Invitation to the press conference: Museum mit Herz

09. June 2022
Herz Armaturen Ges.m.b.H. and the Natural History Museum Vienna have been enjoying a long-standing partnership. As a result of the friendly relationship between the two entities, the NHM Vienna is equipped with products from Herz and has thus given a reliable and energy-efficient partner a place in the building.
In keeping with the motto "Museum mit Herz", Herz Armaturen and the Natural History Museum Vienna invite you to a joint press conference on Tuesday, 14 June 2022, at 9:30 a.m.
Press conference on Tuesday, 14 June 2022, at 9:30 a.m.:

Venue:      Natural History Museum Vienna, Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna,
Cabinet 4 of the new special exhibition "BRAZIL. 200 Years of Relations"
Admission: from 09.00 a.m.
Start: at 09.30 a.m.


On the partnership between Herz Armaturen and the Natural History Museum Vienna:

Dr. Katrin Vohland, Director General & Scientific Director of the NHM Vienna.
Dr. Gerhard Glinzerer, owner & Managing Director of the Herz Group
followed by a guided tour of the building with DI Christian Fischer, Head of Building Services & Security at the NHM Vienna 

Museum mit Herz

Herz was founded in 1896. Today the company is an internationally important producer of building services products with a presence on all continents. A comprehensive product portfolio for the area of control engineering – fittings for heating, cooling and drinking water, electronically controlled panel heating and cooling – continues and develops the historical product line and takes it to a completely new level of technology and quality. By enlarging its portfolio to include biomass systems and heat pumps as well as insulating materials, the Austrian Herz Group has consciously placed its focus on energy savings and energy efficiency in the areas of energy supply (biomass systems and heat pumps), control technology (Herz Armaturen GmbH) and insulating materials (Hirsch Servo AG).

In the context of the sponsorship agreement between the Natural History Museum Vienna and Herz Armaturen, Herz equips the museum with building services technology, especially thermostatic valves and line regulating valves, thereby replacing legcy fittings with the latest technology.

Please register at: 

Generaldirektorin & wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin des NHM Wien

(c) NHM Wien, Alice Schumacher
Inhaber & Geschäftsführer der Herz-Gruppe

(c) NHM Wien, Alice Schumacher
v.l.n.r.: DI Christian Fischer (Leiter Gebäude & Sicherheit, NHM Wien), Dr. Katrin Vohland (Generaldirektorin & wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin, NHM Wien), Dr. Gerhard Glinzerer (Inhaber & Geschäftsführer der Herz-Gruppe), Mag. Markus Roboch (wirtschaftlicher Geschäftsführer, NHM Wien)