Iris Feichtinger

New Book
HAIE IM ALPENVORLAND - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses.
Verlag Anton Pustet, 264 Seiten, ISBN-10:3702510230
Scientific projects:
Elasmobranch diversity across the K/Pg boundary in the Tethyan Realm
The aftermath of the impact on sharks across the K/Pg boundary in Gams: Deep-sea refugium or lost
world? Funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Since 09/2021 Vice - President of the Austrian Palaeontological Society
Since 12/2017 Preparator at the Department of Geology & Palaeontology, NHM Vienna
Since 2017 Member of the Advisory Board of the Austrian Palaeontological Society (ÖPG)
2017 Master's thesis: Systematic position of Early Cretaceous elasmobranchs revealed by enameloid microstructure and root vascularization
2017 Research assistant: Evolutionary success of pycnodontiform fishes (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii), University of Vienna
2016-2017 Master student in Earth Science with focus in Palaeontology, University of Vienna
2016 Bachelor Thesis: Palaeoecology and diversity of early Miocene Elasmobranchii of the Paratethys of Austria
2014-2016 Tutor in Palaeobiodiversity, Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna
2012-2016 Bachelor student in Earth Science, University of Vienna
Shimada K., Motani R., Wood J.J., Sternes P.C., Tomita T., Bazzi M., Collareta A., Gayford J.H., Türtscher J., Jambura P.L., Kriwet J., Vullo R., Long D.J., Summers, Adam P., Maisey J.G., Underwood C., Ward D.J., Maisch H.M. IV, Perez V.J., Feichtinger I., Naylor G.J.P., Moyer J.K., Higham T.E., da Silva J.P.C.B., Bornatowski H., González-Barba G., Griffiths M.L., Becker M.A., and Siversson M. 2025. Reassessment of the possible size, form, weight, cruising speed, and growth parameters of the extinct megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon (Lamniformes: Otodontidae), and new evolutionary insights into its gigantism, life history strategies, ecology, and extinction. Palaeontologia Electronica, 28(1):a12. https://doi.org/10.26879/1502
Feichtinger I., Beaury B., Coric S., Harzhauser M., Guinot G., Pollerspöck J. 2025. Dogfish shark (Squaliformes) diversity before the end-Cretaceous extinction event in the northern Tethyan Realm. 5th Virtual Palaeontological Congress. Conference Paper.
Baur H., Kriwet J., Feichtinger I. 2025. New records of deep-sea elasmobranchs from the Central Paratethys (upper Egerian) of Austria. 5th Virtual Palaeontological Congress. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Beaury B., Coric S., Straube N., Harzhauser M., Kranner M., Auer G., Guinot G., Pollerspöck J. (in press). A new deep-marine elasmobranch fauna from the Late Cretaceous of Bergen (Bavaria, Germany) dominated by squaliform sharks. Paläontologische Zeitschrift.
Feichtinger I., Kroh A., Göhlich U.B. 2024. A new marine fish-bearing site of the Seefeld Member (Norian, Upper Triassic) in Tyrol, Austria. The Palaeontological Association, 68th Annual Meeting, Abstract booklet page 118.
Coric S., Kallanxhi M.-E., Feichtinger, I. Regelous A., Regelous M., Teipel U. 2024. Calcareous nannofossils at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Wasserfallgraben section, Germany; Nussdorf section, Austria). Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 42, pp. 46.
Feichtinger I. & Pollerspöck J. 2024. Haie und Rochen an der Kreide-Paläogen-Grenze. Fossilien Heft 3/2014, Quelle & Meyer Verlag GmbH & Co.
McCormack J., Griffiths M.L., Maisch H., Becker M.A., Bourgon N., Jaouen K., Fuller B.T., Pollerspöck J., Hampe O., Feichtinger I., Müller W., Shimada K. 2024. Applying zinc isotopes to investigate the trophic positions of extinct marine vertebrates, including the megatooth shark Otodus megalodon, in ancient marine ecosystems. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8484
Schnetz L., Dunne E.M., Feichtinger I., Butler R.J., Coates M.I., Sansom I.J. 2024. Rise and diversification of chondrichthyans in the Paleozoic. Paleobiology (online first), pp. 1-14.
Feichtinger I., Pollerspöck J., Harzhauser M., Auer G., Kranner M., Guinot G. 2024. Elasmobranch assemblages from a bathyal environment spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Austria. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 117, pp. 1-11, DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2024.0001
Feichtinger I., Pollerspöck J., Harzhauser M., Auer G., Coric S., Kranner M., Beaury B., Guinot G. 2024. Earliest Danian outer neritic elasmobranch assemblages reveal an environmentally controlled faunal turnover at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the northern Tethyan Realm (Austria). Papers in Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1547
Pollerspöck J., Nielsen K. A., Feichtinger I., Straube N. 2023. New records of fossil deep-sea shark teeth from the Lillebælt Clay (Early–Middle Eocene) of Denmark. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, Vol. 72, pp. 153-173.
Feichtinger I., Guinot, G., Pollerspöck, J., Auer, G., Coric, S., Kranner, M., Harzhauser, M. 2023. Environmental forcing and magnitude of the end-Cretaceous extinction among cartilaginous and bony fish at a regional scale. 4th Virtual Palaeontological Congress. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Guinot, G., Pollerspöck, J., Auer, G., Coric, S., Kranner, M., Harzhauser, M. 2023. The role of habitability and changing environmental parameters as trigger for a faunal turnover of sharks at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary in Austria. 3rd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. Conference Paper
Feichtinger I., Pollerspöck, J., Harzhauser, M., Auer, G., Coric, S., Kranner, M., Guinot, G. 2023. Shifts in composition of northern Tethyan elasmobranch assemblages during the last millennia of the Cretaceous. Cretaceous Research, 142, 105414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105414
Feichtinger I. Pollerspöck J., Kranner M., Coric S., Auer, G. Guinot G. & Harzhauser M. 2023. “The
Land That Time Forgot” – Was geschah an der K/Pg Grenze in Waidach (Österreich)? Austrian Palaeontological Society, Vienna.
Conference Paper.
Gutsch R. & Feichtinger I. 2023. Paläogeographische Verbreitung
von Otodus chubutensis und Otodus megalodon in Österreich. Austrian Palaeontological Society, Vienna. Conference
Pollerspöck J., Nielsen K.A., Feichtinger I. & Straube N. 2023. Extinct meets
Extant – Eocene echinorhiniform sharks from Denmark. Austrian Palaeontological Society, Vienna. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Guinot G., Pollerspöck J., Auer G., Coric S., Kranner M. & Harzhauser M. 2022. Shark diversity at the K/Pg boundary in Austria – A tale of extinction and hidden survival. In: Rantitsch G & Raith J.G (Eds) PANGEO Austria 2022 - Abstracts and Field guides. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 413, p. 45.
Feichtinger I., Guinot G., Straube N., Harzhauser M., Auer G., Coric S., Kranner M., Schellhorn S., Ladwig J., Thies D. & Pollerspöck J. 2022. Revision of the Cretaceous shark Protoxynotus (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes) and early evolution of somniosid sharks. Cretaceous Research 140 (105331). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105331
Feichtinger I., Fritz I. & Göhlich U. 2022. A window into the past: Oldest predator-prey interaction between tiger sharks and dugongs. 2nd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. Conference Paper.
Schnetz L., Dunne E., Feichtinger I., Butler R., Coates M. I. & Sansom I. 2022. Diversity patterns of early chondrichthyans. In: 16th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vetrebrates. Special Publication 15 of ichthyolith Issues, ISSN 1302-1314. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Adnet S., Cuny G., Guinot G., Kriwet J., Neubauer T.A., Pollerspöck J., Shimada K., Straube N., Underwood C., Vullo R. & Harzhauser M. 2021. Comment on “An early Miocene extinction in pelagic sharks”. Science, Vol. 374, Issue 6573. DOI: 10.1126/science.abk0632
Feichtinger I., Guinot G., Pollerspöck J., Coric S., Kranner M. & Harzhauser M. 2021. Consequences of the K/Pg mass extinction event on chondrichthyan evolution in the Tethyan realm. 3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress. Conferenece Paper.
Feichtinger I., Ivanov A.O., Winkler V., Dojen C., Kindlimann R., Kriwet J., Pfaff C., Schraut G. & Stumpf S. 2021. Scarce ctenacanthiform sharks from the Mississippian of Austria with an analysis of Carboniferous elasmobranch diversity in response to climatic and environmental changes. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1925902
Pollerspöck J., Beaury B., Straube N. & Feichtinger I. 2021. Oldest evidence of the genus Squalus in the north alpine realm with remarks on its evolution and distribution through time. Paleoichthys 2, pp. 1-9.
Adnet S., Feichtinger I., Harzhauser M. & Pollerspöck J. 2021. A mesopelagic selachian fauna from the middle Eocene of St. Pankraz (Austria) reveals homogeneity in deep-marine environments during the warm period in Europe. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (301/1). DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2021/0996
Filek T., Hofmayer F., Feichtinger I., Berning B., Pollerspöck J., Zwicker J., Smrzka D., Peckmann J., Kranner M., Mandic O., Reichenbacher B., Kroh A., Uchman A., Roetzel R. & Harzhauser M. (2021) Environmental conditions during the late Oligocene transgression in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Eferding Formation, Egerian) – a multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Feichtinger I., Fritz I. & Göhlich U.B. (online first) Tiger shark feeding on sirenian – first fossil evidence from the middle Miocene of the Styrian Basin (Austria). Historical Biology: https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2021.1906665
Berning B., Filek T., Hofmayer F., Feichtinger I., Pollerspöck J., Zwicker J., Smrzka D., Peckmann J., Kranner M., Mandic O., Reichenbacher B., Kroh A., Uchman A., Roetzel R. & Harzhauser M. (2021) Alter Aufschluss, neue Funde und Interpretationen: die Transgressionsabfolge von Unterrudling bei Eferding (Egerium, Oberoligozän). Jahrestagung ÖPG. Conference Paper.
Pollerspöck J., Feichtinger I., Harzhauser M., Guinot G. & Adnet S. (2021) Hai Life in St. Pankraz - elasmobranch diversity from the Cretaceous to Eocene. Jahrestagung ÖPG. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Ivanov A.O., Winkler V., Dojen C., Kindlimann R., Kriwet J., Schraut G. & Stumpf S. (2021) A lucky find - 325 million year old teeth represents the oldest sharks of Austria. Jahrestagung ÖPG. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I. & Dojen C. (2021) Haie in Kärnten. In: Rudolfinum. Jahrbuch des Landemuseums für Kärnten 2020. Sonderdruck. S. 230 - 239. ISBN 978-3-900575-73-1
Feichtinger I., Lukeneder A., Topa D., Kriwet J., Libowitzky E. & Westall F. 2020. Fossil microbial shark tooth decay documents in situ metabolism of enameloid proteins as nutrition source in deep water environments. Scientific Reports, 10 (20979), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77964-5
Feichtinger I., Pollerspöck J. & Harzhauser M. 2020. A new species of the enigmatic shark genus Nanocetorhinus (Chondrichthyes) from the Oligocene of Austria with palaeoceanographic implications. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 113/2, 229-236. https://doi.org/10.17738/ajes.2020.0014
Feichtinger I., Lukeneder, A. & Guinot, G. 2020 A Lower Cretaceous chondrichthyan dermal denticle assemblage and its bearing on placoid scale diversity and histology. Cretaceous Research 111(104444), DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104444
Feichtinger I., Engelbrecht A., Lukeneder A., Kriwet J. 2020 New Chondrichthyans characterised by cladodont-like tooth morphologies from the Early Cretaceous of Austria, with remarks on the microstructural diversity of enameloid. Historical Biology 32(6).
DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2018.1539971
Bracher, H., Unger, E., Jost, J., Lüdi, B., Feichtinger, I. & Pollerspöck, J. 2019
Haie und Rochen der Molasse, www.molasse-haie-rochen.de
Feichtinger I., Kranner M., Zeitlinger F., Pollerspöck J., Harzhauser M. 2019
New data on the elasmobranch fauna of the Eferding Formation (Egerian, North Alpine Foreland Basin) of Austria. Jahrestagung ÖPG. Conference Paper.
Zeitlinger F. & Feichtinger I. 2019.
Über 200 Jahre Kaolinbergbau im Mühlviertel - Wissensvermittlung über Bergbau, Geologie und Paläontologie der Region. Jahrestagung ÖPG. Conference Paper.
Feichtinger I., Kranner M., Rupp Ch., Harzhauser M. 2019
A new outer neritic elasmobranch-assemblage from the Egerian (late Oligocene) of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Austria).
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie.
Feichtinger I. 2018. Und der Haifisch der hat Zähne... Universum Magazin, September Ausgabe
Fuchs I., Schwab J., Messner, F. 2018. Fossilien aus marinen Karbon-Ablagerungen des Gebiets um die Kronalpe (Kärnten, Österreich). Der Steinkern, Heft 34, Steinkern Verlag.
Fuchs I., Engelbrecht A., Lukeneder A., Kriwet J. 2018. New Early Cretaceous sharks (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from deep-water deposits of Austria. Cretaceous Research, 84, 245-257.
Fuchs I., Engelbrecht A., Wagreich M. 2018. Cold case: in search of the provenience of an exceptionally preserved Cretaceous shark. Pangeo, Wien. Conference Paper.
Fuchs I., Engelbrecht A., Pfaff C., Kriwet J. 2018. Identifying hidden secrets of shark teeth (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) using sophisticated approaches. Pangeo, Wien. Conference Paper.
Fuchs I. 2017. Vom Beifund zum Schmuckstück: Präparation eines gagatisierten Holzes aus dem Unterjura der Grand Causses. Der Steinkern, Heft 31, Steinkern Verlag
Fuchs I., Schwab J., Kriwet J. 2015. Palaeoecology and diversity of Miocene sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) of the Paratethys. Nobis, Eggenburg. Conference Paper
Preise, Forschungsförderung mit Auslandsaufenthalt:
- Forschungsaufenthalt ISEM Montpellier (Unterstützt durch Büro für Internationale Beziehungen, Uni Graz), Mai - Juni 2024
- Forschungsaufenthalt ISEM Montpellier (Unterstützt durch Doc School Funding, Uni Graz), Mai - Juni 2023
- Forschungsaufenthalt ISEM Montpellier (Unterstützt durch Doc School Funding, Uni Graz), Mai - Juni 2022
- Preis für Paläobiologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften 2020
- PANGEO Konferenz 2018, Posterpreis
- Feichtinger I, Weinmann AE & Krapf A (2023): Abstracts & Program. 28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Paleontological Society (23-24 September 2023, Natural History Museum Vienna). Austrian Paleontological Society, 48 pp.
Organisation von Tagungen, Workshops und Exkursionen:
- 2023 Co-Organisatorin der 28. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (9/2023, NHM Wien)
- 2023 Fossilien Sammeln in der Gemeindesandgrube Kühnring (NÖ) - Organisiert von F. Steininger & I. Feichtinger
- 2022 Fossilien Sammeln im Steinbruch St. Margarethen und Müllendorf (Burgenland) - Organisiert von G. Wanzenböck & I. Feichtinger
- 2021 Organisatorin der 26. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (9/2021, Haus der Natur Salzburg)
- 2020 Kreidezeitliche Gosauvorkommen rundum Rußbach - Organisiert von S. Koppensteiner, M. Werdenich & I. Feichtinger
- 2019 Geologie und Paläontologie Vorarlbergs mit dem Besuch der Dinofundstelle Frick (Schweiz) - Organisiert von G. Friebe & I. Feichtinger
- 2018 Fossilien sammeln im Steinbruch Wietersdorf, Kärnten - Organisiert von C. Dojen & I. Feichtinger
- 2017 Fossilien sammeln im Gschliefgraben, OÖ - Organisiert von H. Weidinger & I. Feichtinger
- 2017 Abguss-Workshop für Studenten (Universität Wien)
Erstbeschreibungen neuer Taxa:
Incognitorapax Feichtinger et al. 2024
Centrodeania Feichtinger et al. 2024
Fredipristis Feichtinger et al. 2023
Cretacladoides Feichtinger et al. 2020
Natarapax Feichtinger et al. 2020
Altusmirus Fuchs et al. 2018
Fornicatus Fuchs et al. 2018
Similiteroscyllium Fuchs et al. 2018
Palaeocentroscymnus bavaricus Feichtinger et al. (in press)
Centrodeania perchensis Feichtinger et al. (in press)
Incognitorapax fernsebneri Feichtinger et al. 2024
Scyliorhinus alaformis Feichtinger et al. 2024
Centrodeania rugosa Feichtinger et al. 2024
Centrodeania annae Feichtinger et al. 2024
Cretascymnus beauryi Feichtinger et al. 2023
Proetmopterus lukasi Feichtinger et al. 2023
Eoetmopterus davidi Feichtinger et al. 2023
Fredipristis eximia Feichtinger et al. 2023
Protoxynotus mayrmelnhofi Feichtinger et al. 2022
Cladodus gailensis Feichtinger et al. 2021
Nanocetorhinus zeitlingeri Feichtinger et al. 2020
Cretacladoides ogiveformis Feichtinger et al. 2020
Cretacladoides noricum Feichtinger et al. 2020
Natarapax trivortex Feichtinger et al. 2020
Altusmirus triquetrus Fuchs et al. 2018
Fornicatus austriacus Fuchs et al. 2018
Similiteroscyllium iniquus Fuchs et al. 2018