Ivo Baron

Current projects and cooperations:
- 11/2013-05/2017 – FWF P25884-N29 “Active tectonics and recent dynamics of micro-displacements along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps registered in caves (SPELEOTECT) (Link: www.nhm-wien.ac.at/speleotect_EN)
- since 06/2016 – A joint project with the IGS Research on development of a new magnetoresistance sensor of fault activity (Link: igsjump.com/austria001/)
- since 01/2015 – A joint project with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication at Brno University of Technology, and Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, AS CR, on a pilot study of monitoring electromagnetic emissions in seismo-tectonically active regions
- since 11/2013 – A joint activity with the Institute of Geological Sciences, Masaryk University Brno, on studying principal stresses of current fault activity in the Eastern Alps achieved from in-site measurements (a PhD Thesis co-supervising)
Past projects:
- University Development Foundation (FRVŠ) 742/2002 „Underground caverns as the indicators of slope failure dynamics”, project leader (Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, finished in 2002)
- Geological works of the Ministry of the Environment (CZ) „Slope failures in the Czech Republic“, joint researcher (Czech Geological Survey, project leader Dr. O. Krejčí)
- International Aid of the Czech Republic to Developing Countries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Environment, CZ) “Geological Study of Risky Processes in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica”, joint researcher (Cz. Geol. Surv., leader Dr. P. Hradecký)
- Grant project 205/05/2770 (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) “Influence of endogen activity on development of landslides” (2005 – 2007), joint investigator (Leader J. Stemberk)
- 7th FP European project SafeLand – Living with landslide risk in Europe: Assessment, effects of global change, and risk management strategies (2009-2012). Joint researcher working package “Evaluation and development of reliable procedures and technologies for landslide early warning” (project leader: F. Nadim, International Centre of Geohazards, Norway).
Education & Employment:
1995–2000 Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, full-time programme:
Teacher Training for Secondary Schools (master's degree programme), study field: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in
Biology, Geology and Geography, Mgr. (equivalent of M.Sc.);
2000–2005 Institute of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, doctoral degree programme: Geology, study field: Geological Sciences (Structural Geology, Sedimentology, Regional Geology), Ph.D. Thesis: Structure, Dynamics and History of Deep-seated Slope Failures in the Rača Unit (Flysch Belt of Outer Western Carpathians);
2000–2009 Czech Geological Survey, branch Brno (employment): Researcher of slope failures (their structure, active and passive factors, geomorphic mapping, dynamics, dating, numerical modelling - Flac) and geohazard susceptibility assessment, member of the committee on slope-failure assessment of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic;
2009–April 2013 Geological Survey of Austria; Geophysical Department: Researcher of slope failures; until April 2012: European 7th FP Project “SAFELAND”;
2012–January 2013 Technical University of Brno, Faculty of Construction, Centre AdMas (10% part-time job); pilot study on application of thermal IR sensing for mapping of rock slope instabilities;
Pedagogical activities:
Institute of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno: 2000-2003 Physical geology; 2002 Methods
of geological research; 2003- 2012 Slope failures
Professional expeditions:
March to May 2005: Czech Geological Survey; Geological mapping of risky processes in El Salvador, area of Metapán; Responsible for remote sensing interpretation, geomorphic mapping and study of geomorphic evolution, assessment of geodynamical hazards in the area;
February to May 2006, June to July 2007, February to April 2008 and March to April 2009: Czech Geological Survey; Geological mapping of risky processes in Nicaragua, areas of Estelí, Boaco, Sébaco and Jalapa; Responsible for remote sensing interpretation, geomorphic mapping and study of geomorphic evolution, assessment of geodynamical hazards in the area, landslide case studies;
November to December 2007 and July 2008: Czech Geological Survey; Capacity building in geological mapping and geohazard susceptibility mapping in the Eastern Azerbaijan, Iran, map sheets Qualandar and Ahar; Responsible for assessment of geodynamical hazards in the area;
List of the most important scientific publications
I., Plan L., Grasemann B., Mitrovic I., Lenhardt W., Hausmann H., Stemberk J. (2016): Can deep seated gravitational slope
deformations be activated by regional tectonic strain: First insights from displacement measurements in caves from the Eastern
Alps. – Geomorphology 259: 81–89. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.007
Kropá?ek J., Va?ilová Z., Baro? I., Bhattacharya A., Eberle J., and Hochschild V. (2015): Remote Sensing for Characterisation
and Kinematic Analysis of Large Slope Failures: Debre Sina Landslide, Main Ethiopian Rift Escarpment. – Remote Sensing 2015,
7, 16183–16203; doi:10.3390/rs71215821
Baro?, I., Be?kovský,
D., and Mí?a, L. (2014): Application of infrared thermography for mapping open fractures in deep-seated rockslides and
unstable cliffs. – Landslides (2014) 11:15–27. doi: 10.1007/s10346-012-0367-z
Baro?, I. and Supper, R. (2013): Application and reliability of techniques for landslide site investigation, monitoring
and early warning – outcomes from a questionnaire study. – Natural hazards and earth system sciences, 13: 3157-3168. doi:
Baro? I., Kernstocková M.,
Faridi M., Bubík M., Milovský R., Melichar R., Sabouri J., Bab?rek J. (2013): Paleostress analysis of a gigantic gravitational
mass movement in active tectonic setting: The Qoshadagh slope failure, Ahar, NW Iran. – Tectonophysics, 605: 70-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.07.020
Jaboyedoff M., Penna I., Pedrazzini A., Baro? I., Crosta G.B. (2013): An introductory review on gravitational-deformation
induced structures, fabrics and modeling (Review Article). – Tectonophysics, 605: 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.06.027
Baro? I., Supper R., Winkler E., Motschka K., Ahl A., ?arman M. and Kumelj Š. (2013): Airborne geophysical survey
of the catastrophic landslide at Stože, Log pod Mangrtom, as a test of an innovative approach for landslide mapping in steep
alpine terrains. – Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13: 2543–2550. doi:10.5194/nhess-13-2543-2013.
Supper R., Baro? I., Ottowitz D., Motschka K., Gruber S., Winkler E., Jochum B., Römer A. (2013): Airborne geophysical mapping as an innovative methodology for landslide investigation: evaluation of results from the Gschliefgraben landslide, Austria. – Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussion, 1 (3): 2281-2318.
Pánek T., Smolková V., Hradecký J., Baro? I., Šilhán K. (2013): Holocene reactivations of catastrophic complex flow-like landslides in the Flysch Carpathians (Czech Republic/Slovakia). - Quaternary Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2013.03.009
Baro? I., Be?kovský D. & Mí?a L. (2012, online first): Application of infrared thermography for mapping open fractures in deep-seated rockslides and unstable cliffs. – Landslides, Springer Verlag. DOI 10.1007/s10346-012-0367-z
Baro? I., Kernstocková M., Novotný R., Buriánek D., Hradecký P., Havlí?ek P., Melichar R. (2011): Palaeostress analysis of a giant Holocene rockslide near Boaco and Santa Lucia (Nicaragua, Central America). – In.: Jaboyedoff, M. (ed.) Slope Tectonics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 351, 133–145. DOI: 10.1144/SP351.7 0305-8719/11/$15.00 © The Geological Society of London 2011.
Baro? I., ?ehánek T., Vošmik J., Musel V., Kondrová L. (2011): Report on a recent deep-seated landslide at Gírová Mt., Czech Republic, triggered by a heavy rainfall: The Gírová Mt., Outer West Carpathians; Czech Republic. – Landslides 8 (3): 355-361, DOI: 10.1007/s10346-011-0255-y
Klimeš, J., Baro?, I., Pánek, T., Kosa?ík, T., Burda, J., Kresta, F., and Hradecký, J. (2009): Investigation of recent catastrophic landslides in the flysch belt of Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic): progress towards better hazard assessment, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 119-128, 2009. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/9/119/2009/
Baro? I., Kycl P., Hradecký P., Metelka V., Vorel T., Hernández W., Chávez G., Alvarado A., Huapaya S. (2007): Identifying Areas Susceptible to Landsliding and other hazardous processes in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa
Rica, Central America. –In.: Schaefer V.R., Schuster R.L., Turner A.K., (Eds.): Conference Presentations: 1st North American Landslide Conference, Vail, Colorado. -AEG Special Publication No. 23, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, CD-ROM.
Baro? I., Agliardi F., Ambrosi Ch., Crosta G.B. (2005): Numerical Analysis of Deep-Seated Mass Movements in the Magura Nappe; Flysch Belt of the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). –Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 5: 367-374, EGU.
Baro? I., Cílek V., Krej?í O., Melichar, R., Hubatka F. (2004): Structure and Dynamics of Deep-Seated Slope Failures in the Magura Flysch Nappe, Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). –Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4: 549-562, EGU.
Krej?í O., Baro? I., Bíl M., Jurová Z., Hubatka F., Kirchner K. (2002): Slope movements in the Flysch Carpathians of Eastern Czech Republic triggered by extreme rainfalls in 1997: a case study. – Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 27 (2002): 1567 – 1576. Pergamon.
Baro? I., 2002: Speleogenesis along sub-vertical joints. A modell of the plateau karst shafts development: A case study: The Dolný Vrch Plateau (Slovak Republic). –Cave and Karst Science, 19 (1): 5-12, with reprint in: Speleogenesis and Evolution of the Karst Aquifers, Virtual Scientific Journal, 1 (2), 2003, www.speleogenesis.info
Publishing activity
author or co-author of 30 national and international peer-reviewed
articles, 18 other articles, 5 book chapters, 62 abstracts and conference contributions, about 45 unpublished scientific reports
and about 20 thematic maps. He edited:
Baroň I., Jaboyedoff M. and Yin A. Eds.: Slope Tectonics – Structures and Slope
Failures. – Special Issue, Tectonophysics, 605, Elsevier.
Baroň I. & Jaboyedoff M. (Eds.) (2011): 2nd Conference
on Slope Tectonics. – Electronic Proceedings of the Conference, September 6-10, 2011, Geological Survey of Austria, Vienna.
Baroň I., Supper R. & Ottowitz D. (Eds.) (2011): Deliverable D4.6 - Report on evaluation of mass movement indicators.
– 7th Framework Programme Project SafeLand, 383 pp. Vienna. http://www.safeland-fp7.eu/results/Pages/wa4.aspx
Supper R. & Baroň I. (Eds.) (2010): Landslide Monitoring Technologies & Early Warning Systems, Current Research
and Perspectives for the Future. – Book of extended abstracts. Open Workshop within the frame of the EU FP7 “SafeLand” Project,
February 24th, 2010, Vienna. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 82, 68 pp. ISSN 1017-8880
He was a co-organizer of 8 international workshops (CZ, SK, PL, AT and IT) on “Slope failures and pseudo-karst” (2003-2013) and the main editor of 7 electronic books of abstracts (CD/DVD) from those events. He was a chairman of the “2nd Conference on Slope Tectonics” (September 2011, Vienna)
Slope failures, active tectonics, numerical modeling and paleostress analysis of large slope instabilities, engineering and structural geology, geomorphology, Quaternary geology, speleology and karstology, speleogenesis, natural hazards, chiropterology, herpetology