Chris Mays
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Kurator der paläobotanischen Sammlung
- Kurator für fossile Pflanzen
- Kurator für die Bernstein-Sammlung
- Supervision von Doktorand*innen
Chris Mays ResearchGate Profil:
Website: https://palaeomays.com/
Twitter/X: @palaeomays
Chris Mayss ORCID Eintrag:

- Science Foundation Ireland—Frontiers for the Future Programme (22/FFP-P/11448): ‘DEEPER: Ireland's DEEP-time Extinction and Recovery Project’ (Principal Investigator).
- Enterprise Ireland—ERC Proposal Preparation Support (EC-2023-1552): ‘THERM: The Terrestrial Hyperthermal Extinction & Recovery Model research programme’ (Principal Investigator).
- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory—SSRL X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (S-XV-ST-6229): ‘Death by heavy metal: Metal toxicity as a recurrent driver of global ecosystem collapse’ (Principal Investigator).
- Naturhistoriska riksmuseet and Vegacenter—NordSIMS (NS/2023/4): ‘A new standard for refined stable carbon isotope records during past carbon cycle changes’ (Principal Investigator).
- Science Foundation Ireland—Discover Programme (22/DP/10480): ‘Fossils for our Future—Ireland's palaeontology participation programme’ (Principal Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (9254): ‘Burning back the tree of life—The role of fire in mass extinction events, part two’ (Principal Investigator).
- Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences—Geoscience for Sustainability PhD Programme (13/RC/2092_P2): ‘The lasting legacy of extreme global warming: Fossil floras and climates of the Smithian-Spathian extinction event’ (Principal Investigator and Primary Supervisor of PhD student: Mr Marcos Amores).
- Irish Research Council—Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship: ‘The hangover flora: Adaptations among plant survivors of the end-Permian hyperthermal extinction event’ (Principal Investigator and Primary Supervisor of PhD student: Ms Holly-Anne Turner).
- University College Cork—College of Science, Engineering & Food Sciences New Connections Grant Award (Principal Investigator).
- Geological Survey of Ireland—Equipment Grant 2021: ‘The first dedicated visualisation workstation for ‘virtual geoscience’ in Ireland’ (Principal Investigator).
- Bolin Centre Research Area 8: Biodiversity and climate—2021 Project Funding: ‘A polar refuge during the end-Permian hyperthermal extinction event’ (Sole Investigator).
- International Commission on Stratigraphy—Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy: ‘Correlating the continental end-Permian biome collapse (Lopingian) across eastern Australia’ (Sole Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (8612): ‘Burning back the tree of life—The role of fire in mass extinction events, part one’ (Principal Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation— Synchrotron X-ray Tomography Project (AS2/IMBL/16202): ‘Forests of ice and fire: Exquisitely preserved south polar ecosystems of the Permian’ (Principal Investigator).
- Naturhistoriska riksmuseet and Vegacenter—NordSIMS (Se/2019/4): ‘Amber: A deep-time terrestrial palaeoclimate proxy?’ (Principal Investigator).
- Bolin Centre Research Area 6: Deep time climate variability—2019 Project Funding ‘Calibrating deep-time carbon cycle fluctuations: A case study from the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, Yorkshire’ (Sole Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (6794): ‘“Fire-loving” plants of the mid-Cretaceous and the evolution and functions of plant resins’ (Principal Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation— Synchrotron X-ray Tomography Project (M11959): ‘Identifying the source of the oldest known amber of southern Gondwana’ (Principal Investigator).
- Monash University—Robert Blackwood Research Seed Scheme: ‘Amber as a portal into ancient greenhouse ecosystems of Southern Australia’ (Co-Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Project (N10221): ‘Terrestrial stable isotope record of the warmest interval in recorded Earth history—Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2’ (Principal Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (5521): ‘Experimental method for optimum imaging of first southern Gondwanan fossiliferous amber’ (Co-Investigator).
- National Geographic Association—Explorers Research Grant (9761-15): ‘Mid-Cretaceous fossil forests of Zealandia and their inhabitants’ (Principal Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (5524): ‘Neutron tomographic extraction of fertile plant fossils to reveal the source and function of the oldest known amber of southern Gondwana’ (Principal Investigator).
- The Paleontological Society—Arthur James Boucot Research Grant, 2015: ‘South polar forests of the mid-Cretaceous global greenhouse’ (Sole Investigator).
- Monash University, Faculty of Science—Equipment Grants Scheme: ‘Visionary Digital BK Plus laboratory system for new palaeontology and palynology laboratory facilities’ (Co-Investigator).
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation—Neutron Tomography Project (4367): ‘Earliest fossiliferous amber and associated plants from the Late Cretaceous-early Paleogene South Polar greenhouse of Australia and Chatham Islands’ (Co-Investigator).
- 2002–2006 Bachelor of Science—Earth Sciences and Psychology, University of Melbourne
- 2007 Bachelor of Science (Honours)—Earth Science, University of Melbourne (Honours thesis title: ‘The Current Distribution of Foraminifera on the Western Australian Shelf: A Modern Analogue for Cenozoic Palaeoceanography’)
- 2008–2012 PhD in Paläontologie an der Monash University (PhD Titel: ‘Mid-Cretaceous Greenhouse Environments and Floral Ecosystems of the South Polar Region (75-80°S): The Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, Zealandia’)
- 2012–2017 Lecturer an der Monash University
- 2016– Associate Editor von Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology
- 2017–2022 Postdoctoral Research Fellow am Swedish Museum of Natural History
- 2019–2022 Panel Member of Climate Answers by Scientists—Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University
- 2022–2024 Lecturer in Palaeontology an der University College Cork
- 2022– PI der Mass Extinction Group, University College Cork
- 2024– Co-Chair des Irish Palaeo Forum
- 2024– Adjunct Lecturer an der University College Cork
- 2024– Senior Curator am Naturhistorischen Museum Wien
Durieux, T., Decombeix, A.-L., Harper, C.J., Ramel, M., Mays, C., Prestianni, C., 2024. Callixylon seamrogia sp. nov., a new species from the uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) of Ireland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 105256. doi: j.revpalbo.2024.105256.
Turner, H.-A., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., 2024. Comprehensive survey of Early to Middle Triassic Gondwanan floras reveals under-representation of plant-arthropod interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 1419254. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1419254.
Fielding, C.R., Bryan, S.E., Crowley, J.L., Frank, T.D., Hren, M.T., Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Shen, J., Wagner, P.J., Winguth, A., Winguth, C., 2023. A multidisciplinary approach to resolving the end-Guadalupian extinction. Evolving Earth, 1, 100014, 7 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.eve.2023.100014.
Mays, C., Slodownik, M.A., Forsyth, S.M., 2023. Tracking the end-Permian event through a magma minefield: the Tasmania Basin, Australia. Permophiles 75. International Commission on Stratigraphy, pp. 40–42.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2023. Die Herrschaft des Schleims. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2.23, 36–43.
Slodownik, M.A., Escapa, I., Mays, C., Jordan, G.J., Carpenter, R.J., Hill, R.S., 2023. Araucarioides: A polar lineage of Araucariaceae with new Paleogene fossils from Tasmania, Australia. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 184, 19. doi: 10.1086/726183.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Savatic, K., Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Nicoll, R.S., 2022. Environmental change in the late Permian of Queensland, NE Australia: The warmup to the end-Permian Extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 594, 110936, 30 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.110936.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., 2022. End-Permian burnout: The role of Permian-Triassic wildfires in extinction, carbon cycling and environmental change in eastern Gondwana. Palaios 37, 292–317. doi: 10.2110/palo.2021.051.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2022. Rise of the toxic slime. Scientific American 327, 56–63.
McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., 2022. Synchrotron X-ray imaging reveals the three-dimensional architecture of beetle borings (Dekosichnus meniscatus) in Middle Jurassic araucarian conifer wood from Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 297, 104568. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104568.
Santamarina, P.E., Barreda, V.D., Iglesias, A., Varela, A.N., Mays, C., 2022. Comparison of mid-Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) high-latitude palynofloras from Patagonia and New Zealand: Richness, ecology, and provincialization. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 604, 111216. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111216.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Tevyaw, A.P., Savatic, K., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Nicoll, R.S., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2021. Sedimentology of the continental end-Permian extinction event in the Sydney Basin, eastern Australia. Sedimentology 68, 30–62. doi: 10.1111/sed.12782.
Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Winguth, A.M.E., Savatic, K., Tevyaw, A., Winguth, C., McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Mays, C., Nicoll, R., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2021. Pace, magnitude, and nature of terrestrial climate change through the end Permian extinction in southeastern Gondwana. Geology 49, 1089–1095. doi: 10.1130/G48795.1.
Mays, C., 2021. Virtual palaeontology: Revealing the microcosmos within fossils. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 18, 48–53.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Slater, S.M., Vajda, V., 2021. Lethal microbial blooms delayed freshwater ecosystem recovery following the end-Permian extinction. Nature Communications, 12, 5511, 11 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25711-3.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2021. Permian–Triassic non-marine algae of Gondwana—distributions, natural affinities and ecological implications. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103382, 29 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103382.
McLoughlin, S., Halamski, A.T., Mays, C., Kva?ek, J., 2021. Neutron tomography, fluorescence and transmitted light microscopy reveal new insect damage, fungi and plant organ associations in the Late Cretaceous floras of Sweden. GFF 143, 248–276. doi: 10.1080/11035897.2021.1896574.
McLoughlin, S., Nicoll, R.S., Crowley, J.L., Vajda, V., Mays, C., Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Wheeler, A., Bocking, M., 2021. Age and paleoenvironmental significance of the Frazer Beach Member—A new lithostratigraphic unit overlying the end-Permian extinction horizon in the Sydney Basin, Australia. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 600976, 31 pp. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.600976.
McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Mays, C., 2021. Death and destruction in the Sydney Basin. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 18, 37–47.
Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Frank, T., Fielding, C.R., Tevyaw, A., Lehsten, V., Bocking, M., Nicoll, R.S., 2020. End-Permian (252 Mya) deforestation, wildfires and flooding—an ancient biotic crisis with lessons for the present. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 529, 115875, 13 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115875.
Herrera, F., Shi, G., Mays, C., Ichinnorov, N., Takahashi, M., Bevitt, J.J., Herendeen, P.S., Crane, P.R., 2020. Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers. PLOS One, 15, e0226779, 21 pp. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226779.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Nicoll, R.S., Tevyaw, A.P., McLoughlin, S., 2020. Refined Permian–Triassic floristic timeline reveals early collapse and delayed recovery of south polar terrestrial ecosystems. GSA Bulletin 132, 1489–1513. doi: 10.1130/B35355.1.
McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Vajda, V., Bocking, M., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., 2020. Dwelling in the dead zone—vertebrate burrows immediately succeeding the end-Permian extinction event in Australia. Palaios 35, 342–357. doi: 10.2110/palo.2020.007.
Stilwell, J.D., Langendam, A., Mays, C., Sutherland, L.J.M., Arillo, A., Bickel, D.J., De Silva, W.T., Pentland, A.H., Roghi, G., Price, G.D., Cantrill, D.J., Quinney, A., Peñalver, E., 2020. Amber from the Triassic to Paleogene of Australia and New Zealand as exceptional preservation of poorly known terrestrial ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 10, 5703, 11 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62252-z.
Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2020. Lost World of R?kohu: Ancient ‘Zealandian’ Animals and Plants of the Remote Chatham Islands. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 311 pp.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Tevyaw, A.P., Winguth, A., Winguth, C., Nicoll, R.S., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2019. Age and pattern of the southern high-latitude continental end-Permian extinction constrained by multiproxy analysis. Nature Communications, 10, 385, 12 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07934-z.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., 2019. Protodammara reimatamoriori, a new species of conifer (Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, Zealandia. Alcheringa 43, 114–126. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2017.1417478.
Mays, C., Coward, A.J., O'Dell, L., Tappert, R., 2019. The botanical provenance and taphonomy of Late Cretaceous Chatham amber, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 260, 16–26. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.08.004.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., 2019. Caught between mass extinctions—the rise and fall of Dicroidium. Deposits 59, 43–47.
McLoughlin, S., Maksimenko, A., Mays, C., 2019. A new high-paleolatitude late Permian permineralized peat flora from the Sydney Basin, Australia. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180, 513–539. doi: 10.1086/702939.
Coward, A.J., Mays, C., Patti, A.F., Stilwell, J.D., Viegas, P., O'Dell, L., 2018. Taphonomy and chemotaxonomy of Eocene amber from southeastern Australia. Organic Geochemistry 118, 103–115. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.12.004.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., Stilwell, J.D., Bevitt, J.J., 2018. Neutron tomography of Austrosequoia novae-zeelandiae comb. nov. (Late Cretaceous, Chatham Islands, New Zealand): Implications for Sequoioideae phylogeny and biogeography. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16, 551–570. doi: 10.1080/14772019.2017.1314898.
Mays, C., Bevitt, J.J., Stilwell, J.D., 2017. Pushing the limits of neutron tomography in palaeontology: three-dimensional modelling of in situ resin within fossil plants. Palaeontologia Electronica, 20.3.57A, 12 pp. doi: 10.26879/808.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., Bevitt, J.J., 2017. Polar wildfires and conifer serotiny during the Cretaceous global hothouse. Geology 45, 1119–1122. doi: 10.1130/G39453.1.
Stilwell, J.D., Vitacca, J.J., Mays, C., 2016. South polar greenhouse insects (Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera) from the mid-Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, eastern Zealandia. Alcheringa 40, 502–508. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2016.1144385.
Chen, K., Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2015. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Cretaceous: Interpretations from Walker Bay erratics. Alcheringa 39, 465–476. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2015.1029734.
Mays, C., 2015. Blindspots in the hand lens, in: Armitage, D. (ed.). True Tales of the Chatham Islands. The Chatham Heritage and Restoration Trust, Waitangi, New Zealand, pp. 150–153.
Mays, C., 2015. Frozen in stone: The polar forests of Zealandia. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 12, 52–65.
Mays, C., 2015. A Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) South Polar Palynoflora from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, Canberra, Australia, 92 pp.
Mays, C., Steinthorsdottir, M., Stilwell, J.D., 2015. Climatic implications of Ginkgoites waarrensis Douglas emend. from the south polar Tupuangi flora, Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian), Chatham Islands. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 438, 308–326. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.08.011.
Mays, C., Tosolini, A.-M.P., Cantrill, D.J., Stilwell, J.D., 2015b. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) macroflora from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand: bryophytes, lycophytes and pteridophytes. Gondwana Research 27, 1042–1060. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2014.03.017.
Quinney, A., Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., Zelenitsky, D.K., Therrien, F., 2015. The range of bioinclusions and pseudoinclusions preserved in a new Turonian (~90 Ma) amber deposit from southern Australia. PLOS One 10, e0121307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121307.
Sorrentino, L., Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2014. A model of tephra dispersal from an early Palaeogene shallow submarine Surtseyan-style eruption(s), the Red Bluff Tuff Formation, Chatham Island, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology 300, 86–102. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.12.001.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2013. Pollen and spore biostratigraphy of the mid-Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 192, 79–102. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.12.008.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2012. Judging an acritarch by its cover: the taxonomic implications of Introvertocystis rangiaotea gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Palynology 36, 180–190. doi: 10.1080/01916122.2011.633633.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2012. Mid-Cretaceous south polar palynology & floristic trends of the Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Japanese Journal of Palynology 58, 146–147. doi: 10.24524/jjpal.58.Special_146_3.
Durieux, T., Decombeix, A.-L., Harper, C.J., Ramel, M., Mays, C., Prestianni, C., 2024. Callixylon seamrogia sp. nov., a new species from the uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) of Ireland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 105256. doi: j.revpalbo.2024.105256.
Turner, H.-A., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., 2024. Comprehensive survey of Early to Middle Triassic Gondwanan floras reveals under-representation of plant-arthropod interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 1419254. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1419254.
Fielding, C.R., Bryan, S.E., Crowley, J.L., Frank, T.D., Hren, M.T., Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Shen, J., Wagner, P.J., Winguth, A., Winguth, C., 2023. A multidisciplinary approach to resolving the end-Guadalupian extinction. Evolving Earth, 1, 100014, 7 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.eve.2023.100014.
Mays, C., Slodownik, M.A., Forsyth, S.M., 2023. Tracking the end-Permian event through a magma minefield: the Tasmania Basin, Australia. Permophiles 75. International Commission on Stratigraphy, pp. 40–42.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2023. Die Herrschaft des Schleims. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2.23, 36–43.
Slodownik, M.A., Escapa, I., Mays, C., Jordan, G.J., Carpenter, R.J., Hill, R.S., 2023. Araucarioides: A polar lineage of Araucariaceae with new Paleogene fossils from Tasmania, Australia. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 184, 19. doi: 10.1086/726183.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Savatic, K., Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Nicoll, R.S., 2022. Environmental change in the late Permian of Queensland, NE Australia: The warmup to the end-Permian Extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 594, 110936, 30 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.110936.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., 2022. End-Permian burnout: The role of Permian-Triassic wildfires in extinction, carbon cycling and environmental change in eastern Gondwana. Palaios 37, 292–317. doi: 10.2110/palo.2021.051.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2022. Rise of the toxic slime. Scientific American 327, 56–63.
McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., 2022. Synchrotron X-ray imaging reveals the three-dimensional architecture of beetle borings (Dekosichnus meniscatus) in Middle Jurassic araucarian conifer wood from Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 297, 104568. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104568.
Santamarina, P.E., Barreda, V.D., Iglesias, A., Varela, A.N., Mays, C., 2022. Comparison of mid-Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) high-latitude palynofloras from Patagonia and New Zealand: Richness, ecology, and provincialization. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 604, 111216. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111216.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Tevyaw, A.P., Savatic, K., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Nicoll, R.S., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2021. Sedimentology of the continental end-Permian extinction event in the Sydney Basin, eastern Australia. Sedimentology 68, 30–62. doi: 10.1111/sed.12782.
Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Winguth, A.M.E., Savatic, K., Tevyaw, A., Winguth, C., McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Mays, C., Nicoll, R., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2021. Pace, magnitude, and nature of terrestrial climate change through the end Permian extinction in southeastern Gondwana. Geology 49, 1089–1095. doi: 10.1130/G48795.1.
Mays, C., 2021. Virtual palaeontology: Revealing the microcosmos within fossils. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 18, 48–53.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Slater, S.M., Vajda, V., 2021. Lethal microbial blooms delayed freshwater ecosystem recovery following the end-Permian extinction. Nature Communications, 12, 5511, 11 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25711-3.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., 2021. Permian–Triassic non-marine algae of Gondwana—distributions, natural affinities and ecological implications. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103382, 29 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103382.
McLoughlin, S., Halamski, A.T., Mays, C., Kva?ek, J., 2021. Neutron tomography, fluorescence and transmitted light microscopy reveal new insect damage, fungi and plant organ associations in the Late Cretaceous floras of Sweden. GFF 143, 248–276. doi: 10.1080/11035897.2021.1896574.
McLoughlin, S., Nicoll, R.S., Crowley, J.L., Vajda, V., Mays, C., Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Wheeler, A., Bocking, M., 2021. Age and paleoenvironmental significance of the Frazer Beach Member—A new lithostratigraphic unit overlying the end-Permian extinction horizon in the Sydney Basin, Australia. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 600976, 31 pp. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.600976.
McLoughlin, S., Vajda, V., Mays, C., 2021. Death and destruction in the Sydney Basin. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 18, 37–47.
Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Frank, T., Fielding, C.R., Tevyaw, A., Lehsten, V., Bocking, M., Nicoll, R.S., 2020. End-Permian (252 Mya) deforestation, wildfires and flooding—an ancient biotic crisis with lessons for the present. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 529, 115875, 13 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115875.
Herrera, F., Shi, G., Mays, C., Ichinnorov, N., Takahashi, M., Bevitt, J.J., Herendeen, P.S., Crane, P.R., 2020. Reconstructing Krassilovia mongolica supports recognition of a new and unusual group of Mesozoic conifers. PLOS One, 15, e0226779, 21 pp. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226779.
Mays, C., Vajda, V., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., Nicoll, R.S., Tevyaw, A.P., McLoughlin, S., 2020. Refined Permian–Triassic floristic timeline reveals early collapse and delayed recovery of south polar terrestrial ecosystems. GSA Bulletin 132, 1489–1513. doi: 10.1130/B35355.1.
McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Vajda, V., Bocking, M., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C.R., 2020. Dwelling in the dead zone—vertebrate burrows immediately succeeding the end-Permian extinction event in Australia. Palaios 35, 342–357. doi: 10.2110/palo.2020.007.
Stilwell, J.D., Langendam, A., Mays, C., Sutherland, L.J.M., Arillo, A., Bickel, D.J., De Silva, W.T., Pentland, A.H., Roghi, G., Price, G.D., Cantrill, D.J., Quinney, A., Peñalver, E., 2020. Amber from the Triassic to Paleogene of Australia and New Zealand as exceptional preservation of poorly known terrestrial ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 10, 5703, 11 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62252-z.
Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2020. Lost World of R?kohu: Ancient ‘Zealandian’ Animals and Plants of the Remote Chatham Islands. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 311 pp.
Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., Mays, C., Tevyaw, A.P., Winguth, A., Winguth, C., Nicoll, R.S., Bocking, M., Crowley, J.L., 2019. Age and pattern of the southern high-latitude continental end-Permian extinction constrained by multiproxy analysis. Nature Communications, 10, 385, 12 pp. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07934-z.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., 2019. Protodammara reimatamoriori, a new species of conifer (Cupressaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, Zealandia. Alcheringa 43, 114–126. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2017.1417478.
Mays, C., Coward, A.J., O'Dell, L., Tappert, R., 2019. The botanical provenance and taphonomy of Late Cretaceous Chatham amber, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 260, 16–26. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.08.004.
Mays, C., McLoughlin, S., 2019. Caught between mass extinctions—the rise and fall of Dicroidium. Deposits 59, 43–47.
McLoughlin, S., Maksimenko, A., Mays, C., 2019. A new high-paleolatitude late Permian permineralized peat flora from the Sydney Basin, Australia. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180, 513–539. doi: 10.1086/702939.
Coward, A.J., Mays, C., Patti, A.F., Stilwell, J.D., Viegas, P., O'Dell, L., 2018. Taphonomy and chemotaxonomy of Eocene amber from southeastern Australia. Organic Geochemistry 118, 103–115. doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.12.004.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., Stilwell, J.D., Bevitt, J.J., 2018. Neutron tomography of Austrosequoia novae-zeelandiae comb. nov. (Late Cretaceous, Chatham Islands, New Zealand): Implications for Sequoioideae phylogeny and biogeography. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16, 551–570. doi: 10.1080/14772019.2017.1314898.
Mays, C., Bevitt, J.J., Stilwell, J.D., 2017. Pushing the limits of neutron tomography in palaeontology: three-dimensional modelling of in situ resin within fossil plants. Palaeontologia Electronica, 20.3.57A, 12 pp. doi: 10.26879/808.
Mays, C., Cantrill, D.J., Bevitt, J.J., 2017. Polar wildfires and conifer serotiny during the Cretaceous global hothouse. Geology 45, 1119–1122. doi: 10.1130/G39453.1.
Stilwell, J.D., Vitacca, J.J., Mays, C., 2016. South polar greenhouse insects (Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera) from the mid-Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, eastern Zealandia. Alcheringa 40, 502–508. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2016.1144385.
Chen, K., Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2015. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Cretaceous: Interpretations from Walker Bay erratics. Alcheringa 39, 465–476. doi: 10.1080/03115518.2015.1029734.
Mays, C., 2015. Blindspots in the hand lens, in: Armitage, D. (ed.). True Tales of the Chatham Islands. The Chatham Heritage and Restoration Trust, Waitangi, New Zealand, pp. 150–153.
Mays, C., 2015. Frozen in stone: The polar forests of Zealandia. Australian Age of Dinosaurs Journal 12, 52–65.
Mays, C., 2015. A Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) South Polar Palynoflora from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, Canberra, Australia, 92 pp.
Mays, C., Steinthorsdottir, M., Stilwell, J.D., 2015. Climatic implications of Ginkgoites waarrensis Douglas emend. from the south polar Tupuangi flora, Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian), Chatham Islands. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 438, 308–326. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.08.011.
Mays, C., Tosolini, A.-M.P., Cantrill, D.J., Stilwell, J.D., 2015b. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) macroflora from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand: bryophytes, lycophytes and pteridophytes. Gondwana Research 27, 1042–1060. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2014.03.017.
Quinney, A., Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., Zelenitsky, D.K., Therrien, F., 2015. The range of bioinclusions and pseudoinclusions preserved in a new Turonian (~90 Ma) amber deposit from southern Australia. PLOS One 10, e0121307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121307.
Sorrentino, L., Stilwell, J.D., Mays, C., 2014. A model of tephra dispersal from an early Palaeogene shallow submarine Surtseyan-style eruption(s), the Red Bluff Tuff Formation, Chatham Island, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology 300, 86–102. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.12.001.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2013. Pollen and spore biostratigraphy of the mid-Cretaceous Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 192, 79–102. doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.12.008.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2012. Judging an acritarch by its cover: the taxonomic implications of Introvertocystis rangiaotea gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Palynology 36, 180–190. doi: 10.1080/01916122.2011.633633.
Mays, C., Stilwell, J.D., 2012. Mid-Cretaceous south polar palynology & floristic trends of the Tupuangi Formation, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Japanese Journal of Palynology 58, 146–147. doi: 10.24524/jjpal.58.Special_146_3.
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