Magnification and resolution
The position of the sample in the conical beam path of the X-ray source is crucial for the achievable object resolution. The
maximum possible geometric magnification depends on the ratio of the distance between the X-ray source and detector (focus-detector
distance (FDD)) and the distance between the X-ray source and the sample (focus-object distance (FOD)).
The best resolution achievable has its limit in the focal spot size (which causes the blurring) of the X-ray source. With
the help of the built-in nano-focus transmission tube for small samples (less than 1 cm), the device enables an effective
voxel size of approx. 0.8 µm in the reconstruction images, with a detail detectability of less than 150 nm. The micro-focus
directional beam tube is suitable for larger samples and enables details below 4 µm to be identified. The appropriate measurement
setup must therefore be determined for the respective sample depending on the scientific task and problem.