Mag. Dr. Oleg Mandic
- Ausstellungsgestaltung & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Betreuung der Känozoischen Sammlung
- Wissenschaftliche Forschung
- Abteilungs-Webmaster
- Universitätslehre

RCMNS Interim
Colloquium, Vienna, 3–4 May 2025
in understanding the Neogene Mediterranean-Paratethyan System
Organizers: Mathias Harzhauser & Oleg
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April–2 May 2025
Session SSP1.5
Basins – Decoding feedbacks between tectonics, climate, and biota
Conveners: Nevena Andric-Tomasevic & Oleg Mandic
Wissenschaftliche Projekte
Did the Dinaric Alps force arid climate and speciation during Miocene Climatic Optimum?
FWF - I 6504-N, PI - Oleg Mandic (NHM Vienna)
Late Miocene precipitation changes influencing biodiversity dynamics in the Eastern Paratethys (Central Eurasia)
SNSF - 200021_197323, PI - Davit Vasilyan (Jurassica Museum, Porrentruy, CH)
Stratigraphy, geodynamic development and paleogeography of the Vienna Basin: a cross-border
correlation of data between Austria and Slovakia.
OeAD - SK 09/2018, PI - Oleg Mandic (NHM Vienna)
Neogene stratigraphy of the northern and central Vienna Basin.
OMV 2018/19, PI - Mathias Harzhauser (NHM Vienna)
The Evolution of Paratethys: the lost sea of Eurasia
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) - VICI grant, PI - Wout Krijgsman (University of Utrecht)
The Sarmatian/Pannonian extinction event in the Vienna Basin.
ÖAW/Stadt Wien, PI - Mathias Harzhauser (NHM Vienna)
Freshwater systems in the Neogene and Quaternary of Europe: Gastropod biodiversity,
provinciality, and faunal gradients.
Austrian Science Fund Project - FWF P25365, PI - Mathias Harzhauser (NHM
Smart-Geology for the World’s largest fossil oyster reef
Science Fund Project - FWF P25883, PI - Mathias Harzhauser (NHM Vienna)
Integrated stratigraphy
of the Lower Miocene depositional systems in the western Vienna Basin.
OMV 2013/14, PI - Mathias Harzhauser
(NHM Vienna)
Evolution within Isolated Ecosystems: The Neogene Dinaride Lake System.
Austrian Science Fund Project FWF P18519-B17, PI - Oleg Mandic (NHM Vienna)
Education / Degrees
1996 Magister rerum naturalium, University of Vienna, Master Thesis - Biostratigraphie und Paläobiogeographie der Molluskenfaunen aus der Eggenburg-Gruppe (Untermiozän, Eggenburgium) - supervised by Univ. Prof. Dr. F. F. Steininger
2000 Doctor rerum naturalium, University of Vienna, PhD Thesis - Oligocene to Early Miocene pectinid bivalves of Western Tethys (N-Greece, S-Turkey, Central Iran and NE-Egypt) - taxonomy and paleobiogeography - supervised by Univ. Prof. Dr. W. E. Piller and Univ. Prof. Dr. F. F. Steininger
2014 Privatdozent der Universität Wien, Habilitation Thesis - Stratigraphic correlations and paleoenvironmental reconstructions from Peri-Tethys basins
1998-2003 University of Vienna, Department of Paleontology, Vienna (Research assistant)
2004 Geological Survey of Austria (Mapping geologist and collection manager)
2005-2007 Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Geology and Paleontology (Research assistant)
2008 Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Geology and Paleontology (Researcher and curator)
Scientific projects
Leading (PI)
2018-2019 OeAD - SK 09/2018, PI - Oleg Mandic (NHM Vienna) "Stratigraphy, geodynamic development and paleogeography of the Vienna Basin: a cross-border correlation of data between Austria and Slovakia"
2006-2009 Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Project P-18519-B17 “Evolution within Isolated Ecosystems: The Neogene Dinaride Lake System”
Researcher position
1998-2000 FWF P-11889-Geo "Paleogeographic and paleobiogeographic development of the Eastern Mediterranean to Western Indo-Pacific in the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene" (Project leader: W. Piller; PhD position)
2000-2003 FWF P-13745-Bio "Evolution Versus Migration: Changes in Austrian Marine Miocene Molluscan Paleocommunities" (Project leader: M. Zuschin; PostDoc position)
2005 FWF P-16100-N06 "Stratigraphic, paleoecological and paleobiogeographic implications of Lower Cretaceous ammonite marker beds within a key region of the Tethyan Realm: The Northern Calcareous Alps" (Project leader: H. Summesberger; PostDoc position)
Cooperation (selection)
OMV 2018/19 "Neogene stratigraphy of the northern and central Vienna Basin." (Project leader: Mathias Harzhauser)
2011-2017 The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO - VICI grant) "The Evolution of Paratethys: the lost sea of Eurasia" (Project leader: Wout Krijgsman, University of Utrecht)
2013-2017 FWF P25883 "Smart-Geology for the World’s largest fossil oyster reef." (Project leader: Mathias Harzhauser)
Friends of the Natural History Museum in Vienna - Executive committee member 2008-2018
Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS) - Executive Board member since 2010
German Subcommission for Tertiary Stratigraphy - Corresponding member since 2013
Courses (University of Vienna)
Stratigraphie des Känozoikums (lecture, tutorial, excursion) - 2020
Umweltpaläontologie (10 days fieldcourse; together with Martin Zuschin) - 2016-2017
Stratigraphie (lecture, seminar, tutorial; together with Michael Wagreich) - 2015-2018
Neogen des Aquitanischen Beckens (lecture, excursion) - 2008
Biostratigraphie des Känozoikums (lecture) - 2003
Digitale Bildbearbeitung (digitale Aufnahme, Bearbeitung, Layout) für Paläontologen und Biologen (lecture, tutorial) - 1999-2004
Karin Sant - 2018, PhD Thesis at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands - Changing Seas in the Miocene of Central Europe chronostratigraphic and paleogeographic updates on Paratethys evolution - together with Wout Krijgsman
Matthias Kranner - 2017, Ms Thesis at the University of Vienna, Austria - Stratigraphy and Palaeoecology of upper Sarmatian foraminifera from drill core RKB 5300 in Vienna (Middle Miocene, Vienna Basin, Austria) - together with Doris Nagel
Theobalt, Dörte - 2012, Ms Thesis at the University of Bonn - Badenian planktonic foraminifera as climate proxies at the southern margin of the Central Paratethys (Ugljevik, Bosnia and Herzegovina) - together with Martin Langer
Adriano Banak - 2012, PhD Thesis at the University of Zagreb - Reconstruction of Late Pleistocene climate changes based on loess sedimentology, malacofaunal paleontology and isotope analysis (Baranja, Eastern Croatia) - together with Davor Pavelić
Alan Vranjković - 2011, PhD Thesis at University of Zagreb- Sedimentary cycles as a reflection of global climate change: microfacies analysis, stable isotope record and cyclostratigraphic architecture of the Miocene lacustrine Sinj Basin - together with Davor Pavelić
Vranjkovic, A., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., de Leeuw, A., Mandic, O., Aljinovic, D., Dragicevic, I., Tadej, N., Harzhauser, M., Kuiper, K., Pavelic, D. 2024, publ. online. Sedimentology and paleoenvironmental analysis of a long-lived, karst, shallow, carbonate lake (Early-Middle Miocene, Sinj Basin, Croatia). The Depositional Record.
Harzhauser, M., Landau, B., Mandic, O., Neubauer, T.A. 2024. The Central Paratethys Sea – Part of the tropical eastern Atlantic rather than gate into the Indian Ocean. Global and Planetary Change 243, 104595.
Segvic, B., Badurina, L., Braga, A. E., Mandic, O., Werts, K., Doyle, E., Slovenec, D., Markovic, F., Slivsek, G., Demir, V. 2024. Mobility patterns of rare earth elements in diagenetically altered vitric tuff shaped by illite-smectite. Clays and Clay Minerals 72, e14, 1–18.
Lukoviak, M., Mandic, O., Omalecka, A., Kallanxhi, M.-E., Coric, S., Grunert, P. 2024. Illuminating the richness of ascidian fossil record–a new exceptionally diverse assemblage of ascidian spicules from the Middle Miocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Papers in Paleontology 10/5, e1586.
Piller, W.E., Harzhauser, M., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Mohtat, T., Daneshian, J. 2024. The Tethyan Seaway during the Early to Middle Miocene – new data and a review. Gondwana Research 135, 57-74.
Bosnjak, M., Mandic, O. Sremac, J. 2024. Middle Miocene (Langhian and lower Serravallian / Badenian) scallops (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) from the Croatian Natural History Museum: Precious collections from the treasure house. Diversity 16/8, 508.
Harzhauser, M., Landau, B., Mandic, O., Neubauer, T.A. 2024. The Central Paratethys Sea—rise and demise of a Miocene European marine biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 14, 16288.
Harzhauser, M., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Daneshian, J., Fezeh, A., Mohtat, T., Peresson, M., Benold, C., Piller, W. 2024. Middle Miocene (Chokrakian, Karaganian) depositional environments of the Eastern Paratethys Sea in the southern Caspian Basin (Mazandaran Province, northern Iran) International Journal of Earth Sciences 113, 389–415.
Harzhauser, M., Peresson, M., Benold, C., Mandic, O. 2024. Potentially astronomically forced climate sensitivity of Lake Pannon during the Tortonian Thermal Maximum (Late Miocene, Vienna Basin, Austria). Newsletter on Stratigraphy 7/1, 89–107.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Piller, W.E. 2023. Serpulid-microbialitic bioherms from the upper Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) of the Central Paratethys Sea (NW Hungary) – witnesses of a microbial sea. Biogeosciences, 20, 4775–4794.
Muzek, K., Mandic, O., Hajek Tadesse, V., Harzhauser, M., Kovacic, M., Kurecic, T., Pezelj, D. 2023. Tracing the origin of Lago Mare biota: ostracods and mollusks from the late Neogene of the Slavonian mountains in the southern Pannonian Basin (NE Croatia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 111847,
Matoshko, A., de Leeuw, A., Stoica, M., Mandic, O., Vasiliev, I., Floroiu, A., Krijgsman, W. 2023. The Mio-Pliocene transition in the Dacian Basin (Eastern Paratethys): paleomagnetism, mollusks, microfauna and sedimentary facies of the Pontian regional stage. Geobios 77, 45-70.
Hajek Tadesse, V., Wacha, L., Horvat, M., Galovic, I., Bakrac, K., Grizelj, A., Mandic, O., Reichenbacher, B. 2023. New evidence for Early Miocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the North Croatian Basin: Insights implicated by microfossil assemblages. Geobios 77, 1-25.
Harzhauser, M, Peresson, M., Benold, C., Mandic, O., Coric, S., De Lange, G.J. 2023. Environmental shifts in and around Lake Pannon during the Tortonian Thermal Maximum based on a multi-proxy record from the Vienna Basin (Austria, Late Miocene, Tortonian). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 610, 111332.
Mandic, O., Kovacic, M., Andric-Tomasevic, N. 2023. Oligocene to Pliocene depositional systems in the southern Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides Intramontane Basins. In: Korbar, T., Kovacic, M. & Vlahovic, I. (eds.): Sedimentary cover of the Adria and its surroundings: from aborted rifting in the central Adriatic to the post-collisional deposition in the Dinarides, the Southern Alps, and the Pannonian basin. 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik (Croatia), June 12–16, 2023, Field Trip Guidebook, Croatian Geological Society, Zagreb, pp. 61-102.
Harzhauser, M., Weinmann, A.E., Krenn, M., Mandic, O. 2023. Paleontological aspects of the Austrian Arctic endeavors. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 1–18.
Harzhauser, M., Göhlich, U.B., Kroh, A., Lukeneder, A., Mandic, O., Nichterl, T., Weinmann, A.E., Krenn, M. 2023. “aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III” – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A, 124, 101–124.
Harzhauser, M., Englert, A., Feichtinger, I., Fürst, A., Göhlich, U.B., Herzog-Gutsch, S., Kollmann, H.A., Kroh, A., Lukeneder, A., Mandic, O., Nichterl, T., Oberender, P., Plan, L., Schumacher, A., Weinmann, A.E. 2023. In memoriam Herbert Summesberger (1939–2023). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Serie A, 124, 5–26.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O, 2023. Auf der Suche nach dem verschwundenen Meer. Naturhistorisches, Magazin des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, Winter 2023, 14-15.
Krijgsman, W., Vasiliev, I., Beniest, A., Lyons, T., Lofi, J., Tari, G., Slomp, C.P., Cagatay, N., Triantaphyllou, M., Flecker, R., Palcu, P., McHugh, C., Arz, H., Henry, P., Lloyd, K., Cifci, G., Sipahioglu, Ö., Sakellariou, D., and the BlackGate workshop participants 2022. Mediterranean–Black Sea gateway exchange: scientific drilling workshop on the BlackGate project. Scientific Drilling 31, 93–110.
Harzhauser, M., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Coric, S., Siedl, W. 2022. High resolution Late Miocene sediment accommodation rates and subsidence history in the Austrian part of the Vienna Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 145, 105872.
Di Martino, E., Rosso, A., Mandic, O. 2022. Systematic revision and scanning electron microscopic study of some critical cheilostome bryozoan species of Arthur Waters from the Pleistocene of Brucoli (Siracusa, Sicily). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 61, 249-268. doi:10.4435/BSPI.2022.06
Badurina, L., Segvic, B., Mandic, O., Slovenec, D. 2021. Miocene Tuffs from the Dinarides and Eastern Alps as Proxies of the Pannonian Basin Lithosphere Dynamics and Tropospheric Circulation Patterns in Central Europe. Journal of the Geological Society, 178/6, jgs2020-262.
Kranner, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Strauss, P., Siedl, W., Piller, W.E. 2021. Early and middle Miocene paleobathymetry of the Vienna Basin (Austria). Marine and Petroleum Geology 132, 105187.
Ruman, A., Coric, S., Halásová, E., Harzhauser, M., Hudácková, N., Jamrich, M., Palzer-Khomenko, M., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Radionova, E.P., Rybár, S., Šimo, V., Šujan, M., Kovác, M. 2021. The “Rzehakia beds” on the northern shelf of the Pannonian Basin: biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications. Facies 67/1.
Kranner, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Strauss, P., Siedl, W., Piller, W.E. 2021. Trends in temperature, salinity and productivity in the Vienna Basin (Austria) during the early and middle Miocene, based on foraminiferal ecology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 581, 110640.
Filek, T., Felix Hofmayer, F., Feichtinger, I., Berning, B., Pollerspöck, J., Zwicker, J., Daniel Smrzka, D., Peckmann, J., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Reichenbacher, B., Kroh, A., Uchman, A., Roetzel, R., Harzhauser, M. 2021. Environmental conditions during the late Oligocene transgression in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Eferding Formation, Egerian) – a multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 580, 110527.
Andric-Tomaševic, N., Simic, V., Mandic, O., Životic, D., Suárez, M., García-Romero, E. 2021. An arid phase in the Internal Dinarides during the early to middle Miocene: inferences from Mg-clays in the Pranjani Basin (Serbia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110145.
Šujan, M., Braucher, R., Mandic, O., Fordinál, K., Brixová, B., Pipík, R. K., Šimo, V., Jamrich, M., Rybár, S., Kluciar, T., AsterTeam, Ruman, A., Zvara, I., Kovác, M. 2021. Lake Pannon transgression on the westernmost tip of the Carpathians constrained by biostratigraphy and authigenic 10Be/9Be dating (Central Europe). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 127(3): 627-653.
Posch-Trözmüller, G., Coric, S., Grösel, K., Peresson, M., Gebhardt, H., Mandic, O. 2021. Bohrkernaufnahmen und Dokumentation von Massenbewegungen an der II. Wiener Hochquellenleitung in der Gemeinde Kirnberg an der Mank (Niederösterreich) sowie Dokumentation eines ehemaligen Ton-Abbaus. Jahrbuch der Geologishen Bundesanstalt 161, 29-54. ISSN 0016–7800
Curcic, S., Hrvatovi, H., Ljubas, V., Mandic, O., Mauch Lenardic, J., Ostoji, M., Skocibušic, I. 2019. Der Urelefant von Duvno. Ein Gigant aus der Urgeschichte. 72 p., (Franciscan museum Tomislavgrad) Tomislavgrad/Bosnia and Herzegovina. ISBN 978-9926-8149-5-3
Mandic, O., Schneider, S., Harzhauser. M., Danninger, W. 2020. Bivalves from the Innviertel Group of Allerding in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (lower Miocene, Upper Austria). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abh. 297/1, 47-100. doi: 10.1127/njgpa/2020/0914
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Neubauer, T. 2020. Taxonomy, paleoecology and stratigraphy of the middle Miocene mollusk fauna from the Gracanica coal pit near Bugojno in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100/2, 519-549
Göhlich, U. & Mandic, O. (eds.) 2020. The drowning swamp of Gracanica (Bosnia-Herzegovina)—a diversity hotspot from the middle Miocene in the Bugojno Basin. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100/2, 281-591.
Neubauer, T.A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. & Jovanovic, G. 2020. The Serbian Lake System: A stepping stone for freshwater molluscs in the middle Miocene. Papers in Palaeontology 6/4, 533-569. doi: 10.1002/spp2.1308
Krstekanic, N., Matenco, L., Toljic, M., Mandic, O., Stojadinovic, U., Willingshofer, E. Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians. Global and Planetary Change, 195, 103361
Harzhauser, M., Kranner, M., Mandic, O., Strauss, P., Siedl, W., Piller, W.E. 2020. Miocene lithostratigraphy of the northern and central Vienna Basin (Austria). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 113/2, 169-200. DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2020.0011
Badurina, L., Šegvic, B., Mandic, O. and Zanoni, G. 2020. Smectitization as a Trigger of Bacterially Mediated Mn-Fe Micronodule Generation in Felsic Glass (Livno-Tomislavgrad Paleolake, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Minerals 2020, 10, 899. doi:10.3390/min10100899
Krijgsman, W., Stoica, M., Hoylea, T.M., Jorissen, E.L., Lazarev, S., Rausch, L., Bistae, D., Alçiçek, M.C., Ilgar, A., van den Hoek Ostende, L.W., Mayda, S., Raffi, I., Flecker, R., Mandic, O., Neubauer, T.A., Wesselingh, F.P. 2020. The myth of the Messinian Dardanelles: Late Miocene stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the ancient Aegean-Black Sea gateway. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 560, 110033.
Krijgsman, W., Palcu, D.V., Andreetto, F., Stoica, M., Mandic, O. 2020. Changing seas in the late Miocene Northern Aegean: A Paratethyan approach to Mediterranean basin evolution. Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103386.
Lazarev, S., de Leeuw, A., Stoica, M., Mandic, O., van Baak, C.G.C., Vasiliev, I., Krijgsman,W. 2020. From Khersonian drying to Pontian “flooding”: Late Miocene stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Dacian Basin (Eastern Paratethys). Global and Planetary Change 192, 103224
Jiménez-Moreno, G. & Mandic, O. 2020. Middle Miocene climatic oscillations controlled by orbital-scale changes triggered environmental and vegetation variability in the Dinarides Lake System (Bugojno Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100/2, 493-506.
Pisera, A., Siver, P., Mandic, O., 2020. Miocene siliceous microfossils from the open cast coal mine Gracanica (Paleolake Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and their significance: a preliminary report. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100/2, 507-517.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Nordsieck, H., Neubauer, T.A. 2020. A new Helicidae (Gastropoda) from the Middle Miocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a revision of the genus Paradrobacia. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100/2, 551-559.
Banak, A., Mandic, O., Pavelic, D., Kovacic, M., Lirer, F. 2020. Pleistocene Climate Change in Central Europe. In: Ono, R. & Pawlik, A. (eds.), Pleistocene Archaeology - Migration, Technology, and Adaptation, IntechOpen (London). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.93820
Carobene, D., Meyer, M.C., Spötl, Ch., Rötzel, R., Göhlich, U.B., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Wimmer-Frey, I., Reimer, P.J., Auer, F. 2020. An interdisciplinary study of a mammoth-bearing Late Pleistocene sediment succession in lower Austria. Quaternary International 542, 15-29.
Sant, K., Kuiper, K.F., Rybar, S., Grunert, P., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Jamrich, M., Sarinova, K., Hudackova, N., Krijgsman, W. 2020. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology using high sensitivity mass spectrometry: Examples from middle Miocene horizons of the Central Paratethys. Geologica Carpathica 71/2, 166-182.
Mandic, O., Sant, K., Kallanxhi, M.-E., Coric, S., Theobalt, D., Grunert, P., De Leeuw, A., Krijgsman, W. 2019. Integrated bio-magnetostratigraphy of the Badenian reference section Ugljevik in southern Pannonian Basin - implications for the Paratethys history (middle Miocene, Central Europe). Global and Planetary Change 172, 374-395.
Mandic, O., Hajek-Tadesse, V., Bakrac, K., Reichenbacher, B., Grizelj, A., Mikinic, M. 2019. Multiproxy reconstruction of the middle Miocene Požega palaeolake in the Southern Pannonian Basin (NE Croatia) prior to the Badenian transgression of the Central Paratethys Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 203-219. DOI: S0031-0182(18)30430-9
Mandic, O., Rundic, Lj., Coric, S., Pezelj, D., Theobalt, D., Sant, K., Krijgsman, W. 2019. Age and mode of the middle Miocene marine flooding of the Pannonian Basin - constraints from central Serbia. Palaios 34, 71–95.
Van Unen. M., Matenco, L., Demir, V., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Mandic, O. 2019. Transfer of deformation during indentation: Inferences from the post- middle Miocene evolution of the Dinarides. Global and Planetary Change 182, 103027.
Harzhauser, M., Theobalt, D., Strauss, P., Mandic, O., Carnevale, G., Piller, W.E. 2019. Seismic-based lower and middle Miocene stratigraphy in the northwestern Vienna Basin (Austria). Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 52/2, 221-247.
Van Unen, M., Matenco, L., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Mandic, O., Demir, V. 2019. Kinematics of foreland-vergent crustal accretion: inferences from the Dinarides evolution. Tectonics, 38, 49–76.
Xafis, A., Tsoukala, E., Solounias, N., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Grímsson, F., Nagel, D. 2019. Fossil Giraffidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late-Miocene of Thermopigi (Macedonia, Greece). Palaeontologia Electronica 22.3.67 1-38.
Zupan Hajna, N., Otonicar, B., Pruner, P., Culiberg, M., Hlavác, J., Mandic, O., Skála, R., Bosák ,P. 2019. Late Pleistocene lacustrine sediments and their relation to red soils in the northeastern margin of the Dinaric karst. Acta Carsologica, 48/2, 153-171.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Kranner, M., Lukeneder, P., Kern, A.K., Gross, M., Carnevale, G., Jawecki, C. 2018. The Sarmatian/Pannonian boundary at the western margin of the Vienna Basin (City of Vienna, Austria). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 111/1, 26-4. DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2018.0003
Vescogni, A., Vertino, A., Bosellini, F.R., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. 2018. New paleoenvironmental insights on the Miocene condensed phosphatic layer of Salento (southern Italy) unlocked by the coral-mollusc fossil archive. Facies, 64:7.
Harzhauser, M., Raven, H., Landau, B.M., Kocsis, L., Adnan, A., Zuschin, M., Mandic, O., Briguglio, A. 2018. Late Miocene gastropods from northern Borneo (Brunei Darussalam, Seria Formation). Palaeontographica A, Palaeozoology - Stratigraphy, 313/1-3, 1-79. DOI: 10.1127/pala/2018/0077
Carobene, D., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Gatto, R. 2018. Taxonomy and palaeoecology of continental Gastropoda (Mollusca) from the Late Pleistocene mammoth-bearing site of Bullendorf in NE Austria. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (Research in Paleontology and Stratigraphy), 124, 509-534.
Jorissen, E.L., De Leeuw, A., Van Baak, C.G.C., Mandic, O., Stoica, M., Abels, H.A. & Krijgsman, W. 2018. Sedimentary architecture and depositional controls of a Pliocene river-dominated delta in the semi-isolated Dacian Basin, Black Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 368, 1-23.
Puttonen, A., Harzhauser, M., Puttonen, E., Mandic, O., Székely, B., Molnár, G., Pfeifer, N. 2018. Automatic determination of 3D orientations of fossilized oyster shells from a densely packed Miocene shell bed. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 107/6, 2125–2142.
Harzhauser, M., Grunert, P., Mandic, O., Lukeneder, P., García Gallardo, Á., Neubauer, T.A., Carnevale, G., Landau, B.M., Sauer, R., Strauss, P. 2018. Middle and Late Badenian palaeoenvironments in the northern Vienna Basin and their potential link to the Badenian Salinity Crisis. Geologica Carpathica 69, 149-168. doi: 10.1515/geoca-2018-0009
Sant, K., Mandic, O., Rundic, Lj., Kuiper, K.F., Krijgsman, W. 2018. Age and evolution of the Serbian Lake System: integrated results from Middle Miocene Lake Popovac. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 51, 117-143. doi: 10.1127/nos/2016/0360
Neubauer, T.A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Jovanovic, G., 2017. The discovery of Bulinus (Pulmonata: Planorbidae) in a Miocene palaeolake in the Balkan Peninsula Journal of Molluscan Studies 83, 295-303.
Van Baak, C., Krijgsman, W., Magyar, I., Sztanó, O., Golovina, L., Grothe, A., Hoyle, T., Mandic, O., Patina, I., Popov, S., Radionova, E., Stoica, M., Vasiliev, I. 2017. Paratethys response to the Messinian salinity crisis. Earth Science Reviews 172, 193-223.
Zuschin, M., Nawrot, R., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Tomašových, A. 2017. Taxonomical und numerical sufficiency in depth- and salinity-controlled marine paleocommunities. Paleobiology 43, 463-478 DOI: 10.1017/pab.2016.49
Bosboom, R., Mandic, O., Dupont-Nivet, G., Proust, J.N., Ormukov, C., Aminov, J. 2017. Tajik Late Eocene paleogeography of the Proto-Paratethys Sea in Central Asia (NW China, S Kyrgyzstan and SW Tajikistan). In: Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Tien Shan Range. Geological Society Special Publication 427, 565-588. doi:10.1144/SP427.11
Sant, K., Palcu, D., Mandic, O., Krijgsman, W. 2017. Changing seas in the Early-Middle Miocene of Central Europe: a Mediterranean approach to Paratethyan stratigraphy. Terra Nova 29, 273-281.
La Perna, R., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2017. Systematics and palaeobiogeography of Megacardita Sacco in the Neogene of Europe (Bivalvia, Carditidae). Papers in Palaeontology, 3/1, 111–150. DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1072
Andric, N., Sant, K., Matenco, L., Mandic, O., Pavelic, D, Tomljenovic, B, Demir, V., Hrvatovic, H. 2017. The link between tectonics and sedimentation in asymmetric extensional basins: Inferences from the study of the Sarajevo-Zenica Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 305-332. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.02.024
Neubauer, T.A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Jovanovic, G. 2017.The late middle Miocene non-marine mollusk fauna of Vracevic (Serbia): filling a gap in Miocene land snail biogeography. Bulletin of Geosciences 91 (4), 731-778. DOI 10.3140/bull.geosci.1639
Djuricic, A., Puttonen, E., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O.,
Székely, B., Pfeifer, N., 2016. 3D central line extraction of fossil oyster shells. The ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry,
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science III-5, 121-128.
Georgopoulou, E., Neubauer, T.A., Strona, G., Kroh,
A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2016. Beginning of a new age: How did freshwater gastropods respond to the Quaternary climate
change in Europe? Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 269–278.
Banak, A., Mandic, O., Sprovieri, M., Lirer, F., Pavelić,
D. 2016. Stable isotope data from loess malacofauna - evidence for climate changes in the Pannonian Basin during the Late
Pleistocene. Quaternary International 415, 15-24.
Neubauer, T.A.. Georgopoulou, E., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O.,
Kroh, A., 2016. What drives shell size evolution in gastropods of long-lived lakes? Journal of Biogeography, 43/10.
Neubauer, T.A., Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. 2016. The early middle Miocene lacustrine gastropod fauna of Džepi,
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dinaride Lake System): high endemism in a small space. Bulletin of Geosciences 91 (2), 271-296.
Djuricic, A., Dorninger, P., Nothegger, C., Harzhauser, M., Székely, M., Rasztovits, S., Mandic, O., Molnár, G., Pfeifer,
N. 2016. High-resolution 3D surface modeling of a fossil oyster reef. Geosphere 12/6.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O.,
Büyükmeriç, Y., Neubauer, T.A., Kadolsky, D., Landau, B.M. 2016. A Rupelian mangrove swamp mollusc fauna from the Thrace Basin
in Turkey. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 145/1, 23-58.
Neubauer, T.A., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Georgopoulou, E.
Kroh, A., 2016. Paleobiogeography and historical biogeography of the non-marine caenogastropod family Melanopsidae. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 444, 124-243.
Georgopoulou, E., Neubauer, T.A., Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. 2016.
Distribution patterns of European lacustrine gastropods: a result of environmental factors and deglaciation history. Hydrobiologia
775(1), 69-82.
Hyzny. H., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Ledvák, P. 2016: Euryhaline preferences of the decapod
crab Mioplax socialis allow its survivorship across the Badenian/Sarmatian extinction (Miocene) in the Central Paratethys.
Geologica Carpathica 67/2, 165-176.
Harzhauser, M., Djuricic, A., Mandic, O., Neubauer, T.A., Zuschin, M., Pfeifer,
N. 2016. Age structure, carbonate production and shell loss rate in an Early Miocene reef of the giant oyster Crassostrea
gryphoides. Biogeosciences 13, 1223–1235.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Neubauer, T.A., Georgopoulou, E., Hassler,
A. 2016. Disjunct distribution of the Miocene limpet-like freshwater gastropod genus Delminiella. Journal of Molluscan Studies
82, 129–136.
Neubauer, T., Harzhauser,
M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Georgopoulou, E. 2016. Evolution, turnovers and spatial variation of the gastropod fauna of the
Late Miocene biodiversity hotspot Lake Pannon. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 442, 84-95.
Neubauer, T.A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2015. The freshwater mollusk fauna of the Middle
Miocene Lake Drniš (Dinaride Lake System, Croatia): a taxonomic and systematic revision. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences,
108/2, 15-67.
Van Baak, C.G.C., Mandic, O., Lazar, I., Stoica, M., Krijgsman, W. 2015. The Slanicul de Buzau section,
a unit stratotype for the Romanian stage of the Dacian Basin (Plio-Pleistocene, Eastern Paratethys). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology 440, 594–613. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.09.022
O., Kurečić, T., Neubauer, T.A., Harzhauser, M. 2015. Stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance of lacustrine molluscs
from the Pliocene Viviparus beds in central Croatia. Geologica Croatica, 68/3, 179-207, doi:10.4154/gc.2015.15.
Neubauer, T.A., Harzhauser, M., Georgopoulou,
E., Kroh, A., Mandic, O. 2015. Tectonics, climate, and the rise and demise of continental aquatic species richness hotspots.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
112 (37), 11478-11483, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1503992112
Georgopoulou, E., Neubauer, T.A.,
Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Mandic, O. 2015. An outline of the European Quaternary localities with freshwater gastropods: Data
on geography and updated stratigraphy. Palaeontologia Electronica, 18.3.48A, 1-9.
Harzhauser, M., Djuricic,
A., Mandic, O., Zuschin, M., Dorninger, P., Nothegger, C., Székely, B., Puttonen, E., Molnár, G., Pfeifer, N. 2015. Disentangling
the history of complex multi-phased shell beds based on the analysis of 3D point cloud data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 437, 165-180,
T.A., Georgopoulou, E., Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Esu, D. 2015. Synopsis of European Neogene freshwater gastropod
localities: updated stratigraphy and geography. Palaeontologia Electronica, 18.1.3T, 1-7.
Harzhauser, M., Landau,
B.M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Grunert, P., Schneider, S., Danninger, W. 2015. Gastropods of an Ottnangian rocky shore in the
North Alpine Foreland Basin (Allerding, Austria). Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien, 154: 83-113.
T.A., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Georgopoulou, E., Mandic, O. 2015. A gastropod-based biogeographic scheme for the European
Neogene freshwater systems. Earth-Science Reviews, 143, 98-116, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.01.010
T.A., Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Georgopoulou, E., Mandic, O. 2015. Taxonomic note on problematic Neogene European freshwater
Gastropoda. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 117, 95-100.
Harzhauser, M., Göhlich, U.,
Kroh, A., Lukeneder, A., Mandic, O. 2015. Geology and Paleontology, 73-107 pp. In: Jovanovic-Kruspel, S. (ed.) 2015. Natural
History Museum Vienna. A guide to the collections. 2nd Edition. 256 pp., Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, ISBN 978-3-902421-88-3.
Pavelić, D., Kovačić, M., Vlahović, I., Mandic, O., Marković, F., Wacha, L., 2014. Topography
controlling the wind regime on the karstic coast: late Pleistocene coastal calcareous sands of eastern mid-Adriatic, Croatia.
Facies, 60/4, 843-863.
Roetzel, R., De Leeuw, A., Mandic, O., Marton, E., Nehyba, S., Kuiper, K.F., Scholger,
R., Wimmer-Frey, I. 2014. Lower Miocene (upper Burdigalian, Karpatian) volcanic ash-fall at the south-eastern margin of the
Bohemian Massif in Austria – New evidence from 40Ar/39Ar-dating, paleomagnetic, geochemical and mineralogical investigations.
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 107/2, 2-22.
Schneider, S., Mandic, O. 2014. Middle Ottnangian (late Burdigalian)
mollusks from the Rott Valley (SE Germany) – the ultimate marine fauna of the Western Paratethys. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 88,
Bosboom, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., Grothe, A., Brinkhuis, H., Villa, G., Mandic, O., Stoica, M., Huang,
W., Yang, W., Guo, Z.J. & Krijgsman, W. 2014. Linking Tarim sea retreat (west China) and Asian aridification in the late
Eocene. Basin Research, 26/5, 621-640.
Neubauer, T.A., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Georgopoulou, E., Mandic, O. 2014.
Replacement names and nomenclatural comments for problematic species-group names in Europe's Neogene freshwater Gastropoda.
Part 2. ZooKeys, 429, 13-46, doi: 10.3897/zookeys.429.7420
T.A., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2014. A new melanopsid species from the Middle Miocene Kupres Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The Nautilus, 128 (2), 51-54.
Neubauer, T.A., Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Georgopoulou, E., Mandic, O. 2014.
Synopsis of valid species-group taxa for freshwater Gastropoda recorded from the European Neogene. ZooKeys, 435, 1-6 doi:
10.3897/zookeys.435.8193. Data File
Bosboom, R., Dupont-Nivet, G., Grothe, A., Brinkhuis, H., Villa, G., Mandic,
O., Stoica, M., Kouwenhoven, T., Huang, W., Yang, W., Guo, Z.J. (2014, subm.) Timing, cause and impact of the late Eocene
stepwise sea retreat from the Tarim Basin (west China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 403: 101-118.
Neubauer, T.A., Harzhauser, M., Georgopoulou,
E., Mandic, O., Kroh, A. 2014. Replacement names and nomenclatural comments for problematic species-group names in Europe's
Neogene freshwater Gastropoda. Zootaxa, 3785 (3), 453–468, doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.3.7
Šegvić, B., Mileusnić,
M., Aljinović, D., Vranjković, A., Mandic, O., Pavelić, D., Dragičević, I., Mählmann, R.F. 2014. The Provenance and
Diagenesis of Tuffs from the Dinaride Lake System (Miocene, Southern Croatia). European Journal of Mineralogy, 26/1: 83-101.
Harzhauser, M., Peckmann, J., Birgel, D., Draganits, E., Mandic, O., Theobalt, D., Huemer, J. 2014. Stromatolites in
the Paratethys Sea during the Middle Miocene Climate Transition as witness of the Badenian Salinity Crisis. Facies, 60, 429-444.
Harzhauser, M., Landau, B., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Kuttelwascher, K., Grunert, P., Schneider, S., Danninger, W. 2014.
Gastropods of an Ottnangian (Early Miocene) rocky shore in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Allerding, Austria). Jahrbuch
der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 154, 137-167.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M., Hengst, B., Mandic, O., Roetzel, R. 2014. Long-term
ecosystem stability in an Early Miocene estuary. Geology. 42, 1-4.
Harzhauser, M., Göhlich, U., Kroh, A., Lukeneder,
A., Mandic, O. 2014. Geologie & Paläontologie, 73-107 pp.. In: Jovanović-Kruspel, S. (Ed.). Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.
Ein Führer durch die Schausammlungen. Sammlungsführer, 2. Auflage, 251 pp., Naturhistorischers Museum Wien, ISBN 978-3-902421-87-6.
Banak, A., Pavelić, D., Kovačić, M., Mandic, O. 2013. Sedimentary characteristics and source of loess in Baranja (eastern Croatia). Aeolian research, 11: 129–139, doi 10.1016/j.aeolia.2013.08.002.
Popular science
Harzhauser, M., Lukeneder, A., Göhlich, U.B., Kroh, A., Nichterl, T., Mandic, O. 2011. Dinosaurs - The terrible reptiles of the past. Exhibition guide, Natural History Museum Vienna, 1-44. ISBN 978-3-902421-58-6.
Harzhauser, M., Lukeneder, A., Göhlich, U.B., Kroh, A., Nichterl, T., Mandic, O. 2011. Dinosaurier - Die schrecklichen Echsen der Urzeit. Saalführer, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 1-44. ISBN 978-3-902421-57-9.
Popular science
Harzhauser, M., Göhlich, U., Kroh, A., Lukeneder, A., Mandic, O. 2010. Paläontologie. in: Jovanović-Kruspel, S. (ed.). Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Ein Führer durch die Schausammlungen. 56-85, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, ISBN: 978-3-902421-47-0.
Popular science
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2009. Von Riesen und Zwergen. Universum, 12, NHMW, 11.
Roetzel, R., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. 2007. Mailberg: Der Leithakalk am Gipfel des Buchberges. in: Hofmann, T. (Ed.). Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland. Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte, 22, 96-98.
Piller, W.E., Kroh, A. & Mandic, O. 2007. Baden: Der Rauchstallbrunngraben - ein alter Exkursionspunkt. in: Hofmann, T. (Ed.). Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland. Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte, 22, 141-143.
Piller, W.E., Kroh, A. & Mandic, O. 2007. Müllendorf: Der "diagenetische" Kreidesteinbruch. in: Hofmann, T. (Ed.). Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland. Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte, 22, 164-165.
Roetzel, R., Pervesler, P., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Zuschin, M. 2007. Grund: Kurze Hochenergie-Ereignisse in der Kellergasse. in: Hofmann, T. (Ed.). Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland. Wanderungen in der Erdgeschichte, 22, 94-96.
Popular science
Mandic, O. 2007. Am Balkan auf Darwins Spuren. Universum. Das Naturhistorische, Sommer 2007, 8-9.
Mandic, O. (2006): Bericht 2004 über geologische Aufnahmen im Raum Kattau - Missingdorf auf Blatt 21 Horn. - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 145/3-4: 305-308.
Mandic, O. (2006): Evolution als geologischer Zeitmesser. Universum, 3: NHMW, 8-9.
Mandic, O. (2006): Stop - Müllendorf. 12. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Bad Vöslau, Excursions.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. (2006): Stop Gainfarn. 12. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Bad Vöslau, Excursions.
Mandic, O. (2006): Proposal for a new Central Paratethys pectinid bivalve zonation. - EGU General Assembly 2006, April, 2nd-7th, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07705, 2006.
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2006): Macroevolutionary dynamics within Neogene lacustrine ecosystems of Central and Southeastern Europe. - EGU General Assembly 2006, April, 2nd-7th, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 05203, 2006.
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2006): Die neogenen Dinariden-Seen. Welchen Einfluss hatten die Dinariden-Mollusken auf den Pannonischen See- [Vortrag]. - p. 27, Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 12. Jahrestagung, 19.-21. Mai 2006, (NHM Wien) Wien.
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2006): Neogene Dreissenids in Central Europe - Evolutionary shifts and diversity changes. - Scientific Program and Abstracts, International Congress on Bivalvia - Bellaterra, July 22-27, 2006 (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Bellaterra / Spain.
Mandic, O. Harzhauser, M. & Pavelic, D. (2006): Cyclostratigraphy as a powerful evolutionist tool: case study from the Miocene of the Dinaride Ancient Lake System. - [in:] Tessadri-Wackerle, M.: Pangeo Austria 2006, Tagung der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, 17. - 20. September 2006. - p. 188-189, (University Press) Innsbruck.
Kroh, A., Harzhauser, M., Piller, W.E., Reuter, M., Mandic, M. & Berning, B. (2006): Oberoligozäne Karbonate der Arabischen Platte und ihre Bedeutung für die Entstehung der Indopazifischen Faunenprovinz. [Vortrag]. - p. 23-24, Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 12. Jahrestagung, 19.-21. Mai 2006, (NHM Wien) Wien.
Harzhauser, M., Zuschin, M., Mandic, M., Sovis, M. & Schmid, B. (2006): Das Korneuburger Becken - von der Grabung zur Erlebniswelt [Vortrag] - p. 14-17, Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 12. Jahrestagung, 19.-21. Mai 2006, (NHM Wien) Wien.
Harzhauser, H., Piller, W.E., Müllegger, S. & Mandic, O. (2006): The giant oyster Crassostrea gryphoides as a trans-Miocene climate archive. - EGU General Assembly 2006, April, 2nd-7th, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04887, 2006.
Reuter, M., Piller, W.-E., Harzhauser, M:, Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Berning, B. 2006. Flachmarine Faunen aus dem Oman und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Indo-Pazifischen Fauunenprovinz im Oligo/Miozän. - - [in:] Tessadri-Wackerle, M.: Pangeo Austria 2006, Tagung der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, 17. - 20. September 2006. - p. 279 (University Press) Innsbruck.
Mandic, M. & Summesberger, H. (2005): Von Amethyst bis Wasserbüffel. Freunde des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien. Exkursion. - Exkursionsführer Serie Nr. 41: 1-19, Geologisch Paläontologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Steininger, F. & Roetzel, R. (2005): RCMNS 2005. Excursion C: Miocene of the Eastern Alpine Foredeep - The Bohemian Massive Southeastern Margin. - 53 pp. Geologisch Paläontologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2005): Influence of Size-sorting on Diversity Estimates from Tempestitic Shell Beds in the Middle Miocene of Austria. - Palaios, 20: 142-158.
Mandic, O. (2005): Toward the new regional Central Paratethys pectinid bivalve zonation. - 12th Congress R.C.M.N.S., 6-11. Sept. 2005, Vienna - Program, Abstracts & Participants: 70-71, Vienna.
{C}Mandic, O., Lukeneder, A. (2005): Dating the Penninc ocean subduction - new data from planktonic foraminifera. - Paläontologische Gesellschaft (Jahrestagung), Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 70-71, Graz.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2005): Advantages and limitations of using molluscs for paleoecological analysis in Oligo/Miocene Carbonate systems. - Miocene Carbonate Systems, ESF workshop, February 2005. Potsdam.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2005): Neogene Dreissenids in Central Europe - exploring the limits. Sixth Paleontology and Stratigraphy Workshop, 23-25. September 2005, Abstracts, Sinop.
Lukeneder, A. & Mandic, O. (2005): Significant Lower Cretaceous foraminifera assemblages of Austria (Northern Calcareous Alps, Frankenfels Nappe, Lower Austria). 7th International Symposium on the Cretaceous, Neuchatel, September 2005.
Harzhauser, M., Piller, W.E., Latal, C. & Mandic, O. (2005): Enigmatic patterns in Late Miocene molluscs triggered by advanced seasonal precipitation- Annual NECLIME meeting, 1-4th October 2005, Sofia.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2005): Paleocommunity dynamics in its stratigraphic context: a case study from a Middle Miocene, marine, siliciclastic, shallow-water environment at the locality Gainfarn (Vienna basin, Austria). - Paläontologische Gesellschaft (Jahrestagung), Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 142-143, Graz.
Mandic, O. (2004): Foraminiferal paleoecology of a submarine swell - the Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Mailberg Formation at the Buchberg in the Eastern Alpine Foredeep: initial report. - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 105A: 161-174, Wien
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2004): The muddy bottom of Lake Pannon - a challenge for dreissenid settlement (Late Miocene; Bivalvia) - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2004: 331-352.
Mandic, O. Harzhauser, M. & Roetzel, R. (2004): Taphonomy and sequence stratigraphy of spectacular shell accumulation from the type stratum of the Central Paratethys stage Eggenburgian (Lower Miocene, NE Austria). - Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 246: 69-88, Frankfurt.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2004): Spatial variability within a single parautochthonous Paratethys tidal flat deposit (Karpatian, Lower Miocene - Kleinebersdorf, Lower Austria). - Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 246: 153-168, Frankfurt.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2004): Taphonomy and Palaeoecology of the Lower Badenian (Middle Miocene) molluscan assemblages at Grund (Lower Austria). - Geologica Carpathica, 55/2: 117-128, Bratislava.
Coric, S., Harzhauser, M., Hohenegger, J., Mandic, O., Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Scholger, R., Spezzaferri, S., Stingl, K., Svabenicka, L., Zorn, I. & Zuschin, M. (2004): Stratigraphy and correlation of the Grund Formation in the Molasse Basin, northeastern Austria (Middle Miocene, Lower Badenian). - Geologica Carpathica, 55/2: 207-215, Bratislava.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Schlaf, J., Piller, W. E., Schuster, F., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Nebelsick, J. H., Kroh, A., Rögl, F., & Bassant, Ph. (2004): Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of an Epicontinental Flooding - Burdigalian (Early Miocene) of the Mut Basin (Southern Turkey). - Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 248: 57-92, Frankfurt.
Wielandt-Schuster, U., Schuster, F., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Rögl, F., Reisinger, J., Liebetrau, V, Steininger, F.F. & J. Piller, W. E., (2004): Stratigraphy and Palaeoecology of Oligocene and Early Miocene Sedimentary Sequences of the Mesohellenic Basin (NW Greece). - Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 248:1-55, Frankfurt.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. & Zuschin, M. (2004): Changes in Paratethyan marine molluscs at the Early/Middle Miocene transition - diversity, paleogeography and paleoclimate . -[In:] Hubmann, B. & Piller, W. E. (Eds.), 2004: Pangeo Austria 2004 - Beitragskurzfassungen. - Ber. Inst. Erdwiss., K.-F.-Univ. Graz, 9: 255., Graz.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2004): Influence of Size-sorting on Diversity Estimates from Tempestitic Shell Beds in the Middle Miocene of Austria. -[In:] Hubmann, B. & Piller, W. E. (Eds.), 2004: Pangeo Austria 2004 - Beitragskurzfassungen. - Ber. Inst. Erdwiss., K.-F.-Univ. Graz, 9: 431., Graz.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. & Niederhuber, M. (2004): The sequence stratigraphic framework of sedimentary facies and palaeocommunities at the middle Miocene (Lower Badenian) locality Gainfarn (Vienna Basin, Lower Austria) . -[In:] Hubmann, B. & Piller, W. E. (Eds.), 2004: Pangeo Austria 2004 - Beitragskurzfassungen. - Ber. Inst. Erdwiss., K.-F.-Univ. Graz, 9: 432, Graz..
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2003): Molluscs from the Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Gaindorf Formation (Alpine Molasse Basin, NE Austria) - Taxonomy, Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy. - Annalen naturhist. Museums Wien, 104A: 85-127.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. & Zuschin, M. (2003): Changes in Paratethyan marine molluscs at the Early/Middle Miocene transition: diversity, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate. - Acta Geologica Polonica, 53/4: 323-339.
Harzhauser, M., Daxner-Höck, G., Boon-Kristkoiz, E., Coric, S., Mandic, O., Miklas-Tempfer, P., Roetzel, R., Rögl, F., Schultz, O., Spezzaferri, S., Ziegler, R. & Zorn, I. (2003): Paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the Gaindorf Formation (lower Middle Miocene, Lower Badenian, Austria). - Annalen naturhist. Museums Wien, 104A: 323-334.
Mandic, O. (2003): Bivalves of the Karpatian in the Central Paratethys. - (In:) Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (eds.): The Karpatian - A Lower Miocene Stage of the Central Paratethys. - pp. 217-227, (Masaryk University Brno) Brno.
Rögl, F., Coric, S., Daxner-Höck, G., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Svabenicka, L. & Zorn, I. (2003): Correlation of the Karpatian Stage. - (In:) Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (eds.): The Karpatian - A Lower Miocene Stage of the Central Paratethys. - pp. 27-34, (Masaryk University Brno) Brno.
Rögl, F., Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Coric, S., Daxner-Höck, G., Dolakova, N., Harzhauser, M., Hladilova, S., Kroh, A., Kvacek, Z., Mandic, O., Olshtynska, A., Pisera, A., Reichenbacher, B., Schultz, O., Svabenicka, L., Tempfer, P.M., Vavra, N. & Zorn, I. (2003): Paleobiological Characterization of the Karpatian Stage. . - (In:) Brzobohaty, R., Cicha, I., Kovac, M. & Rögl, F. (eds.): The Karpatian - A Lower Miocene Stage of the Central Paratethys. - pp. 357-360, (Masaryk University Brno) Brno.
Mandic, O. (2003): The Central Paratethys pectinid bivalves - their taxonomic and biostratigraphic re-evaluation. - Vortragskurzfassungen - Austrostrat 2003, Gosau, 10.-12. Oktober 2003: 9-10, (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, u.a.) Wien.
Mandic, O. (2003): Pectinid bivalves from the Grund Formation (Lower Badenian, Middle Miocene, Alpino-Carpathian Foredeep) - taxonomic revision and stratigraphic significance. - Abstracts zur 10. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Zistersdorf (NÖ) - 17.-19. Oktober 2003: 12, (Institut für Paläontologie) Wien.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. & Roetzel, R. (2003): Coastal marine dynamics and paleoenvironment of an incised valley in the Alpino-Carpathian Foredeep Miocene. - Abstracts book, 22nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology - Opatija 2003: 116, (Institute of Geology) Zagreb.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2003): The muddy bottom of Lake Pannon - a challenge for dreissenid settlement (Late Miocene; Bivalvia). - Abstractvolume, EEDEN - Environments and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene, Birth of the New World, Stará Lesná, November, 12 - 16th 2003: 33, (Univerzita Komenského) Bratislava.
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2003): The transported molluscan biodiversity of tempestitic shell beds in the Middle Miocene of Austria. - Abstracts book, 22nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology - Opatija 2003: 227, (Institute of Geology) Zagreb
Mandic, O. (2002): Analyse d’ouvrage. Bivalvia neogenica (Nuculacea - Unionacea).. - Geobios, 35: 396.
Harzhauser, M., Kowalke, Th. & Mandic, O. (2002): Late Miocene (Pannonian) Gastropods of Lake Pannon with Special Emphasis on Early Ontogenetic Development. - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 103A: 75-141.
Harzhauser, M., Böhme, M, Mandic, O., Hofmann, Ch.-Ch. (2002): The Karpatian (Late Burdigalian) of the Korneuburg Basin. A Palaeoecological and Biostratigraphical Syntheses. - Beitr. Paläontologie, 27: 441-456.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Zuschin, M. & Niederhuber, M. (2002): Middle Miocene mollusc bearing series of Gainfarn (SW Vienna Basin, Austria). - Abstracts, Molasse-Meeting 2002, Wien, 5.-7. April 2002, Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, pp. 21.
Zuschin, M. Harzhauser M. & Mandic, O. (2002): The molluscan fauna of the tempestitic shell beds at Grund (Lower Badenian, Austria). - Abstracts, Molasse-Meeting 2002, Wien, 5.-7. April 2002, Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, pp. 37.
Mandic, O. (2002): Rekonstruktion von Umweltparameter am Beispiel miozäner Fossillagerstätten der Molasse Zone und des Wiener Beckens. Programm & Kurzfassungen, Pangeo I, Austria, Salzburg, Juni 2002, pp. 116.
Mandic, O. (2002): Chronology of pectinid bioevents in the Paratethys. - Strati 2002, 3éme Congrès Francais de Stratigraphie, Lyon, 8-10 juillet 2002. - Docum. Lab. Geol. Lyon, 156: 152.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. & Böhme, M. (2002): Palaeoecology of the Karpatian (Late Burdigalian) Korneuburg Basin. - Abstracts, Molasse-Meeting 2002, Wien, 5.-7. April 2002, Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, pp. 10.
Harzhauser, M. Mandic, O. & Böhme, M. (2002): Korneuburg Basin - an Early Miocene estuarine palaeoecosystem from NE Austria. - In: Michalik, J. & Hudackova, N. (eds.): Paleogeographical, Paleoecological, Paleoclimatical Development of Central Europe, Abstract Book, 5-7th June 2002, Institute of Geology, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, p.55.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. & Zuschin, M. (2002): Mollusc-based reconstruction of Karpatian Ecosystems (Early Miocene, Korneuburg Basin, Austria). - Programm & Kurzfassungen, Pangeo I, Austria, Salzburg, Juni 2002, pp. 116-117.
Zuschin, M., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Pervesler, P. (2001): Fossil evidence for chemoautotrophic bacterial symbiosis in the thyasirid bivalve Conchocele michelottii from the Middle Miocene (Badenium) of Austria. - Historical Biology, 15: 223-234.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2001): Upper Oligocene Gastropods and Bivalves from the Lower and Upper Austrian Molasse Basin. in: Piller, W. E. & Rasser, M. (eds.): The Paleogene of Austria. - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen, 14: 671-795.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Zuschin, M., Piller, W. & Hofmann, T. (2001): From the Paratethys Sea to Lake Pannon, Vienna Basin and Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin. - Excursionguide, World Congress of Malacology 2001, Vienna, Austria: 16 p.; Wien (Institut für Paläontologie & Naturhistorisches Museum).
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2001): Evolution versus Migration in Miocene Mollusc faunas of the Central Paratethys. - 13th Conference on Upper Teriary, Brno, 19.-20. April 2001; Brno (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Geological Survey Brno)
Mandic, O.; Harzhauser, M.; Spezzaferri, S.; Zuschin, M. & Pervesler, P. (2001): Paleoecological case study of the Central Paratethys initial Middle Miocene Transgression: Early Badenian of Niederleis (Lower Austria): preliminary results of FWF Projects P13743Bio and P13745Bio. - Communications, International Conference on Paleobiogeography & Paleoecology, Piacenza & Castell’Arquato (Italy), May 31-June 2 2001, pp. 88-89.
Niederhuber M., Zuschin, M., Harzhauser & M., Mandic, O. (2001): New data on paleoecology of the classic Central Paratethys locality Gainfarn (Badenian, Middle Miocene, Southern Vienna Basin). - Communications, International Conference on Paleobiogeography & Paleoecology, Piacenza & Castell’Arquato (Italy), May 31-June 2 2001, pp. 105.
Mandic, O. (2001): Paleobiological patterns in Paratethyan pectinids. - [In:] Salvini-Plawen, L., Voltzow, J., Sattmann, H. & Steiner, G. (Eds.): Abstracts, World Congress of Malacology 2001, Vienna, Austria: pp. 205; Wien (Unitas Malacologica).
Pervesler, P., Zuschin, M., Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2001): Chemosymbiosis, fossil lucinid bioturbations and the Chondrites enigma. - [In:] Salvini-Plawen, L., Voltzow, J., Sattmann, H. & Steiner, G. (Eds.): Abstracts, World Congress of Malacology 2001, Vienna, Austria: pp. 272; Wien (Unitas Malacologica).
Zuschin, M., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (2001): Evolution vs. migration in Austrian Miocene marine mollusc communities. - [In:] Salvini-Plawen, L., Voltzow, J., Sattmann, H. & Steiner, G. (Eds.): Abstracts, World Congress of Malacology 2001, Vienna, Austria: pp. 406; Wien (Unitas Malacologica).
Mandic, O. (2001): Pectinacea (Bivalvia) der Paratethys: Diversität Evolution und Paläobiogeographie. - [In:] Nagel, D. & Rabeder, G. (Eds.): Abstracts und Exkursionsführer zur 7. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Mannersdorf / L.,: pp. 9; Wien (Institut für Paläontologie).
Pervesler, P., Zuschin, M., Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (2001): Chemosymbiosis, fossil lucinid bioturbations and the Chondrites enigma. - [In:] Nagel, D. & Rabeder, G. (Eds.): Abstracts und Exkursionsführer zur 7. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Mannersdorf / L.,: pp. 18; Wien (Institut für Paläontologie).
Mandic, O.; Harzhauser, M.; Spezzaferri, S. & Zuschin, M. (2001): The paleoenvironment of an early Middle Miocene Paratethys sequence in NE Austria with special emphasis on paleoecology of mollusks and foraminifera. - [Ed.] Gawlick, H.-J. & Sachsenhofer, R.F.: 6. Österreichische Sedimentologentreffen in Seewalchen am Attersee, 3. November 2001: pp. 7.; Leoben (Institut für Geowissenschaften).
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser (2001): Taphonomy of spectacular shell accumulations from the type stratum of the central Paratethys stage Eggenburgian (Early Miocene, NE Austria). - Palaeontology, Communication and the Public, The 3rd European palaeontological Congress 2001, 21.-24. November; Leiden (EPA and Naturalis).
Harzhauser, M., Schmid, H.-P., Mandic, O. (2000): St. Margarethen - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte Burgenland 1:200 000, Geologische Bundesanstalt.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. & Piller, W. E. (2000): Palaeobiogeography of molluscs in the East Mediterranean and W Indo-Pacific during the Oligo/Miocene - Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr., 43, Sediment 2000, p. 58., Wien.
Piller, W. E. , Steininger, F. F., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Nebelsick, J. H., Rögl, F., Schuster, F., Wielandt, U. (2000): The Termination of the Tethys and its Palaebiogeographical Consequences. - 31st International Geological Congress, Abstract & Poster. Rio de Janeiro.
Mandic, O. & Piller, W.E. (2000): Terminal tethyan event: changes in pectinid bivalves. - 31st International Geological Congress, Abstract & Poster. Rio de Janeiro.
Schmid, H. P., Decker, K., Harzhauser, M., Wagreich, M. & Mandic, O. (2000): Stratigraphische Modellierung von miozänen syntektonischen Sedimenten an einer listrischen Abschiebung im Eisenstädter Becken (Burgenland, Österreich). - Poster, Sediment 2000 (Leoben).
Schuster, F., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Nebelsick, J.H., Piller, W.E., Rögl, F., Steininger, F.F., Wielandt-Schuster, U. (2000): The Closure of the Tethyan seaway/Gateway: new stratigraphical results - RCMNS-Kongress (September 2000), Marokko.
Wagreich, M., Harzhauser, M., Decker, K., Schmid, H. P., Mandic, O. (2000): Growth-strata along a Miocene normal fault in the Eisenstadt-Vienna Basin system. Constraints for stratigraphic modelling. - Poster, Geology 2000 (Tu Wien).
Wielandt-Schuster, U., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Nebelsick, J.H., Piller, W.E., Rögl, F., Schuster, F., Steininger, F.F. (2000): Paläobiogreographische Relevanz von Grossforaminiferenfauen des Mittleren Ostens - Tagung der Deutschen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Abstracts, Coburg.
Baldi, T., Less, G. & Mandic, O. (1999): Some new aspects of the lower boundary of the Egerian stage (Oligocene, chronostratigraphic scale of the Paratethyan area). - Abh. Geol. B.-A., 56/2, p. 653-668.
Roetzel, R., Mandic, O. & Steininger, F.F. (1999): Lithostratigraphie und Chronostratigraphie der tertiären Sedimente im westlichen Weinviertel und angrenzenden Waldviertel. - Arbeitstagung Geol. B.-A. 1999, p.38-54.
Harzhauser, M., Lukeneder, A., Mandic, O., Roetzel, R. (1999): Riede Holzern - nordöstlich Obermarkersdorf - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Exkursionen, p. 263, Wien.
Roetzel, R., Pervesler, P., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, M. & al. (1999): Grund - Kellergasse - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Exkursionen, p. 298, Wien.
Roetzel, R., Pervesler, P., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. (1999): Limberg - Steinbruch Hengl- Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Exkursionen, p. 298, Wien.
Hofmann T., Piller, W., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (1999): Vienna Basin and Calcareous Alps: An Overview in the Region South of Vienna. - Exkursionsführer der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Zuschin, M., Pervesler, P. & Roetzel, R. (1999): Allochthonous shell concentrations in a Thyasirid Facies in the Middle Miocene (Badenium) of Austria. - American Malacological Society, 65th annual meeting, 4-9 July 1999, Pittsburgh, Program and Abstracts, 31-32.
Mandic, O. & Piller, W.E. (1999): Palaeoenvironmental Analysis by Means of Pectinid Coquinas in the Lower Miocene of Northeastern Egypt. - Biology & Evolution of the Bivalvia, 14-17th September, 1999, Cambridge, UK, Paper and Poster abstracts, p. 38.
Mandic, O. (1999): Biostratigraphie des Miozän am Ostrand des Böhmischen Massivs. - Austrostrat '99, 22.-24. Oktober 1999, Obertrum a. See/Salzburg, p. 13.
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (1999): Pectiniden (Bivalvia) als Faziesindikatoren im Eggenburgium der Retz-Formation. - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Posterzusammenfassungen, p. 231, Wien.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Pervesler, P. & Roetzel, R. (1999): Lithofazies und Paläoökologie in einem transgressiven, fluvio-marinen System (Eggenburgium der autochthonen Molasse - Niederösterreich) - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Posterzusammenfassungen, p. 233, Wien.
Pervesler, P., Roetzel, R., Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (1999): Lebensspuren-Vergesellschaftungen der Grund-Formation (Unteres Badenium) - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Posterzusammenfassungen, p. 237, Wien.
Lukeneder, A., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. & Roetzel, R. (1999): Schalenakkumulationen des Nautiloiden Aturia (Aturia) aturi (Basterot, 1825) in der Retz Formation (Untermiozän, Ober-Eggenburgium). - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1999. Retz - Hollabrunn, Posterzusammenfassungen, p. 229, Wien.
Pervesler, P.; Roetzel, R. & Mandic, O. (1998): Sirenenlagerstätten in den marinen Flachwasser-Ablagerungen der Eggenburger Bucht (Burgschleinitz-Formation, Eggenburgium, Untermiozän). - Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, 23, pp. 87-103.
Mandic, O. (1998): Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene Pectinid Bivalves of Central Iran. - [in:] Bieler, R, & Mikkelsen, P.M., (eds.): Abstracts, World Congress of Malacology, Washington, D.C., 1998. - p. 204, (Unitas Malacologica) Chicago.
Mandic, O. (1998): Pectiniden-Taxonomie und -Paläobiogeographie der zentraliranischen Qum-Formation (Oberoligozän bis Untermiozän). - Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 5. Jahrestagung, 2.-4. Oktober 1998, Lunz am See, Abstracts, p. 5.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Zuschin, M., Pervesler, P. & Roetzel, R. (1998): Allochthone Mollusken-Schille in einer Thyasiridae-Fazies. - 5. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, 1998, Abstracts, p. 14.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Pervesler, P. & Roetzel, R. (1998): Lithofazies und Paläoökologie in einem transgressiven, fluvio-marinen System (Eggenburgium der autochthonen Molasse - Niederösterreich) - 5. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, 1998, Abstracts, p. 18.
Pervesler, P.; Roetzel, R.; Mandic, O.; & Harzhauser, M.; (1998): Distribution of trace fossil assemblages in the Grund formation (Lower Badenian) - 5. Jahrestagung der ÖPG, 1998, Abstracts, p. 23.
Hamedani, A., Wielandt, U., Schuster, F., Schlaf, J., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O. (1998): Oligocene-Miocene shallow marine biofacies of Central Iran.Tertiary to Recent Larger Foraminifera, Conference-Workshop, London, Abstracts, p. 14.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (1997): Biostratigraphie und Paläoökologie der jungmiozänen Mollusken des Eisenstädter Beckens. Kiesgrube St. Margarethen - Gemeindewald (N-Burgenland) - Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Exkursion nach Eggenburg, Nieder-Österreich, 26.6.-1.7.1997, Exkursionsunterlagen, Haltepunkt 3/30, pp. 57-64.
Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (1997): Stop 5: Gravel pit St. Margarethen - Gemeindewald (N- Burgenland). - [in:] Piller, W. E., Summesberger, H., Draxler, I., Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O.: Postconference Excursion. Meso- to Cenozoic tropical/subtropical climates - Selected examples from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Vienna Basin. - 2nd European paleontological Congress, Climates, 1997, Vienna, Excursion Guides, pp. 99-111.
Piller, W.E.; Summesberger, H.; Draxler, I.; Harzhauser, M. & Mandic, O. (1997): Postconference Excursion. Meso- to Cenozoic tropical/subtropical climates - Selected examples from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Vienna Basin. - 2nd European paleontological Congress, Climates, 1997, Vienna, Excursion Guides, pp.70-111.
Hamedani, A., Torabi, H., Piller, W. E., Mandic, O., Steininger, F. F., Wieland, U., Harzhauser, M., Nebelsick, J. H. & Schuster, F. (1997): Oligocene/Miocene sections from Zagros foreland basins of central Iran. - 18th IAS Regional Meeting of Sedimentology, Heidelberg, September 2-4, 1997. - Gaea heidelbergensis, 3, pp.155-156, Heidelberg.
Hamedani, A., Piller, W. E., Mandic, O., Steininger, F.F.,. Wieland, U., Harzhauser, M., Nebelsick, J.H. & Schuster, F. (1997): Litho- und Biofazies im Oligozän/Untermiozän des Zentraliran. - Sediment ’97, 12. Sedimentologentreffen, 21-24.5.1997, Köln, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Terra Nostra, 97/2, pp. 75, Köln.
Mandic, O. (1997): Biostratigraphie und Paläobiogeographie der Mollusken der Eggenburg-Gruppe (Eggenburgium, Untermiozän) aus der autochthonen Molassezone Niederösterreich. Meeting of Molasse Group, 24.1.1997, Fribourg, Abstracts, pp. 25-26.
Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M. (1997): Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of younger Miocene Molluscs from the Eisenstadt Basin. - 2nd European Palaeontological Congress, Climates, 1997, Vienna, Abstracts, pp. 50.
Schlaf, J., Mandic, O., Piller, W. E., Harzhauser, M. & Bassant, P. (1997): Paleoecology in the Lower Miocene of the Mut Basin (S-Turkey). - 2nd European Palaeontological Congress, Climates, 1997, Vienna, Abstracts, pp.73.
Schlaf, J., Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M. & Piller, W.E. (1997): Sedimentological and paleoecological investigations of siliciclastic-influenced reefal-buildups and intervening basins - Mut Basin, south central Turkey (Early Miocene) - R.C.M.N.S. Colloquium, Neogene Basins of the Mediterranean region: controls and correlation in space and time, Catania, 4.-9.11.1997, Program and Abstracts, pp. 91-92.
Mandic, O., Harzhauser, M., Schlaf, J., Piller, W.E., Schlaf, J., Wieland, U., Hamedani, A., Steininger, F.F. & Nebelsick, J.H. (1997): Sedimentologie und Biostratigraphie der Oligozänen/untermiozänen Qom-Formation aus dem Zentraliran. - 2. Österreichische Sedimentologen-Treffen, Seewalchen am Attersee, 08.11.1997, Programm und Kurzfassungen, pp.15.
Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Schlaf, J. & Piller, W.E. (1997): Sedimentologische und palökologische Untersuchungen von siliziklastisch beeinflußten Riff - Becken Konfigurationen - Mut Becken, südliche Zentraltürkei (Untermiozän). - 2. Österreichische Sedimentologen-Treffen, Seewalchen am Attersee, 08.11.1997, Programm und Kurzfassungen, pp.8.
Piller, W. E., Schlaf, J., Mandic, O., Steininger, F.F., Wieland, U., Harzhauser, M., Nebelsick, J.H. & Schuster, F. (1996): Paläogeographie und Paläobiogeographie im Ostmediterran und westlichen Indopazifik im Zeitraum Oberoligozän/Untermiozän. - 1. Österreichischer Sedimentologen-Workshop, Seewalchen am Attersee, 9.11.1996, Programm und Kurzfassungen, pp. 10.