. C. & Szucsich, N. (2021) Forficula smyrnensis Audinet-Serville, 1839 - Erstnachweis für Österreich, inkl. einer Checkliste der österreichischen Dermaptera. Biodiversität und Naturschutz in Ostösterreich - BCBEA 6(1): 24-26.
- Weigand, A. M., Desquiotz, N., Weigand, H. & Szucsich, N. U. (2021) Application of propylene glycol in DNA-based studies of invertebrates. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: e57278.
- Reier, S., Billinger, F., Blatterer, H., Duda, M., Gorofsky, C., Grasser, H.-P., Haring, E., Hörweg, C., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., Szucsich, N., & Heinisch, W. (2020) DNA barcoding of digenean trematodes and their intermediate hosts in Upper Austria. Acta ZooBot Austria 157, 157, 348-349.
- Schoder, S., Macek, O., Sonnleitner, M., & Szucsich, N. (2020) ABOL BioBlitz 2019 - a community-based initiative, making biodiversity expertise available to society. Acta ZooBot Austria 157, 157, 353-354.
- Sonnleitner, M., Schoder, S., Macek, O., & Szucsich, N. U. (2020) ABOL BioBlitz: DNA barcoding safeguards taxonomic knowedge. Barcode Bulletin. (https://ibol.org/barcodebulletin/nation-activities/abol-bioblitz-dna-barcoding-safeguards-taxonomic-knowledge/)
- Sattmann, H., Haring, E., & Szucsich, N. (2019) Reich und Arm - Artenvielfalt kritisch einschätzen. Das Naturhistorische: Das Magazin Des NHM in: Universum, Frühling 2019, 12.
- Szucsich, N. U., Sonnleitner, M., Haring, E., & Sattmann, H. (2019, July 4). The Austrian Barcode of Life (ABOL) Initiative. Barcode Bulletin. (https://ibol.org/barcodebulletin/nation-activities/the-austrian-barcode-of-life-abol-initiative-2/)
- Sattmann, H., N. Szucsich, M. Sonnleitner & E. Haring E (2017) ABOL und die Wunderlampe. Umwelt & Energie 2/2017: 34-35
- Haring, E., N. U. Szucsich & M. Sonnleitner (2016) ABOL: Projekt zur Erfassung und Analyse der Vielfalt von Tieren, Pflanzen und Pilzen. Natur & Land 102 (2): 27-28
- Szucsich, N., M. Kropf, G. Kunz & O. Hawlitschek (2016) DNA-Barcoding und die internationale Vernetzung der Biodiversitätsforschung. Universum, 6-7/2016, 126
- Szucsich, N., H. Sattmann, E. Haring & M. Sonnleitner (2016) ABOL (Austrian Barcode of Life): Qualität und Aktualität unseres Wissensstands zur Biodiversität in Österreich. Natur & Landschaft 12/ 2016: 578-579
- Szucsich, N. U. (2015) ABOL – DNA-Barcoding als Impuls für die Biodiversitätsforschung in Österreich. Acta ZooBot Austria 152: 157-160.
- Haring, E., H. Sattmann & N. U. Szucsich (2015) ABOL als Biodiversitätsnetzwerk – Struktur und Ziele taxonspezifischer Cluster. Acta ZooBot Austria 152: 149-156
- Szucsich, N (2014) Barcoding proturans of Austria. Barcode Bulletin 5 (2): 18
- Pass, G. & N. U. Szucsich (2011). "100 years of research on the Protura: many secrets still retained." Soil Organisms 83 (3): 309-334
- Szucsich, N. U., D. Bartel and K. P. Zulka (2011) Short note on the occurrence of Lithobius microps and L. curtipes (Chilopoda, Myriapoda) in Austria. – Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Museum Hamburg 15 (185): 271-273
- Szucsich, N. U. & G. Pass (2008) Incongruent phylogenetic hypotheses and character conflicts in morphology: The root and early branches of the hexapodan tree. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 16, 415-429
- Milasowszky, N., M. Hepner, N. U. Szucsich & K. P. Zulka (2007) Urozelotes yutian (Platnick & Song, 1986), a junior synonym of Zelotes mundus (Kulczyński, 1897) (Araneae: Gnaphosidae). The Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 14 (1), 22-26
- Pass, G., B.-A. Gereben-Krenn, M. Merl, J. D. Plant, N. U. Szucsich & M. Tögel (2006) Phylogenetic relationships of the orders of Hexapoda: Contributions from the circulatory organs for a morphological data matrix. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 64, 165-203.
- Herzig, A. and Szucsich, N. (1997) Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere des Burgenlandes. Biologisches Forschungsinstitut Burgenland, Bericht 87: 15-33 (compiled from literature)
- DNA Barcoding & Integrative Taxonomy of soil arthropods (myriapods, primarily wingless insects)
- Arthropod evolution, phylogeny and phylogenomics
- Fauna Austriaca (own focus: myriapods, primarily wingless insects)
- Scientific concepts of phylogeny and evolutionary biology
- 3D-Reconstruction & Visualization of arthropod morphology
Central Research Laboratories
Ackerl Florian
Project researcher
project researcher "TETTRIs"
Chen Rui Qiang
Project researcher
De Mattia Willy
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Efthymiadis Georgios
project researcher „FWF PAT1494723 Garra“
Fial Nathalie
Project researcher
Fischer Iris
Laboratory manager
Haring Elisabeth
Head of
Heinzl Janine
Project researcher
Kapun Martin
Staff scientist
- Bioinformatics
Kargl Victoria
ABOL-coordination team
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kruckenhauser Luise
Head of the DNA Laboratory / Curator of the DNA- and tissue collection / Staff scientist
Löwenstein Augustina
Project researcher
Macek Oliver
Collection manager
Prost Stefan
Associate scientist
Sittenthaler Marcia
Associated scientist
Sonnleitner Michaela
ABOL-coordination team
Wanka Alexandra Julia
Laboratory manager
Wegner Wencke
Operator for
Winkler Viola
Operator microCT and 3D lab