Anna E. Weinmann
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Kuratorin der Mikropaläontologischen Sammlung
- Kuratorin für Mikropaläontologie
- Sammlungsmanagement: Mikrofossilien
- Wissenschaftliche Forschung
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Ausstellungsgestaltung
E. Weinmanns ORCID Eintrag:

- DFG-Projekt 323009980 (https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/323009980), Teilprojekt 2: „Ein verborgener Schatz: Ökologische Erkenntnisse aus „propagule banks“ benthischer Foraminiferen in Küstenlebensräumen von Korfu (Ionisches Meer)“ 2019–2022 (Projektleiterin)
- DFG-Projekt 323009980, Teilprojekt 1: „Verbreitung und Ausbreitung von Flachwasserforaminiferen in einem biogeographischen „Hotspot“: Ökologische Untersuchungen und Experimente in küstennahen Habitaten der Insel Korfu (Griechenland, Ionisches Meer)“ 2017–2019 (Projektleiterin)
- Max Kade Foundation (Stipendium): „ Dispersal of shallow-water benthic foraminifera: A key to current and potential future distribution patterns and biogeography” 2014–2015 (Projektleiterin)
- Seit 2020 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Kuratorin am NHM Wien
- 2015–2020 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Geowissenschaften, Bereich Paläontologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 2014–2015 Max-Kade-Stipendium am Geology Department, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
- 2013–2014 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Steinmann Institut, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 2013 Promotion in Geowissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
- 2010–2013 Promotionsstudium an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 2009–2013 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Steinmann Institut, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- 2009 Diplom in Geologie und Paläontologie an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
- 2002–2009 Studium der Geologie und Paläontologie an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Weinmann AE, Rögl F, Winkler V & Kroh A (2024): The importance of being digitized – The foraminiferal type collection of Felix Karrer at the Natural History Museum Vienna. TMS Annual Conference 2024 "Preserving our Micropalaeontological Heritage" (November 6–9 2024, Kraków, Poland). Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, Special Issue 4: 89.
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaya E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A, Mauko Pranjić A, Pignatti J, Kocjančič A, Briguglio A, Baumgartner C (2024): Spatio-temporal patterns in Eocene to recent species of genera Sphaerogypsina and Orbitogypsina from the Neotethys, Paratethys and Caribbean. 13th WOLF (Working on Larger Foraminifera) Meeting (October 18–19 2024, Triest, Italy).
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaya E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A, Mauko Pranjić A, Pignatti J, Kocjančič A, Briguglio A, Baumgartner C (2024): The stratigraphic distribution of Sphaerogypsina and Orbitogypsina species from the Eocene to recent in the Neotethys, Paratethys and Caribbean. 13th WOLF (Working on Larger Foraminifera) Meeting (October 18–19 2024, Triest, Italy).
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaja E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A & Mauko Pranjić A (2024): Genus Sphaerogypsina, Miocene type species from the Vienna Basin and its ancestors and descendants. – In: Bartol M, Ivančič K & Horvat A (Eds): 10th International Workshop “Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe” – Abstract Volume (May 27–31 2024, Podčetrtek, Slovenia). Geološki zavod Slovenije: 24–25.
Weinmann AE, Mancin N, Caruso A & Evans J (2024): Foraminifera from the 19th century as baselines for modern environmental change and invasion studies – insights from the Sicily Channel – In: Grunert P & Koukousioura O (Eds): TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024 “Foraminifera & The Evolving Earth System” – Abstracts (May 21–24 2024, Cologne, Germany). University of Cologne: 77.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA & Gooday AJ (2024): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – In: Grunert P & Koukousioura O (Eds): TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024 “Foraminifera & The Evolving Earth System” – Abstracts (May 21–24 2024, Cologne, Germany). University of Cologne: 43–44.
Weinmann AE, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2023): Invasive shallow-water foraminifera impacts local biodiversity mostly at densities above 20%: the case of Corfu Island. – Web Ecology 23 (2): 71–86.
Harzhauser M, Weinmann AE, Krenn M & Mandic O (2023): Paleontological aspects of Austrian Arctic endeavors. – Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 19 (3): 495–512.
Harzhauser M, Göhlich UB, Kroh A, Lukeneder A, Mandic O, Nichterl T, Weinmann AE & Krenn M (2023): “aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III” – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019). – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 124: 101–124.
Weinmann AE (2023): Historic sediment samples as early-Lessepsian baselines for the biogeography and diversity of benthic foraminifera in the Mediterranean Sea – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 266–267.
Weinmann AE, Hassenrück C, Raposo D, Goldstein ST, Langer MR, Li Q, Triantaphyllou MV & Morard R (2023): Tracking community turnover through time: A combined approach of propagule culture experiments and eDNA metabarcoding – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 267.
Bardis D, Triantaphyllou M, Dimiza M, Tsourou T, Koukousioura O, Weinmann A, Langer M & Hallock P (2023): Amphistegina lobifera Larsen life cycle mode in a stressed coastal environment: The Vravron site, Aegean Sea Greece, revisited – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 49–50.
Falzoni F, Gale L, Rettori R, Weinmann A, & Parente M (2023): Taxonomic revision of some textulariinid benthic foraminifera of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 104–105.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA & Gooday AJ (2023): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – In: Bębenek S, Waśkowska A & Kaminski MA (Eds): Eleventh International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera (April 19–22 2023, Kraków, Poland). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 26: 52.
Harzhauser M, Göhlich UB, Kroh A, Lukeneder A, Mandic O, Nichterl T, Weinmann A & Krenn M (2023): Dataset to: Harzhauser et al. (2023): "'aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III' – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019)". – NHMW Data Repository.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA, Könen J & Gooday AJ (2022): New observations on test architecture and construction of Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – PeerJ 10: e12884.
Weinmann AE, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): It’s getting hot around here – new insights from propagule experiments into foraminiferal assemblage reactions to heat exposure. – In: Meilland J, Morard R, Kučera M, Nitsch J & Klose C (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2022 "The Microfossil Record of Ecosystem Response to Global Change" (November 9–11 2022, Bremen, Germany). Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, Special Issue 2: 121–122.
Weinmann AE, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): Cenozoic mass occurrences of larger benthic foraminifera in the Mediterranean region: What can we learn from the current range expansion of Amphistegina lobifera? – In: Rantitsch G & Raith JG (Eds): PANGEO Austria 2022 (September 10–14 2022, Leoben, Austria). Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 143: 199.
Weinmann AE, Morard R, Hassenrück C, Goldstein ST, Li Q, Raposo D, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): Assessing assemblages from foraminiferal propagule banks: A combined approach of culture experiments and eDNA metabarcoding. – EGU General Assembly 2022 (May 23–27 2022, Vienna, Austria). EGUsphere: EGU22–2315.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled W, Könen J, Gooday AJ (2022): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – EGU General Assembly 2022 (May 23–27 2022, Vienna, Austria). EGUsphere: EGU22–3818.
Weinmann A, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou M & Langer M (2022): Datasets to Weinmann et al.: Spatial distribution and diversity of benthic shallow-water foraminifera from Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea): An island at the range front of an invasive species. – NHMW Data Repository.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): Community responses of intertidal foraminifera to pH variations: a culture experiment with propagules. – Aquatic Ecology 55 (1): 309–325.
Weinmann AE, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): The recent distribution of benthic shallow-water foraminifera in Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea) – A biodiversity hotspot between the eastern and western Mediterranean. – In: Stumpf S, Türtscher J, Pfaff C, Jambura PL & Kriwet J (Eds): 92nd Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 27–30 2021, online). Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 142: 100.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR & Triantaphyllou MV (2021): Welcome back!? The return of the LBF Amphistegina to the Mediterranean: Implications for the local diversity of Corfu (Greece). – In: Feichtinger I (Ed.): 26. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (September 3–5 2021, Salzburg, Austria). Programm & Kurzfassungen: 3.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): The propagule method as a tool to study assemblage dynamics in benthic foraminifera: An example with ph variations. – EGU General Assembly 2021 (April 19–30 2021, online). EGUsphere: EGU21–7192.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Langer MR & Triantaphyllou MV (2020): Compositional shifts in shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages in response to pH variations: Insights from a culture experiment with propagules. – GSA Annual Meeting 2020 (October 26–30 2020, online). Abstracts with Programs 52/6: 177-12.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2019): Effects of sampling site, season, and substrate on foraminiferal assemblages grown from propagule banks from lagoon sediments of Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea). – PLoS One 14: e0219015.
Guastella R, Marchini A, Caruso A, Cosentino C, Evans J, Weinmann AE, Langer MR & Mancin N (2019): “Hidden invaders” conquer the Sicily channel and knock on the door of the Western Mediterranean Sea. – Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 225: 106234.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2019): Ecology and community structure of modern intertidal foraminifera from Corfu Island (Greece): Insights from propagule experiments. – GSA Annual Meeting 2019 (September 22–25 2019, Phoenix (AZ), USA). Abstracts with Programs 51/5: 270-10.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): Is timing everything? The effects of site, seasonality and substrate on foraminiferal assemblages grown from propagule banks. – In: Aze T, Woodhouse A & Mair A (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2018 “Microfossil Insights into Greenhouse Worlds” (November 14–15 2018, Leeds, UK). Abstracts with Programs.
Langer MR & Weinmann AE (2018): Range extension and impact of Amphistegina lobifera under conditions of global climate change: An “alien” foraminifer listed among the 100 most invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea. – In: Aze T, Woodhouse A & Mair A (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2018 “Microfossil Insights into Greenhouse Worlds” (November 14–15 2018, Leeds, UK). Abstracts with Programs.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Goldstein ST & Triantaphyllou MV (2018): What could have been – Implications from laboratory experiments on foraminiferal assemblages for environmental reconstructions. – In: Froitzheim N, Grevel K-D, Hoffmann G, Luguet A, Martin T & Strack R (Eds): GeoBonn 2018 “Living Earth” (September 2–6 2018, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts: 268.
Weinmann, AE (2018): Distribution and dispersal of foraminifera in times of global change. – FORAMS 2018 – International Symposium on Foraminifera “Foraminifera in a Changing World” (June 17–22 2018, Edinburgh, UK). Abstracts: 680.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): New insights from propagule experiments in a shallow-water lagoon in Corfu (Greece, Ionian Sea). – FORAMS 2018 – International Symposium on Foraminifera “Foraminifera in a Changing World” (June 17–22 2018, Edinburgh, UK). Abstracts: 681.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): Growth Experiments Reveal “Exotic” Propagule Assemblages of Benthic Foraminifera in the Chalikiopoulou Lagoon, Corfu (Greece) – A Glimpse of Future Community Structures? – Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 (February 11–16 2018, Portland (OR), USA). B34A-1374.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2017): Diverse thermotolerant assemblages of benthic foraminiferal biotas from tropical tide and rock pools of eastern Africa. – Revue de Micropaléontologie 60 (4): 511–523.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2017): Landward directed dispersal of benthic foraminiferal propagules at two shallow-water sites in the Doboy Sound area (Georgia, U.S.A.). – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 47 (4): 325–336.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2017): Dwelling in a hot spot: Diversity of benthic foraminifera in tropical tide pools of eastern Africa. – TMS’s Joint Foraminifera and Nannofossil Meeting 2017 “Life in a changing Ocean” (June 19–21 2017, Birmingham, UK). Abstracts: 65.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Changing structure of benthic foraminiferal communities: Implications from experimentally grown assemblages of coastal Georgia and Florida, U.S.A. – Marine Ecology 37 (4): 891–906.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Dispersal of foraminiferal propagules in shallow-water environments of Doboy Sound, Georgia (U.S.A.). – In: Niebuhr B, Wilmsen M, Kunzmann L & Stefen C (Eds): 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 11–15 2016, Dresden, Germany). Abstracts: 162.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2016): Diversity of benthic foraminifera in restricted shallow-water habitats of eastern Africa. – In: Niebuhr B, Wilmsen M, Kunzmann L & Stefen C (Eds): 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 11–15 2016, Dresden, Germany). Abstracts: 162–163.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Biding their time – Insights from propagule experiments into the assemblage composition of shallow-water foraminifera under environmental change. – EGU General Assembly 2016 (April 17–22 2016, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-417.
Schmidt C, Morard R, Almogi-Labin A, Weinmann AE, Titelboim D, Abramovich S & Kucera M (2015): Recent invasion of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Pararotalia into the Eastern Mediterranean facilitated by the ongoing warming trend. – PLoS One 10: e0132917.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2015): Potentially changing structures of foraminiferal communities of coastal Georgia and Florida (U.S.A.). – In: Bettinger A (Ed.): 86. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (September 14–16 2015, Schiffweiler-Reden, Germany). Veröffentlichungen des Zentrums für Biodokumentation (ZfB) 4: 56.
ISBN 978-3-938381-19-8
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2014): Dispersal of shallow-water foraminifera – a key to current and potential future distribution patterns. – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 (December 15–19 2014, San Francisco (CA), USA). GC21C-0555.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2014): Changing biogeographic patterns along the coast of southern Africa. – In: Marchant M & Hromic T (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2014 (January 19–24 2014, Concepción, Chile). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 20: 50.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Rödder D & Lötters S (2014): Range expansions of larger foraminifera under current and future climate. – In: Marchant M & Hromic T (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2014 (January 19–24 2014, Concepción, Chile). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 20: 54–55.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2013): Traveling through time: The past, present and future biogeographic range of the invasive foraminifera Amphistegina spp. in the Mediterranean Sea. – Marine Micropaleontology 105: 30–39.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2013): Heading for new shores: Projecting marine distribution ranges of selected larger foraminifera. – PLoS One 8: e62182.
Langer MR, Thissen JM, Makled WA & Weinmann AE (2013): The foraminifera from the Bazaruto Archipelago (Mozambique). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen 267 (2): 155–170.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Lötters S, Bernhard JM & Rödder D (2013): Climate-driven range extensions of Amphistegina (Protista, Foraminiferida): Models of current and predicted future ranges. – PLoS One 8: e54443.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2013): Invasion, expansion and proliferation of Amphistegina spp. in times of global change. – GSA Annual Meeting 2013 (October 26–30 2013, Denver (CO), USA). Abstracts with Programs 45/7: 532.
Langer MR & Weinmann AE (2013): Poleward range extension of foraminifera (Protista): Species distribution models of current and predicted future ranges. – In: Pichler T, Häusler S & Tsounis G (Eds): Abstracts of the 3rd International Workshop "Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems" (February 14–15 2013, Bremen, Germany). Berichte aus dem MARUM und dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 292: 102–105.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Lötters S & Rödder D (2012): “Strangers” in Paradise: Modeling the biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 42 (3): 234–244.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Lötters S & Rödder D (2012:) Traveling through time: The past, present and future biogeographic range of Amphistegina spp. – In: Witzmann F & Aberhan M (Eds): Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 24–29 2012, Berlin, Germany). Terra Nostra – Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2012 (3): 194.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2012): Off to new shores: Modeling the potential distribution and future range expansion of larger foraminifera. – EGU General Assembly 2012 (April 22–27 2012, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-2490.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Rödder D & Lötters S (2012): Strangers in Paradise: The biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. – EGU General Assembly 2012 (April 22–27 2012, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-5583.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Lötters S & Rödder D (2011): Home is where your niche is – Species distribution models in foraminiferal research. – GSA Annual Meeting 2011 (October 9–12 2011, Minneapolis (MN), USA). Abstracts with Programs 43/5: 555.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2010): Diversity patterns of larger foraminifera within the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 200.
Weinmann AE, Barbosa CF & Langer MR (2010): A fauna offshore – Reef foraminifera from Fernando de Noronha and Abrolhos (Brazil). – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 199.
Langer MR, Makled WA, Pietsch SJ & Weinmann A (2010): Asynchronous calcification in juvenile megalospheres: An ontogenetic window into the life-cycle and polymorphism of Peneroplis. – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 129.
Langer MR, Makled WA, Pietsch SJ & Weinmann A (2009): Asynchronous calcification in juvenile megalospheres - an ontogenetic window into the life-cycle and polymorphism of Peneroplis. – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 39 (1): 8–14.
Weinmann AE, Barbosa CF & Langer MR (2009): A fauna offshore – Reef foraminifera from Fernando de Noronha and Abrolhos (Brazil). – In: Martin T & Kaiser SI (Eds): 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft “Paläontologie – Schlüssel zur Evolution“ (October 5–7 2009, Bonn, Germany). Terra Nostra – Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2009 (3): 121.
ISSN 0946-8978
Weinmann AE, Rögl F, Winkler V & Kroh A (2024): The importance of being digitized – The foraminiferal type collection of Felix Karrer at the Natural History Museum Vienna. TMS Annual Conference 2024 "Preserving our Micropalaeontological Heritage" (November 6–9 2024, Kraków, Poland). Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, Special Issue 4: 89.
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaya E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A, Mauko Pranjić A, Pignatti J, Kocjančič A, Briguglio A, Baumgartner C (2024): Spatio-temporal patterns in Eocene to recent species of genera Sphaerogypsina and Orbitogypsina from the Neotethys, Paratethys and Caribbean. 13th WOLF (Working on Larger Foraminifera) Meeting (October 18–19 2024, Triest, Italy).
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaya E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A, Mauko Pranjić A, Pignatti J, Kocjančič A, Briguglio A, Baumgartner C (2024): The stratigraphic distribution of Sphaerogypsina and Orbitogypsina species from the Eocene to recent in the Neotethys, Paratethys and Caribbean. 13th WOLF (Working on Larger Foraminifera) Meeting (October 18–19 2024, Triest, Italy).
Drobne K, Mandic O, Weinmann A, Zakrevskaja E, Fokin PA, Ćosović V, Cifer T, Praprotnik A & Mauko Pranjić A (2024): Genus Sphaerogypsina, Miocene type species from the Vienna Basin and its ancestors and descendants. – In: Bartol M, Ivančič K & Horvat A (Eds): 10th International Workshop “Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe” – Abstract Volume (May 27–31 2024, Podčetrtek, Slovenia). Geološki zavod Slovenije: 24–25.
Weinmann AE, Mancin N, Caruso A & Evans J (2024): Foraminifera from the 19th century as baselines for modern environmental change and invasion studies – insights from the Sicily Channel – In: Grunert P & Koukousioura O (Eds): TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024 “Foraminifera & The Evolving Earth System” – Abstracts (May 21–24 2024, Cologne, Germany). University of Cologne: 77.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA & Gooday AJ (2024): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – In: Grunert P & Koukousioura O (Eds): TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024 “Foraminifera & The Evolving Earth System” – Abstracts (May 21–24 2024, Cologne, Germany). University of Cologne: 43–44.
Weinmann AE, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2023): Invasive shallow-water foraminifera impacts local biodiversity mostly at densities above 20%: the case of Corfu Island. – Web Ecology 23 (2): 71–86.
Harzhauser M, Weinmann AE, Krenn M & Mandic O (2023): Paleontological aspects of Austrian Arctic endeavors. – Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 19 (3): 495–512.
Harzhauser M, Göhlich UB, Kroh A, Lukeneder A, Mandic O, Nichterl T, Weinmann AE & Krenn M (2023): “aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III” – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019). – Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 124: 101–124.
Weinmann AE (2023): Historic sediment samples as early-Lessepsian baselines for the biogeography and diversity of benthic foraminifera in the Mediterranean Sea – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 266–267.
Weinmann AE, Hassenrück C, Raposo D, Goldstein ST, Langer MR, Li Q, Triantaphyllou MV & Morard R (2023): Tracking community turnover through time: A combined approach of propagule culture experiments and eDNA metabarcoding – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 267.
Bardis D, Triantaphyllou M, Dimiza M, Tsourou T, Koukousioura O, Weinmann A, Langer M & Hallock P (2023): Amphistegina lobifera Larsen life cycle mode in a stressed coastal environment: The Vravron site, Aegean Sea Greece, revisited – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 49–50.
Falzoni F, Gale L, Rettori R, Weinmann A, & Parente M (2023): Taxonomic revision of some textulariinid benthic foraminifera of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval – In: Papazzoni CA & Petrizzo MR (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2023 – Abstracts with Program (June 26–30 2023, Perugia, Italy). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 27: 104–105.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA & Gooday AJ (2023): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – In: Bębenek S, Waśkowska A & Kaminski MA (Eds): Eleventh International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera (April 19–22 2023, Kraków, Poland). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 26: 52.
Harzhauser M, Göhlich UB, Kroh A, Lukeneder A, Mandic O, Nichterl T, Weinmann A & Krenn M (2023): Dataset to: Harzhauser et al. (2023): "'aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III' – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019)". – NHMW Data Repository.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled WA, Könen J & Gooday AJ (2022): New observations on test architecture and construction of Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, 1890, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – PeerJ 10: e12884.
Weinmann AE, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): It’s getting hot around here – new insights from propagule experiments into foraminiferal assemblage reactions to heat exposure. – In: Meilland J, Morard R, Kučera M, Nitsch J & Klose C (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2022 "The Microfossil Record of Ecosystem Response to Global Change" (November 9–11 2022, Bremen, Germany). Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, Special Issue 2: 121–122.
Weinmann AE, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): Cenozoic mass occurrences of larger benthic foraminifera in the Mediterranean region: What can we learn from the current range expansion of Amphistegina lobifera? – In: Rantitsch G & Raith JG (Eds): PANGEO Austria 2022 (September 10–14 2022, Leoben, Austria). Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 143: 199.
Weinmann AE, Morard R, Hassenrück C, Goldstein ST, Li Q, Raposo D, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2022): Assessing assemblages from foraminiferal propagule banks: A combined approach of culture experiments and eDNA metabarcoding. – EGU General Assembly 2022 (May 23–27 2022, Vienna, Austria). EGUsphere: EGU22–2315.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Makled W, Könen J, Gooday AJ (2022): Jullienella foetida Schlumberger, the largest shallow-water agglutinated foraminifer in modern oceans. – EGU General Assembly 2022 (May 23–27 2022, Vienna, Austria). EGUsphere: EGU22–3818.
Weinmann A, Koukousioura O, Triantaphyllou M & Langer M (2022): Datasets to Weinmann et al.: Spatial distribution and diversity of benthic shallow-water foraminifera from Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea): An island at the range front of an invasive species. – NHMW Data Repository.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): Community responses of intertidal foraminifera to pH variations: a culture experiment with propagules. – Aquatic Ecology 55 (1): 309–325.
Weinmann AE, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): The recent distribution of benthic shallow-water foraminifera in Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea) – A biodiversity hotspot between the eastern and western Mediterranean. – In: Stumpf S, Türtscher J, Pfaff C, Jambura PL & Kriwet J (Eds): 92nd Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 27–30 2021, online). Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 142: 100.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR & Triantaphyllou MV (2021): Welcome back!? The return of the LBF Amphistegina to the Mediterranean: Implications for the local diversity of Corfu (Greece). – In: Feichtinger I (Ed.): 26. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (September 3–5 2021, Salzburg, Austria). Programm & Kurzfassungen: 3.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2021): The propagule method as a tool to study assemblage dynamics in benthic foraminifera: An example with ph variations. – EGU General Assembly 2021 (April 19–30 2021, online). EGUsphere: EGU21–7192.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Langer MR & Triantaphyllou MV (2020): Compositional shifts in shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages in response to pH variations: Insights from a culture experiment with propagules. – GSA Annual Meeting 2020 (October 26–30 2020, online). Abstracts with Programs 52/6: 177-12.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2019): Effects of sampling site, season, and substrate on foraminiferal assemblages grown from propagule banks from lagoon sediments of Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea). – PLoS One 14: e0219015.
Guastella R, Marchini A, Caruso A, Cosentino C, Evans J, Weinmann AE, Langer MR & Mancin N (2019): “Hidden invaders” conquer the Sicily channel and knock on the door of the Western Mediterranean Sea. – Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 225: 106234.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2019): Ecology and community structure of modern intertidal foraminifera from Corfu Island (Greece): Insights from propagule experiments. – GSA Annual Meeting 2019 (September 22–25 2019, Phoenix (AZ), USA). Abstracts with Programs 51/5: 270-10.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): Is timing everything? The effects of site, seasonality and substrate on foraminiferal assemblages grown from propagule banks. – In: Aze T, Woodhouse A & Mair A (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2018 “Microfossil Insights into Greenhouse Worlds” (November 14–15 2018, Leeds, UK). Abstracts with Programs.
Langer MR & Weinmann AE (2018): Range extension and impact of Amphistegina lobifera under conditions of global climate change: An “alien” foraminifer listed among the 100 most invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea. – In: Aze T, Woodhouse A & Mair A (Eds): TMS Annual Conference 2018 “Microfossil Insights into Greenhouse Worlds” (November 14–15 2018, Leeds, UK). Abstracts with Programs.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Goldstein ST & Triantaphyllou MV (2018): What could have been – Implications from laboratory experiments on foraminiferal assemblages for environmental reconstructions. – In: Froitzheim N, Grevel K-D, Hoffmann G, Luguet A, Martin T & Strack R (Eds): GeoBonn 2018 “Living Earth” (September 2–6 2018, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts: 268.
Weinmann, AE (2018): Distribution and dispersal of foraminifera in times of global change. – FORAMS 2018 – International Symposium on Foraminifera “Foraminifera in a Changing World” (June 17–22 2018, Edinburgh, UK). Abstracts: 680.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): New insights from propagule experiments in a shallow-water lagoon in Corfu (Greece, Ionian Sea). – FORAMS 2018 – International Symposium on Foraminifera “Foraminifera in a Changing World” (June 17–22 2018, Edinburgh, UK). Abstracts: 681.
Weinmann AE, Goldstein ST, Triantaphyllou MV & Langer MR (2018): Growth Experiments Reveal “Exotic” Propagule Assemblages of Benthic Foraminifera in the Chalikiopoulou Lagoon, Corfu (Greece) – A Glimpse of Future Community Structures? – Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 (February 11–16 2018, Portland (OR), USA). B34A-1374.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2017): Diverse thermotolerant assemblages of benthic foraminiferal biotas from tropical tide and rock pools of eastern Africa. – Revue de Micropaléontologie 60 (4): 511–523.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2017): Landward directed dispersal of benthic foraminiferal propagules at two shallow-water sites in the Doboy Sound area (Georgia, U.S.A.). – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 47 (4): 325–336.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2017): Dwelling in a hot spot: Diversity of benthic foraminifera in tropical tide pools of eastern Africa. – TMS’s Joint Foraminifera and Nannofossil Meeting 2017 “Life in a changing Ocean” (June 19–21 2017, Birmingham, UK). Abstracts: 65.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Changing structure of benthic foraminiferal communities: Implications from experimentally grown assemblages of coastal Georgia and Florida, U.S.A. – Marine Ecology 37 (4): 891–906.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Dispersal of foraminiferal propagules in shallow-water environments of Doboy Sound, Georgia (U.S.A.). – In: Niebuhr B, Wilmsen M, Kunzmann L & Stefen C (Eds): 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 11–15 2016, Dresden, Germany). Abstracts: 162.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2016): Diversity of benthic foraminifera in restricted shallow-water habitats of eastern Africa. – In: Niebuhr B, Wilmsen M, Kunzmann L & Stefen C (Eds): 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 11–15 2016, Dresden, Germany). Abstracts: 162–163.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2016): Biding their time – Insights from propagule experiments into the assemblage composition of shallow-water foraminifera under environmental change. – EGU General Assembly 2016 (April 17–22 2016, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 18: EGU2016-417.
Schmidt C, Morard R, Almogi-Labin A, Weinmann AE, Titelboim D, Abramovich S & Kucera M (2015): Recent invasion of the symbiont-bearing foraminifera Pararotalia into the Eastern Mediterranean facilitated by the ongoing warming trend. – PLoS One 10: e0132917.
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2015): Potentially changing structures of foraminiferal communities of coastal Georgia and Florida (U.S.A.). – In: Bettinger A (Ed.): 86. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (September 14–16 2015, Schiffweiler-Reden, Germany). Veröffentlichungen des Zentrums für Biodokumentation (ZfB) 4: 56.
ISBN 978-3-938381-19-8
Weinmann AE & Goldstein ST (2014): Dispersal of shallow-water foraminifera – a key to current and potential future distribution patterns. – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 (December 15–19 2014, San Francisco (CA), USA). GC21C-0555.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2014): Changing biogeographic patterns along the coast of southern Africa. – In: Marchant M & Hromic T (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2014 (January 19–24 2014, Concepción, Chile). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 20: 50.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Rödder D & Lötters S (2014): Range expansions of larger foraminifera under current and future climate. – In: Marchant M & Hromic T (Eds): International Symposium on Foraminifera FORAMS 2014 (January 19–24 2014, Concepción, Chile). Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication 20: 54–55.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2013): Traveling through time: The past, present and future biogeographic range of the invasive foraminifera Amphistegina spp. in the Mediterranean Sea. – Marine Micropaleontology 105: 30–39.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2013): Heading for new shores: Projecting marine distribution ranges of selected larger foraminifera. – PLoS One 8: e62182.
Langer MR, Thissen JM, Makled WA & Weinmann AE (2013): The foraminifera from the Bazaruto Archipelago (Mozambique). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen 267 (2): 155–170.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Lötters S, Bernhard JM & Rödder D (2013): Climate-driven range extensions of Amphistegina (Protista, Foraminiferida): Models of current and predicted future ranges. – PLoS One 8: e54443.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2013): Invasion, expansion and proliferation of Amphistegina spp. in times of global change. – GSA Annual Meeting 2013 (October 26–30 2013, Denver (CO), USA). Abstracts with Programs 45/7: 532.
Langer MR & Weinmann AE (2013): Poleward range extension of foraminifera (Protista): Species distribution models of current and predicted future ranges. – In: Pichler T, Häusler S & Tsounis G (Eds): Abstracts of the 3rd International Workshop "Research in Shallow Marine and Fresh Water Systems" (February 14–15 2013, Bremen, Germany). Berichte aus dem MARUM und dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 292: 102–105.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Lötters S & Rödder D (2012): “Strangers” in Paradise: Modeling the biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 42 (3): 234–244.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Lötters S & Rödder D (2012:) Traveling through time: The past, present and future biogeographic range of Amphistegina spp. – In: Witzmann F & Aberhan M (Eds): Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (September 24–29 2012, Berlin, Germany). Terra Nostra – Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2012 (3): 194.
Weinmann AE, Rödder D, Lötters S & Langer MR (2012): Off to new shores: Modeling the potential distribution and future range expansion of larger foraminifera. – EGU General Assembly 2012 (April 22–27 2012, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-2490.
Langer MR, Weinmann AE, Rödder D & Lötters S (2012): Strangers in Paradise: The biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. – EGU General Assembly 2012 (April 22–27 2012, Vienna, Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: EGU2012-5583.
Weinmann AE, Langer MR, Lötters S & Rödder D (2011): Home is where your niche is – Species distribution models in foraminiferal research. – GSA Annual Meeting 2011 (October 9–12 2011, Minneapolis (MN), USA). Abstracts with Programs 43/5: 555.
Weinmann AE & Langer MR (2010): Diversity patterns of larger foraminifera within the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 200.
Weinmann AE, Barbosa CF & Langer MR (2010): A fauna offshore – Reef foraminifera from Fernando de Noronha and Abrolhos (Brazil). – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 199.
Langer MR, Makled WA, Pietsch SJ & Weinmann A (2010): Asynchronous calcification in juvenile megalospheres: An ontogenetic window into the life-cycle and polymorphism of Peneroplis. – In: Langer M, Weinmann A, Söntgerath B, Göddertz P & Heumann G (Eds): FORAMS 2010 – International Symposium on Foraminifera (September 5–10 2010, Bonn, Germany). Abstracts with Program: 129.
Langer MR, Makled WA, Pietsch SJ & Weinmann A (2009): Asynchronous calcification in juvenile megalospheres - an ontogenetic window into the life-cycle and polymorphism of Peneroplis. – Journal of Foraminiferal Research 39 (1): 8–14.
Weinmann AE, Barbosa CF & Langer MR (2009): A fauna offshore – Reef foraminifera from Fernando de Noronha and Abrolhos (Brazil). – In: Martin T & Kaiser SI (Eds): 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft “Paläontologie – Schlüssel zur Evolution“ (October 5–7 2009, Bonn, Germany). Terra Nostra – Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2009 (3): 121.
ISSN 0946-8978
- Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Komitee des TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting 2024 (5/2024, Universität Köln)
- Redakteurin der Geopost (Veranstaltungsprogramm und Vereinsnachrichten der Österreichischen Geowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften, 2024–2026)
- Mitglied im Redaktions-Beirat des AJES (Austrian Journal of Earth Science, 2024–2027)
- Co-Organisatorin der 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (9/2023, NHM Wien)
- Co-Herausgeberin der Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A (seit 11/2021)
- Präsidentin der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (seit 9/2021)
- Mitglied des SYNTHESYS User Selection Panel für AT-TAF (2021)
- Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Komitee von FORAMS 2014 (1/2014, Universität Concepción, Chile)
- Mitglied im Organisations-Komitee von FORAMS 2010 (09/2010, Universität Bonn)
- Feichtinger I, Weinmann AE & Krapf A (2023): Abstracts & Program. 28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Paleontological Society (23-24 September 2023, Natural History Museum Vienna). Austrian Paleontological Society, 48 pp.
- Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, seit 2012
- The Micropaleontological Society, seit 2012
- American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2014–2022
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie (DGP), 2018–2022
- Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft (ÖPG), seit 2020
- European Geoscience Union (EGU), seit 2021
- ICOM, seit 2022
Scientific Reports; The Journal of Foraminiferal Research; Marine Micropaleontology; Revue de Micropaléontologie; Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen; Palaeontographica A; Geosciences; Marine Geology; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Water; BioInvasions Records; Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology; Protist; Marine Biology Research; Royal Society Open Science; Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration; Journal of Sea Research; Journal of African Earth Sciences
Eingeladene Vorträge
- Geology Department, University of Georgia (2014)
- Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Jena (2016)
- MARUM Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen (2017)
- FORAMS 2018, Edinburgh (Keynote)
- ÖPG Meeting 2020 (Keynote)
- Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität zu Köln (2021)
- Institut für Paläontologie, Universität Wien (2021)
Baron Ivo
Assoziierter Wissenschafter
Eder Johanna
Assoziierte Wissenschafterin
Feichtinger Iris
Funk Barbara
Fürst Anton
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Harzhauser Mathias
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Hettegger Anna
" FWF P36065-N Karstwasser"
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Assoziierter Wissenschafter
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Lukeneder Alexander
Stellvertreter des Abteilungsdirektors, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der
Evertebrata Mesozoikum-Sammlung
Madl Julia
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der Evertebrata Känozoikum-Sammlung
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
und Kurator der paläobotanischen Sammlung
Nagl Michael
Nichterl Thomas
Oberender Pauline
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
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Assoziierter Wissenschafter
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