Dr. Harald Ahnelt
associate scientist

V, Landaeta MF, Ahnelt H 2024. A new species of long dorsal-fin Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Rapa Nui
(Chile). Cybium, 38: 45–54. https://doi.org/10.26028/cybium/2023-040
Wibowo A, Haryono H, Kurniawan
K, Prakoso VA, Dahruddin H, Surbani IL, Rochman F, Jaya YYP, Sudarsono S, Stuart IG, Ahnelt H, Funge-Smith S, Vasemagi A,
Hubert N 2024. Genetic and morphological evidence of a single species of bronze featherback (Notopterus notopterus) in Sundaland.
Global Ecology and Conservation, 49, e02786. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02786
Ahnelt H, Sudasinghe H 2024. A collection of fishes from the enigmatic type locality of fish species described by Georges Cuvier and by Achille Valenciennes, the hot springs of Kanniya at Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Cybium, early view.
Ahnelt H, Bradi?-Milinovi? K 2024. A unique and species-rich assemblage of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei: Ambassidae: Dapalis) from the Lower Oligocene of the Central Paratethys with the description of four new species. Taxonomy 2024, 4: 805–849.
Smith-Vaniz WF, Klein JS, Ahnelt H. 2024. Hyperostosis in fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology 285: e21782.
Ahnelt H, Nocita A, Dul?i? J. 2024. Northernmost historical records of the Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Teleostei: Bramidae, Braminae) in the Mediterranean Sea and the variability of adult morphology. Cybium 48: 255–263.
Ahnelt H, Macek O., Robitzch V 2024. Schindleria nana, a new extremely progenetic gobiid fish species (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 73, 23112.
Odongo V, Asmus H, Ahnelt H, Boersma M, Rick J, Wiltshire KH, Horn S 2024, Seasonality of environmental parameters drives the variations of coastal fish community – A case study of the Sylt-Rømø Bight, southeastern North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 300, 108723.
Ahnelt H, Bradi?-Milinovi? K, Schwarzhans W 2024. Dapalis pauciserratus, a new species of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei, Ambassidae) from the lower Oligocene of the Central Paratethys. Cybium 48: 195–209.
Ahnelt H, Sudasinghe H 2024. A collection of fishes from the enigmatic type locality of fish species described by Georges Cuvier and by Achille Valenciennes, the hot springs of Kanniya at Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Cybium, early view.
Ahnelt H, Bradi?-Milinovi? K 2024. A unique and species-rich assemblage of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei: Ambassidae: Dapalis) from the Lower Oligocene of the Central Paratethys with the description of four new species. Taxonomy 2024, 4: 805–849.
Smith-Vaniz WF, Klein JS, Ahnelt H. 2024. Hyperostosis in fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology 285: e21782.
Ahnelt H, Nocita A, Dul?i? J. 2024. Northernmost historical records of the Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Teleostei: Bramidae, Braminae) in the Mediterranean Sea and the variability of adult morphology. Cybium 48: 255–263.
Ahnelt H, Macek O., Robitzch V 2024. Schindleria nana, a new extremely progenetic gobiid fish species (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 73, 23112.
Odongo V, Asmus H, Ahnelt H, Boersma M, Rick J, Wiltshire KH, Horn S 2024, Seasonality of environmental parameters drives the variations of coastal fish community – A case study of the Sylt-Rømø Bight, southeastern North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 300, 108723.
Ahnelt H, Bradi?-Milinovi? K, Schwarzhans W 2024. Dapalis pauciserratus, a new species of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei, Ambassidae) from the lower Oligocene of the Central Paratethys. Cybium 48: 195–209.
Ahnelt H, Leister T, Kruckenhauser L, Duda M, Carosi A, Lorenzoni M 2023. Site-specific attachment
of Anodonta anatina (Bivalvia: Unionidae) glochidia on two new fish hosts translocated in Lake Trasimeno (Italy). Knowledge
Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 424, 9.
H, Macek O., Robitzch V 2023. A new species of Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea (Saudi Arabia)
with a specialized caudal-fin complex. Vertebrate Zoology, 73, 313–323.
A, Haryono H, Kurniawan K, Prakoso VA, Dahruddin H, Surbani IL, Jaya JYP, Sudarsono S, Rochman F, Muslimin B, Sukmono T, Rourke
ML, Ahnelt H, Funge-Smith S, Hubert N 2023. Rediscovery of the giant featherback Chitala lopis (Notopteridae) in its type
locality resolves decades of taxonomic confusion. Endangered Species Research, 52, 285–305.
M, Windhager S, Schaefer K, Ahnelt H 2023. Adaptability of bony armor elements of the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus
aculeatus (Teleostei: Gasterosteidae): Ecological and evolutionary insights from symmetry analyses. Symmetry 15: 811. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15040811
Wanzenböck, S, Fuxjäger L, Rieger E, Ahnelt H, Shama LNS 2022. Environment-dependent
reproductive success of stickleback lateral plate morphs: implications for population polymorphism and range shifts under
ocean warming? Frontiers in Marine Science, 9(759450).
A, Kruckenhauser L, Ahnelt H, Mikschi E 2022. The unexpected biodiversity of the genus Phoxinus (Leuciscidae) in Austria –
a perfect example of pros and cons of the DNA barcoding region COI for taxonomical use. Acta ZooBot Austria 158, 195–197.
H, Robitzch V, Abu El-Regal M 2022. A new species of toothless, short dorsal-fin Schindleria (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from
the Red Sea (Egypt). Vertebrate Zoology 72: 551–559.
V, Olivier D, Ahnelt H 2022. First insight into the swimming behavior of the paedomorphic fish Schindleria sp. (Gobiidae).
Ichthyological Research 70: 305–309. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-022-00886-x
Ahnelt H, Ramler D, Madesn MØ, Jensen LF, Windhager S 2021. Diversity and sexual dimorphism in
the head lateral line system in North Sea populations of threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (Teleostei: Gasterosteidae).
Zoomorphology 140: 103–117. Published online 30 12 2020.
H, Pleitner S, Schulz B 2021. First records of the oak bush-cricket Meconema thalassinum (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigoniidae)
on three German North Sea islands. Fragmenta Entomologica 53: 81–84.
C, Vuki? J, Ahnelt H, Buj I, Kova?i? M, Moro GA, Tutman P, Šanda R 2021. Quaternary climatic cycles promoted (re)colonization
and diversification events in Adriatic sand gobies. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1037–1052.
Robitzch V, Schröder M, Ahnelt H 2021. Morphometrics reveal inter- and intraspecific
sexual dimorphisms in two Hawaiian Schindleria, the long dorsal finned S. praematura and the short dorsal finned S. pietschmanni.
Zoologischer Anzeiger 292: 197–206.
H, Romanova T, Klinge A, Böhme W, Fritz U, Asztalos M 2021. The common grass snake (Natrix natrix) on Sylt: Human-mediated
colonization of a North Sea Island. Salamandra 57: 285–290.
H, Tougard C, Kova?i? M 2021. Designation of a lectotype for the Canestrini’s Goby, Gobius canestrinii Ninni, 1883 (Teleostei,
Gobiiformes, Gobiidae, Gobionellinae). Acta Adriatica 62, 45–48.
H, Sauberer M, Ramler D, Koch L, Pogoreutz C 2020. Negative allometric growth during ontogeny in the large pelagic filter-feeding
basking shark. Zoomorphology 139: 71–83. Published online 06 10 2019.
H, Wibowo A, Prianto E 2020. A new species of Pectenocypris (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from peat swamps in Sumatra. Vertebrate
Zoology 70: 1–8. Published online October 1, 2019.
A, Kruckenhauser L, Ahnelt H, Mikschi E 2020. European minnows through time: museum collections aid genetic evaluation of
species introductions in freshwater fishes (Cyprinidae: Phoxinus species complex). Heredity 124: 410–422. Published online
January 2, 2020.
Ahnelt H, Sauberer
M 2020. Deep-water, offshore, and new records of Schindler’s fishes, Schindleria (Teleostei, Gobiidae), from the Indo-Pacific
collected during the Dana-Expedition, 1928–1930. Zootaxa 4731: 451–470.
H 2020. A new species of Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Tahiti (French Polynesia) with a unique lower jaw dentition.
Vertebrate Zoology 70: 195–205. Published online 08 05 2020.
E, Alavi-Yeganeh MS, Sharifpour I, Ahnelt H 2020. Reproductive biology of the Caspian goby, Neogobius caspius (Eichwald, 1831)
in the southern Caspian Sea. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 19: 3345–3363.
Bradi?-Milinovi? K, Ahnelt H, Rundi? L, Schwarzhans W 2019. The lost freshwater
goby fish fauna (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the early Miocene of Klinci (Serbia). Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 138: 285–315.
H 2019. Redescription of the paedomorphic goby Schindleria nigropunctata Fricke & El-Regal 2017 (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
from the Red Sea. Zootaxa 4615: 450-456.
Bogudskaya N, Ahnelt
H 2019. New data on the western Balkan cyprinids Alburnoides and Alburnus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Leuciscinae) from the Vjosa
River (Albania). ZooKeys 870: 101–115.
https://doi.org/ 10.1111/jfb.14210
Atminarso D, Wibowo A, Kusuma WE, Prianto E, Ahnelt H, Vasemägi A, Kumazawa
Y 2018. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Pectenocypris sp. (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Serkap River, Sumatra,
Indonesia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3: 122-124. https://doi.org/10.1080/23802359.2018.1424585
H 2018. Imprecise naming: The anadromous and the sea spawning threespine stickleback should be discriminated by names. Biologia
73, 04 April 2018.
Pichler A, Ahnelt H, Kirchner
S, Sattmann H, Haring E, Handschuh S, Freyhof J, Victor R, Kruckenhauser L 2018. The morphological diversity of Garra barreimiae
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae): Evidence for cryptic species? Environmental Biology of Fishes 101: 1053-1065.
M, Iwamoto T, Ahnelt H 2018. Two new deep-water species of the genus Thorogobius (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the
upper continental slope of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Zootaxa 4429: 357-371.
H, Konecny R, Gabriel A, Bauer A, Pompei L, Lorenzoni M, Sattmann H 2018. First report of the parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea
(Copepoda: Lernaeidae) on gobioid fishes (Teleostei: Gobonellidae) in southern Europe. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic
Ecosystems 419, 34.
Ahnelt H, Sauberer M 2018.
A new species of Schindler fish (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Schindleria) from the Malaya Archipelago (Southeast Asia), with notes
on the caudal fin skeleton of Schindleria. Zootaxa 4531: 95–108.
L, Wanzenböck S, Ringler E, Wegner KM, Ahnelt H, Shama LNS 2019. Adaptive significance of transgenerational plasticity: mate
choice and reproductive success of oceanic stickleback under climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
B 374: 20180183. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2018.0183
W, Ahnelt H, Carnevale G, Japundzi? S, Bradi? K, Bratishko A. 2017. Otoliths in situ from Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) fishes
of the Paratethys. Part III: Tales from the cradle of the Ponto-Caspian gobies. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 136: 45-92.
D, Palanda?i? A, Delmastro GB, Wanzenböck J, Ahnelt H 2017. Morphological divergence of lake and stream Phoxinus of Northern
Italy and the Danube basin based on geometric morphometric analysis. Ecology and Evolution 7(2): 572-584.
A, Naseka A, Ramler D, Ahnelt H 2017. Contrasting morphology with molecular data: an approach to revision of species complexes
based on the example of European Phoxinus (Cyprinidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 17:184.
A, Naseka A, Ramler D, Ahnelt H 2017. Corrigendum to “Contrasting morphology with molecular data: an approach to revision
of species complexes based on the example of European Phoxinus (Cyprinidae)” by Palanda?i? et al. 2017. Biodiversity Data
Journal 5: e21772.
Ahnelt H, Keckeis H, Mwebaza-Ndawula
L 2016. Rapid phenotypic divergence in the small African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin 1904) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
in Lake Victoria, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, 54: 107-110.
Ahnelt H, Schade FM, Wegner
KM 2016. Ocean acidification leads to deformations of caudal vein angio-architecture in juvenile threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus
aculeatus Linnaeus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 8: 1001-1005 (published online March 2015).
D, Ahnelt H, Nemeschkal H L, Keckeis H 2016. The drift of early life stages of Percidae and Gobiidae (Pisces: Teleostei) in
a free-flowing section of the Austrian Danube. Hydrobiologia 781: 199–216. Published online: 07 June 2016. Open Access.
H 2016. A second record of Knipowitschia byblisia Ahnelt, 2011 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gobiidae) from southwest Anatolia,
Turkey. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8: 9195-9197.
Ahnelt H 2016. Translocations of tropical and
subtropical marine fish species into the Mediterranean. A case study based on Siganus virgatus (Teleostei: Siganidae). Biologia
71: 952-957.
Ahnelt H, Herdina N, Metscher
BD 2015. Unusual pharyngeal dentition in the African Chedrin fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae): significance for phylogeny and
character evolution. Zoologischer Anzeiger – A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 255: 85-102.
A, Ahnelt H, Kertamihardja ES 2016. Pectenocypris nigra, a new danionine species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Danioninae) from
Sumatra (Indonesia). Acta Biologica Turcica 29(4): 137-142.
C, Ahnelt H 2014 Gut morphology and relative gut length do not reliably reflect trophic level in gobiids: a comparison of
four species from a tropical Indo-Pacific seagrass bed. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30: 408–410. [Published online August
Pockberger M, Kellnreitner F, Ahnelt H, Asmus R, Asmus H 2014. An abundant small sized fish
as keystone species? The effect of Pomatoschistus microps on food webs and its trophic role in two intertidal benthic communities:
a modelling approach. Journal of Sea Research 86: 86-96. Published online 26. November 2013.
D, Mitteroecker P, Shama LNS, Wegner KM, Ahnelt H 2014. Non-linear effects of temperature on body form and on developmental
canalization in the threespine stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 497-507.
C, Vitecek S, Ahnelt H 2014. First record of Satyrichthys laticeps and second record of Satyrichthys kikingeri (Teleostei:
Peristediidae) from the Maldives Archipelago (Indian Ocean). Marien Biology Records 7 (e61).
D, Keckeis H, Ahnelt H 2014. Genus identification of larval and juvenile stages of Austrian percids (Percidae) and gobiids
(Gobiidae). Österreichs Fischerei 67: 299-307.
C, Vitecek S, Ahnelt H 2013 A new species of Satyrichthys (Teleostei: Peristediidae) from the Maldives Archipelago (Indian
Ocean). Zootaxa 3694, 153-160.
C, Kneer D, Litayy M, Asmus H, Ahnelt H 2012 The influence of canopy structure and tidal level on fish assemblages in tropical
Southeast Asian seagrass meadows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences 107, 58-68.
Ott A, Löffler
J, Ahnelt H, Keckeis H 2012 Early development of the postcranial skeleton of the pike perch Sander lucioperca (Teleostei:
Percidae) relating to developmental stages and growth. Journal of Morphology 273, 894-908.
Ahnelt H, Löffler J, Balma GAC, Delmastro GB 2011 On the occurrence of the
rare deep-water gobiid Gobius gasteveni Miller, 1974 in the western Mediterranean (Italy). Journal of Applied Ichthyology
27, 1128-1130.
Ahnelt H 2011 Two new sympatric Knipowitschia species (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from
an eastern Mediterranean coastal lake – examples of different dispersal patterns? Zootaxa 3114, 22-30.
Habteselassie R, Mikschi E, Ahnelt H, Waidbacher H 2010 Garra chebera, a new
species of cyprinid fish (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from an isolated basin in Ethiopia. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums
in Wien 111B, 43-53.
Liu HTH, Ahnelt
H, Balma GAC, Delmastro GB 2009 First record of the rare gobiid fish Gobius couchi in the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean).
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e135, 1-2.
Keckeis H, Ahnelt H, Ladich F, Metscher B 2009 Forschungsbereiche
aus Biologie, Ökologie und Systematik von Fischen an der Universität Wien. In: Wanzenböck S, Wanzenböck J, Mikschi E, Jagsch
A (Hsg.), 150 Jahre Fischforschung in Österreich. Österreichs Fischerei 62, 303-306.
Liu HTH, Ahnelt
H, Balma GAC, Delmastro GB 2009 First record of Gobius roulei (Gobiidae) in the Ligurian Sea. Cybium 33, 253-254.
Löffler J, Ott A, Ahnelt H, Keckeis H 2008 Early development of the skull
of Sander lucioperca (Teleostei: Percidae) relating to growth and mortality. Journal of Fish Biology 72, 233-258.
D, Asmus H, Ahnelt H, Vonk JA 2008 Records of Austrolethops wardi (Teleostei: Gobiidae) as an inhabitant of burrows of the
thalassinid shrimp Neaxius acanthus in tropical seagrass beds of the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of
Fish Biology 72, 1095-1099.
Ahnelt H, Mikschi E 2008 The type of Gobius semilunaris (Teleostei:
Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109B, 67-72.
Kleinlercher G, Muerth P,
Pohl H, Ahnelt H 2008 Welche Stichlingsart kommt in Österreich vor, Gasterosteus aculeatus oder Gasterosteus gymnurus? Österreichs
Fischerei 61, 158-161.
Liu HTH, Kneer D, Asmus H, Ahnelt H 2008 The feeding habits of Austrolethops
wardi, a gobiid fish inhabiting burrows of the thalassinid shrimp Neaxius acanthus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79,
Sauberer M, Ahnelt H 2008 First record of the rare deep-water gobiid Thorogobius rofeni
(Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Southeast Atlantic. Cybium 32, 277-278
Dulcic J, Tutman P, Glamuzina
B, Skaramuca B, Ahnelt H 2008 Endemic gobies of the Hutovo Blato wetland (Neretva River basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) threats
and their conservation status. Skaramuca B. & J. Dul?i? (eds.). Dubrovnik: The University of Dubrovnik and the East West
Institute 2008, 61-66.
Ahnelt H 2008 Bestimmungsschlüssel für die in Österreich vorkommenden Fische.
Scattolin G, Ahnelt H, Sauberer M 2007 The free neuromast pattern on the caudal
fin of pelagic Gobiidae. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 108B, 7-12.
Kindermann G, Miljkovic N, Ahnelt H, Stevenson DE 2007 The osteology of Eucyclogobius newberryi and Quietula guaymasiae (Teleostei: Gobiidae), two closely related Gobionellines from the east Pacific. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 108B, 13-56.
Kindermann G, Miljkovic N, Ahnelt H, Stevenson DE 2007 The osteology of Eucyclogobius newberryi and Quietula guaymasiae (Teleostei: Gobiidae), two closely related Gobionellines from the east Pacific. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 108B, 13-56.
J J, Ahnelt H 2007 How many specimens of the crested oarfish, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 (Pisces: Lophotidae) were caught
in the Adriatic Sea? Acta Adriatica 48, 39-43.
Ahnelt H, Coad BW, Abdoli A, Zirkohy HP 2007 Gobiid
fishes of the genera Chasar, Mesogobius and Neogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Iran (South Caspian Basin). Zoology in the
Middle East 41, 55-62.
Dul?i? J, Ahnelt H,
Pallaoro A 2006 About a record of Salaria basilisca (Pisces, Blenniidae) in the Adriatic Sea, in 1874. Journal of the Marine
Biological Assciation 2 – Biodiversity Records. Published online.
Ahnelt H, Pohl H, Miljkovi? N,
Hilgers H 2006 Phenotypic diversity in the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus 1758 (Teleostei: Gasterosteidae)
in western Austria – the four-spined form. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 107B, 25-38.
J, Ahnelt H 2006 On the validity of the record of the Bermuda sea chub Kyphosus sectator (Teleostei, Kyphosidae) from the
Adriatic Sea. Periodicum biologorum 108, 231-233.
Ahnelt H, Muerth P, Lunardon A 2006 Erster Nachweis
einer vierten Lateralplattenform des Dreistachligen Stichlings Gasterosteus aculeatus (Teleostei, Gasterosteidae) in Österreich.
Österreichs Fischerei 59, 156-159.
Ahnelt H, Bauer E, Mwebaza-Ndawula L, Löffler J 2006 Rastrineobola
argentea (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), a small African rasborine with four rows of pharyngeal teeth. Folia Zoologica 55, 309-314.
Ahnelt H 2005 Designation of a neotype for Gobius liechtensteini Kolombatovic,
1891 (Teleostei, Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 106B, 35-39.
Ahnelt H,
Scattolin G 2005 The pattern of the mechanosensory lateral line on the caudal fin of the two deep water gobiid fishes Deltentosteus
collonianus and Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Natural History 39, 4127-4135.
U.S. Fish and Wildlfie Service 2005 Recovery plan for the Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi). U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon. vi + 199 pp.
H, Duchkowitsch M 2004 The postcranial skeleton of Proterorhinus marmoratus with remarks on the relationship of the genus
Proterorhinus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Natural History 38, 913-924. Published online March 2003.
H, Dorda J 2004 Gobioid fishes from the North eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean: new records and rarely found species.
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 105B, 5-19.
Ahnelt H, Mikschi E 2004 Zwei Goldsteinbeißerarten
(Teleostei, Cobitidae, Sabanejewia) in Österreich? Österreichs Fischerei 57, 94-96.
Ahnelt H, Bohacek
V 2004 The lateral line system of two sympatric eastern Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Lythrypnus (Teleostei: Gobiidae).
Bulletin of Marine Science 74, 31-51.
Ahnelt H, Göschl J 2004 The pattern of the lateral line system
on the caudal fin of Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Teleostei: Ododntobutidae), with comments on the arrangement of the
lateral line system on the caudal fin of Gobioidei. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 55, 358-372.
H, Göschl J, Dawson MN, Jacobs DK 2004 Geographic variation in the lateral line canals of Eucyclogobius newberryi (Teleostei,
Gobiidae) and its comparison with molecular phylogeography. Folia Zoologica 53, 385-389.
Ahnelt H, Scattolin G 2003 The lateral line system of a blind goby, Typhlogobius
californiensis, Steindachner 1879 (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 104B, 11-25.
H 2003 The postcranial skeleton of the benthophiline gobiids Anatirostrum and Benthophilus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Folia Zoologica
52, 213-221.
Ahnelt H, Göschl J 2003 Morphological differences between eastern Pacific gobiid fishes
Quietula guaymasiae and Quietula y-cauda (Teleostei: Gobiidae) with emphasis on the topography of the lateral line system.
Cybium 27, 185-197.
Weissenbacher A, Sattmann
H, Christ M, Scattolin G, Ahnelt H 2002 Auf der Spur der blinden Höhlenfische. Aquaristik Fachmagazin 164, 66-72.
Ahnelt H, Duchkowitsch M 2001 The lateral line system of two Ponto-Caspian
gobiid species (Gobiidae, Teleostei): a comparison. Folia Zoologica 50, 217-230.
Ahnelt H 2001 Two Mediterranean
gobiid fishes with an unusual cephalic lateral line canal system. Cybium 25, 261-269.
Ahnelt H, Duchkowitsch
M, Scattolin G, Zweimüller I, Weissenbacher A 2001 Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) (Teleostei: Gobiidae), die Nackthals-Grundel
in Österreich. Österreichs Fischerei 54, 262-266.
H, Abdoli A, Naderi M, Coad BW 2000 Anatirostrum profundorum: a rare deep-water gobiid species from the Caspian Sea. Cybium
24, 139-159.
Scsepka S, Ahnelt H 1999 Wiederbeschreibung
von Gammogobius steinitzi Bath 1971 sowie ein Erstnachweis von Corcyrogobius liechtensteini (Kolombatovic 1891) für Frankreich
(Pisces, Gobiidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 79, 71-81.
Herler J, Patzner RA, Ahnelt H, Hilgers
H 1999 Habitat selection and ecology of two speleophilic gobiid fishes (Pisces: Gobiidae) from the western Mediterranean Sea.
P.S.Z.N. Marine Ecology 20, 49-62.
Scsepka S, Ahnelt H, Herler J, Hilgers H 1999 Morphology of
two rare Mediterranean Gobiid fishes (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Cybium 23, 169-187.
Herler J, Ahnelt
H, Scepka S 1999 Morphologische Untersuchungen an zwei höhlenbewohnenden Meergrundeln (Pisces: Gobiidae) des westlichen Mittelmeeres.
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 101B, 489-507.
H, Banarescu P, Spolwind R, Harka A, Waidbacher H 1998 Occurrence and distribution of three gobiid species (Pisces, Gobiidae)
in the middle and upper Danube region - examples of different dispersal patterns? Biologia 53, 661-674.
H, Pohl H, Hilgers H, Splechtna H 1998 The threespine stickleback in Austria (Gasterosteus aculeatus L., Pisces: Gasterosteidae)
– morphological variations. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 100B, 395-404.
Ahnelt H, Kovacic M 1997 A northern Adriatic population of Thorogobius macrolepis
(Teleostei: Gobiidae). Cybium 21, 149-162.
Ahnelt H, Herler J, Scsepka S, Patzner RA 1998 First
records of two rare Mediterranean Gobiidae in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. Cybium 22, 183-186.
Bianco PG, Ahnelt H, Economidis PS 1996 The freshwater fishes from eastern,
and large Mediterranean islands with comments on their safety status. Acta Universitas Carolinae, Biologica 40, 45-60.
H, Holcik J 1996 Distribution pattern of two species of the genus Neogobius (Pisces: Gobiidae) in the catchment area of the
South Caspian Sea. Acta Universitas Carolinae, Biologica 40, 99-114.
Ahnelt H, Patzner RA 1996
Kryptobenthische Meergrundeln von den Balearen (westliches Mittelemeer) mit Anmerkungen zum Unterartstatus von Chromogobius
zebratus levanticus Miller, 1971 (Pisces: Teleostei, Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 98B, 529-544.
Ahnelt H, Gelnar M, Konecny R, Walzl M 1995 Ein für Österreich neuer Fischparasit
der Gattung Gyrodactylus (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae). Österreichs Fischerei 48, 13-17.
Ahnelt H,
Tiefenbach O 1995 Verbreitungsmuster zweier Steinbeißerarten (Cobitis aurata, Cobitis taenia) im Einzugsgebiet der Mur (Österreich).
Fischökologie 7, 11-24.
Ahnelt H, Patzner RA 1995 A new species of Didogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
from the Western Mediterranean. Cybium 19, 95-102.
Ahnelt H, Bianco PG, Schwammer H 1995 Systematics
and zoogeography of Knipowitschia caucasica (Teleostei: Gobiidae) based on new records from the Aegean Anatolian area. Ichthyological
Explorations of Freshwaters 6, 49-60.
Ahnelt H, Konecny R, Tiefenbach O 1995 Kam mit dem Goldsteinbeißer
(Cobitis aurata; Teleostei: Cobitidae) ein bisher unbekannter Fischparasit nach Österreich? Österreichs Fischerei 48, 154-160.
H 1995 Two new species of Knipowitschia ILJIN, 1927 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from western Anatolia (Turkey). Mitteilungen des
Hamburger zoologischen Museums und Instituts 92, 155-167.
H, Amann E 1994 Gasterosteus aculeatus (Pisces, Gasterosteidae) – eine Lanze brechen für den Dreistachligen Stichling? Österreichs
Fischerei 47, 19-23.
Ahnelt H, Paepke H-J, Amann E 1994 “Vierstachlige“ Stichlinge aus dem Rheintal
in Vorarlberg (Gasterosteus aculeatus: Pisces, Gasterosteidae). Österreichs Fischerei 47, 125-132.
H, Miller PJ, Patzner RA 1994 Systematics and distribution of two rare Mediterranean gobies, Corcyrogobius liechtensteini
and Odondebuenia balearica (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Cybium 18, 169-176.
Ahnelt H, Keckeis H 1994
Breeding tubercles and spawning behavior in Chondrostoma nasus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae): a correlation? Ichthyological Explorations
of Freshwaters 5, 312-330.
Ahnelt H, Patzner
RA 1992 Über ein Vorkommen des Neunstachligen Stichlings (Pungitius pungitius, Teleostei: Gasterosteidae) in Österreich. Österreichs
Fischerei 45, 48-50.
Adamicka P, Ahnelt H 1992 Two jaw articulations in Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia,
Coelacanthidae). Zoologische Jahrbücher Anatomie 122, 107-112.
H, Tiefenbach O 1991 Zum Auftreten des Blaubandbärblings (Pseudorasbora parva) (Teleostei: Gobioninae) in den Flüssen Raab
und Lafnitz. Österreichs Fischerei 44, 19-26.
Ahnelt H 1991 A new species of Knipowitschia (Teleostei:
Gobiidae) from Corfu, Western Greece. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 2, 265-272.
H, Elvira B 1991 Eine Kollektion von Meeres- Und Süßwasserfischen der Österreichischen Adria-Tiefsee-Expedition 1894. Annalen
des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 92B, 1-13.
Ahnelt H 1991 Some rare fishes from the western
Mediterranean Sea. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 92B, 49-58.
Ahnelt H, Bianco PG 1990 Orsinigobius milleri n. sp., a new species of freshwater goby from W-Greece
(Pisces, Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 91B, 1-6.
Ahnelt H 1990 Chromogobius
quadrivittatus, Chromogobius zebratus und Zebrus zebrus (Pisces, Gobiidae): Erstnachweise für Korsika (Frankreich) und Sardinien
(Italien). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 91B, 27-41.
Ahnelt H 1989 Die Marmorierte Grundel (Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas), Pisces, Gobiidae) -
ein postglazialer Einwanderer. Österreichs Fischerei 42, 11-14.
Ahnelt H 1989 Zum Vorkommen des
asiatischen Gründlings Pseudorasbora parva (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Ost-Österreich. Österreichs Fischerei 42, 164-168.
Ahnelt H 1988 Die von Dr. Rainer Hacker 1982 an zwei Riffen in Sri Lanka gesammelten
Fische. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 90B: 27-30.
Ahnelt H 1988 Zum Vorkommen der
marmorierten Grundel (Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pallas), Pisces: Gobiidae) in Österreich. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums
in Wien 90B, 31-42.
Ahnelt H 1986 Ergänzende
Beschreibungen von Scartelaos tenuis (Day, 1878) (Pisces, Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 87B, 1-4
H 1986 Zum Vorkommen des Dreistachligen Stichlings (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Pisces: Gasterosteidae) im österreichischen Donauraum.
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 88/89 B, 309-314.
H 1984 Zur Kenntnis von Gobius bucchichi Steindachner, 1870 und Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889 (Pisces, Gobiidae). Annalen des
Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 86B, 1-5.
Ahnelt H 1984 Dr. Rainer Hacker, 12. 9. 1942 bis 7.
7. 1983. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 86B, 287-290.
Ahnelt H 1983 Erstnachweis von Scorpaena maderensis Val., 1833 (Pisces, Scorpaenidae) für Kreta
und Rhodos (Griechenland) mit Angaben zum bisher einzigen Fund dieser Art aus der Adria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums
in Wien 85B, 9-11.
Adamicka P, Ahnelt H 1976
Beiträge zur funktionellen Analyse und zur Morphologie des Kopfes von Latimeria chalumnae Smith. Annalen des Naturhistorischen
Museums in Wien 80, 251-271.
1. zoology
project researcher
Berg Hans-Martin
Bibl Alexander
collection manager
Bogutskaya Nina
Chai Min
Project Researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Engelmaier Gernot
associate scientist
Ernst Karin
Scientific employee
Franzke Jennifer
associate scientist
Friedrich Rok
Project researcher
Gassner Georg
collection manager
Gerlach Lilli
Grillitsch Heinz
associate scientist
Grunstra Nicole D. S.
affiliated scientist
Haring Melina
Hengl Marietta
project researcher
Herzig Barbara
Hofbauer Eduard
Illek Robert
head taxidermist
Kamschal Denise
technical assistant
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist,
Laboratory manager
Kornilev Yurii
project researcher "BMK Amphibien
und Reptilien Österreichs"
Langnitschke Tim
scientific assistant
Leeb Christoph
project researcher „C321083 Biodiversitätsfonds“
head of department
Palandačić Anja
Manager, Staff Scientist
Pollmann Christian
Project researcher
Reier Susanne
Project Researcher
Reithofer Matthias
Renner Swen
curator, senior
Riedel Bettina
staff scientist & curator collection NHM-4ART
Rubin Iris
model and diorama builder
Saliari Konstantina
curator, staff scientist
Schedl Benjamin
project researcher Harrison Collection
Schiller Katharina
research assistant
Schweiger Silke
staff scientist
Shandikov Gennadiy
project researcher
Sonnleitner Ria
project researcher "Gefährliche Fauna " (ÖBH)"
Sontag Walter, A.
associate scientist
Stefke Katharina
Sumasgutner Petra
associate scientist
van den Elzen Renate
associate scientist
Viehauser Christof
scientific assistant
Wallner Nathalie
Administrative management, taxidermist
Witthoff Ronja
Wolf Paul
Project researcher
Wöss Günther
scientific assistant
Zachos Frank Emmanuel
curator, staff scientist