Mag. Dr.
Veronika Koukal

  • preparation of vertebrate fossils
  • skeleton reconstructions
  • model design
  • exhibit construction
  • field work assistant
Veronika Koukals ORCID record:
Phone: +43 1 52177-548

IGCP 732 - LANGUAGE of the Anthropocene (Lessons in anthropogenic impact: a knowledge network of geological signals to unite and assess global evidence of the Anthropocene, 2021-2024)

Sedimentary characteristics and microplastics of the Holocene-Anthropocene transformation on the west coast of Korea and the Japan Trench (OeAD WTZ Austria and Republic of Korea, 2022-2024)

Late Cretaceous palaeoclimate events and stage boundary correlations - evidence from Tethyan key sections of Bulgaria and Austria (OeAD WTZ Austria and Bulgaria, 2021-2022)

IGCP 609 Climate-environmental deteriorations during greenhouse phases: Causes and consequences of short-term Cretaceous sea-level changes, 2016-2019)

Since 2024 Preparator, Natural History Museum of Vienna, Department of Geology & Palaeontology

Since 2021 Postdoc researcher, University of Vienna, Department of Geology

Since 2021 Lecturer, University of Vienna, Department of Geology

2021 Doctoral studies, University of Vienna
Thesis: Paleogene deep-water facies of the Upper Gosau Subgroup of Gams bei Hieflau (Styria, Austria)

2020-2021 Research project assistant and chemical technical assistant, University of Vienna, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology

2016-2019 Researcher, University of Vienna, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology

2009 Studies of geology (Master), University of Vienna
Thesis: Sedimentologie und Definition der Rohrbach-Formation („Rohrbacher Konglomerat“, Pliozän) im Steinbruch Rohrbach/Ternitz (NÖ)
Wagreich, M., Meszar, M., Lappé, K., Wolf, J., Mosser, M., Hornek, K., Koukal, V., Litschauer, C., Piperakis, N. & Hain, K. (2023) The urban sediments of Karlsplatz, Vienna (Austria) as reference section for the Anthropocene series. The Anthropocene Review, Vol. 10, 316-329.
Pavlishina, P., Dochev, D., Wagreich, M. & Koukal, V. (2023) Integrated biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Upper Cretaceous in the Petrich section (Central Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria). Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 73 (1), 33-62.
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M., Kallanxhi, M.-E. & Knierzinger, W. (2022) The Paleogene Gosau Group Slope Basins of the Incipient Eastern Alpine Orogenic Wedge: A Case Study at the Gams Basin (Austria). Minerals, Vol. 12 (2), 178, 02.2022.
Wagreich, M., Dochev, D., Pavlishina, P. & Koukal, V. (2022) Santonian-Campanian Boundary Interval in the Kyunetsa Section, Western Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria. Dokladi na Bălgarskata Akademija na Naukite = Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences Vol. 75 (11), 1604-1612.
Piller, W.E., Friebe, J.G., Gross, M., Harzhauser, M., van Husen, D., Koukal, V., Krenmayr, H.-G., Krois, P., Nebelsick, J.H., Ortner, H., Reitner, J.M., Roetzel,R.,  Rögl, F., Rupp, C., Stingl, V., Wagner, L. & Wagreich, M. (2022) The lithostratigraphic units of Austria: Cenozoic Era(them). Abh. d. Geol. Bundesanstalt, 76, 357 p.
Koukal, V. & Wagreich, M. (2022) An Introduction to the UNESCO International Geosciences Program IGCP 732 LANGUAGE of the Anthropocene. – In: Rantitsch, G. & Raith J.G. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2022: Abstracts and Field guides: 10-14/09/2022 Montanuniversität Leoben. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 143, p. 93. Conference Paper
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. & Eder, L. (2022) Slope basin depositional model of the Paleogene Gosau Group of Gams on top of the incipient Eastern Alpine orogenic wedge (Austria). – In: Rantitsch, G. & Raith J.G. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2022: Abstracts and Field guides: 10-14/09/2022 Montanuniversität Leoben. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 143, p. 94. Conference Paper
Wagreich, M., Pavlishina, P., Dochev, D. & Koukal, V. (2022) Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Coniacian boundary interval in the Gosau Group of Gams, Styria. – In: Rantitsch, G. & Raith J.G. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2022: Abstracts and Field guides: 10-14/09/2022 Montanuniversität Leoben. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 143, p. 194. Conference Paper
Piller, W.E., Friebe, J.G., Gross, M., Harzhauser, M., van Husen, D., Koukal, V., Krenmayr, H-G., Krois, P., Nebelsick, J.H., Ortner, H., Reitner, J.M., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Rupp, C., Stingl, V., Wagner, L. & Wagreich, M. (2022) Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units of Austria (sedimentary successions). – In: Rantitsch, G. & Raith J.G. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2022: Abstracts and Field guides: 10-14/09/2022 Montanuniversität Leoben. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 143, p. 138. Conference Paper
Wagreich, M. & Koukal, V. (2020) The pelagic archive of short-term sea-level change in the Cretaceous: a review of proxies linked to orbital forcing. - In: Wagreich, M., Hart, M. B., Sames, B. & Yilmaz, I. O. (eds) Cretaceous Climate Events and Short-Term Sea-Level Changes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 498, 39-56.
Knierzinger, W., Wagreich, M., Palzer-Khomenko, M., Meszar, M., Gier, S., Lee, E. Y., Koukal, V., Strauss, P. (2019) Provenance and palaeogeographic evolution of lower Miocene sediments in the eastern North Alpine Foreland Basin. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 112.2/3, 269-286.
Ślączka A., Bąk, M., Pfersmann, C., Koukal, V., Wagreich, M., Kowalik, S., Maslo, M. (2018) Jurassic-Cretaceous radiolarian-bearing strata from the Main Klippen Zone and the St. Veit Klippen Zone (Wienerwald, Eastern Alps, Austria): Implications for stratigraphy and paleogeography. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 111 (2), 204-222.
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. (2018) Paleogene deep-water facies of the Upper Gosau Subgroup at Gams (Styria, Austria). – In: Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2018: Abstracts: 24-26/09/2018 Universität Wien. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 128, p. 79. Conference Paper
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. (2018) Facies of Paleogene deep-water deposits of the Upper Gosau Subgroup at Gams (Styria, Austria). - In: Neubauer, F., Brendel, U., Friedl, G. (eds.): XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA): Abstracts: Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts: September 10-13, 2018 University of Salzburg, Austria. Geologica Balcanica, p. 81. Conference Paper
Bryda, G., Van Husen, D., Kreuss, O., Koukal, V., Moser, M., Pavlik, W., Schönlaub, H. P., Wagreich, M., Ahl, A. (Beitr.), Heinrich, M. (Beitr.), Lenhardt, W. A. (Beitr.), Moshammer, B. (Beitr.), Pfleiderer, S. (Beitr.), Plan, L. (Beitr.), Schedl, A. (Beitr.), Slapansky, P. (Beitr.) (2013) Erläuterungen zu Blatt 101 Eisenerz. Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50.000.
Koukal, V. & Wagreich, M. (2012) Paleogene deep-water facies including mass transport complexes of the Gams basin (Styria, Austria). – In: Missoni, S. & Gawlick, H.-J. (eds.): 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology: Sedimentology in the Heart of the Alps: 10th - 13th September 2012 Schladming, Austria: Third Circular, Programme: p. 549. Conference Paper
Wagreich, M., Egger, H., Gebhardt, H., Omar, M., Spötl, C., Koukal, V. & Hobiger, G. (2011) A new expanded record of the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Gosau Group of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, 113A, 35-65.
Koukal, V. & Wagreich, M. (2011) Paleogene deep-water depositional systems of the Gams basin (Gosau Group, Austria). – In: Mayall, M., Kane, I. & McCaffrey, B. (eds.): Internal architecture, bedforms and geometry of turbidite channels: Geological Society, London, June 20-21st 2011: Oral and poster abstracts: p. 47. Conference Paper
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. & Egger, H. (2011) Facies of Paleogene deep-water deposits of the Gams basin (Styria, Austria). – In: Egger, H. (Ed.): Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene CBEP 2011: 5 - 8 June 2011 Salzburg, Austria: Conference Program and Abstracts. Berichte d. Geol. Bundesanstalt 85, p. 104. Conference Paper
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M., Egger, H. & Gebhart, H. (2010) Turbiditfazies im Paläogen der Gosau von Gams (Steiermark). – J. Alpine Geology 52, 154-155. Conference Paper
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. (2009) Sedimentologie und Definition der Rohrbach-Formation („Rohrbacher Konglomerat“, Ober-Miozän – Pliozän) im Steinbruch Rohrbach/Ternitz (NÖ). Jb. Geol. B.-A., 149 (4), 453-462.
Koukal, V., Wagreich, M. (2008) Das Rohrbacher Konglomerat (Rohrbach-Formation, Pliozän?) im südlichen Wiener Becken. – J. Alpine Geology 49, 56-57. Conference Paper

Since 2021 Secretary-General UNESCO/IUGS – International Geoscience Program IGCP 732

2016-2019 Secretary UNESCO/IUGS – International Geoscience Program IGCP 609

April 2023 Invited talk The Geology of the Anthropocene at KAIST, Center for Anthropocene Studies, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Event Management

Host and member of the organizing committee for the annual hybrid meetings of IGCP 732 (2024 Busan, Republic of Korea; 2023 Xi’an, China; 2022 Nairobi, Kenya; 2021 Vienna, Austria)

Interdisciplinary lecture series Anthropocene, a cooperation of the Forum Anthropozän, the Vienna Anthropocene Network and the University of Vienna (2021-2024)

Member of the organizing committee Pangeo Austria, held in September 2018 in Vienna

Member of the organizing committee of the 10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, held in August 2017 in Vienna with more than 250 participants from 39 countries


Baron Ivo
Associated Scientist
Eder Johanna
Associated Scientist
Funk Barbara
project researcher
Fürst Anton
Göhlich Ursula B.
staff scientist and senior curator of the fossil vertebrate collection
Harzhauser Mathias
Head of Department and curator of the paleobotanical collection
Höck Gudrun
Associated Scientist
Kaminsky Eva
project researcher Karstwasser
Köberl Christian
Associated Scientist
Kollmann Heinz
Associated Scientist
Kroh Andreas
Vice CEO Science; staff scientist; head of the NHM Vienna publishing house
Lukeneder Alexander
vice-head of the department, staff scientist and senior curator of the mesozoic invertebrates
Madl Julia
Project researcher
Mandic Oleg
staff scientist and senior curator of the cenozoic invertebrates
Mays Chris
Staff Scientist and Senior Curator of the Palaeobotany Collection
Nagl Michael
staff scientist
Nichterl Thomas
collection manager
Oberender Pauline
staff scientist
Pavuza Rudolf
Associated Scientist
Plan Lukas
staff scientist
Rögl Fred
Associated Scientist
Schultz Ortwin
Associated Scientist
Weinmann Anna E.
staff scientist and senior curator of the micropaleontological collection