Susanne Randolf
Curation of the Neuropterida-Orthopteroidea-Insecta varia Collection

- Effects of miniaturization on the head morphology of tiny Neuroptera
- Comparative morphology of the mouthparts in adaptation to different food sources in Neuroptera.
- Ultrastructure of the compound eye of Coniopteryx pygmaea (together with Dr. Stefan Fischer, University of Tübingen)
- Head morphology as a tool to clarify the phylogeny of Neuropterida.
- History and conception of the NHM as an institution for the communication of natural history knowledge.
- 2001 Graduation in Zoology at the University of Vienna
- May 1996 Part-time technician at the NHM
- Apr 2003 employment at the NHM
- Jan 2007 Curator of the Neuropterida-Orthopteroidea-Insecta varia Collection
Lödl, M. &
Randolf, S. 1999: Die Identität von Maxia decora (SAALMÜLLER, 1891) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae).- Quadrifina
2: 187-194.
Randolf, S. & Lödl, M. 2001: Zur äußeren Morphologie der Tympanalregion bei ausgewählten Unterfamilien
der Noctuidae (Lepidoptera).- Quadrifina 4: 131-201.
Stagl V. & Randolf S. 2007: Stauder, Hermann (1877 - 1937)
Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950: 13 (59): 119-120.
Randolf S. & Stagl V. 2008: Zum 200. Geburtstag
Georg von Frauenfelds - das wissenschaftliche Werk. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 109B: 5-13.
S. & Stagl V. 2009: Prächtig sind die Weiber! Bio- und Bibliographie des Schmetterlingkundlers Hermann Stauder (1877-1937).
Entomologica Austriaca 16: 213-251. [PDF]
Randolf S. 2009: „Die Leute treiben die Revolution gemüthlich aber gründlich“. Die Errichtung des k. k. Naturhistorischen
Hofmuseums vor dem Hintergrund der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie. In: Lötsch et al. (eds) Darwins Palast, Edition Lammerhuber:
Beutel R. G., Zimmermann D., Krauß M., Randolf S. and Wipfler B. (2010): Head morphology of Osmylus
fulvicephalus (Osmylidae, Neuroptera) and its phylogenetic implications. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 10(4): 311-329.
Zimmermann D., Randolf S., Metscher B., & Aspöck U. (2011): The Function And Phylogenetic Implications Of The Tentorium In Adult Neuroptera (Insecta). Arthropod Structure & Development 40: 571-582.
Zimmermann D., Randolf S., Metscher B., & Aspöck U. (2011): Phylogenetische und funktionelle Bedeutung des Tentoriums der Neuroptera (Insecta). Entomologica Austriaca 18: 159-160.
Zimmermann D., Randolf S., Metscher B., & Aspöck U. (2011): Phylogenetic and functional importance of the tentorium in Neuroptera (Insecta). Programme and Abstracts Biosystematics, p. 399; ISBN:978-3-92180068-3.
S., Zimmermann D. & Aspöck U. (2013): Head anatomy of adult Sisyra terminalis (Insecta: Neuroptera: Sisyridae)
- functional adaptations and phylogenetic implications. Arthropod Structure and Development 42: 565-582. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asd.2013.07.004
Randolf S. & Zimmermann D. (2014): Book review: Insect morphology and phylogeny. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
61 (1): 85. http://dez.pensoft.net/articles.php?id=1131
S., Zimmermann D. & Aspöck U. (2014): Head anatomy of adult Nevrorthus apatelios and basal splitting events in
Neuroptera (Insecta: Neuroptera: Nevrorthidae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 72(2): 111–136.
S. (2014): Otto Bohatsch (1843 – 1912). Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950. http://www.biographien.ac.at/oebl/oebl_B/Bohatsch_Ottokar-Zdenko_1843_1912.xml
Aspöck, U. & Randolf, S. (2014): Beaded lacewings – a pictorial identification key to the genera, their biogeographics
and a phylogentic analysis (Insecta: Neuroptera: Berothidae). – Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 61(2): 155-172. doi:10.3897/dez.61.8850.
Randolf S., Zimmermann D. & Aspöck U. (2017): Head anatomy of adult Coniopteryx pygmaea Enderlein, 1906:
Effects of miniaturization and the systematic position of Coniopterygidae (Insecta: Neuroptera). Arthropod Structure &
Development 46: 304-322.
Randolf S., Zimmermann D. (2019): Small, but oh my! Head morphology of adult Aleuropteryx
spp. and effects of miniaturization (Insecta: Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae). Arthropod Structure & Development 50:
Zimmermann D., Randolf S., Aspöck U. (2019): From chewing to sucking via phylogeny – from sucking to chewing
via ontogeny: Mouthparts of Neuroptera. In: Krenn, H. (Ed.) Insect Mouthparts – Form, Function, Development and Performance.
Zoological Monographs Vol. 5, Springer International Publishing: pp. 361–385. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29654-4.
D., Randolf S., Mauss V. (2021): Morphological adaptations to silk production by adult females in the pollen wasp genus Quartinia
(Masarinae, Vespidae) - a keystone character for ground nesting in dry sand habitats. Arthropod Structure & Development
62: 101045. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1467803921000190
Randolf, S. & Zimmermann, D. (2021): Die Wiener Weiberwerkstätte am Naturhistorischen
Museum in Wien*. – AÖE News 3: 111–113.
Randolf S., Zimmermann D., Aspöck, U.
(2018) Small, but oh my! Effects of miniaturization on the head anatomy in Coniopterygidae. 13th International Symposium on
Neuropterology, Laufen.
Aspöck U. & Randolf S. 2008: The Berothidae of Madagascar. 10th International Symposium
on Neuropterology, Piran.
Aspöck U. & Randolf S. 2009: Entwurf zu Bestimmungsschlüsseln der Berothidae (Neuroptera:
Neuropterida). 10. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Neuropteren“ auf dem Schwanberg bei Iphofen.
Zimmermann D., Randolf S., Aspöck U., Metscher B. (2009): The
tentorium in Neuropterans (Insecta) - an evolutionary approach.
Aspöck, U. & Randolf, S. (2011): An
ENIGMA for the enigmatic Berothidae (Neuroptera: Neuropterida) at the generic level exemplified for the Australian region.
– Poster: XI International Symposium on Neuropterology, Ponta Delgada, Portugal (XI International Symposium on Neuropterology,
Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 13-15 June 2011. Abstracts)
Randolf, S., Zimmermann, D. & Aspöck, U. (2011):
Nevrorthus apatelios – a Neuropteran of the old style?
– Poster: 5th Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny, 23.-25.9.2011, Senckenberg, World of Biodiversity, Dresden, Germany
Randolf, S., Zimmermann, D. & Aspöck, U. (2013): O
Sister, Where Art Thou? – 6th Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny, September 27-29, 2013, Dresden
S. & Zimmermann, D. (2019): Crossing the
borders of orders: head anatomy of Coniopteryx pygmaea (Insecta: Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) and convergent miniaturization
effects in insects. - 8th annual meeting of NOBIS Austria - Crossing Borders, 28.-29. November 2014, Zoologische
Staatssammlung München
Randolf, S. & Zimmermann, D. (2020): Two
subfamilies, two strategies - unexpected differences in the effects of miniaturization in Coniopterygidae (Neuroptera: Insecta).
- 21. Jahrestagung der GfBS, 12.-15. Februar 2020, Centrum für Naturkunde, Hamburg