Priv.-Doz. Dr.
Uwe Kolitsch

Direktor der Mineralogisch-Petrographischen Abteilung, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der Mineralien- und Lagerstättensammlungen
  • Administration und Koordination der Aufgaben der Abteilung
  • Kurator der Mineralien- und Lagerstättensammlung
  • Mineralogische Forschung (speziell Sekundärmineralien, neue Mineralien, Kristallographie und Lagerstätten)
  • Bestimmung von Mineralien, Erzen und synthetischen kristallinen Verbindungen
  • Geländearbeit
  • Spezialführungen durch die Mineralienschausammlung
  • Populärwissenschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Vorträge
  • Aktualisierung der Schausammlungen
  • Aktualisierung und Erweiterung der Webseite der Abteilung
  • Mitwirkung an der Konzeption von Dauerausstellungen
  • Strahlenschutzbeauftragter der Abteilung
  • Sicherheitsbeauftragter der Abteilung
Uwe Kolitschs ORCID Eintrag:
Telefon: +43 1 52177-274

Laufende Projekte:

  • Bearbeitung von Mineralvorkommen und Erzlagerstätten in Österreich, insbesondere Vorarlberg und Niederösterreich (z.B. Loja, Pauliberg, ...) und metamorphe Manganvorkommen in ganz Österreich
  • Mineralogie der Greisenlagerstätte Les Montmins und Le Mazet, Massif Central, Frankreich
  • Beschreibung und Kristallographie diverser neuer Mineralien
  • Kristallchemie von Turmalinen aus Österreich und Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von "Schörl" (in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Andreas Ertl, Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Universität Wien)
  • Kristallchemie und Topologie von seltenen Oxysalz-Mineralien (Dauerprojekt)
  • Sekundärmineralien in Verhüttungsschlacken (insbes. Österreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Zypern) (Dauerprojekt)
  • Mineralogie der Grube Clara im Schwarzwald, Deutschland (Dauerprojekt)
  • Mineralogie des berühmten Bergbaureviers Lavrion (Dauerprojekt, Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Branko Rieck)
  • Mineralogie der Alkaliphonolithsteinbrüche von Aris, Namibia (Dauerprojekt)
  • Mineralogie von Myanmar (Dauerprojekt)
  • UMWELt - Understanding contaminants associated with mine wastes of the Lojane As-Sb-Cr and the Alsar As-Sb-Tl-Au deposits, FYR Macedonia” (Kollaboration bei FWF-Projekt von Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tamara Ðorđević, Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Universität Wien)
  • „Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter“ im Projekt „Mineraliendokumentation im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern im Bereich der Ankogel- und der Sonnblickgruppe in Kärnten“


Ehemalige Projekte (Auswahl):

  • "Crystallography and crystal chemistry of novel microporous and small-pore mixed-framework silicates containing trivalent cations" (3-jähriges, vom FWF finanziertes Forschungsprojekt am Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie der Universität Wien , 1/2005-1/2008)      ["The project investigates mixed-framework silicates containing the following trivalent, in general octahedrally coordinated cations: Sc3+, V3+, Cr3+, Fe3+, In3+, Y3+ and Yb3+. This new class of microporous M3+-silicates has been hardly investigated so far, although they are already known to show considerably promising physico-chemical properties comparable to those of widely applied "standard" microporous materials such as alumosilicate zeolites and mixed-framework titanosilicates."]
  • "Kristallographie und Kristallchemie von Mineralien und synthetischen Verbindungen mit dem Kröhnkit-Strukturtyp" (in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Michel Fleck, Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Universität Wien)
  • "Mineralogy of selected Australian mineral deposits" (in Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren australischen Museen und Universitäten (A. Pring, J. Brugger, P. Elliott, B. Birch, S. Mills, P. Williams, P. Leverett), der Universität Bochum (H.-J. Bernhardt) u.a.)
  • "Microporous minerals as structural matrices of materials with technologically important properties" (in Zusammenarbeit mit der Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moskau (D. Pushcharovsky, N. Zubkova, I. Pekov) und dem Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie der Universität Wien (E. Tillmanns)

  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dipl.-Min. Uwe Kolitsch
  • Born: January 7th, 1966
  • In: Hohengehren, Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Nationality: German

Higher Education

  • 10/1986 - 07/1992    Study of mineralogy at the University of Stuttgart
  • 12/1995    Ph.D. Thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research, Institute for Materials Science, Powder Metallurgical Laboratory (PML) in Stuttgart-Büsnau. [Title: High-temperature calorimetry and phase analysis in REE2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 systems]

Professional Experience

  • 1/1996 - 4/1997     Research Scientist at Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research, Institute for Materials Science, Powder Metallurgical Laboratory (PML), Stuttgart-Büsnau, Germany
  • 4/1997 - 6/1997     Scientist at Materials Science International GmbH, Stuttgart (affiliated with Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research
  • 08/1997 - 03/1999     Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (Bonn, Germany), at the Dept. of Mineralogy, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australia (invited by Dr. Allan Pring)
  • 06/1999 – 10/2001     Postdoc at the Institute for Mineralogy and Crystallography, Geocentre, University of Vienna, Austria; Project title: "Characterisation of phases and phase equilibria in the systems RE2O3-TiO2-SiO2 (RE = rare-earth element)"
  • 11/2001 – 01/2005     Postdoc at the Institute for Mineralogy and Crystallography, Geocentre, University of Vienna, Austria; Project title: "Characterisation of phases and phase equilibria in the system Sc2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2"
  • 1/2005 – 12/2006       Postdoc at the Institute for Mineralogy and Crystallography, Geocentre, University of Vienna, Austria; Project title: "Crystallography and crystal chemistry of novel microporous and small-pore mixed-framework silicates containing trivalent cations"
  • 6/2005                        Habilitation in mineralogy at the University of Vienna; title: „Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Synthese, Kristallographie und Kristallchemie von oxidischen Seltenerden-Verbindungen im System SEE2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2-MoO3 (SEE = Nd, Gd, Y, Sc)“ [„Selected contributions to the synthesis, crystallography and crystal chemistry of oxidic rare earth compounds in the system REE2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2-MoO3 (REE = Nd, Gd, Y, Sc)“]
  • since 1/2007              Curator of the mineral and ore deposit collections, Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Natural History Museum, Vienna
  • since 11/2018            Interim Head of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Natural History Museum, Vienna
  • since 4/2020             Head of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Natural History Museum, Vienna

Teaching Experience

  • 1996-1997: Practical courses for students: Thermoanalytical methods; X-ray powder diffraction methods and software, at Max-Planck-Institute and University of Stuttgart
  • 1996-present: Teaching and supervising Diploma, Ph.D. students and guest scientists (German and foreign)
  • 2001-present: Lectures given at the University of Vienna: "Mineralogical aspects in materials science", "Environmental mineralogy", "Special issues in applied and technical mineralogy", "Non-oxide ceramics", "Oxide ceramics", "Applied mineralogy: Zeolites", "Instructions for scientific work and publishing for beginners and advanced students"

Honours and Awards

Professional Affiliations

I. Publikationen in den Materialwissenschaften und der Festkörperchemie




U. Kolitsch (1995): Hochtemperaturkalorimetrie und Phasenanalytik in SE2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-Systemen [High-Temperature Calorimetry and Phase Analysis in SE2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 Systems]. Doktorarbeit, Universität Stuttgart.




U. Kolitsch (2005): Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Synthese, Kristallographie und Kristallchemie von oxidischen Seltenerden-Verbindungen im System SEE2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2-MoO3 (SEE = Nd, Gd, Y, Sc) [Selected contributions to the synthesis, crystallography and crystal chemistry of oxidic rare earth compounds in the system REE2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2-MoO3 (REE = Nd, Gd, Y, Sc)]. Habilitation, Universität Wien.


Materialwissenschaftliche Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Büchern


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert and F. Aldinger (1995): The identity of "monoclinic La2O3" and "monoclinic Pr2O3" with La9.33(SiO4)6O2 and Pr9.33(SiO4)6O2, respectively. J. Solid State Chem. 120, 38-43.


J. Gröbner, U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, S. Gomes Fries, H. L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1996): Re-assessment of the Y-O binary system. Z. Metallk. 87 (2), 88-91.


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert and F. Aldinger (1997): Phase relationships in the system Gd2O3-Al2O3-SiO2. J. Alloys and Compounds 257, 104-114.


U. Kolitsch, V. A. Ijevskii, H. J. Seifert, I. Wiedmann and F. Aldinger (1997): Formation and general characterization of a previously unknown ytterbium silicate (A-type Yb2SiO5). J. Mater. Sci. 32, 6135-6139.


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert and F. Aldinger (1998): Phase relationships in the systems RE2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (RE = rare earth element, Y, and Sc). J. Phase Equilibria 19, 426-433.


V. A. Ijevskii, U. Kolitsch, I. Wiedmann, H. J. Seifert and F. Aldinger (1998): Aluminum-containing ytterbium nitrogen woehlerite phases. Synthesis, structure, and some properties. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 18, 543-555.


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, T. Ludwig and F. Aldinger (1999): Phase equilibria and crystal chemistry in the Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 system. J. Mater. Res. 14, 447-455.


U. Kolitsch (2001): The crystal structures of phenacite-type Li2(MoO4), and scheelite-type LiY(MoO4)2 and LiNd(MoO4)2. Z. Kristallogr. 216, 449-454.


U. Kolitsch (2001): Copper(II) selenate pentahydrate, CuSeO4·5H2O. Acta Crystallogr. E57, i104-i105.


U. Kolitsch (2002): Magnesium selenate hexahydrate, MgSeO4·6H2O. Acta Crystallogr. E58, i3-i5.


M. Fleck, U. Kolitsch and B. Hertweck (2002): Natural and synthetic compounds with kröhnkite-type chains: review and classification. Z. Kristallogr. 217, 435-443.


M. Fleck, U. Kolitsch, B. Hertweck, G. Giester, M. Wildner, A. Wohlschläger and M. Prem (2002): Crystal structures of the double salt dihydrates K2Cd(SeO4)2·2H2O, K2Mn(SO4)2·2H2O, (NH4)2Cu(SeO4)2·2H2O and KFeH(SO4)2·2H2O. Z. Kristallogr. 217, 242-248


M. Fleck and U. Kolitsch (2002): Crystal structures of the Tutton's salts rubidium hexaaquanickel(II) selenate, Rb2[Ni(H2O)6](SeO4)2, and rubidium hexaaquacopper(II) selenate, Rb2[Cu(H2O)6](SeO4)2. Z. Kristallogr. - New Cryst. Struct. 217, 15-16.


M. Weil and U. Kolitsch (2002): Hg3Se3O10, a mercury(II) compound with mixed-valence oxoselenium(IV/VI) anions. Acta Crystallogr. C58, i47-i49.


M. Mrak, U. Kolitsch, V. Kaucic and E. Tillmanns (2002): (NH4)(Zn,Ga)2(PO4)2, an open-framework structure. Acta Crystallogr. E58, i44-i48.


U. Kolitsch (2002): K4(CrO4)(NO3)2, the first chromate(VI)-nitrate. Acta Crystallogr. E58, i88-i90.


U. Kolitsch (2002): Redetermination of potassium chlorochromate, KCrO3Cl. Acta Crystallogr. E58, i105-i107.


M. Fleck and U. Kolitsch (2002): Crystal structure of ammonium hexaaquacobalt(II) selenate, (NH4)2[Co(H2O)6](SeO4)2, and hexaaquazinc selenate, (NH4)2[Zn(H2O)6](SeO4)2, hydrogen bonds in two ammonium selenate Tutton's salts. Z. Kristallogr. - New Cryst. Struct. 217, 471-473.


M. Fleck and U. Kolitsch (2003): Natural and synthetic compounds with kröhnkite-type chains: an update. Z. Kristallogr. 218, 553-567.


U. Kolitsch, M. Maczka and J. Hanuza (2003): NaAl(MoO4)2, a rare structure type among layered yavapaiite-related AM(XO4)2 compounds. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i10-i13.


M. Mrak, U. Kolitsch, C. Lengauer, V. Kaucic and E. Tillmanns (2003): Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic properties of two new ethylenediamine-templated gallophosphate-oxalate layered materials. Inorg. Chem. 42, 598-604.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): Sc2TiO5, an entropy-stabilized pseudobrookite-type compound. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i36-i39.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): Bi3ScMo2O12: the difference from Bi3FeMo2O12. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i43-i46.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): Li3Sc(MoO4)3: substitutional disorder on three (Li,Sc) sites. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i55-i58.


U. Kolitsch (2003): Two bismuth oxalate hydrates and revision of their chemical formulae. Acta Crystallogr. C59, m501-m504.


U. Kolitsch (2003): Crystal structure of Rb2Cr2O7, a fourth polymorph. Z. Kristallogr. - New Cryst. Struct. 218, 401-402.


U. Kolitsch (2003): a-Cs2Cr3O10. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i164-i166.


U. Kolitsch (2004): (NH4)4Cd(HSeO3)2(SeO4)2: a new structure type with kröhnkite-like chains. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i3-i6.


U. Kolitsch (2004): Cs2Cr4O13: a new structure type among alkali tetrachromates. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i17-i19.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2004): The structural relation between the new synthetic silicate K2ScFSi4O10 and narsarsukite, Na2(Ti,Fe3+)(O,F)Si4O10. Eur. J. Mineral. 16, 143-149.


U. Kolitsch (2004): RbCr(C2O4)2·2H2O, Cs2Mg(C2O4)2·4H2O and Rb2Cu(C2O4)2·2H2O: three new complex oxalate hydrates. Acta Crystallogr. C60, m129-m133.


T. Mihajlovic, U. Kolitsch and H. Effenberger (2004): BaMgAs2O7 and BaCoAs2O7 - synthesis, crystal structures and twinning of two new barium diarsenates. J. Alloys Compd. 379, 103-109.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2004): Cs2CoII(C2O4)2·4H2O. Acta Crystallogr. E60, m659-m661.


U. Kolitsch and K. Schwendtner (2004): A new chromate of tetravalent cerium: CeIV2(CrO4)4·2H2O. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i89-i90.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2004): Synthesis and crystal structure of a new microporous silicate with a mixed octahedral-tetrahedral framework: Cs3ScSi8O19. Mineral. Mag. 68, 677-686.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2004): Alkali scandium arsenates. I. The framework structures of KSc(HAsO4)2 and RbScAs2O7. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i79-i83.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2004): Alkali scandium arsenates. II. The framework structures of a- and b-CsSc(HAsO4)2. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i84-i88.


U. Kolitsch and P. Bartu (2004): Mg7(AsO4)2(HAsO4)4: a new magnesium arsenate with a very strong hydrogen bond. Acta Crystallogr. C60, i94-i96.


U. Kolitsch (2004): Crystal structure of (NH4)ScAs2O7, the second KAlP2O7-type diarsenate. Z. Kristallogr. - New Cryst. Struct. 219, 207-208.


U. Kolitsch and K. Schwendtner (2004): Crystal structure of ScAsO4·H2O, the first MnMoO4·H2O-type arsenate. Z. Kristallogr. - New Cryst. Struct. 219, 347-348.


P. Drevenšek, T. Zupancic, B. Pihlar, R. Jerala, U. Kolitsch, A. Plaper and I. Turel (2005): Mixed-valence Cu(II)/Cu(I) complex of quinolone ciprofloxacin isolated by a hydrothermal reaction in the presence of L-histidine: comparison of biological activities of various copper-ciprofloxacin compounds. J. Inorg. Biochem. 99, 432-442.


U. Kolitsch and M. Fleck (2005): Second update on compounds with kröhnkite-type chains. Z. Kristallgr. 220, 31-41. PDF


S. Ferdov, U. Kolitsch, O. Petrov, V. Kostov-Kytin, C. Lengauer and E. Tillmanns (2005): Synthesis and crystal structure of a new microporous zirconosilicate, MCV-2. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 81, 79-86.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2005): CsGa(H1.5AsO4)2(H2AsO4) and isotypic CsCr(H1.5AsO4)2(H2AsO4): decorated kröhnkite-like chains in two unusual hydrogen arsenates. Acta Crystallogr. C61, i90-i93.


U. Kolitsch and K. Schwendtner (2005): Octahedral-tetrahedral framework structures of InAsO4·H2O and PbIn(AsO4)(AsO3OH). Acta Crystallogr. C61, i86-i89.


E. J. Baran, K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2006): Vibrational spectra of three new diarsenates containing scandium(III). J. Raman Spectr. 37, 1335-1340.


U. Kolitsch (2006): Pentaaquahydroxoscandium(III) dibromide, [Sc(H2O)5(OH)]Br2. Acta Crystallogr. E62, i22-i23.


D. A. Ksenofontov, N. V. Zubkova, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky, L. N. Dem'yanets, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns and A. K. Ivanov-Schitz (2006): Synthesis and crystal structure of Li3.17(P0.69Ge0.24Mo0.07)O4. Crystallogr. Reports 51, 391-394.


U. Kolitsch (2006): NaIn(CrO4)2·2H2O, the first In(III) member of the kröhnkite family. Acta Crystallogr. C62, i35-i37.


E. J. Baran, K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2006): Vibrational spectra of ScAsO4·H2O. J. Raman Spectr. 37, 1453-1455.


U. Kolitsch, M. Wierzbicka and E. Tillmanns (2006): BaY2Si3O10, a new flux-grown trisilicate. Acta Crystallogr. C62, i97-i99.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2007): CsAl(H2AsO4)2(HAsO4): a new monoclinic protonated arsenate with decorated kröhnkite-like chains. Acta Crystallogr. C63, i17-i20.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2007): Octahedral As in M+ arsenates - architecture and seven new members. Acta Crystallogr. B63, 205-215.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2007): Two new structure types: KFe3(AsO4)2(HAsO4)2 and K(H2O)M3+(H1.5AsO4)2(H2AsO4) (M3+ = Fe, Ga, In) - synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopy. Eur. J. Mineral. 19, 399-409.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2007): Gittinsite-type M1+-M3+-diarsenates (M1+ = Li, Na; M3+ = Al, Sc, Ga): insights into an unexpected isotypy and crystal chemistry of diarsenates. Mineral. Mag. 71, 249-263.


S. Ferdov, U. Kolitsch, C. L. Lengauer, E. Tillmanns, Z. Lin and Sá Ferreira, R. A. (2007): Refinement of the layered titanosilicate AM-1 from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Acta Crystallogr. E63, i186.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2008): Novel synthetic alkali-yttrium silicates with a new microporous mixed framework topology: (Rb,Cs)9Y7Si24O63 and isotypic Rb9Y7Si24O63. Crystal Research and Technology 43, 1210-1219.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2008): Flux syntheses and crystal structures of new compounds with decorated kröhnkite-like chains. Acta Chim. Slov. 55, 909-917.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2009): Crystal chemistry and topology of Rb-MIII-molybdates (M = Fe, Sc, In) and triclinic Rb2Mo4O13: novel building blocks, decorated chains and layers. Z. Kristallogr. 224, 151-162.


U. Kolitsch, M. Wierzbicka and E. Tillmanns (2009): Crystal chemistry and topology of two flux-grown yttrium silicates, BaKYSi2O7 and Cs3YSi8O19. Can. Mineral. 47, 421-431.


L. Liu, S. Ferdov, C. Coelho, Y. Kong, L. Mafra, J. P. Li, J. X. Dong, U. Kolitsch, R. A. Sá Ferreira, J. Rocha and Z. Lin (2008): New crystalline layered zinc phosphate with 10-membered-ring channels perpendicular to layers. Inorg. Chem. 48, 4598-4600.


M. Weil, T. Djordjević, C. L. Lengauer and U. Kolitsch (2009): Investigations in the systems Sr-As-O-X (X = H, Cl): Preparation and crystal structure refinements of the anhydrous arsenates(V) Sr3(AsO4)2, Sr2As2O7, alpha- and beta-SrAs2O6, and of the apatite-type phases Sr5(AsO4)3OH and Sr5(AsO4)3Cl. Solid State Sciences 11, 2111-2117.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2010): Ba2Gd2Si4O13: a silicate with finite Si4O13 chains. Acta Crystallogr. C66, i29-i32.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2009): Synthesis and structural study of five new trisilicates, BaREE2Si3O10 (REE = Gd, Er, Yb, Sc) and SrY2Si3O10, including a review on the geometry of the Si3O10 unit. Eur. J. Mineral. 22, 245-258.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2010): The crystal structures of three new complex silicates of scandium. Can. Mineral. 48, 51-68.


S. J. Mills, U. Kolitsch, R. Miyawaki, F. Hatert, G. Poirier, A. R. Kampf, S. Matsubara & E. Tillmanns (2010): Pb3Fe3+2(PO4)4(H2O), a new octahedral-tetrahedral framework structure with double-strand chains. Eur. J. Mineral., 22, 595-604.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch, L. Nasdala and E. Tillmanns (2010): K2.9Rb0.1ErSi3O9: a novel, non-centrosymmetric chain silicate and its crystal structure. Mineral. Mag. 74, 979-990.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, D. M. Többens, U. Kolitsch, and E. Tillmanns (2013): Simultaneous presence of (Si3O10)8- and (Si2O7)6- groups in new synthetic mixed sorosilicates: BaY4(Si2O7)(Si3O10) and isotypic compounds, studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and DFT calculations. J. Solid State Chem. 207, 94-104.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek and U. Kolitsch (2013): BaYb6(Si2O7)2(Si3O10) - the first silicate containing both Si2O7 and Si3O10 groups: synthesis, crystal chemistry and topology. Eur. J. Mineral. 25, 509-517.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M. Göckeritz, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz and G. Giester (2015): Crystallographic and spectroscopic investigations on nine metal-rare-earth silicates with the apatite structure type. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 948-963.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M. Göckeritz, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz, G. Giester (2015): Two structure types based on the Si6O15 rings: synthesis and structural and spectroscopic characterisation of Cs1.86K1.14DySi6O15 and Cs1.6K1.4SmSi6O15. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 2426-2436.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz, G. Giester (2015): Structural and photoluminescence properties of doped and REE-endmember mixed-framework rare-earth sorosilicates. J. Lumin. 168, 207-217.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch, G. Panczer, G. Giester, C. Chanmuang and A. Grzechnik (2017): Crystal structures and photoluminescence properties of two novel sorosilicates with an unprecedented ratio of di- and trisilicate groups: Ba2Ho10(Si2O7)3(Si3O10)2 and isotypic Ba2Er10(Si2O7)3(Si3O10)2. J. Solid State Chem. 252, 33-42.

K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2017): New M1+, M3+-arsenates - the framework-structures of AgM3+(HAsO4)2 (M3+ = Al, Ga) and M1+GaAs2O7 (M1+ = Na, Ag). Acta Crystallogr. E73, 785-790.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, P. Krug and U. Kolitsch (2017): High-temperature flux growth as a tool for preparation of mixed-framework metal-Y silicates: a systematic evaluation of the influence of experimental parameters. Cryst. Growth Des. 17, 590-603.

K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2017): M3+(H2AsO4)(H2As2O7) (M3+ = Al, Ga) and In2(H2AsO4)2(H2As2O7)2 – a new layer structure type and a new framework structure type containing the rare H2As2O72- group. Acta Crystallogr. C73, 600-608.

K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2017): KInAs2O7, a new diarsenate with the TlInAs2O7 structure type. Acta Crystallogr. E73, 1294-1297.

K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2017): MIn(HAsO4)2 (M = K, Rb, Cs): three new hydrogenarsenates adopting two different structure types. Acta Crystallogr. E73, 1580-1586.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2018): RbFe(HAsO4)2 and TlFe(HAsO4)2, two new hydrogenarsenates adopting two closely related structure types. Acta Crystallogr. E74, 766-771.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2018): M+M3+2As(HAsO4)6 and α- and β-M+M3+(HAsO4)2 (M+M3+ = RbAl, CsFe) – six new compounds crystallizing in three closely related structure types. Acta Crystallogr. C74, 721-727.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2018): M+M3+2As(HAsO4)6 (M+M3+ = TlGa, CsGa, CsAl) - three new metal arsenates containing AsO6 octahedra. Acta Crystallogr. E74, 1163-1167.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2018): Two new RbGa-arsenates: RbGa(HAsO4)2 and RbGa2As(HAsO4)6. Acta Crystallogr. E74, 1244-1249.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2018): (NH4)Ga(HAsO4)2 and TlAl(HAsO4)2 - two new RbFe(HPO4)2-type M+M3+ arsenates. Acta Crystallogr. E74, 1504-1508.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2019): CsGa(HAsO4)2, the first Ga representative of the RbAl(HAsO4)2 structure type. Acta Crystallogr. E75, 346-349.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2019): Three new acid M+ arsenates and phosphates with multiply protonated As/PO4 groups. Acta Crystallogr. C75, 1134-1141.

M. Schroffenegger, F. Eder, M. Weil, B. Stöger, K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2020): News about thallium arsenates(V). J. Alloys Compd. 820, 153369.


Materialwissenschaftliche Beiträge auf Konferenzen etc.
(Vorträge und Poster, und publizierte Abstracts)


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, M. J. Hoffmann and F. Aldinger (1993): Konstitution der Systeme von Seltenerd-Oxiden, Yttriumoxid und Scandiumoxid mit SiO2, Al2O3 und MgO. [Constitution of the systems of rare earths, yttria, and scandia with SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO]. Oral Presentation, Annual Meeting of the DGM [German Society for Materials Science], Friedrichshafen, Germany, Juni 1-4, 1993 (in German).


U. Kolitsch, H.J. Seifert, H. L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1994): Heat capacity of rare earth oxides obtained with an extensively calibrated high-temperature calorimeter up to 1400°C. Poster at "Thermodynamics of Alloys", S. Margherita Ligure (Genova), Italy, April 25-28, 1994.


U. Kolitsch, H.J. Seifert, H. L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1994): Messungen der Wärmekapazität von Seltenen Erden mit dem Setaram Hochtemperatur-Kalorimeter [Measurements of the heat capacity of rare earths with the Setaram high-temperature calorimeter]. Invited Oral Presentation, Institut für Gesteinshüttenkunde, RWTH Aachen, Germany, July 1994. (in German)


J. Gröbner, U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, S. Gomes Fries, H. L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1994): Thermodynamische Optimierung des Systems Y-O [Thermodynamic optimization of the system Y-O]. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGM [German Society for Materials Science], Göttingen, May 24-27, 1994. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, H.-L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1995): Die Wärmekapazitäten von LaAlO3 und NdAlO3 zwischen 773 und 1673 K [The heat capacities of LaAlO3 and NdAlO3 between 773 and 1673 K]. Oral Presentation, 11th Ulmer Kalorimetrietage, Freiberg/Sachsen, March 29-31, 1995; abstract in Conference Abstracts. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, H.-L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1995): The heat capacities of yttrium silicates between 773 and 1673 K. Poster, Joint Annual Meeting of SFMC, DMG, and ÖMG [French, German, and Austrian Mineralog. Societies], Strasbourg, France, September 10-16, 1995; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 7, Beih. No. 1, 137.


U. Kolitsch, H. J. Seifert, H. L. Lukas and F. Aldinger (1996): Phasenbeziehungen im System Gd2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 [Phase relationships in the system Gd2O3-Al2O3-SiO2]. Oral Presentation, Annual Meeting of the DMG [German Mineralog. Society], Kiel, September 9-12, 1996 ; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 8, Beiheft No. 1, 154. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2000): Crystal growth and structure of a new yttrium titanate, Y5+xTi2+xO12, related to rutile. Poster, XIXth European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM 19), Nancy, August 25-31; abstract in Abstracts Book, 363.


U. Kolitsch (2001): Boron incorporation in rare-earth silicate apatites: a single-crystal X-ray study. Oral Presentation, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2001; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 146, 135-136.


M. Mrak, C. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, V. Kaucic and E. Tillmanns (2001): Synthesis and crystal structure of a novel layered microporous phosphate-oxalate (C2N2H10)2[Ga2(C2O4)2(HPO4)3]·H2O. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Potsdam, Germany, September 10-14; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 13, Beih. No. 1, 129.


M. Mrak, U. Kolitsch, C. Lengauer, V. Kaucic and E. Tillmanns (2001): Synthesis and crystal structure of a new layered hybrid gallophosphate containing oxalate groups. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2001; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 146, 204-205.


M. Fleck, U. Kolitsch, B. Hertweck and E. Tillmanns (2002): Review of compounds with kröhnkite-type chains. Oral Presentation, 11th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, June 27-30, 2002, Bohinj, Slowenia; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 46.


M. Mrak, U. Kolitsch, V. Kaucic and E. Tillmanns (2002): Crystal structure of a new zinc gallophosphate with an open-framework. Poster, XIX Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, August 6-15, 2002, Geneva, Switzerland; abstract in Acta Crystallogr. A58 (Suppl.), C344.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2002): Synthesis and crystal structure of Sc2TiO5, an entropy-stabilised pseudobrookite-type compound. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Hamburg, Germany, September 8-12; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 14, Beih. No. 1, 89.


M. Fleck, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): The kröhnkite chain as a structural motif. Poster, 11th Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Society for Crystallography], Berlin, Germany, March 10-13; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 20, 128. (in German)


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): Flux growth of compounds in the system Sc2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2. Oral Presentation, SCANDIUM 2003, An International Symposium on the Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Scandium, Oslo, Norway, August 16-22, 2003; abstract in NGF Abstracts and Proceedings No. 2 (G. Raade & T. V. Segalstad, eds.), pp. 22-23.


E. Tillmanns and U. Kolitsch (2003): Stabilisation of the pseudobrookite-type ceramic phase Al2TiO5 by incorporation of Sc: the solid solution series Sc2TiO5-Al2TiO5. Poster, XXIst Eur. Crystallogr. Meeting (ECM 21), Durban, South Africa, August 24-29, 2003; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 155.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): Cs3ScSi8O19, a new microporous silicate with eight-membered rings. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2003, Neukirchen, Austria, September 15-21, 2003; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 148, 196.


U. Kolitsch, M. Weil and E. Tillmanns (2003): Chemical transport reaction studies of the system Sc2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2: growth and structural studies of single crystals of mullite and other phases. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2003, Neukirchen, Austria, September 15-21, 2003; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 148, 197-198.


S. Ferdov, U. Kolitsch, O. Petrov, V. Kostov-Kytin, C. Lengauer and E. Tillmanns (2003): Synthesis and crystal structures of two new, microporous materials, MCV-1 and MCV-2. Poster, "Rohstoffe im Dienste der Gesellschaft", International Symposium of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften [Austrian Academy of Sciences], Kommission für Grundlagen der Mineralrohstoffforschung, November 7, 2003, Vienna, Austra.


U. Kolitsch, B. Viana, A. Kahn-Harari and E. Tillmanns (2004): Characterisation of the atomic arrangement of the laser material Sc2SiO5:Yb3+ using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data: isotypy with synthetic triplite, Mn2PO4F. Oral Presentation, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 19-22, 2004; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 16, Beih. No. 1, 73.


M. Weil and U. Kolitsch (2005): Crystal structures of the triclinic low-temperature modifications of Co2As2O7 and Ni2As2O7. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK, Köln, Germany, February 28 - March 4, 2005; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 22, 183.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2005): Flux growth and crystal structures of priderite-type alkali scandium titanates. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK, Köln, Germany, February 28 - March 4, 2005; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 22, 132.


E. Tillmanns, M. Wierzbicka and U. Kolitsch (2005): Rb5In(MoO4)4: crystal structure of a possible laser material. Poster, XX Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr, August 23-31, 2005, Florence, Italy; abstract in Book of Abstracts, C370 and in Acta Crystallogr. A61, 370.


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2005): Preparation of M1+-(M2+-)M3+-silicates (M1+ = Na, K, Rb, Cs; M2+ = Sr, Ba; M3+ = Sc, V, Cr, Fe, In, Y, Yb) by hydrothermal and flux growth methods: first results. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 123.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2005): Compounds in the system M1+M3+As2O7 (M1+ = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ag, Tl, NH4; M3+ = Al, Ga, In, Sc, Cr, Fe): novel representatives and an overview. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 109.


K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2005): Novel compounds in the system M1+M3+(HAsO4)2 (M1+ = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ag, Tl; M3+ = Al, Ga, In, Sc, Cr, Fe) - an overview. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 110.


U. Kolitsch, K. Schwendtner and A. Pring (2005): Crystal chemistry of the alunite supergroup: hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structures of the chromates KSc3(CrO4)2(OH)6, KIn3(CrO4)2(OH)6 and RbIn3(CrO4)2(OH)6. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 67.


U. Kolitsch, M. Wierzbicka, and E. Tillmanns (2006): An unusually narrow Si-O-Si angle in the new disilicate BaKYSi2O7. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Freiburg, Germany, April 3 - 6, 2006; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 24, 137.


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2006): Rb5Fe(MoO4)4 - a novel stucture type with isolated Fe2Mo8O32 clusters. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Freiburg, Germany, April 3 - 6, 2006; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 24, 176.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch und E. Tillmanns (2006): K(H3O)M3+(HAsO4)2(H2AsO4) (M3+=In, Ga, Fe) - three members of a novel structure type. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Freiburg, Germany, April 3 - 6, 2006; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 24, 119.


U. Kolitsch (2006): News from the silicate, arsenate and phosphate families: synthesis and crystal structures of BaKYSi2O7, SrAs2O6 and Li2(H2PO4)2. Invited talk, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, May 11, 2006.


U. Kolitsch, M. Wierzbicka and E. Tillmanns (2006): Monoclinic BaY2Si3O10 and triclinic SrY2Si3O10: flux-growth and atomic arrangements of two new silicates containing finite Si3O10 units. Oral presentation, 15th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting, Jezersko, Slovenia, June 15-18, 2006; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 22.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2006): Al(H2AsO4)(H2As2O7) - a novel strongly acidic structure type and the first structural characterization of a diprotonated diarsenate group. Poster, 19th General Meeting of IMA, Kobe, Japan, July 23-28, 2006; Programme with Abstracts, 90387.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2006): M1+3M3+2(HAs2O7)3·x(H3AsO4) (M1+, M3+ = NH4, Al / Rb, Al / Tl, Ga; x = 0.75 / 1) - a novel structure type with large channels hosting - M1+-cations and arsenic acid. Oral presentation, 15th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting, Jezersko, Slovenia, June 15-18, 2006; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 36.


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2006): BaKREESi2O7 (REE = Sc, Y, Yb): a new family of synthetic metal REE disilicates and their crystal chemistry. Poster, 8th EMU School "Technical Mineralogy: Silicate Based Materials", August 28 - September 1, 2006, Eötvös L. University, Budapest, Hungary; Programme and Abstracts, 26.


E. J. Baran, K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch (2006): Espectros vibracionales de nuevos diarseniatos conteniendo escandio(III). XXVI Congreso Argentino de Química, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina, September 13-15, 2006; book of abstracts, P2-003. (in Spanish)


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns (2007): Three new complex silicates of scandium: flux growth and topologies of Sr6KScSi4O16, BaNaScSi2O7 and BaRbScSi3O9. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Bremen, Germany, March 5-9, 2007; abstract in Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 25, 079-61-id51 (CD-ROM).


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): Flux growth and crystal structure determination of new M1+-M2+-M3+ di-, tri- and tetrasilicates (M1+ = Na, K; M2+ = Sr, Ba; M3+ = Sc, Y, Gd, Er, Yb). Poster, Fifth International Conference on Solid State Crystals (ICSSC-5) and Eighth Polish Conference on Crystal Growth (PCCG-8), Zakopane/Kościelisko, Poland, May 20-24, 2007; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 70-71.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): Octahedrally coordinated arsenic substituting for M3+ cations - M1+M3+(HAsO4)2 versus M1+M3+2As(HAsO4)6. Oral presentation, 16th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Petrčane, Croatia, June 13-17, 2007; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 36.


M. Wierzbicka, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): Flux synthesis and crystal structure of the new mixed silicates Na4Sr2M3+2(Si2O7)(SiO4)2 (M3+ = Y, In, Sc). Oral presentation, 16th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Petrčane, Croatia, June 13-17, 2007; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 37.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): The AsO6 polyhedron in arsenates, statistics and the novel compound Tl1+Tl3+As4O12. Poster, 17th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Cologne, Germany, August 19-24; abstract in Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, Special Supplement 15S, A911.


K. Schwendtner, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): Synthetic KFe3(AsO4)2(HAsO4)2 - a potential new mineral? Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2007, Meran, Italy, September 16-21, 2007; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 153, 103.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, E. Tillmanns and U. Kolitsch (2008): Flux growth and crystal structures of novel mixed sorosilicates: BaY4(Si2O7)(Si3O10) and isotypic SrREE4(Si2O7)(Si3O10) (REE = Yb, Sc). Poster, 16th Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Erlangen, Germany, March 3-6, 2008; CD-ROM with Abstracts, 2E-01.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2008): New mixed-framework silicates: (Rb,Cs)9Y7Si24O63 and isotypic Rb9Y7Si24O63: Syntheses and topology. Poster, 2nd Central-European Mineralogical Conference, Sudetes, Poland, September 11-14, 2008; Mineralogia - Special Papers, 32, 167.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2009): Flux growth and topologies of three new complex silicates of gadolinium. Poster, Joint MinPet 2009 and 4th MSCC, Budapest, Hungary, September 7-11; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 155, 176.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2010): A new acentric silicate: K2.9Rb0.1ErSi3O9. Poster, 20th General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2010), Budapest, Hungary, August 21-27; abstract Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Vol. 6, p. 726.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2011): A novel crystal structure type shown by a flux-grown tetragonal Ba-Y-silicate and its isotypic Ho-analogue. Poster, Joint Meeting of the DGK, DMG and ÖMG, Salzburg, Austria, September 20-24, 2011; abstract in Abstracts Volume, 100-101.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek and U. Kolitsch (2012): Synthesis, crystal chemistry and topology of BaYb6(Si2O7)2(Si3O10), the first silicate containing both (Si2O7)2and Si3O10 groups. EMC2012 - European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt, September 2-6, 2012; Vol. 1, EMC2012-88.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M. Göckeritz, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz, G. Giester (2014): (Cs,K)3DySi6O15: A novel framework structure type based on Si6O15 rings. 21st General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2014), Gauteng, South Africa, September 1-5; Abstract Volume, 321.


M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, M. Göckeritz, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz and G. Giester (2014): Crystal structures and photoluminescent properties of the disilicates K3Pr(Si2O7), K2.40Rb0.60Pr(Si2O7) and K2.84Rb0.16Sm(Si2O7). Poster, 92nd Annual Meeting of the DMG, Jena, Germany, September 21-24; abstract in Programme, 106.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch, C. Lenz and G. Giester (2015): Concentration self-quenching effect of Er3+ in mixed-framework barium rare-earth sorosilicates. Poster, ECMS 2015, Rome, Italy, September 9-11; abstract in Periodico di Mineralogia 84, 193-194.

M. Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2015): A novel ratio of sorosilicate groups in Ba2Ho10(Si2O7)3(Si3O10)2 and isotypic Ba2Er10(Si2O7)3(Si3O10)2. Poster, XXIII Conference on Applied Crystallography, September 20-24, Krynica Zdrój, Poland; abstract in Programme and abstracts, 153.




II. Mineralogische Publikationen


Mineralogische Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Büchern / Mineralogical Contributions in Journals and Books


U. Kolitsch, J. Gröbner and R. Bayerl (1995): Die Mineralien der Silber-Antimon-Vererzungen der Grube Clara im Zeitraum 1993 bis 1995 [Lead-antimony mineralizations of the Clara mine between 1993 and 1995]. Erzgräber 9 (2), 61-77. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1995): Phaunouxit, ein Neufund von der Grube Clara [Phaunouxite, a new find from the Clara mine]. Erzgräber 9 (2), 77-80. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1996): Bavenit aus dem Kalksilikatfels der Hohen Waid bei Schriesheim [Bavenite from the calc silicate rock of the Hohe Waid near Schriesheim]. Aufschluss 47 (2), 91-93. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1996): Cobaltit, Skutterudit und Alloklas von der Grube Clara bei Oberwolfach [Cobaltite, skutterudite, and alloclasite from the Clara mine at Oberwolfach]. Erzgräber 10 (1), 56-59. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1996): Bergslagit aus dem Rhyolithsteinbruch bei Sailauf im Spessart [Bergslagite from the rhyolite quarry near Sailauf, Spessart]. Mineralien-Welt 7 (5), 45-46. (in German)


U. Kolitsch and F. C. A. de Wit (1996): Die Mineralien vom Messerbach im Binntal [The minerals of the Messerbach locality in the Binn Valley]. Lapis 21 (9), 23-31; 58. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, T. Witzke and S. Weiß (1997): Die Mineralien von Sadisdorf, Sächsisches Erzgebirge [The minerals of Sadisdorf, Saxonian Erzgebirge]. Lapis 22 (2), 13-32; 54. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Neufunde von Mineralien aus einigen Vorkommen der Vogesen, Frankreich: Triembach, Bluttenberg und Val d'Ajol [New mineral occurrences from some localities in the Vosges, France: Triembach, Bluttenberg, and Val d'Ajol]. Aufschluss 48 (2), 65-91. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Neufunde von Mineralien aus einigen Vorkommen der Vogesen, Frankreich: Osenbach, Stahlberg und Stosswihr [New mineral occurrences from some localities in the Vosges, France: Osenbach, Stahlberg, and Stosswihr]. Aufschluss 48 (3), 183-192. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Neufunde von Mineralien aus einigen Vorkommen der Vogesen, Frankreich: Giromagny, Auxelles-Haut und Kruth 1 [New mineral occurrences from some localities in the Vosges, France: Giromagny, Auxelles-Haut, and Kruth 1]. Aufschluss 48 (4), 243-256. (in German)


K. Walenta, U. Kolitsch and T. Gulden (1997): Über Leadhillit und Susannit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Vorkommen im Schwarzwald [On leadhillite and susannite with special regard to occurrences in the Black Forest]. Aufschluss 48 (1), 59-64. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1996): Tacharanit vom Gaulsberg bei Ortenberg (Vogelsberg, Hessen) [Tacharanite from Gaulsberg near Ortenberg (Vogelsberg, Hesse)]. Mineralien-Welt 8 (2), 25-26. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Uranosphärit und weitere neue Mineralfunde von der Grube Clara im Schwarzwald [Uranosphaerite and other new mineral finds from the Clara mine in the Black Forest]. Mineralien-Welt 8 (3), 18-26. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Das Ca-Analogon von Petersit und einige weitere Neufunde aus dem sächsisch-böhmischen Erzgebirge und dem Vogtland [The Ca-analogue of petersite and other new finds from the Saxonian-Bohemian Erzgebirge and from the Vogtland]. Mineralien-Welt 8 (4), 17-20. (in German)


U. Kolitsch and R. Bayerl (1997): Mottramit und Vanadinit aus einer Mergelgrube bei Heilbronn/Baden-Württemberg [Mottramite and vanadinite from a marl pit near Heilbronn/Baden-Württemberg]. Aufschluss 48 (4), 227-235. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, H.-W. Graf and G. Blaß (1997): Untersuchungen über die Seltenerden-Carbonate Bastnäsit und Synchisit von der Grube Clara im Schwarzwald: Nachweis von Bastnäsit-(Ce), Bastnäsit-(Nd), Bastnäsit-(La) und Synchisit-(Ce) [Investigations on the rare earth carbonates bastnaesite and synchysite from the Clara mine, Black Forest: Occurrence of bastnaesite-(Ce), bastnaesite-(Nd), bastnaesite-(La), and synchysite-(Ce)]. Aufschluss 48, 367-379. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1997): Ianthinit und weitere Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald [Ianthinite and further new finds from the Clara mine in Middle Black Forest]. Erzgräber 11 (2), 76-88. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1998): Röntgenographische Untersuchungen an Uranosphärit von der Grube Clara im Schwarzwald [X-ray investigations of uranosphaerite from the Clara mine in the Black Forest]. Aufschluss 49, 172-176. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1998): Neue Mineralfunde vom Wannigletscher im Binntal, Schweiz [New mineral finds from the Wanni Glacier area, Binn Valley, Switzerland]. Mineralien-Welt 9 (3), 45-53. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (1998): Bernalite from the Clara mine, Germany, and the incorporation of tungsten in minerals containing ferric iron. Can. Mineral. 36, 1211-1216. PDF


U. Kolitsch (1999): Arsenobismite discredited. N. Jb. Mineral. Mh. 1999, 322-336.


U. Kolitsch, P. G. Slade, E. R. T. Tiekink and A. Pring (1999): The structure of antimonian dussertite and the role of antimony in oxysalt minerals. Mineral. Mag. 63, 17-26. PDF


U. Kolitsch (1999): Ein neues, Vanadium, Chrom und Wolfram enthaltendes Mineral aus einer Rankachit-Paragenese von der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald [A new, vanadium-, chromium- and tungsten-containing mineral from a rankachite paragenesis in the Clara mine, Central Black Forest]. Aufschluss 50, 23-32. (in German)


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (1999): Mineralien- und Literaturliste der Grube Clara bei Oberwolfach [Mineral and literature list of the Clara mine near Oberwolfach]. Erzgräber 13 (1), 1-13. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, E. R.. Tiekink, P. G. Slade, M. R. Taylor and A. Pring (1999): Hinsdalite and plumbogummite, their atomic arrangements and disordered lead sites. Eur. J. Mineral. 11, 513-520.


A. Pring, U. Kolitsch, W. D. Birch, B. D. Beyer, P. Elliott, P. Ayyappan and A. Ramanan (1999): Bariosincosite, a new hydrated barium vanadium phosphate, from the Spring Creek Mine, South Australia. Mineral. Mag. 63, 735-741.


U. Kolitsch and P. Elliott (1999): Mineralogy of the Mount Malvern mine near Clarendon, South Australia. Australian J. Mineral. 5, 3-17.


U. Kolitsch, M. R. Taylor, G. Fallon and A. Pring (1999): Springcreekite, BaV3+3(PO4)2(OH,H 2O)6, a new member of the crandallite group, from the Spring Creek mine, South Australia: the first natural V3+-member of the alunite family and its crystal structure. N. Jb. Mineral. Mh. 1999, 529-544.


B. Birch, A. Pring, and U. Kolitsch (1999): Bleasdaleite, a new mineral from Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia. Australian J. Mineral. 5, 69-75.


U. Kolitsch, A. Pring and P. Elliott (1999): An update on the mineralogy of the Spring Creek mine, South Australia, including the new species springcreekite, bariosincosite and johntomaite. Australian J. Mineral. 5, 55-62.


T. Witzke, M. Steins, T. Doering and U. Kolitsch (2000): Gottlobite, CaMg(VO4,AsO4)(OH), a new mineral from Friedrichroda, Thuringia, Germany. N. Jb. Mineral. Mh. 2000, 444-454.


U. Kolitsch, A. Pring and E. R. T. Tiekink (2000): Johntomaite, a new member of the bjarebyite group of barium phosphates: description and structure refinement. Mineral. Petrol. 70, 1-14.


A. Pring, U. Kolitsch and G. Francis (2000): Additions to the mineralogy of the Iron Monarch deposit, Middleback Ranges, South Australia. Australian J. Mineral. 6, 9-23.


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2000): The crystal structure of namibite, Cu(BiO)2VO4(OH), and revision of its symmetry. Am. Mineral. 85, 1298-1301. PDF


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2000): The crystal structure of faustite and its copper analogue, turquoise. Mineral. Mag. 64, 905-913. PDF


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2000): Elyite, Pb4Cu(SO4)O2(OH)4·H2O: crystal structure and new data. Am. Mineral. 85, 1816-1821. PDF


U. Kolitsch and M. Götzinger (2000): Einige Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald: Eulytin, Namibit, Volborthit, Gearksutit, Spertiniit, Monazit-(La), Protasit, Sainfeldit, Cyanotrichit und Vauquelinit [Some new finds from the Clara mine, middle Black Forest: eulytite, namibite, volborthite, gearksutite, spertiniite, monazite-(La), protasite, sainfeldite, cyanotrichite and vauquelinite]. Erzgräber 14, 33-47. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2000): Eine durch Betoneinwirkung entstandene Paragenese von Blei-Verbindungen aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald [An assemblage of lead compounds originated due to the influence of concrete from the Clara mine in Middle Black Forest]. Erzgräber 14, 48-53. (in German)


B. Birch, U. Kolitsch, T. Witzke, L. Nasdala and R. Bottrill (2001): Petterdite, the Cr-analogue of dundasite: a new mineral from Dundas, Tasmania, Australia and Callenberg, Saxony, Germany. Can. Mineral. 38, 1467-1476. PDF


U. Kolitsch (2001): The crystal structure of trimounsite-(Y), (Y,REE)2Ti2SiO9. Eur. J. Mineral. 13, 761-768.


U. Kolitsch and A. Pring (2001): The crandallite, beudantite and alunite groups: a review and evaluation of the suitability as storage materials for toxic metals. J. Mineral. Petrol. Sci. 96, 67-78. (PDF available on request)


T. Witzke, S. Zhen, K. Seff, T. Doering, L. Nasdala and U. Kolitsch (2001): Ronneburgite, K2MnV4O12, a new mineral from Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany: Description and crystal structure. Am. Mineral. 86, 1081-1086. Abstract (PDF)


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2001): Revision of the crystal structure of ulrichite, CaCu2+(UO2)(PO4)2·4H2O. Mineral. Mag. 65, 717-724. PDF


U. Kolitsch (2001): Redetermination of the mixed-valence manganese arsenate flinkite, MnII2MnIII(OH)4(AsO4). Acta Crystallogr. E57, i115-i118.


U. Kolitsch (2001): Refinement of pyrobelonite, PbMnIIVO4(OH), a member of the descloizite group. Acta Crystallogr. E57, i119-i121.


D. E. Hibbs, U. Kolitsch, P. Leverett, J. L. Sharpe and P. A. Williams (2002): Hoganite and paceite, two new acetate minerals from the Potosi mine, Broken Hill, Australia. Mineral. Mag. 66, 459-464.


U. Kolitsch, M. Andrut and G. Giester (2002): The crystal structure and infrared spectra of satterlyite. Eur. J. Mineral. 14, 127-133.


G. Blaß, H. W. Graf and U. Kolitsch (2002): Neue Funde und Minerale aus der Vulkaneifel [New finds and minerals from the Eifel volcanic region]. Mineralien-Welt 13 (1), 52-58. (in German)


K. Wallwork, U. Kolitsch, A. Pring and L. Nasdala (2002): Decrespignyite-(Y), a new copper yttrium rare earth carbonate chloride hydrate from Paratoo, South Australia. Mineral. Mag. 66, 181-188. PDF


U. Kolitsch and D. Holtstam (2002): Barysilite from Garpenberg Norra, Dalarna, Sweden: occurrence and crystal structure refinement. Mineral. Mag. 66, 353-363. PDF


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2002): Neufunde von Laurion aus den Jahren 2001 und 2002 [New finds from Laurion from the years 2001 and 2002]. Aufschluss 53, 363-371. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2002): Sewardit von der Mina Ojuela, Mexiko: Ein zweiter Fundort [Sewardite from the Mina Ojuela, Mexico: a second occurrence]. Lapis 27 (12), 43. (in German)


J. Brugger, S. Krivovichev, U. Kolitsch, M. Andrut, N. Meisser, S. Ansermet and P. Burns (2002): Description and crystal structure of manganlotharmeyerite, Ca(Mn3+,□,Mg)2{AsO4,[AsO2(OH)2]}2(OH,H2O)2, from the Starlera Mn-deposit, Swiss Alps, and a redefinition of lotharmeyerite. Can. Mineral. 40, 1597-1608. PDF


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): The crystal structure of anthropogenic Pb2(OH)3(NO3), and a review of Pb-(O,OH) clusters and lead nitrates. Mineral. Mag. 67, 79-93.


W. Krause, U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt and H. Effenberger (2003): Duhamelite discredited. N. Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh. 2003, 75-96.


K.-A. Hughes, P. C. Burns and U. Kolitsch (2003): Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of uranosphaerite, Bi(UO2)O2OH. Can. Mineral. 41, 677-685. PDF


G. Blaß, H. W. Graf and U. Kolitsch (2003): Zirkonolith (CaZrTi2O7) aus der Vukaneifel - Nachweis drei verschiedener Polytypoide [Zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) from the volcanic Eifel - Verification of three different polytypoids]. Mineralien-Welt 14 (3), 32-35. (in German)


F. Schreiber, K. H. Fabritz, U. Kolitsch and J. Gröbner (2003): Lavrion bleibt aktuell! Wunderschöne Cuprite und andere Sekundärmineralien aus einer neuen Fundstelle in Lavrion, Griechenland [Laurion stays interesting! Wonderful cuprites and other secondary minerals from a new occurrence in Laurion, Greece]. Lapis 28 (5), 25-31; 50. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2003): Mg-rich wolfeite, (FeII,Mg)2(PO4)(OH): structure refinement and Raman spectroscopic data. Acta Crystallogr. E59, i125-i128.


G. Blaß, H. W. Graf and U. Kolitsch (2003): Neue Funde aus der Vulkaneifel - Rückblick auf die Sammelsaison 2002 [New finds from the volcanic Eifel - review of the collecting season 2002]. Mineralien-Welt 14 (5), 18-28. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2003): The crystal structure of wycheproofite, NaAlZr(PO4)2(OH)2·H2O. Eur. J. Mineral. 15, 1029-1034.


W. Krause, H.-J. Bernhardt, H. Effenberger, U. Kolitsch and C. Lengauer (2003): Redefinition of arhbarite, Cu2Mg(AsO4)(OH)3. Mineral. Mag. 67, 1099-1107. PDF


A. Pring, W. Aird and U. Kolitsch (2003): Perite and russellite from South Australia. Austral. J. Mineral. 9, 87-90.


U. Kolitsch, D. Holtstam and K. Gatedal (2004): Crystal chemistry of REEXO4 (X = P, As, V). I. Paragenesis and crystal structure of phosphatian gasparite-(Ce) from the Kesebol Mn-Fe-Cu deposit, Västra Götaland, Sweden. Eur. J. Mineral. 16, 111-116.


U. Kolitsch and D. Holtstam (2004): Crystal chemistry of REEXO4 (X = P, As, V). II. Review of REEXO4 compounds and their stability fields. Eur. J. Mineral. 16, 117-126. Abstract


U. Kolitsch (2004): The crystal structures of kidwellite and 'laubmannite', two complex fibrous iron phosphates. Mineral. Mag. 68, 147-165. Abstract


T. Mihajlović, C. L. Lengauer, T. Ntaflos, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2004): Two new minerals rondorfite, Ca8Mg[SiO4]4Cl2, and almarudite, K(ٱ,Na)2(Mn,Fe,Mg)2(Be,Al)3[Si12O30], and a study of iron-rich wadalite, Ca12[(Al8Si4Fe2)O32]Cl6, from the Bellerberg (Bellberg) volcano, Eifel, Germany. N. Jahrb. Mineral. Abh. 179, 265-294.


U. Kolitsch, G. Blaß, H.-W. Graf and J. Gröbner (2004): Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald [New finds from the Clara mine, Central Black Forest]. Lapis 29 (2), 18-23; 50. (in German)


G. Raade, N. V. Chukanov, U. Kolitsch, S. Möckel, A. E. Zadov and I. V. Pekov (2004): Gjerdingenite-Mn from Norway - a new mineral species in the labuntsovite group: descriptive data and crystal structure. Eur. J. Mineral. 16, 979-987.


G. Blaß, H.-W. Graf, U. Kolitsch and D. Sebold (2004): Neue Funde aus der Vulkaneifel - die Sammelsaison 2003 [New finds from the volcanic Eifel - the collecting season 2003]. Mineralien-Welt 15 (3), 58-69. (in German)


H. Hensel and U. Kolitsch (2005): Neue Mineralfunde von pfälzischen Quecksilberlagerstätten (Teil 3): Poyarkovit von Mörsfeld [New mineral finds from Palatine mercury deposits (Part 3): Poyarkovite from Mörsfeld]. Aufschluss 56, 141-146. (in German)


A. A. Barresi, U. Kolitsch, M. E. Ciriotti, P. Ambrino, R. Bracco and E. Bonacina (2005): La miniera di manganese di Varenche (Aosta, Italia nord-occidentale): ardennite, arseniopleite, manganberzeliite, pirofanite, sarkinite, sursassite, thortveitite, nuovo As-analogo della metavariscite e altre specie minerali. Micro 2005, no. 2, 81-122. (in Italian)


D. Holtstam, U. Kolitsch and U. B. Andersson (2005): Västmanlandite-(Ce) - a new REE- and F-bearing sorosilicate mineral from Västmanland, Sweden: description, crystal structure, and close relation to gatelite-(Ce). Eur. J. Mineral. 17, 129-141.


R. Bracco, F. Castellaro and U. Kolitsch (2005): Levyna-Ca e altre zeoliti da Costa Sopramare (Levanto, La Spezia, Liguria). Micro 2005, no. 2, 55-64. (in Italian)


A. Pring, U. Kolitsch and W. D. Birch (2005): Description and unique crystal structure of waterhouseite, a new hydroxy manganese phosphate species from the Iron Monarch deposit, Middleback Ranges, South Australia. Can. Mineral. 43, 1401-1410.


G. Blass, H.-W. Graf, U. Kolitsch and D. Sebold (2005): Neufunde aus der Vulkaneifel [On new finds from the volcanic Eifel]. Mineralien-Welt 16 (6), 18-27. (in German)


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2005): Neufunde aus dem Bergrevier Schneeberg im Erzgebirge [New finds from the Schneeberg mining district, Erzgebirge]. Lapis 30 (7-8), 71-73; 81-82. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, J. Gröbner, G. Blaß, H.-W. Graf and A. Pring (2005): Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald (II): Dreyerit, Gasparit-(Ce), Klinobisvanit, Kobaltkoritnigit, Metatyuyamunit, Roscoelith, Sengierit, Vésigniéit und Wakefieldit [New finds from the Clara mine, Central Black Forest (II): Dreyerite, gasparite-(Ce), clinobisvanite, cobaltkoritnigite, metatyuyamunite, roscoelite, sengierite, vésigniéite and wakefieldite]. Lapis 30 (9), 35-39; 58. (in German)


J. Gröbner, U. Kolitsch, and R. Bayerl (2005): Interessante Uranmineralien im Stinkspat der Grube Clara [Interesting uranium minerals in the stinkspat of the Clara mine]. Lapis 30 (10), 34-39; 90. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt, C. L. Lengauer, G. Blaß and E. Tillmanns (2006): Allanpringite, Fe3(PO4)2(OH)3·5H2O, a new ferric iron phosphate from Germany, and its close relation to wavellite. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 793-801.


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2006): Neufunde aus dem Erzgebirge (II) [New finds from the Erzgebirge (II)]. Mineralien-Welt 17 (3), 22-27. (in German)


J. Filip, U. Kolitsch, M. Novák and O. Schneeweiss (2006): The crystal structure of near-end-member ferroaxinite from an iron-contaminated pegmatite at Malešov, Czech Republic. Can. Mineral. 44, 1159-1170.

M. E. Ciriotti, U. Kolitsch G. Blaß, F. Vanini, S. Varvello, S. Stramba and E. Bonacina, E. (2006): “Insoliti” minerali di Baveno: “ordinarie” allanite-(Ce) e aeschynite-(Y). Micro 2006, no. 1, 13-18. (in Italian)


C. Balestra, G. Armellino, U. Kolitsch and R. Bracco (2006): Talmessite di Gambatesa. Micro 2006, no. 1, 25-26. (in Italian)


A. Pring, K. Wallwork, J. Brugger and U. Kolitsch (2006): Paratooite-(La), a new lanthanum-dominant rare-earth copper carbonate from Paratoo, South Australia. Mineral. Mag. 70, 131-138.


P. A. Williams, P. Leverett, W. D. Birch, D. E. Hibbs, U. Kolitsch and T. Mihajlović (2006): Zinc-rich zincolibethenite from Broken Hill, New South Wales. Austral. J. Mineral. 12, 3-7.


A. Ertl, U. Kolitsch, S. Prowatke, M. D. Dyar and D. J. Henry (2006): The F-analogue of schorl from Grasstein, Trentino - South Tyrol, Italy: crystal structure and chemistry. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 583-588.


W. Krause, H.-J. Bernhardt, R. S. W. Braithwaite, U. Kolitsch and R. Pritchard (2006): Kapellasite, Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2, a new mineral from Lavrion, Greece. Mineral. Mag. 70, 329-340.


J. Gröbner, R. Bayerl and U. Kolitsch (2006): Weitere Beobachtungen zu den Uran- und Vanadium-Paragenesen der Grube Clara aus den Jahren 2002, 2004 und 2005 [Further observations on the uranium and vanadium parageneses of the Clara mine in the years 2002, 2004 and 2005]. Erzgräber 20, 1-10. (in German)


G. Raade, U. Kolitsch and T. A. Husdal (2006): Si-rich bergslagite from a granitic pegmatite at Tennvatn, north Norway. GFF 128, 65-68.


U. Kolitsch and M. Fleck (2006): Third update on compounds with kröhnkite-type chains: the crystal structure of wendwilsonite [Ca2Mg(AsO4)2·2H2O] and the new triclinic structure types of AgSc(CrO4)2·2H2O and M2Cu(Cr2O7)2·2H2O (M = Rb, Cs). Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 471-482. Abstract


T. Witzke, U. Kolitsch, W. Krause, A. Wiechowski, O. Medenbach, A. R. Kampf, I. M. Steele and G. Favreau (2006): Guanacoite, Cu2Mg2(Mg0.5Cu0.5)(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2, a new arsenate mineral species from the El Guanaco Mine, near Taltal, Chile: Description and crystal structure. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 813-821.


Niedermayr, G., Bernhard, F., Bojar, H.-P., Brandstätter, F., Fink, H., Gröbner, J., Hammer, V. M. F., Knobloch, G., Kolitsch, U., Leikauf, B., Postl, W., Sabor, M. and Walter, F. (2006): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LV [New mineral finds from Austria LV]. Carinthia II, Teil 1, 196./116., 121-157. (in German)


R. Bracco, C. Leporati, U. Kolitsch and Marco Ciuffardi (2006): Ansermetite: ancora novità da Gambatesa. Micro 2006, no. 2, 19-24. (in Italian)


J. Brugger, J. Ogierman, A. Pring, H. Waldron and U. Kolitsch (2006): Origin of the secondary REE-minerals at the Paratoo copper deposit near Yunta, South Australia. Mineral. Mag. 70, 609-627.


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2006): Die Mineralien des Uranschurfs von Tirpersdorf im Vogtland [The minerals of the uranium prospect at Tirpersdorf, Vogtland]. Lapis 32, 37-42; 58. (in German)


G. Giester, U. Kolitsch, P. Leverett, P. Turner, P. A. and Williams (2007): The crystal structures of lavendulan, sampleite, and a new polymorph of sampleite. Eur. J. Mineral. 19, 75-93.


G. C. Piccoli, U. Kolitsch, G. Blass and M. E. Ciriotti (2007): Berzeliite di Montaldo di Mondovì: Prima segnalazione italiana. Micro 2007, no. 1, 49-54. (in Italian)


U. Kolitsch, J. Gröbner, G. Blaß and H.-W. Graf (2007): Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald (III): Cerianit-(Ce), Dravit, Florencit-(La), Gilmarit, Olenit und Scotlandit [New finds from the Clara mine, Central Black Forest (III): Cerianite-(Ce), dravite, florencite-(La), gilmarite, olenite and scotlandite]. Lapis 32 (6), 19-23, 70. (in German)


C. Balestra and U. Kolitsch (2007): Segnalazione di libethenite alle miniera di Monte Nero. Prie 3 (2), 27-29. (in Italian)


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2007): Aktuelle Neufunde aus dem Erzgebirge III [New finds from the Erzgebirge III]. Mineralien-Welt 18 (5), 16-19. (in German)


G. Niedermayr, F. Bernhard, G. Blass, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, S. Ćorić, J. Gröbner, V. M. F. Hammer, U. Kolitsch, B. Leikauf, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, M. Sabor and F. Walter (2007): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LVI [New mineral finds from Austria LVI]. Carinthia II, 197./117., 149-190. (in German)


I.V. Pekov, N.V. Zubkova, D.Y. Pushcharovsky, U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2007): Refined crystal structure of parakeldyshite and the genetic crystal chemistry of zirconium minerals with [Si2O7] diorthogroups. Crystallogr. Reports 52, 1066-1071.


C. Balestra, A. Pozzi and U. Kolitsch (2007): La brandtite di Monte Nero: primo ritrovamento italiano. Prie 3, 124-125. (in Italian)


G. Finello, P. Ambrino, U. Kolitsch, M. E. Ciriotti, M.E., G. Blaß and R. Bracco (2007): I minerali della “Pietra di Luserna”, Piemonte, Italia Nord-Occidentale. I. Alcune cave di gneiss della Val Luserna. Micro 2007, no. 2, 181-226. (in Italian)


S. J. Mills, W. D. Birch, U. Kolitsch, W. G. Mumme and I. E. Grey (2008): Lakebogaite, CaNaFe3+2H(UO2)2(PO4)4(OH)2(H2O)8, a new uranyl phosphate with a unique crystal structure from Victoria, Australia. Am. Mineral. 93, 691-697.


U. Kolitsch, E. Lackner, and M. Ciriotti (2008): Lindbergite: primo ritrovamento italiano a Molinello. Micro 2008, no. 1, 69-72. (in Italian)


U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt, W. Krause and G. Blaß (2008): Pattersonite, PbFe3(PO4)2(OH)4[(H2O)0.5(OH)0.5]2, a new supergene phosphate mineral: description and crystal structure. Eur. J. Mineral. 20, 281-288.


P. Elliott, J. Brugger, A. Pring, M. L. Cole, A. C. Willis and U. Kolitsch (2008): Birchite, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia: description and structure refinement. Am. Mineral. 93, 910-917.


J. Sejkora, J. Čejka and U. Kolitsch (2008): Uranosphaerite from Horní Halže near Mědenec (Krušné hory Mountains, Czech Republic): description and vibrational characteristics. N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. 185, 91-98.


C. Balestra and U. Kolitsch (2008): Aggiornamento da un legno ad arseniati di Gambatesa: strashimirite e altro. Prie, 165-167. (in Italian)


G. Niedermayr, C. Bauer, F. Bernhard, G. Blass, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, J. Gröbner, V. M. F. Hammer, G. Koch, U. Kolitsch, B. Leikauf, C. Loránth, R. Poeverlein, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, T. Schachinger, P. Tomazic and F. Walter (2008): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LVII [New mineral finds from Austria LVII]. Carinthia II, Teil 1, 198./118., 223-274.


U. Kolitsch, E. Lackner, M. E. Ciriotti (2008): Lindbergite: primo ritrovamento italiano a Molinello. Addendum-corrigendum. Micro 2008, no. 2, 77-78. (in Italian)


P. Ambrino, G. Blaß, M. Boscardin, M. E. Ciriotti, G. Dalla Fontana, U. Kolitsch, B. Martini, L. Milli, A. Salvetti and E. Bonacina (2008): Borgofranco d'Ivrea - La paragenesi a solfuri e solfosali delle miniere argentifere. Riv. Mineral. Ital. 3/2008, 144-162. (in Italian)


T. Witzke, U. Kolitsch, J. M. Warnsloh and J. Göske (2008): Wakefieldite-(La), LaVO4, a new mineral species from the Glücksstern Mine, Friedrichroda, Thuringia, Germany. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 1135-1139.


S. J. Mills, U. Kolitsch, W. D. Birch and J. Sejkora (2008): Kunatite, CuFe3+2(PO4)2(OH)2·4H2O, a new member of the whitmoreite group, from Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia. Austral. J. Mineral. 14, 3-12.


S. J. Mills, U. Kolitsch, R. Miyawaki, L. A. Groat and G. Poirier (2008): Joëlbruggerite, Pb3Zn3(Sb5+,Te6+)As2O13(OH,O), the Sb5+ analog of dugganite, from the Black Pine mine, Montana. Am. Mineral. 94, 1012-1017.


E. Schnaitmann, F. Brandstätter, U. Kolitsch and G. Niedermayr (2009): The "lattice quartz" paragenesis from Erongo, Namibia [Die „Gitterquarz“-Paragenese aus dem Erongo, Namibia]. Mineralien-Welt 20 (1), 55-63. (in German)


G. Blass, H.-W. Graf, U. Kolitsch and D. Sebold (2009): Die Neufunde aus der Vulkaneifel (I) [The new finds from the volcanic Eifel (I)]. Mineralien-Welt 20 (1), 46-54. (in German)


G. Blass, H.-W. Graf, U. Kolitsch and D. Sebold (2009): Die Neufunde aus der Vulkaneifel (II) [The new finds from the volcanic Eifel (II)]. Mineralien-Welt 20 (2), 38-49. (in German)


J. Gröbner, U. Kolitsch, R. Poeverlein and M. Strasser (2009): An unusual fahlore occurrence at the Flirsch ski hut, Stanz valley, Tyrol [Ein ungewöhnliches Fahlerzvorkommen bei der Flirscher Schihütte im Stanzer Tal, Tirol]. Lapis 34, 13-19; 58. (in German)


P. Elliott, U. Kolitsch, G. Giester, E. Libowitzky, C. McCammon, A. Pring, W. D. Birch (2009): Description and crystal structure of a new mineral ? plimerite, ZnFe3+4(PO4)3(OH)5 ? the Zn-analogue of rockbridgeite and frondelite, from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Mineral. Mag. 73, 131-148.


A. Ertl, U. Kolitsch, H.-P. Meyer, T. Ludwig, C. L. Lengauer, L. Nasdala and E. Tillmanns (2009): Substitution mechanism in tourmalines of the “fluor-elbaite”-rossmanite series from Wolkenburg, Saxony, Germany. N. Jahrb. Mineral. Abh. 185, 51-61.


A. R. Kampf, P. M. Adams, U. Kolitsch and I. M. Steele (2009): Meurigite-Na, a new species, and the relationship between phosphofibrite and meurigite. Am. Mineral. 94, 720-727.


N. V. Zubkova, U. Kolitsch, I. V. Pekov, A. G. Turchkova, M. F. Vigasina, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky and E. Tillmanns (2009): Crystal chemistry of Rb-, Sr-, Ba-, Ca- and Pb-exchanged forms of natural hilairite. Eur. J. Mineral. 21, 495-506.


C. L. Lengauer, N. Hrauda, U. Kolitsch, R. Krickl and E. Tillmanns (2009): Friedrichbeckeite, K(□,Na)2(Mg,Mn,Fe)2(Be,Mg)3[Si12O30], a new milarite-type mineral from the Bellerberg volcano, Eifel area, Germany. Mineral. Petrol. 96, 221-232..


C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns (2009): Flörkeite, K3Ca2Na[Al8Si8O32]·12H2O, a new phillipsite-type zeolite from the Bellerberg, East Eifel volcanic area, Germany. Eur. J. Mineral. 21, 901-913


G. Niedermayr, F. Bernhard, F. Brandstätter, S. Ćorić, J. Gröbner, D. Grolig, V. M. F. Hammer, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, E. Löffler, W. Luft, R. Poeverlein, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, H. Pristacz, R. Roetzel, N. Vávra and F. Walter (2009): New mineral finds from Austria LVIII [Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LVIII]. Carinthia II, 199./119., 189-236.


J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2009): Zincolivenite: new localities in Europe [Zinkolivenit: Neue Fundstellen in Europa]. Lapis 34 (3), 35-37. (in German)


C. Balestra, U. Kolitsch, G. Blass, A. M. Callegari, M. Boiocchi, G. Armellino, M. E. Ciriotti, P. Ambrino and R. Bracco (2009): Mineralogia ligure 2007-2008: novità caratterizzate dal Servizio UK dell'Ami. Micro 2009, 78-99. (in Italian)


D. Bersani, C. Balestra, U. Kolitsch, G. Blaß, M. E. Ciriotti and P. Ambrino (2009): La spettroscopia Raman a supporto della mineralogia sistematica ligure. Micro, 2009, 112-117. (in Italian)


U. Kolitsch, W. Postl, H.-P. Bojar and W. Trattner (2009): Die Mineralvorkommen im Basalt des Pauliberges. In: Autorenkollektiv (Red. M. A. Götzinger und P. Huber) (2009): Die Mineralien des Burgenlandes - Geologie, Mineralogie und mineralische Rohstoffe. ? Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland, Band 126, Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Abteilung 7 - Landesmuseum, Eisenstadt, 83-99. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, J. Gröbner and F. Brandstätter (2009): New finds from Les Montmins, Allier, France [Neufunde von Les Montmins, Allier, Frankreich]. Lapis 34 (11), 24-32; 54. (in German)


P. Elliott, P. Turner, P. Jensen, U. Kolitsch and A. Pring (2009): Description and crystal structure of nyholmite, a new mineral related to hureaulite, from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Mineral. Mag. 73, 723-735.


P. Elliott, G. Giester, E. Libowitzky and U. Kolitsch (2010): Description and crystal structure of liversidgeite, Zn6(PO4)4?7H2O, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Am. Mineral. 95, 397-404.


U. Kolitsch (2010): The crystal structure and compositional range of mckinstryite. Mineral. Mag. 74, 73-84.


U. Kolitsch, R. Kristiansen, G. Raade and E. Tillmanns (2010): Heftetjernite, a new scandium mineral from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tørdal, Norway. Eur. J. Mineral. 22, 309-316.


R. Poeverlein, J. Gröbner and and U. Kolitsch (2010): Minerals and mining at Graschberg near Thierbach, Wildschönau, Tyrol [Mineralien und Bergbau vom Graschberg bei Thierbach in der Tiroler Wildschönau.]. Lapis 35 (3), 35-40; 54. (in German)


M. E. Ciriotti, U. Kolitsch, G. Blaß, A. Sancassani and P. Ambrino (2010): Secondo ritrovamento di perite in Sardegna: Sa Duchessa, Orissa, Domusnovas. Micro 2010, no. 1, 128-133. (in Italian)


G. Bortolozzi, U. Kolitsch and M. E. Ciriotti (2010): Primo ritrovamento di szmikite in Italia: miniera di Molinello, Val Graveglia, Ne, Genova. Micro 2010, no. 1, 142-145. (in Italian)


S. J. Mills, A. R. Kampf, U. Kolitsch, R. M. Housley and M. Raudsepp (2010): The crystal chemistry and crystal structure of kuksite, Pb3Zn3Te6+P2O14, and a note on the crystal structure of yafsoanite, (Ca,Pb)3Zn(TeO6)2. Am. Mineral. 95, 933-938.


R. Bakker and U. Kolitsch (2010): The third world-wide occurrence of brandholzite: The antimony mine of Goesdorf in Luxemburg [Weltweit drittes Vorkommen von Brandholzit: Die Antimon-Grube von Goesdorf in Luxemburg]. Lapis 35 (6), 30; 43-45; 70. (in German)


U. Kolitsch, D. Atencio, N. V. Chukanov, N. V. Zubkova, L. A. D. Menezes Filho, J. M. V. Coutinho, W. D. Birch, J. Schlüter, D. Pohl, A. R. Kampf, I. M. Steele, G. Favreau, L. Nasdala, S. Möckel, G. Giester and D. Yu. Pushcharovsky (2010): Bendadaite, a new iron arsenate mineral of the arthurite group. Mineral. Mag. 74, 469-486.


P. C. Piilonen, A. M. McDonald, J. D. Grice, M. A. Cooper, U. Kolitsch, R. Rowe, R. A. Gault and G. Poirier (2010): Arisite-(La), a new REE-fluorcarbonate mineral from the Aris phonolite (Namibia), with descriptions of the crystal structures of arisite-(La) and arisite-(Ce). Mineral. Mag., 74, 257-268.


P. C. Piilonen, A. M. McDonald, J. D. Grice, R. Rowe, R. A. Gault, G. Poirier, M. A. Cooper, U. Kolitsch, A. C. Roberts, W. Lechner and A. G. Palfi (2010): Arisite-(Ce), a new rare-earth fluorcarbonate from the Aris phonolite (Namibia), Mont Saint-Hilaire and the Saint-Amable sill (Québec). Can. Mineral. 48, 661-671.


U. Kolitsch, J. Gröbner, F. Brandstätter and R. Bayerl (2010): Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald (IV): Calcioandyrobertsit, Cotunnit, Gerhardtit, Khaidarkanit, Lukrahnit, Mckinstryit, Moolooit, Rhabdophan-(La), Rouait und Uricit [New finds from the Clara mine, Central Black Forest (IV): Calcioandyrobertsite, cotunnite, gerhardtite, khaidarkanite, lukrahnite, mckinstryite, moolooite, rhabdophane-(La), rouaite and uricite]. Lapis 35 (9), 22-27; 62 (in German).


J. Majzlan, T. Đjorđjević, U. Kolitsch & J. Schefer (2010): Hydrogen bonding in coquimbite, nominally Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O, and the relationship between coquimbite and paracoquimbite. Mineral. Petrol. 100, 241-248.


G. Niedermayr, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, G. Blass, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, V. M. F. Hammer, T. Hirche, P. A. Huber, G. Knobloch, R. Köller, U. Kolitsch, E. Löffler, F. Neuhold, R. Poeverlein, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, H. Pristacz, jr., T. Schachinger, M. Strasser & F. Walter (2010): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LIX [New mineral finds from Austria LIX]. Carinthia II, 200./120., 199-260 (in German).


A. O. Larsen, U. Kolitsch, R. A. Gault and G. Giester (2010): Eirikite, a new mineral species of the leifite group from the Langesundsfjord district, Norway. Eur. J. Mineral. 22, 875-880.


P. Bayliss, U. Kolitsch, E. H. Nickel and A. Pring (2010): Alunite supergroup: recommended nomenclature. Mineral. Mag. 74, 919-927.


J. Gröbner, U. Kolitsch and J. Wesiger (2011): New finds of vanadate and rare-earth minerals from the manganese mine Ilfeld, Harz [Neufunde von Vanadat- und Seltenerden-Mineralien aus dem Manganbergbau Ilfeld im Harz]. Mineralien-Welt 22 (1), 41-49. (in German)


G. Kaller, U. Kolitsch, P. Tomazic & F. Brandstätter (2011): Silber- und Bleibergbau Prinzenkogel - Auch ein bereits oft besuchtes Bergbaugebiet kann noch schöne Funde liefern. Der Steirische Mineralog 25, 39-42.


Kolitsch, U., Ciriotti, M.E., Cadoni, M., Armellino, G., Piccoli, G.C., Ambrino, P., Blass, G., Odicino, G. and Ciuffardi, M. (2011): Montaldo di Mondovì - Minerali della miniera di manganese e ferro. Micro 2011, no. 1, 4-21. (in Italian)


G. Niedermayr, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, F. Brandstätter, J. Gröbner, V. M. F. Hammer, G. Knobloch, G. Koch, U. Kolitsch, J. Konzett, B. Leikauf, E. Löffler, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, A. Prayer, H. Pristacz, jun., M. Sabor, R. Seemann, H. Stehlik, A. Thinschmidt & F. Walter (2011): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LX [New mineral finds from Austria LX]. Carinthia II, 201./121., 135-186.


U. Kolitsch, T. A. Husdal, F. Brandstätter and A. Ertl (2011): New crystal-chemical data for members of the tourmaline group from Norway: occurrences of fluor-schorl and luinaite-(OH). Norsk Bergverksmuseet Skrift 46, 17-24.


U. Kolitsch and G. Raade (2011): Uric acid dihydrate: occurrences in Austria and Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseet, Skrift 46, 25-29.


E. Löffler and U. Kolitsch (2011): Die Mineralien der Loja bei Persenbeug, Niederösterreich (I) [The minerals of the Loja near Persenbeug, Lower Austria (I)]. Mineralien-Welt 22 (3), 72-84 (in German).


E. Löffler and U. Kolitsch (2011): Die Mineralien der Loja bei Persenbeug, Niederösterreich (II) [The minerals of the Loja near Persenbeug, Lower Austria (II)]. Mineralien-Welt 22 (4), 51-62 (in German).


F. de Wit, T. Witzke, U. Kolitsch and G. Blaß (2011): The Burning Anna-I Coal Dump. Chapter 10 in: Stracher, G. B., Prakash, A. and Sokol, E. V.: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, Volume 2: Photographs and Multimedia Tours (CD-ROM), Elsevier.


A. A. Grigor’eva, N. V. Zubkova, I. V. Pekov, U. Kolitsch, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky, M. F. Vigasina, G. Giester, T. Dordević, E. Tillmanns and N. V. Chukanov (2011): Crystal chemistry of elpidite from Khan Bogdo (Mongolia) and its K- and Rb-exchanged forms. Crystallography Reports, 56, 832-841.


L. Bindi, F. Nestola, U. Kolitsch, A. Guastoni and F. Zorzi (2011): Fassinaite, Pb22+(S2O3)(CO3), the first mineral with coexisting thiosulphate and carbonate groups: description and crystal structure. Mineral. Mag. 75, 2721-2732.


U. Kolitsch, L. Bindi, F. Nestola, A. Guastoni, F. Zorzi and R. Poeverlein (2012): Fassinait, ein neues Bleimineral aus Italien, Österreich und Deutschland. Lapis 37 (1), 52-53; 62 (in German).


U. Kolitsch und F. Brandstätter (2012): Natrojarosit aus dem Gipsabbau im Haringgraben bei Oberort-Tragöss, Bruck an der Mur. Der Steirische Mineralog 26, 50 (in German).


U. Kolitsch und C. Auer (2012): Oxyplumboroméit vom Brandberg bei Leoben. Der Steirische Mineralog 26, 51 (in German).


U. Kolitsch (2012): Pyrolusit von einem Forststrassenaufschluss bei Treffning im Rötzgraben, Trofaiach. Der Steirische Mineralog 26, 50-51 (in German).


U. Kolitsch, G. Knobloch, F. Brandstätter, E. Löffler und P. Tomazic (2012): Malachit und Strontianit vom Schwarzenberg bei Türnitz (NÖ) und Ranciéit vom Fuchsriegel bei Schwarzenbach an der Pielach (NÖ). Der Steirische Mineralog 26, 48-49 (in German).


P. Tomazic, F. Bernhard, U. Kolitsch und G. Knobloch (2012): Mineralogie eines historischen Bergbaues auf Eisen und Silber am Arzberg bei Steinhaus am Semmering. Der Steirische Mineralog 26, 4-9 (in German).


U. Kolitsch, S. Merlino and D. Holtstam (2012): Molybdophyllite: crystal chemistry, crystal structure, OD character and modular relationships with britvinite. Mineral. Mag. 76, 493-516.


F. Neuhold, U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt, C. L. Lengauer (2012): Arsenohopeite, a new zinc arsenate mineral from the Tsumeb mine, Namibia. Mineral. Mag. 76, 603-612.


A. R. Kampf, S. J. Mills, R. M. Housley, R. S. Bottrill and U. Kolitsch (2012): Reynoldsite, Pb2Mn4+2O5(CrO4), a new phyllomanganate-chromate from the Blue Bell claims, California and the Red Lead mine, Tasmania. Am. Mineral. 97, 1187-1192.


A. Ertl, U. Kolitsch, M. D. Dyar, J. M. Hughes, G. R. Rossman, A. Pieczka, D. J. Henry, F. Pezzotta, S. Prowatke, C. L. Lengauer, W. Körner, F. Brandstätter, C. A. Francis, M. Prem and E. Tillmanns (2012): Limitations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ site occupancy in tourmaline: evidence from Fe2+- and Mn2+-rich tourmaline. Am. Mineral. 97, 1402-1416.


U. Kolitsch, S. J. Mills, R. Miyawaki and G. Blass (2012): Ferriallanite-(La), a new member of the epidote supergroup from the Eifel, Germany. Eur. J. Mineral. 24, 741-747.


G. Niedermayr, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, M. Habel, C. E. Hollerer, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, B. Kutil, E. Löffler, J. Mörtl, R. Poeverlein, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, A. Prayer, H. Pristacz, jun., T. Schachinger, C. Steinwender, J. Taucher, A. Thinschmidt & F. Walter (2012): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXI. Carinthia II, 202./122., 123-180.


U. Kolitsch, H. Putz, R. Poeverlein und F. Brandstätter (2012): Die Mineralien des bronzezeitlichen Bergbaus auf der Viertalalm oberhalb Uttendorf, im Salzburger Pinzgau. Aufschluss 63, 329-335 (in German).


K. E. Larsen and U. Kolitsch (2012): An unique mineral suite in a syenite pegmatite at Virikkollen, Sandefjord, Larvik Plutonic Complex, Norway. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift 49, 35-44.


U. Kolitsch, F. Brandstätter, F. Schreiber, R. Fink und C. Auer (2013): Die Mineralogie der weltweit einzigartigen Schlacken von Waitschach, Kärnten. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 115, 19-87 (in German). [PDF]


U. Kolitsch, G. Giester & T. Pippinger (2013): The crystal structure of cualstibite-1M (formerly cyanophyllite), its revised chemical formula and its relation to cualstibite-1T. Mineral. Petrol. 107, 171-178.


T. Ðorđević and U. Kolitsch (2013): Five-coordinate Cd in the crystal structure of triploidite-type Cd2(AsO4)(OH). Mineral. Petrol. 107, 243-251.


D. Mitolo, F. Demartin, A. Garavelli, I. Campostrini, D. Pinto, C. M. Gramaccioli, P. Acquafredda and U. Kolitsch (2013): Adranosite-(Fe), (NH4)4NaFe2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Can. Mineral. 51, 57-66.


U. Kolitsch, P. Andresen, T. A. Husdal, A. Ertl, A. Haugen, H. V. Ellingsen and A. O. Larsen (2013): Tourmaline-group minerals from Norway, part II: Occurrences of luinaite-(OH) in Tvedalen, Larvik and Porsgrunn, and fluor-liddicoatite, fluor-elbaite and fluor-schorl at Ågskardet, Nordland. Norsk Bergverksmuseet Skrift 50, 23-41.


G. Niedermayr, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, M. Götzinger, C. E. Hollerer, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, B. Leikauf, E. Löffler, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, A. Prayer, H. Pristacz, jun., H. Schillhammer, C. Steinwender, J. Taucher, F. Walter & Weissensteiner, G. (2013): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXII. Carinthia II, 203./123., 91-146.


C. Biagioni, E. Bonaccorsi, F. Cámara, M. Cadoni, M. E. Ciriotti, D. Bersani and U. Kolitsch (2013): Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH,F)11∙6H2O, a new mineral species from Luserna Valley, Piedmont, Italy: description and crystal structure. Am. Mineral. 98, 1322-1329.


P. Elliott, U. Kolitsch, A. C. Willis and E. Libowitzky (2013): Description and crystal structure of domerockite, Cu4(AsO4)(AsO3OH)(OH)3•H2O, a new mineral from the Dome Rock Mine, South Australia. Mineral. Mag., 77, 509-522.


S. J. Mills, A. R. Kampf, A. M. Mcdonald, L. Bindi, A. G. Christy, U. Kolitsch and G. Favreau (2013): The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate-sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods. Eur. J. Mineral. 25, 693-704.


T. Schachinger, U. Kolitsch, F. Bernhard and H.-P. Bojar (2014): Erzmineralisationen und ihre Verwitterungsprodukte aus dem weiteren Bereich der Steirischen und Lungauer Kalkspitze. Der Steirische Mineralog 28, 8-21 (in German).


U. Kolitsch (2014): Magnetit und Siderit aus dem Kaltenbachtal bei Spital am Semmering. Der Steirische Mineralog 28, 52.


U. Kolitsch and H. Pristacz, jr. (2014): Zoisit aus dem Talkbergbau Rabenwald bei Anger. Der Steirische Mineralog 28, 52.


U. Kolitsch and C. Steinwender (2014): Die Geologie und Mineralogie des Esslbruchs bei St. Michael im Lungau, Salzburg. Der Steirische Mineralog 28, 39-42.


U. Kolitsch, B. Rieck, F. Brandstätter, F. Schreiber, K. H. Fabritz, G. Blaß and J. Gröbner (2014): Neufunde aus dem altem Bergbau und den Schlacken von Lavrion (I). Mineralien-Welt 25 (1), 60-75 (in German).


U. Kolitsch, B. Rieck, F. Brandstätter, F. Schreiber, K. H. Fabritz, G. Blaß and J. Gröbner (2014): Neufunde aus dem altem Bergbau und den Schlacken von Lavrion (II). Mineralien-Welt 25 (2), 82-95 (in German).


U. Kolitsch (2014): Glanzvolles Jahr: Kristalle im Fokus. Das Naturhistorische, in: Universum Magazin, 2014 (3), 14-15 (in German).


A. Mikl and U. Kolitsch (2014): Ein interessanter alpiner Kupfererzgang im Kleinelendtal und seine Mineralien. Mineralien-Welt 25 (4), 28-33 (in German).


G. Niedermayr, C. Auer, A. Berger, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, R. Fink, C. E. Hollerer, U. Kolitsch, J. Mörtl, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, H. Schabereiter, H. Schillhammer, C. Steinwender, M. Strobl, J. Taucher & F. Walter (2014): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXIII. Carinthia II, 204./124., 65-146.


M. Nagashima, T. Armbruster, U. Kolitsch and T. Pettke (2014): The relation between Li <-> Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study. Am. Mineral. 99, 1462-1470.


S. M. Aksenov, R. K. Rastsvetaeva, N. V. Chukanov and U. Kolitsch (2014): Structure of calcinaksite KNa[Ca(H2O)][Si4O10], the first hydrous member of the litidionite group of silicates with [Si8O20]8- tubes. Acta Crystallogr. B70, 768-775.

T. Witzke, F. de Wit, U. Kolitsch and G. Blaß (2015): Mineralogy of the Burning Anna I Coal Mine Dump, Alsdorf, Germany. Pp. 203-240, Chapter 7 in: Stracher, G. B., Prakash, A. and Sokol, E. V.: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, Volume 3: Case studies - coal fires. Elsevier, 786 pp.

U. Kolitsch (2015): Akanthit, Arsenopyrit, Chrysokoll, Cinnabarit und Imiterit(?) vom Magnesitbergbau bei Oberdorf an der Laming, Steiermark. Der Steirische Mineralog 29, 40.

A. Repstock, P. Voudouris, U. Kolitsch (2015): New occurrences of watanabeite, colusite, “arsenosulvanite” and “Cu-excess” tetrahedrite-tennantite at the Pefka high-sulfidation epithermal deposit, northeastern Greece. N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. (J. Mineral. Geochem.) 192, 135-149.

G. Niedermayr, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, J. Grill, J. Gröbner, C. E. Hollerer, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, P. Lamatsch, E. Löffler, E. Pieler, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, J. Taucher and F. Walter (2015): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXIV. Carinthia II, 205./125., 207-280.

C. Lenz, L. Nasdala, D. Talla, C. Hauzenberger, R. Seitz, U. Kolitsch (2015): Laser-induced REE3+ photoluminescence of selected accessory minerals – An “advantageous artefact” in Raman spectroscopy. Chem. Geol. 415, 1-16. [Open access]

U. Kolitsch (2015): Crystal structures of the hydrothermally synthesized chromates KSc3(CrO4)2(OH)6, KIn3(CrO4)2(OH)6, RbIn3(CrO4)2(OH)6, and AgIn3(CrO4)2(OH)6: a contribution to the crystal chemistry of the alunite supergroup. Can. Mineral. 53, 833-844.

G. Blaß, U. Kolitsch and V. Draxler (2016): Weitere Neubestimmungen von der Grube Clara in Wolfach, Schwarzwald: Lindackerit, Hloušekit und Metaheinrichit. Mineralien-Welt 27 (1), 56-58.

A. Ertl, U. Kolitsch, M. D. Dyar, H.-P. Meyer, G. R. Rossman, D. J. Henry, M. Prem, T. Ludwig, L. Nasdala, C. L. Lengauer, E. Tillmanns and G. Niedermayr (2016): Fluor-schorl, a new member of the tourmaline supergroup, and new data on schorl from the cotype localities. Eur. J. Mineral. 28, 163-177

U. Kolitsch, C. L. Lengauer and G. Giester (2016): Crystal structures and isotypism of the iron(III) arsenate kamarizaite and the iron(III) phosphate tinticite. Eur. J. Mineral. 28, 71-81.

F. Walter, Auer, C., Bernhard, F., Bojar, H.-P., Brandstätter, F., Habel, M., Hollerer, C. E., Kolitsch, U., Lamatsch, P., Leikauf, B., Löffler, E., Niedermayr, G., Postl, W., Putz, H., Reicht, M., Schachinger, T., Schillhammer, H. & Taucher, J. (2016): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXV. Carinthia II, 206./126., 203-250.

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, L. Nasadala (2016): A single-crystal X-ray and Raman spectroscopic study of hydrothermally synthesized arsenates and vanadates with the descloizite and adelite structure types. Am. Mineral. 101, 1135-1149.

G. Raade and U. Kolitsch (2016): Crystal chemistry of two tourmalines from Høydalen, Tørdal, Telemark, Norway. Norsk mineralsymposium 2016, 21-31.

T. Husdal and U. Kolitsch (2016): Behoite from Høgtuva, Nordland, Norway. Norsk mineralsymposium 2016, 39-41.

G. Blaß, U. Kolitsch, G. Tremmel, J. Esche (2016): Neue Mineralienfunde aus den Phonolithbrüchen von Aris in Namibia. Mineralien-Welt 27 (4) 48-60.

U. Kolitsch und M. Strasser (2016): Der Eisenerzbergbau am Hohen Burgstall im Stubaital, Nordtirol, Österreich: Neue Erkenntnisse durch mineralogische Untersuchungen an Fundmaterial von der Knappenhütte. Aufschluss 67, 158-170.

U. Kolitsch, G. Blaß, S. Jahn, F. Cámara, L. von Bezing, R. R. Wartha, G. Tremmel, M. Sturla, P. Cerea, M. Skebo, and M. E. Ciriotti (2016): Aris - mineralogy of the famous alkaline phonolite. AMI - Associazione Micromineralogica Italiana, Cremona, Italy, 95 pp.

U. Kolitsch and M. Slama (2016): Zur Mineralogie des niederösterreichischen Anteils des Semmering-Basistunnels: ein erster Bericht. Der Steirische Mineralog 31, 20-27.

U. Kolitsch and J. Gröbner (2016): Cobaltit, Delafossit und Monazit-(Ce) vom Magnesitbergbau Breitenau am Hochlantsch. Der Steirische Mineralog 31, 50-51.

U. Kolitsch and C. Lóránth (2016): Descloizit und das Hydroxyl-Analogon von Pyromorphit vom Talkbergbau Rabenwald bei Anger. Der Steirische Mineralog 31, 52.

D. Topa, F. N. Keutsch, E. Makovicky, U. Kolitsch and W. Paar (2017): Polloneite, a new complex Pb(-Ag)-As-Sb sulfosalt from the Pollone mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. Mineral. Mag. 81, 1303-1322.

D. Topa, U. Kolitsch, E. Makovicky, and C. Stanley (2017): Écrinsite, AgTl3Pb4As11Sb9S36, a new thallium-rich homeotype of baumhauerite from the Jas Roux sulphosalt deposit, Parc national des Écrins, Hautes-Alpes, France. Eur. J. Mineral. 29, 689-700.

D. Holtstam, L. Bindi, U. Hålenius, U. Kolitsch, J. Mansfeld (2017): Ulfanderssonite-(Ce), a new Cl-bearing REE silicate mineral species from the Malmkärra mine, Norberg, Sweden. Eur. J. Mineral. 29, 1015-1026.

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, J. Gröbner, D. Jakely, U. Kolitsch, W. Postl, A. Prayer, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, M. Slama, C. Steck, J. Weiss & M. Zeug (2017): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXVI. Carinthia II, 207./127., 217-284.

M. Stark, J. Gröbner and U. Kolitsch (2017): Ianbruceit aus Oberschulenberg im Harz. Lapis 42 (4), 42-43.

J. Brugger, G. Blass, W. A. Crichton, U. Kolitsch, M. Merlini and H. Müller (2017): Euxenit-(Y) vom Beryller, Untersulzbachtal, Österreich. Aufschluss 68, 279-284.

C. Auer & U. Kolitsch (2017): Die Mineralien des Emmastollens im Ratteingraben bei Waitschach, Kärnten. Der Steirische Mineralog 32, 11-21.

F. Walter, C. Auer, H.-P. Bojar, G. Friebe, D. Jakely, U. Kolitsch, R. Kiseljak, G. Knobloch, B. Leikauf, C. Lóránth, E. Löffler, R. Mäser, W. Postl, H. Putz, L. Rausch, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, M. Slama, C. Steck & J. Weiss (2018): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXVII. Carinthia II, 208./128., 185-254.

B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, P. Voudouris, G. Giester and P. Tzeferis (2018): Weitere Neufunde aus Lavrion, Griechenland. Mineralien-Welt 29 (5), 32-77.

U. Kolitsch, S. Merlino, D. Belmonte, C. Carbone, R. Cabella, G. Lucchetti and M. E. Ciriotti (2018): Lavinskyite-1M, K(LiCu)Cu6(Si4O11)2(OH)4, the monoclinic MDO equivalent of lavinskyite-2O (formerly lavinskyite), from the Cerchiara manganese mine, Liguria, Italy. Eur. J. Mineral. 30, 811-820.

P. Elliott and U. Kolitsch (2018): Description and crystal structure of vanderheydenite, Zn6(PO4)2(SO4)(OH)4·7H2O, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Eur. J. Mineral. 30, 835-840.

D. Topa and U. Kolitsch (2018): The crystal chemistry of rathite based on new electron-microprobe data and single-crystal structure refinements: the role of thallium. Minerals 8, 466.

T. Schachinger, U. Kolitsch and Kraml, H. (2018): Mineralien und Erze aus den Schladminger Tauern. Pp. 40-45 in Auferbauer, G. & Auferbauer, L. (2018): Wander-Erlebnis. Schladminger-Tauern-Höhenweg. Von Aich-Assach nach Obertauern. Kral-Verlag, Berndorf, Österreich, 192 S.

U. Kolitsch, T. Đorđević, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev and B. Boev (2018): Supergene mineralogy of the Lojane Sb-As-Cr deposit, Republic of Macedonia: Tracing the mobilization of toxic metals. Geologica Macedonica 32, 95-117.

P. Voudouris, C. Mavrogonatos, B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, P. G. Spry, C. Scheffer, A. Tarantola, O. Vanderhaeghe, E. Galanos, V. Melfos, S. Zaimis, K. Soukis, A. Photiades (2018): The gersdorffite-bismuthinite-native gold association and the skarn-porphyry mineralization in the Kamariza mining district, Lavrion, Greece. Minerals 8, 531.

P. Škácha, U. Kolitsch and Sejkora, J. (2018): Miargyrit v asociaci s pyrostilpnitem z Březohorského ložiska, Příbram (Česká republika). Bull. Mineral. Petrolog. 26(2), 247-249 (in Czech with English abstract).

J. Majzlan, U. G. Nielsen, E. Dachs, A. Benisek, P. Drahota, U. Kolitsch, J. Herrmann, R. Bolanz and M. Števko (2018): Thermodynamic properties of mansfieldite (AlAsO4·2H2O), angelellite (Fe4(AsO4)2O3) and kamarizaite (Fe3(AsO4)2(OH)3·3H2O). Mineral. Mag. 82, 1333-1354.

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, T. Serafimovski, G. Tasev, N. Tepe, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Hofmann, and B. Boev (2019): Mineralogy and weathering of realgar-rich tailings at a former As-Sb-Cr mine at Lojane, North Macedonia. Can. Mineral. 57, 1-21.

U. Kolitsch, R. Bayerl and D. Topa (2019): Neufunde aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald (V). Mineralien-Welt 30 (3), 12-27 (in German).

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, A. Ertl, G. Friebe, J. A. Grill, J. Gröbner, V. M. F. Hammer, K.-J. Heider, M. Hölblinger, U. Kolitsch, R. Mäser, W. Postl, T. Schachinger, H. Stehlik, H. Schillhammer, D. Topa, & W. Trattner (2019): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXVIII. Carinthia II, 209./129., 237-362.

E. Löffler & U. Kolitsch (2019): Der Steinbruch Ebersdorf bei Melk an der Donau und seine Mineralien. Der Steirische Mineralog 34, 27-42.

D. Topa, U. Kolitsch, S. Graeser, E. Makovicky and C. Stanley (2019): Argentoliveingite, Ag3+xPb36-2xAs51+xS112 (0 ≤ x < 0.5), a new homeotype of liveingite from Lengenbach, Binntal, Switzerland, and the crystal chemistry of the liveingite group. Eur. J. Mineral. 31, 1079-1097.

B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, P. Voudouris, G. Giester and P. Tzeferis (2020): Lavrion, Griechenland: Weitere Neufunde aus dem berühmten Bergbaurevier. Mineralien-Welt 31 (3), 6-21 (in German).

A. O. Larsen, U. Kolitsch and S. Dahlgren (2020): A reconnaissance study of the crystal chemistry of tourmalines from the Meso-Proterozoic Telemark area, Norway. Norsk Mineralsymposium 2020, 78-99.

C. Köberl, V. M. F. Hammer, U. Kolitsch and L. Ferrière (2020): Strahlung in der Umwelt. Das Naturhistorische 2020 (1), 10-11 (in German).

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, J. A. Grill, R. Kiseljak, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, P. Lamatsch, C. Lenz, E. Löffler, F. Melcher, W. Postl, H. Prasnik, L. Rausch, M. Reicht, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, E. Schreieck, S. Schwabl, C. Steck, T. Steiner, W. Trattner and G. Weißensteiner (2020): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXIX. Carinthia II, 210./130., 153-218.

U. Kolitsch, M. Weil, V. Kovrugin and S.V. Krivovichev (2020): Crystal chemistry of the variscite and metavariscite groups: Crystal structures of synthetic CrAsO4·2H2O, TlPO4·2H2O, MnSeO4·2H2O, CdSeO4·2H2O and natural bonacinaite, ScAsO4·2H2O. Mineral. Mag. 84, 568-583.

G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, A.V. Volkov, B. Boev, T. Djordjevic, U. Kolitsch and T. Serafimovski, (2020): The Dudica Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia). Geology of Ore Deposits 62, 419-431.

S. J. Mills, U. Kolitsch, G. Favreau, W. D. Birch, V. Galea-Clolus and J. M. Henrich (2020): Gobelinite, the Co-analogue of ktenasite from Cap Garonne, France, and Eisenzecher Zug, Germany. Eur. J. Mineral. 32, 637-644.

P. Voudouris, V. Melfos, C. Mavrogonatos, A. Photiades, E. Moraiti, B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, A. Tarantola, C. Scheffer, D. Morin, O. Vanderhaeghe, P. G. Spry, J. Ross, K. Soukis, M. Vaxevanopoulos, S. Zaimis, A. Magganas, M. Kati and A. Katerinopoulos (2021): The Lavrion mines: a unique site of geological and mineralogical heritage. Minerals 11, 76.

O. P. Missen, M. S. Rumsey, S. J. Mills, M. Weil, J. Najorka, J. Spratt and U. Kolitsch (2021): Elucidating the natural-synthetic mismatch of Pb2+Te4+O3: the redefinition of fairbankite to Pb2+12(Te4+O3)11(SO4). Am. Mineral. 106, 309-316.

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, H.-P. Bojar, G. Kandutsch, R. Kiseljak, U. Kolitsch, W. Postl, T. Schachinger, M. Slama, W. Trattner and G. Weißensteiner (2021): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXX. Carinthia II, 211./131., 187-276.

T. Đorđević, P. Drahota, U. Kolitsch, J. Majzlan, M. Peřestá, S. Kiefer, M. Stöger-Pollach, N. Tepe, T. Hofmann, T. Mikuš, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev and B. Boev (2021): Synergetic Tl and As retention in secondary minerals: An example of extreme arsenic and thallium pollution. Appl. Geochem. 135, 105114.

T. Schachinger, F. Berger, P. Doblmayr and U. Kolitsch (2021): Ein aktueller Beitrag zur Mineralogie des Sauwaldes (Oberösterreich) – Einleitung und Teil 1: der südliche Teil. Der Bundschuh, Schriftenreihe des Museums Innviertler Volkskundehaus 24, 163-177.

A. O. Larsen and U. Kolitsch (2021): Dravite, schorl and axinite-(Fe) from Mule, Porsgrunn, Norway. Norsk Mineralsymposium 2021, 55-60.

G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch und E. Löffler (2021): Bemerkenswerte Mineralfunde im Steinbruch "Autobahn" der Firma Lasselsberger südlich Pöchlarn, Niederösterreich – Mineraliensammeln in Corona-Zeiten. Der Steirische Mineralog 36, 31-37.

E. Löffler, U. Kolitsch und G. Knobloch (2021): Mineralien aus einem kleinen Serpentinit-Steinbruch und dem näheren Umfeld der Zwettler Leiten bei Felling im Waldviertel, Niederösterreich. Der Steirische Mineralog 36, 43-49.

F. Cámara, M. E. Ciriotti, U. Kolitsch, F. Bosi, E. Bittarello, P. Brizio, P. Vignola and G. Blaß (2021): Armellinoite-(Ce), Ca4Ce4+(AsO4)4·H2O, a new mineral species isostructural with pottsite, (Pb3Bi)Bi(VO4)4·H2O. Mineral. Mag., 85, 901-909.

P. Voudouris, A. Repstock, P. G. Spry, M. Frenzel, C. Mavrogonatos, M. Keith, A. Tarantola, V. Melfos, S. Tombros, D. Zhai, N. J. Cook, C. L. Ciobanu, A. Schaarschmidt, B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, J. J. Falkenberg (2022): Physicochemical constraints on indium-, tin-, germanium-, gallium-, gold-, and tellurium-bearing mineralizations in the Pefka and St Philippos polymetallic vein- and breccia-type deposits, Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104348.

A. Garavelli, D. Pinto, D. Mitolo, U. Kolitsch (2021): Thermessaite-(NH4), (NH4)2AlF3(SO4), a new fumarole mineral from La Fossa crater at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Mineral. Mag. 85, 665-672.

A. Ertl, J. M. Hughes, S. Prowatke, T. Ludwig, C. L. Lengauer, H.-P. Meyer, G. Giester, U. Kolitsch and A. Prayer (2022): Alumino-oxy-rossmanite from pegmatites in Variscan metamorphic rocks from Eibenstein an der Thaya, Lower Austria, Austria: a new tourmaline that represents the most Al-rich end-member composition. Am. Mineral. 107, 157-166.

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Berger, F. Bernhard, H. Bieler, H.-P. Bojar, H. Eck, D. Jakely, R. Kiseljak, E. Knobloch, G. Knobloch, U. Kolitsch, B. Krüger, E. Löffler, W. Postl, L. Rausch, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, E. Schreieck, C. Steck, M. Števko and P. Tropper (2022): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXXI. Carinthia II, 212./132., 221-308.

M. Weil, U. Kolitsch, T. Stürzer (2022): Dimorphism of MnHAsO4(H2O): natural monoclinic krautite and its synthetic triclinic modification. Z. Naturforsch. B, 77, 221-230.

G. Steciuk, U. Kolitsch, V. Goliáš, R. Škoda, J. Plášil, F. X. Schmidt (2022): Uranotungstite, the only natural uranyl tungstate: Crystal structure revealed from 3D electron diffraction. Am. Mineral., 107, 1709-1716.

F. Eder, M. Weil, O. Missen, U. Kolitsch and E. Libowitzky (2022): The family of MII3(TeO3)2(OH)2 (M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni) compounds – prone to inclusion of foreign components into large hexagonal channels. Crystals 12, 1380.

B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, P. Voudouris, G. Giester and P. Tzeferis (2022): Neubestimmungen aus dem Bergbaubezirk Lavrion, Griechenland. Mineralien-Welt 33 (5), 6-20.

F. Cámara, C. Biagioni, M. E. Ciriotti, F. Bosi, U. Kolitsch, W. H. Paar, U. Hålenius, G. O. Lepore, G. Blass and E. Bittarello (2023): Piccoliite, NaCaMn3+2(AsO4)2O(OH), a new arsenate from the manganese deposits of Montaldo di Mondovì and Valletta, Piedmont, Italy. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 204-217.

U. Kolitsch (2023): Harmotom vom Gotthard-Straßentunnel: Ein Neufund für die Schweiz. Der Aufschluss 74, 199-205.

G. Giester, B. Rieck, C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, L. Nasdala (2023): Katsarosite Zn(C2O4)·2H2O, a new humboldtine-group mineral from the Lavrion Mining District, Greece. Mineral. Petrol. 117, 259-267.

U. Kolitsch, J. Sejkora, D. Topa, A. R. Kampf, J. Plášil, B. Rieck, K. H. Fabritz (2023): Prachařite, CaSb5+2(As3+2O5)2O2·10H2O, a new mineral from Lavrion, Greece. Mineral. Petrol. 117, 269-280.

F. Walter, C. Auer, F. Bernhard, J. Blank, H.-P. Bojar, F. Brandstätter, U. Kolitsch, B. Krüger, E. Löffler, R. Mäser, W. Postl, P. Ruppe, T. Schachinger, H. Schillhammer, C. Steck, H. Stehlik, W. Trattner and R. Winkler (2023): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXXII. Carinthia II, 213./133., 237-330.

L. Bindi, F. N. Keutsch, D. Topa, U. Kolitsch, M. Morana, K. T. Tait (2023): First occurrence of the M2a2b2c polytype of argentopolybasite, [Ag6Sb2S7][Ag10S4]: Structural adjustments in the Cu-free member of the pearceite-polybasite group. Mineral. Mag. 87, 561-567.

D. Jakely, H.-P. Bojar, U. Kolitsch, W. Postl, B. Leikauf, B. Moser (2023): Die Mineralien von Flatschach bei Knittelfeld in der Steiermark. Pp. 37-106 in D. Jakely (Hrsg.) (2023): Die Mineralien von Flatschach in der Steiermark. Der Steirische Mineralog, Sonderband 2, 1-226.

F. Walter, C. Auer, H.-P. Bojar, A. Gutschi, U. Kolitsch, R. Mäser, W. Postl, H. Schillhammer, E. Schreieck, C. Steck and P. Tropper (2024): Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich LXXIII. Carinthia II, 214./134., 273-326.

M. E. Ciriotti, U. Kolitsch, F. Cámara, P. Vignola, F. Hatert, E. Bittarello, R. Bracco and G. M. Bortolozzi (2024): Bonacinaite, Sc(AsO4)∙2H2O, the first scandium arsenate. Eur. J. Mineral. 36, 863-872.

R. Juroszek, B. Krüger, U. Kolitsch, G. Frenz and G. Blaβ (2024): Steiningerite, Ba2Zr2(Si4O12)O2, a new cyclosilicate from the Löhley quarry, Germany. Mineral. Mag. DOI: 10.1180/mgm.2024.102 (online first)


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2025): Rankachite, a tungstate with quadrivalent vanadium: crystal structure and new data. To be submitted to Eur. J. Mineral.


J. A. Mandarino and contributors ..., U. Kolitsch (2025): Encyclopedia of Minerals. 3rd ed. (in press - or to appear online).


U. Kolitsch et al. (in prep.): The discreditation of heyite*. [* preliminary title; proposal to be submitted to the IMA ('heyite' is in fact the Fe3+ analogue of brackebuschite, i.e. identical to the newly acknowledged species calderonite)]


U. Kolitsch (in prep.): The crystal structure of berdesinskiite, V2TiO5.


U. Kolitsch (in prep.): A natural occurrence of wurtzite-15R at Aris, Namibia.


U. Kolitsch (in prep.): The crystal structure of benauite.


U. Kolitsch et al. (in prep.): Cuprian gordaites from Broken Hill, Australia, and the status of theresemagnanite. To be submitted to Mineral. Mag.



Other mineral structures and collaborative work to be published:


Structure of arsenogoyazite (paper in prep.)

Structure of Mg-rich arseniopleite

(Improved) structure of ajoite

Structure of molybdofornacite

Structure of the PO4-analogue of molybdofornacite (Nickel & Hitchen, 1994)

Structure of As-rich vauquelinite (structure slightly different from that of "normal" vauquelinite)

Structure of tsumebite

Structure of eifelite


Mineralogische Beiträge auf Konferenzen etc.

(Vorträge und Poster, und publizierte Abstracts)


U. Kolitsch (1997/1998): Mineralogy of the Clara mine, Black Forest, Germany. Invited Oral Presentation, given at the Mineralogical Society of South Australia, Adelaide (December 2, 1997) and the Mineralogical Society of Victoria, Melbourne (April 1, 1998).


U. Kolitsch (1998): Formation, paragenesis and crystal chemistry of alunite-type minerals. Invited Oral Presentation, Joint Seminar of the Mineralogical Societies of Australia, Adelaide, Juni 6-7, 1998.


U. Kolitsch and A. Pring (1998): Antimony in the structure of dussertite, the Ba-Fe-arsenate end member of the crandallite group. Poster, International Mineralogical Association 17th General Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 10-14; abstract in Conference Abstract Volume, p. A49.


U. Kolitsch and A. Pring (1998): Kristallchemie von Gliedern der Crandallit- und Beudantitgruppe: Mögliche Speicherminerale für toxische Schwermetalle? [Crystal chemistry of members of the crandallite and beudantite group: Possible mineral hosts for the incorporation of toxic heavy metals?] Poster, DMG Annual Meeting 1998, Berlin, October 6-9, 1998; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 10, Beih. No. 1, 161. (in German)


A. Pring and U. Kolitsch (1998): Mineral taxonomy. Poster, Annual Meeting, Royal Society of South Australia, The Plant Research Centre, Urrbrae, Adelaide, Australia, October, 15, 1998


U. Kolitsch (1999): Evidence for the identity of meurigite and phosphofibrite by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. Poster, Joint Annual Meeting of the DMG, ÖMG and MFT, 1999, Vienna, August 28 - September 1; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 11, Beih. No. 1, 132.


U. Kolitsch, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky, I. V. Pekov and E. Tillmanns (2000): A new, lintisite-related titanosilicate mineral from Russia: crystal structure, occurrence and properties. Poster, XIXth European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM 19), Nancy, August 25-31; abstract in Abstracts Book, 363 and Acta Crystallogr. A56 (Supplement), s363.


U. Kolitsch, T. Witzke and A. Wiechowski (2000): A new Cu-Mg-arsenate from El Guanaco, near Taltal, Chile: crystal structure and preliminary data. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Heidelberg, Germany, September 24-29; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 12, Beih. No. 1, 102.


U. Kolitsch and V. Hammer (2000): Refinement of the crystal structure of flinkite, Mn2+2Mn3+(AsO4)(OH)4. Poster, M&M4, 4th Intern. Conf. on Mineralogy & Museums, Melbourne, December 4-7; Program and Abstract Volume, 67.


U. Kolitsch (2000): The crystal structure of trimounsite-(Y), (Y,REE)2Ti2SiO9. Poster, M&M4, 4th Intern. Conf. on Mineralogy & Museums, Melbourne, December 4-7; Program and Abstract Volume, 66.


U. Kolitsch (2001): Mineralogie der Grube Clara im Mittleren Schwarzwald [Mineralogy of the Clara mine in the Central Black Forest]. Invited talk, Annual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], January 22, 2001. (in German)


U. Kolitsch (2001): The atomic arrangement of the fibrous iron phosphate 'laubmannite' (as defined by Moore, 1970). Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Potsdam, Germany, September 10-14; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 13, Beih. No. 1, 99.


U. Kolitsch (2001): Strong pseudosymmetry in the crystal structure of anthropogenic Pb2(OH)3(NO3) from a medieval mine dump. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2001; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 146, 139-140.


U. Kolitsch (2001): The crystal structure of wycheproofite, a rare hydrated Na-Al-Zr-phosphate from Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2001; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 146, 137-138.


A.Wohlschläger, U. Kolitsch and E. Libowitzky (2001): Large "gahnites" from near Okahua, Namibia: only Fe- and Zn-bearing spinels. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2001; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 146, 323.


W. Krause, U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt and H. Effenberger (2002): Duhamelite discredited. Poster, 18th General Meeting of IMA, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 1-6, 2002; Programme with Abstracts, 141-142.


U. Kolitsch, D. Holtstam and U. B. Andersson (2002): The crystal structure of a new REE-Ca-Mg,Fe-Al-F-silicate from Sweden and its close relation to the epidote structure type. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Hamburg, Germany, September 8-12; abstract in Eur. J. Mineral. 14, Beih. No. 1, 88.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2003): The crystal structure of synthetic Sc2Si2O7 at 100, 200 and 293 K: thermal expansion and behaviour of the Si2O7 group. Poster, 11th Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Society for Crystallography], Berlin, Germany, March 10-13; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 20, 139.


U. Kolitsch, C. L. Lengauer, W. Krause, H.-J. Bernhardt, O. Medenbach and G. Blaß (2003): BaZrSi2O7, a new mineral from the Eifel volcanic area, Germany. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2003, Neukirchen, Austria, September 15-21, 2003; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 148, 199-200.


U. Kolitsch, E. Belluso, A. Gula and G. Ferraris (2003): The crystal structure of an apparently new magnesium silicate mineral: a polytype of carlosturanite? Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2003, Neukirchen, Austria, September 15-21, 2003; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 148, 194-195.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2004): Does metastable monoclinic Sc2TiO5 exist? Insights from the crystal structures of berdesinskiite (V2TiO5) and unnamed natural monoclinic Fe2TiO5. Oral presentation, 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, August 20-28; abstract in Abstracts Vol., Pt. 1, abs. 42-3, 215.


U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt and G. Blaß (2004): Fe3(PO4)2(OH)3·5H2O, a new monoclinic ferric iron phosphate mineral from Germany: crystal structure, single-crystal Raman spectra and close relation to wavellite. Poster, 5th Eur. Conf. on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy (ECMS 2004), Vienna, Austria, September 4-8, 2004; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 149, 50.


U. Kolitsch (2004): Modern single-crystal X-ray diffractometry. Invited Oral Presentation, Dept. of Mineralogy and Meteoritics, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia, August 16, 2004.


P. C. Piilonen, R. Rowe, J. D. Grice, R. A. Gault, M. Cooper, U. Kolitsch and W. Lechner (2005): Two new sodium rare-earth fluorcarbonates from the Aris phonolite, Namibia. Oral presentation, 32nd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Rochester, NY, USA, April 14-17, 2005; abstract in Program and Abstracts, 27-28, and in Rocks & Minerals 82 (2007) 243-244


U. Kolitsch, H.-J. Bernhardt, W. Krause and G. Blaß (2005): Triclinic PbFe3(PO4)2(OH)4(H2O,OH)2: a new phosphate mineral from the Taunus, Germany, and its crystal structure. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 65.


U. Kolitsch and T. Witzke (2005): First occurrence in nature of a mineral containing a Dawson-type heteropolyanionic cluster [As2Mo18O62]6-: evidence from a crystal structure determination. Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 68.


U. Kolitsch and G. Blaß (2005): Triclinic "phillipsite" in a Ca-rich xenolith from the Bellerberg, Eifel, Germany: reduction of symmetry due to nearly complete Al-Si ordering - evidence for an unusual cooling history? Poster, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2005, Schladming, Austria, September 25-29, 2005; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 151, 66.


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2006): Rankachite, an unusual oxidic Ca-Fe-V-W-mineral from the Clara mine, Central Black Forest: crystal structure and revision of symmetry, unit cell and chemical formula. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DGK [German Soc. for Crystallography], Freiburg, Germany, April 3-6, 2006; abstract in Z. Kristallogr., Suppl. No. 24, 138.


U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns (2006): A new mineral: PbHPO4, the phosphate analogue of schultenite. Poster, 19th General Meeting of IMA, Kobe, Japan, July 23-28, 2006; Programme with Abstracts, P31.02.


S. J. Mills, U. Kolitsch, W. D. Birch and I. E. Grey (2006): Crystal-chemical behaviour of Ge and Ga in Pb-Fe members of the alunite supergroup. Oral presentation, 19th General Meeting of IMA, Kobe, Japan, July 23-28, 2006; Programme with Abstracts, 142.


U. Kolitsch and F. Brandstätter (2007): A new salt-inclusion sulphate phase from a burning coal dump: crystal-structural, chemical and Raman-spectroscopic characterisation. Oral presentation, 16th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Petrčane, Croatia, June 13-17, 2007; abstract in Book of Abstracts, 12.


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2007): A preliminary determination of the crystal structure of cyanophyllite and revision of its chemical formula. Oral presentation, Biannual Meeting of the ÖMG [Austrian Mineralog. Soc.], MinPet 2007, Meran, Italy, September 16-21, 2007; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 153, 66.


U. Kolitsch (2008): The crystal structure of a new Ca-Na-Mn3+-arsenate from a small metamorphic Mn deposit in Italy. Poster, 18th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-18, 2008; abstract in Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, Special Supplement 12S, A487.


S. J. Mills, L. A. Groat and U. Kolitsch (2008): Te, Sb and W mineralization at the Black Pine mine, Montana. Poster, 18th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-18, 2008; abstract in Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, Special Supplement 12S, A632.


A. R. Kampf and U. Kolitsch (2008): The relationship between phosphofibrite and meurigite. M&M6, 6th Intern. Conf. on Mineralogy & Museums, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, September 7-9, 2008; Program and Abstract Volume, 26.


U. Kolitsch (2008): Implications for the nomenclature of p-p hydropyroxenoids: the crystal structure of marsturite from the Molinello mine, Liguria, Italy. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Berlin, Germany, September 14-17, 2008; CD with abstracts, Abs. no. 120.


C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns (2008): More data on (Na,K,Ca)6[Al8Si8O32].12H2O, a new triclinic phillipsite-type zeolite from the Bellerberg volcano, Eifel, Germany. Oral presentation, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Berlin, Germany, September 14-17, 2008; CD with abstracts, Abs. no. 348.


T. Djordjević and U. Kolitsch (2008): Conichalcite revisited: Structural and chemical characterisation of a sample from the Maria Catalina mine, Copiapó Province, Chile. Poster, Annual Meeting of the DMG, Berlin, Germany, September 14-17, 2008; CD with abstracts, Abs. no. 331.


U. Kolitsch (2009): Mineral occurrences in southern and south-eastern Australia - impressions of a professional mineralogist. Invited plenary lecture, 14th Kongsberg Mineral Symposium; abstract in Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift 41, 31-32.


U. Kolitsch and H. Pristacz (2009): An orthorhombic dimorph of barstowite, Pb4Cl6(CO3).H2O, from slags at Maria Waitschach, Austria, and Lavrion, Greece. Poster, Joint MinPet 2009 and 4th MSCC, Budapest, Hungary, September 7-11; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 155, 83.


G. Papp and U. Kolitsch (2009): Authentic (type and other original) specimens of minerals first described from the Carpathian Region in the collection of the Natural History Museum, Vienna - a survey. Poster, Joint MinPet 2009 and 4th MSCC, Budapest, Hungary, September 7-11; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 155, 121.


C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns (2010): The structural role of potassium in PHI-type compounds; the particular flörkeite case. Poster, 16th Intern. Zeolite Conference (IZC-IMMS2010), Sorrento, Italy, July 4-9, 2010; Abstracts-CD, Topic 1.2, 024.


U. Kolitsch (2010): Pb2(S2O3)(CO3): The first naturally occurring thiosulphate carbonate and its atomic arrangement. Oral presentation, 20th General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2010), Budapest, Hungary, August 21-27; abstract in Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Vol. 6, p. 489.


V. Mladenova, U. Kolitsch, T. Kenkman, L. Hecht and R.-T. Schmitt (2010): Reinvestigation of the type material of orpheite: is it a valid mineral species? Poster, 20th General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2010), Budapest, Hungary, August 21-27; abstract in Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Vol. 6, p. 498.


C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, E. Tillmanns (2010): The (Al,Si)-ordered zeolites of the Bellerberg, Eifel area (Germany): the particular flörkeite case. Oral presentation, 20th General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2010), Budapest, Hungary, August 21-27; abstract in Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Vol. 6, p. 48.


D. Mitolo, F. Demartin, A. Garavelli, I. Campostrini, D. Pinto, C. M. Gramaccioli, P. Acquafredda and U. Kolitsch (2011): New fumarole minerals at Vulcano: Adranosite-(Fe). Poster, Geoitalia 2011, Turin, Italy, September 19-23, 2011; abstract in Plinius 37, 307.


U. Kolitsch, G. Giester and F. Brandstätter (2011): Mg-rich ludlamite and Mg-rich whiteite-(CaFeMg) from the phosphate pegmatite boulder at Laggerhof, Carinthia. Poster, Joint Meeting of the DGK, DMG and ÖMG, Salzburg, Austria, September 20-24, 2011; abstract in Abstracts Volume, 135.


T. Djordjević, U. Kolitsch and J. Stojanovic (2011): Crystal structure and hydrogen bonding in vauxite, Fe2+Al2(PO4)2(OH)2.6H2O from Vitlovac locality, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poster, Joint Meeting of the DGK, DMG and ÖMG, Salzburg, Austria, September 20-24, 2011; abstract in Abstracts Volume, 136.


A. R. Kampf, S. J. Mills, R. M. Housley, R. S. Bottrill and U. Kolitsch (2012): Reynoldsite, a new mineral from the Blue Bell claims, California and the Red Lead mine, Tasmania. 2012 Desert Symposium Volume, California State University, Desert Studies Consortium, 151-152.


U. Kolitsch (2012): Crystal structure of a new lead nitrate chloride and further surprises from the Pb- and Ba-rich ancient slag at Maria Waitschach, Carinthia, Austria. M&M7, 7th Intern. Conf. on Mineralogy & Museums, Dresden, Germany, August 27-29, 2012; Program and Abstracts Volume, 90.


C. Biagioni, E. Bonaccorsi, F. Cámara, M. Cadoni, M. E. Ciriotti, D. Bersani and U. Kolitsch (2012): Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH)10F∙6H2O, a new mineral from Piedmont, Italy. M&M7, 7th Intern. Conf. on Mineralogy & Museums, Dresden, Germany, August 27 - 29, 2012; Program and Abstracts Volume, 85-86.


U. Kolitsch (2013): Tourmaline-group minerals from Norway, part II: Occurrences of luinaite-(OH) in Tvedalen, Larvik and Porsgrunn, and fluor-liddicoatite, fluor-elbaite and fluor-schorl at Ågskardet, Nordland. Oral presentation, Kongsberg Mineral Symposium 2013, Kongsberg, Norway, May 26, 2013.


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2013): The crystal structure of a new secondary zinc mineral from Lavrion, Greece: Zn9(SO4)2(OH)12Cl2•6H2O. Poster, MinPet 2013, Graz, Austria, September 19-23; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 159, 74.


U. Kolitsch, M. E. Ciriotti and G. Blaß (2013): Preliminary data on a new natural Ca-Ce4+-arsenate and its crystal structure. Poster, MinPet 2013, Graz, Austria, September 19-23; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 159, 75.


L. Oberwandling, H. Pristacz, U. Kolitsch and C. L. Lengauer (2013): Structural characterization of lannonite from the Anna mine, Alsdorf, Germany. Poster, MinPet 2013, Graz, Austria, September 19-23; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 159, 105.


T. Witzke, U. Kolitsch and F. de Wit (2014): Mineral formation processes at the burning dump of the Anna coal mine, Alsdorf, Germany. 21st General Meeting of the IMA (IMA2014), Gauteng, South Africa, September 1-5; Abstract Volume, 157.


C. Carbone, U. Kolitsch, D. Belmonte, R. Cabella, G. Lucchetti and M. E. Ciriotti (2014): A monoclinic K-Li-Cu-Mg silicate from the Cerchiara mine: a monoclinic dimorph of lavinskyite? 87° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana & 90° Congresso della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Milano, Italy, September 10-12; Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 31, Suppl. no. 1, 310.


U. Kolitsch and G. Giester (2014): A new calcium arsenate mineral, Ca3(AsO4)2·~5.9H2O, and its crystal structure. Poster, 92nd Annual Meeting of the DMG, Jena, Germany, September 21-24; abstract in Programme, 264.


U. Kolitsch and C. L. Lengauer (2014): Crystal structure of Cu10(AsO4)4(SO4)(OH)6·12H2O, a new copper arsenate-sulphate mineral closely related to leogangite. Poster, 92nd Annual Meeting of the DMG, Jena, Germany, September 21-24; abstract in Programme, 258.


U. Kolitsch, C. L. Lengauer and G. Giester (2014): Crystal structures and isotypism of the iron arsenate kamarizaite and the iron phosphate tinticite. Poster, 92nd Annual Meeting of the DMG, Jena, Germany, September 21-24; abstract in Programme, 257.

T. Buttinger-Kreuzhuber, U. Kolitsch, A. Pačevski & T. Đordević (2015): Aluminium phosphate-sulphate (APS) minerals in the Gornja Lipa deposit, Bor district, Serbia. Poster, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 30.

M.W. Feimuth, U. Kolitsch, C.L. Lengauer (2015): Nabesite: dehydration behaviour between 100 and 375 K. Poster, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 32.

U. Kolitsch (2015): Crystal structure of KSc(SO4)2, isotypic with yavapaite [KFe(SO4)2]. Poster, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 65.

U. Kolitsch, B. Rieck and P. Voudouris (2015): Mineralogy and genesis of the Lavrion ore deposit: new insights from the study of ore and accessory minerals. Poster, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 66.

U. Kolitsch, T. Schachinger and F. Bernhard (2015): Ardennite-(As), ardennite-(V), gasparite-(Ce) and chernovite-(Y): first results of a mineralogical study of the metaradiolarite-hosted manganese ore mineralisations in the Fuchssee area, Radstadt Tauern, Salzburg, Austria. Oral presentation, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 67.

U. Kolitsch (2016): Natural occurrence, synthesis and crystal structure of the new oxalate BaMn(C2O4)2·4H2O. Poster, New Minerals and Mineralogy in the 21th Century - International scientific symposium Jáchymov 2016, Jáchymov, Czech Republic, September 3-5, 2016; abstract in Book of abstracts, 37-38.

A. Garavelli, D. Pinto, D. Mitolo, U. Kolitsch (2017): Thermessaite-(NH4): another piece of the puzzle of the evolution of sublimate deposition at “La Fossa” crater fumaroles. Joint SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGeI 2017 Conference "Geosciences: a tool in a changing world", Pisa, Italy, September 3-6, 2017; abstract in Abstract book, 122.

F. Cámara, C. Biagioni, M.E. Ciriotti, F. Bosi, U. Kolitsch, W.H. Paar, G. Blass, E. Bittarello (2017): Piccoliite, a new mineral of the pilawite group. Oral presentation, Joint SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGeI 2017 Conference "Geosciences: a tool in a changing world", Pisa, Italy, September 3-6, 2017; abstract in Abstract book, 120.

K. Schwendtner & U. Kolitsch (2017): M3+(H2AsO4)3·5H2O (M = In, Ga), two synthetic analogues of the iron hydrogenarsenate mineral kaatialaite. Poster, MinPet 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, September 6-9; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 163, 79.

Đorđević, T., Kolitsch, U., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T. & Boev, B. (2017): Anomalous As-enrichment in gersdorffite in a realgar-rich environment: Lojane, Macedonia. Poster, MinPet 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, September 6-9; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 163, 38.

T. Witzke, U. Kolitsch & F. de Wit (2017): Mineralogische und geochemische Prozesse auf brennenden Abraumhalden am Beispiel der Halde Anna I, Alsdorf bei Aachen. Vortrag, 20. Internationaler Bergbau- und Montanhistorik-Workshop, Zeche Zollern/Ruhrgebiet, Germany, October 3-8, 2017; Abstract in Tagungsband 147-152.

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, G. Tasev and T. Serafimovski (2018): First insights into the mineralogy of the tailings dump of the Lojane Sb-As(-Cr) deposit, FYR of Macedonia. Poster, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, April 8-13; abstract in Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, 14914.

E. Galanos, P. Voudouris, B. Rieck, U. Kolitsch, V. Melfos, S. Zaimis, C. Mavrogonatos, K. Soukis (2018): The Ni-Bi-Au association at Kamariza and km 3 locality, Lavrion ore district, Greece. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science, 16-31 July 2018, Proceedings, 11 pp. (

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, T. Serafimovski, G. Tasev, N. Tepe, T. Hofmann, M. Stöger-Pollach and B. Boev (2019): Tracing the mobilization of toxic metals from the tailings of the Lojane Sb-As-Cr mine, Macedonia. Poster, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12; abstract in Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, EGU2019-8108.

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, T. Serafimovski, G. Tasev, M. Stöger-Pollach and B. Boev (2019): Arsenic in roméite-group minerals formed by weathering of realgar-rich tailings (Lojane mine, North Macedonia). 9th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy, ECMS2019, Prague, Czech Republic, September 11-13, Book of Abstracts,

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, P. Drahota, M. Knappová, J. Majzlan, S. Kiefer, T. Mikuš, T. Serafimovski, G. Tasev, I. Boev and B. Boev (2020): Thallium mobility in mining wastes at the Crven Dol locality, Allchar deposit, North Macedonia. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, May 3-8; abstract in Geophysical Research Abstracts 22, EGU2012-4959.

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, P. Drahota, M. Peřestá, J. Majzlan, S. Kiefer, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev and B. Boev (2020): Mobility of Tl and Hg in the As-rich waste dumps of adit no. 25, former Allchar mine, North Macedonia. Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, June 21-26, 2020, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2020, 606,

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, P. Drahota, J. Majzlan, M. Peřestá, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev, and B. Boev (2021): Tl sequestration in the middle part of the Allchar Sb–As–Tl–Au deposit, North Macedonia. Goldschmidt Virtual 2021, 4-9 July 2021,

S. Uiblein, T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, P. Nagl, P. Drahota, M. Mihaljevič, G. Tasev and T. Serafimovski (2021): Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the major waste dump of the former As-Sb-Cr mine at Lojane, North Macedonia. Oral presentation, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2021; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 153.

T. Ðorđević, P. Drahota, U. Kolitsch, J. Majzlan, S. Kiefer, N. Tepe, T. Hofmann, T. Serafimovski, G. Tasev, I. Boev and B. Boev B. (2021): Geogenic thallium-extreme environments: in which secondary phases is Tl(I) incorporated? Oral presentation, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2021; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 84.

A. Steinfeld, T. Ðorđević, U. Kolitsch, P. Nagl, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev and B. Boev (2021): An update on secondary thallium minerals. Poster, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2021; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 145.

U. Kolitsch and D. Topa (2021): (Ag4.38Cu2.62)S7.00AsS5: A new silver-copper sulphosalt from the Bou Azzer Mining District, Morocco. Poster, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 117.

U. Kolitsch, D. Topa and G. Giester (2021): Revisions of the crystal structures of matildite, AgBiS2, and christite, TlHgAsS3. Poster, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2021; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 118.

U. Kolitsch (2021): Revision of the crystal structure of rhabdophane-(Ce). Poster, MinPet 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2021; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 167, 116.

L. Pittarello, E. Fanesi, U. Kolitsch and G. Giuli (2022): The natural occurrence of native iron in basalt from Bühl near Weimar, Kassel, Germany: a new study based on historical samples. Poster, PANGEO 2022, 10.-13. September 2022, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria. Abstract in Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 143, 139.

T. Đorđević, P. Nagl, C. L. Lengauer, U. Kolitsch, G. Tasev, T. Serafimovski, I. Boev and B. Boev (2023): First insights into mineralogy and weathering of the slags produced by smelting lateritic Ni ore at Vozarci, North Macedonia. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2023; EGU23-15985,

T. Đorđević, U. Kolitsch, M. I. Stöger-Pollach, S. Schwarz and J. Majzlan (2024): Nano- to microscale weathering of thallium in ore deposits. EMC2024 - European Mineralogical Conference 2024, Dublin, Ireland, August 18-23, 2024; Program and Abstracts Volume, 300.

Allgemeine und systematische Mineralogie, Erzlagerstätten

- Seltene, ungewöhnliche und neue Minerale, und ihre Bildungsbedingungen

- Genese und Verwitterung von Erzlagerstätten, Bildung und Stabilität von Sekundärmineralien

- Schlackenmineralien (Schlackenphasen)


Kristallchemie und Kristallstrukturen

- Oxidische Minerale und anorganische Verbindungen, allgemeine Festkörperchemie

- Sekundäre Oxysalz-Minerale und synthetische Oxysalze (spez. Arsenate, Phosphate, Vanadate; Selenate, Chromate, Molybdate, Wolframate; Oxalate)

- Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen; Verhalten von Mischkristallreihen

- Verhalten von Kationen mit einem einsamen Elektronenpaar (z.B. Pb2+, Bi3+, Se4+)


Umweltmineralogie und Angewandte Mineralogie (Technische Mineralogie)

- Immobilisierung von toxischen Schwermetallen in Mineralstrukturen

- 'Geomimetics'

- Kristallzüchtung mit der Flux- und der Hydrothermal-Methode


Materialwissenschaften / Festkörperchemie

- Oxidische Selten-Erden-Verbindungen und systematische Änderungen entlang der Serie von Selten-Erden-Elementen

- Mikroporöse und zeolithische Verbindungen

- Hochleistungs-, refraktäre Oxid- und Nichtoxid-Keramiken

- Phasengleichgewichte, metastabile Verbindungen, Oxidgläser und Glaskeramiken


Beugungs- und spektroskopische Methoden

- Einkristallstrukturanalyse; Verzwillingungen

- Elektronenbeugung, Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie

- Pulver-Röntgenbeugung, Rietveld-Methode

- Laser-Raman- und IR-Spektroskopie

  • weltberühmte Grube Clara im Schwarzwald, Deutschland
  • Australien (1997-1999, 2004, 2008)
  • Europa: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Frankreich (v.a. Vogesen), Italien, Rumänien, Nordmazedonien, Griechenland (v.a. Lavrion), Schweden, Norwegen
  • Afrika: Namibia
  • Asien: Myanmar



Vorlesungen an der Universität Wien:

2001: "Mineralogische Aspekte in den Materialwissenschaften"

2002 & 2004: "Umweltmineralogie"

2003: "Spezielle Themen der angewandten und technischen Mineralogie"

2004/2005: "Spezielle Themen der angewandten und technischen Mineralogie: Nichtoxidische Keramiken und Werkstoffe"

2005/2006: "Spezielle Themen der angewandten und technischen Mineralogie: Oxidkeramik"

2007: "Angewandte Mineralogie: Zeolithe"

2008/2009: "Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten und Publizieren für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene"

2011/2012: "Materialwissenschaftliche Mineralogie" (Kapitel 21 & 25)

2012: "Materialwissenschaftliche Mineralogie II"
2016: „Mineralogical methods in environmental geosciences”


1999 - heute: Betreuung von Diplomanden, Bachelor- und Masterstudierende, Doktoranden und Gastwissenschaftlern (national und international)



  • Mitglied der ÖMG
  • Mitglied der DMG
  • Mitglied der Mineralogical Society (UK)
  • Mitglied der Mineralogical Association of Canada
  • Mitglied der Stuttgarter Mineralien- und Fossilienfreunde e.V.


  • Eur. J. Mineral.
  • Mineral. Mag.
  • Am. Mineral.
  • Z. Kristallogr.
  • Acta Crystallogr. B
  • Acta Crystallogr. C
  • Acta Crystallogr. E
  • Mineral. Petrol.
  • N. Jb. Mineral.
  • Austral. J. Mineral.
  • Can. Mineral.
  • Chem. Geol.
  • Phys. Chem. Miner.
  • J. Geosci.
  • Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
  • J. Mol. Struct.
  • Geol. Q.


Ehrungen und Fellowships

  • Senior Research Fellow der Universität Wien (2021 - heute)
  • Member, Editorial committee - 'Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, Serie A' (2012 - present)
  • Member of the Editorial Board: Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A (2018 - present)
  • Associate Editor Canadian Mineralogist (2005-2007)
  • Ehrenmitglied und Mitglied des Scientific Committee der AMI (Associazione Micromineralogica Italiana) (2003 - heute)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie
  • Korrespondierendes Mitglied des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Kärnten (2011-heute)
  • Forschungsstipendien des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Österreich (2001-2005 und 2005-2008)
  • Forschungsstipendium der DFG (1999-2001)
  • Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung (1997-1999)
  • Doktorandenstipendium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (1992-1995)
Das seltene Blei-Eisen-Zink-Arsenat-Mineral Kolitschit wurde 2009 zu meinen Ehren benannt.




  • Ausstellungsbeteiligung „New minerals discovered in the Carpathian Region" - Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 20. 7. 2010 - 28. 11. 2011 (Leihgabe von ausgewählten Mineralstufen)
  • Ausstellungsbeteiligung „Goldrausch. Ein Kitzbüheler Goldbergbau-Unternehmen in Kalifornien“ - Museum Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel, 4. 12. 2010 - 23. 4. 2011 (Leihgabe von ausgewählten Objekten, Auf- und Abbau)
  • Ausstellungsbeteiligung „African Secrets“ - Munich Show, München, 25.-28. 10. 2012 (Leihgabe von ausgewählten Objekten, Auf- und Abbau)
  • Dauerausstellung „Evolution der Minerale“, NHM Wien, Saal I, seit 5. April 2017
  • Dauerausstellung „Natürliche Radioaktivität“ („Strahlung in der Umwelt“), NHM Wien, Saal IV, seit 26. Mai 2020




  • 2006 - heute: Mitglied des internationalen Managerteams von Mindat, der web-basierten Mineral- und Fundstellendatenbank
  • Mitglied im Österreichischen Geonetz       
  • Fremdsprachenkenntnisse: Englisch (sehr gut), Französisch (gut), Italienisch (gut)


Batic Goran
Berger Anna
Brandstätter Franz
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Dionatos Odysseas
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Ertl-Winand Andreas
Ferrière Ludovic
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Hammer Vera M. F.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Leiterin der Mineraliensammlung, Leiterin des Staatlichen Edelsteininstitutes
Kohn Victoria
Kuratorin der Edelsteinsammlung und Kokuratorin der Mineraliensammlung
Mayr Nina
Assistenz Mineralogie
Patzer Andrea
Kuratorin der Meteoritensammlung
Pittarello Lidia
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Kuratorin der Gesteinssammlung
Schalko Clemens
Topa Dan
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Walter-Roszjár Julia
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Ko-Kuratorin der Meteoritensammlung, derzeit karenziert