Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
- PD Dr. Johannes Feichtinger, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Coordinator of the research cluster Cultures of Knowledge
- Dr. Sandra Knapp, Natural History Museum London, Researcher for Life Sciences, Algae, Fungi and Plants Division
- Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier, Vizerektor für Digitalisierung und Wissenstransfer an der Universität Wien
- Prof. Dr. Martina Merz, Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt | Wien Graz, Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT), University of Helsinki
- Dr. Pavel Stoev, Professor of Zoology, Director of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia, COO at Pensoft Publishers
- Dr. Sonia Zakrzewski BA, Archaeology and Anthropology University of Cambridge
Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Southampton
- Dr. Jutta Zipfel, Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katrin Schäfer
Bindeglied zwischen Wissenschaftlichem Beirat und Kuratorium